It’s SHOWTIME: The Time is NOW

Make it happen.

We have some news, but first… it’s time to turn away from the things of THIS world and focus on the New Earth. She needs our attention. This world will eventually be healed, but not until there has been much upheaval. Those who will stay here and suffer WANT to stay here as, deep down, they feel they deserve this fate. The rest of us need to consciously move our attention to manifesting the New Earth, as we once did back in 2014 and 2015, and in bringing about The Event. We’re still not clear on what The Event will bring; technically, it’s happening right now, but the culmination of The Big Show is coming fast, so it’s time for those who know who they are to choose a new thought-stream direction.

First, some housekeeping…

New Earth or BUST

Time for all of us to construct our perfect New Earth, one house and one neighborhood at a time, then link them all together. It doesn’t take long. Start small, with a house and environs, add your perfect neighbors, grow it local, then add geography around it. It will start to stitch itself together then. Be sure to send love and light to the New Earth, as well as the old one. Remember: it’s Service-To-Others (STO) time. You’re building this for everyone.

Our talent is CREATION. We are creative beings of infinite power.  So… go to it.

And now…

Event News

The Event is veeeery close… in fact, closer than you realize. Big secret time: the finale begins INSIDE YOU. YOU are the gateway to the culmination of The Event. It could come off no other way. SOURCE light is within YOU, as you are an extension of SOURCE. Find it inside yourself. Imagine it welling up and bursting out of you in all directions, linking this earth, the New Earth, the sun, and the center of the galaxy with all your brothers, human and ET and spirit and all other living things. SOURCE is within, not without. All this external “heaven above” stuff is an illusion, a misdirection. Go within and bring the light out for all your brothers, for your family, for yourself. Do it now. There’s no reason to wait.

Find it within yourself. Bring it out. Make it happen.

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