Day 16 UPDATE: WHOMP & Circumstance [UPDATES]

Ug. Currently having a WHOMP. Everyone hang tight. Want more?


AND… the day after we first showed this graph, the system in Italy is having typical Voyager problems (systems offline).

Today’s heliomancy is interesting:

A witch show-jumping a bison toward a snake. No idea what that means.
BUT… “witch riding a bison” has never appeared anywhere before. Another first! 

Don’t forget your 40/40 meditations. Only 16 days left.

UPDATE: Cosmic rays are way UP. Actually, they’re are only four times in recorded modern history that the energies have been this high: 1966/67 (Summer of Love), 1987, 2009… and now.


21 thoughts on “Day 16 UPDATE: WHOMP & Circumstance [UPDATES]

  1. Oh. That's a light elevator. Someone's obviously working on keeping Etna in check. We saw these light elevators in Japan not too long ago.~M5


  2. That was all Da-da. After that he suggested, “WHOMP and Circumcision”!-CAT3


  3. LOL LOL Be Sure and put that one in the book, DaDa! I sure didn't feel like this during the Summer of Love. I think my Di-Lithium Crystal has melted.


  4. The sky is falling! I've never had to respond to so many things at the same time. Nothing makes sense for more than a second. Something HUGE is coming very very soon.-Dog23


  5. So. Did you cats pick 40 days and 40 nights at random, or was April 2 important to any of you? Rainbow dragons? Wheels?


  6. Of course! 4/2 is not only the rainbow dragon soapbox derby, it's also… “The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything” Day! (Psst: 42.)-CAT Editors


  7. We feel it, too. Though we'd say The HUMONGOUS is already here and sitting on all our houses. WHOMP.-CATof9


  8. Technically, there are rainbow dragons (of every hue) ALL OVER THE PLACE. They are awesome, kicking Team Dark's butt into oblivion… in an aetheric sense.~M5


  9. This little dog is enjoying you cats! 😉 … so that is proof right there that things are getting more copacetic on this little planet, eh?


  10. FYI, that WHOMP is…an “equinox WHOMP.” That's what I'm getting. Not sure what my guides mean by that. Something about the equinox.~M3


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