658: Healing Exercises ~ [U6]

Courtesy ~AM, who has new healing powers.

~AM, who has new healing powers, does a version of this for individuals and more. But if you read his words below, and imagine the picture they create, then the following could literally work a miracle — for everyone.

Give these two exercises a try. Be sure to ask the Archangels (AA Michael, AA Gabriel, AA Raphael) we have on hand to join with you in this task.

Healing #1

  • G+P+C (Ground + Protect + Connect). Then ask the AAs to join you in this exercise. Breathe.
  • Imagine your own self for a moment. See yourself in outline, thus:
  • Create a golden ring inside yourself, at your heart.
  • Imagine an unstoppable infinite SOURCE windstorm blowing into the center of that golden ring in your chest, which is the edge of an energy balloon. Use your own breathe to expand this balloon. Imagine it expanding with the volume of SOURCE energy, like a balloon inflating:
  • See the balloon growing bigger and bigger with each exhalation, BREATHING in SOURCE and exhaling SOURCE into the balloon. Blow this balloon up with ‘SOURCE-air’ until it fills you completely:
  • Keep going.
  • When you can’t stand it any longer… take an imaginary pin and POP the balloon. 
  • Feel the SOURCE energy explode, inside you and outside.

That’s it, you’re done. Give the SOURCE energy time to work; trust in SOURCE’s ability to do this for you. It helps to sleep on it, afterward. (Note: It is extra oomphy and effective if ~AM does this for you, but since there are so many who need this done, this is the next best thing.)

If everyone in the world did this, it would expell all fear from this planet.

This is your vaccination against fear. It works by eradicating fear from your mind and body (storing fear in your body is one source of disease) and allowing SOURCE in, in a most dramatic way. You can also use it on other people.


Healing #2

Now do the above for the entire planet.

  • G+P+C. Then ask the AAs to join you in this earth-healing exercise.
  • Imagine the earth’s core:
  • Create a golden ring inside the core.
  • Imagine an unstoppable infinite SOURCE windstorm blowing into the center of that golden ring, the edge of an energy balloon. Use your own breathe to expand it — only this time, you have super-breathing SOURCE powers. (You don’t have to breathe and blow harder.) Imagine the ring expanding with the volume of SOURCE energy, like a balloon inflating. 
  • See the balloon grow bigger and bigger with each intake of breath, BREATHING in SOURCE and exhaling SOURCE into the balloon growing inside the earth’s core. (This will take a little longer because the earth is much bigger.) Please don’t hyperventilate. Slow and steady, there’s no rush.
  • Blow this balloon up with ‘SOURCE-air’ as much as you can until the balloon reaches past the surface of the earth.
  • When you can’t stand it any longer… take an imaginary pin and POP the balloon. 
  • Feel the SOURCE energy explode, from the core outward. It is done.

Again, if everyone in the world did this, fear would be over. (Note that fear ISN’T REAL, per se, it’s only in your mind, but your mind needs to be healed. Only love is real.) This set of exercises re-establishes LOVE at your core level, and at the earth’s core, and supercharges what’s naturally already happening, pushing it over the top.

That’s it. Take your time and don’t rush through it. You only have to do this once (though you can do it for other people, even people you don’t like). It heals the body and the mind, and reifies the person’s own sense of SOURCE, leaving them with a renewed spiritual mindfulness — and a new spiritual direction in nearly all cases. Lots of PTW folks could use this, we’re guessing.

Anyway, please pass this around. The more people who do this, the closer we get to the end of the one world… and the beginning of the next… but in a nice way, not an apocalyptic way.

Thanks to ~AM and Angels and Guides and SOURCE who brought this new tactic to us.


We were remiss in reminding people that you are limited only by your imagination in healings and spiritual actions. Using a pin to POP the balloon (though lots of CATs use the word POOF, which means something else in the UK) creates a number of effects in the body, the mind, and the spirit, eradicating fear as well as encouraging spiritual enlightenment, among other things.

Then there was this from reader Laura:

“Hi CATs,I was guided to write to you again after doing the Healing Meditation late last night.  During a dream that followed the meditation I was gently trying to show people that their thoughts were still being controlled, when I saw an image of a virus in front of me.  I got the idea to just POOF it out of existence – throughout the multidimensional Earth plane.Then I woke up and did a meditation in which I was in the Source Stargate looking at the Earth.  I used impenetrable gloves to gather up all the nanotechnology (non-organic viruses) on the planet.  Then I POOFed it and the gloves out of the Earth planes and out of existence.  I then did the same with viruses, gathering up those in the labs, in the environment and even those that were frozen in the Antarctic ice and had not been released yet.  Last I did this with all fear and the source of all fear on the planet.  Sharing all of this in the event that it resonates with you or inspires further healing meditations.”



Ok, some people are doing it again. We don’twant to name names, but any time someone in the unicorn community tells you that all is well and expect this great thing and you don’t need to do anything… this is designed to keep you from evolving. If Spirit/SOURCE/Guides/other people give you spiritual work to do… that’s the reality. The only way to Ascend is to work for it, with meditation being the first thing you need to accomplish, so you can communicate with Guides.


Saratoga Ocean has an important new video out that we recommend.

Coincidentally, ~AM recently did a healing along these lines. We’re waiting to hear back on the effects. (See next post for that.)


After you’ve done these healings, please expand your work to encompass various countries, at your discretion.


This is important.

Don’t be specific in your healings. SOURCE knows the best way. Just do what you do in blowing up the balloon, then pop it and leave the rest up to SOURCE to fill in the blanks. We just have to take the first step… in everything.


Btw… if you see any jets spraying chemtrails, look and ‘grab’ the plane in your mind and do a balloon healing on those inside the cockpit — then extend the balloon to everything inside the plane. POOF. Now they’re just spraying water vapor.