CAT vs Snake [UPDATED]

Think of that snake as a falsehood, not Cobra himself.

Someone needs to set the record straight in terms of posts by the person calling himself/herself, “Cobra.” They’ve been putting out more and more disinformation, lately, and we’ve had enough. As clairsentients, we KNOW when someone’s lying or passing on misinformation, and some of the answers Cobra’s been giving in interviews have been just plain wrong… which is fine for him (being wrong is not a crime), but when others are (vociferously) aping Cobra’s “truth” elsewhere, then we have an obligation to step in. For the record, we have no vested interest in anything but the truth.

Let’s deconstruct portions of Cobra’s latest post:

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. There was a drastic improvement of the situation in our Solar System lately. The Light forces have managed to clear most of the plasma anomaly from the Solar System and beyond, and the vast majority of plasma anomaly with most remaining toplet bombs is now accumulated close to Earth within 3 Earth radii from the Earth center.

This is the area of the “head” of the Yaldabaoth entity and the area of quantum anomaly well within which the quarantine Earth resides. The edge of this anomalous plasma field is described as the plasma shield in this article… [snip].

In a word… no. There are no “toplet bombs.” There is no malevolent “Yaldabaoth entity.” There was some kinda energy thing around the earth about 6-8 months ago, but SOURCE’s Wave X energy gave it *awareness* (much to the PTW’s chagrin), and it took a name (!)… and moved on. It’s now gone. 

Cobra goes on… rather dangerously:

The Chimera group keeps this anomalous plasma in position with a scalar field with most prominent resonant frequencies of 11.76 Hz (corresponding to alpha brain waves) and 15.68 Hz (corresponding to beta brain waves). These two frequencies are the basic frequencies of the Veil. You can counteract some of the harmful effects of the Veil’s scalar field with binaural tones of the same frequency… [snip].

He then lists some youtube videos we strongly suggest you avoid. M1, 2 & 3 (4 and 5 are sick) all said the same thing: “The PTW are infiltrating Cobra’s message with this ‘tuning‘.”

M2 looked at Cobra closely: “I feel like he works for himself, yet he gets these “surges” from some darker (reptilian feeling) force. Very back and forth.”

NOTE: This is not our opinion. Our information is derived from actual first-hand, eyewitness experience from very talented individuals, divining what we in the Royal Navy call KNOWLEDGE. Eyewitness testimony is used in courts all around the world as LEGAL PROOF. Look it up.

We suggest not reading any more of Cobra’s posts, let alone following the links and videos. Let folks in your networks know that they should avoid listening to the binaural beat frequency links listed in Cobra’s latest post (whether they’re effective or not). Alas, this points to Cobra having been compromised. We sincerely hope he discovers and rectifies this. Like the writings of Corey Goode, and more and more with David Wilcock, we’ve suspected “dark influence” off and on for some time, but have only now written about it as it’s starting to get out of hand. Wilcock seems to be cutting out those who’ve been feeding him misinformation, but still seems bent on making money and being a “NYTimes best-selling author” at the expense of the truth; he’s becoming increasingly distasteful, a celeb-wannabe. We pretty much take everything with a grain of salt these days.

If we at The CAT didn’t know that something energy-wondrous was inbound (and that right soon), we’d say that we’re all being played in terms of Cobra’s “Event.” But there really IS going to be a cosmic Event in the months to come (we got a red NO on February and March, but a yellow/flickering green MAYBE for April). Looks like the PTW dark forces have known about this for some time and have been trying to co-opt the Event narrative and delay it. Too late, now. It’s coming like a freight train.

[M2 note: “Actually, ‘Event’ energy has already come and gone in this universe. The WHOMP of it is still here… somewhere. Perhaps in the sun? It’s out there, waiting for the exact right moment.”]

Get busy meditating. Do so in groups, if you can. And don’t worry: aetheric mongooses (mongeese?) the world over have got your back.

Remember the Alamo.

NOTE: See the “central sun” comment at the bottom of the section. We’ve never mentioned it before, but there is something nasty imprisoned in the black hole at the center of our galaxy. If “Cobra” is asking you to connect to this “central sun” in any way… we suggest connecting to SOURCE, instead.

60 thoughts on “CAT vs Snake [UPDATED]

  1. I too wondered why he put links to youtube videos when youtube binaural videos do not work. The way youtube processes audio renders binaural useless.


  2. I remember a while ago signing a petition Cobra had put out(had something to do with the law of one I think?) And getting a sinking “you shouldn't have done that” feeling, like I hastily signed off on a contract with out reading the fine print… Won't bite me in butt will it? LolAlso, like the poster above me said YouTube has crappy audio render so whatever dark fuckery going on with these videos shouldn't be able to really affect people as much… Unless there is another method they use in these videos to get the brainwash in?


  3. You will become a Rotarian and burst into flame. ;)Actually, just meditate. Watch Star Trek Voyager reruns. Eat a burrito. And relax. Good things are coming. -CAT5


  4. The Cure for Hairballs:Slip Slidin Away the Covers Over Your Head:Sounds of Silence better soon Cats


  5. You state that Cobra is spreading disinfo and is compromised by reptilian forces, but you offer no proof for that other than your opinion and some rummors….It is not truth that Cobra advises people not to do anything, but wait for the event….actually, it is quite contrary…..he tells people to do their inner work,meditate, get engaged in joint projects for improvement of life on the planet, to get engaged in healing, to spend more time in the nature, enjoy life… this argument does not stand either……as for this entity that is attached to our planet, if you have any doubts about its existance, just check “octopus military insignia” on google images, and you will see….as for doubts without firm ground, I can say that I don't like your german name….as far as I know – Germans are most connected with reptilians…..but, as I said – it is just my opinion, without firm ground for suspicion….


  6. We at Schrodinger's Other Cat do not offer “opinions.” We have actual knowledge, based on direct, first-person experiences of a highly tuned nature, and provide readers with our findings — free of charge. We are not for sale, unlike Cobra who sells “cintamani stones” and “tachyon technology” doodads of questionable value. Nor are we influenced by negative beings, as Cobra now is. And we have DIRECT EXPERIENCE of seeing his dark reptilian influence. We've SEEN it. His close friends should be concerned.Cobra has indeed advised people to do as you suggest, meditationwise, while at the same time he's suggested otherwise. His messages are very lopsided, and have been cause for concern for about the past 12 months. We don't have time to write a dissertaion on the topic. Caveat lector.There is no longer an “octopus” entity surrounding the earth, there is only the FEAR that continues to be fomented about it by increasingly credulous sources. And your comment on our name is ridiculous, xenophobic, and uninformed; our name is actually a physics joke based on a famous scientific experiment. We also don't force you to read this blog. We suggest you go back to watching CNN.-CAT Editors


  7. Cobra has a business selling merch. Wilcock has a business selling media. Jone has a business selling himself. Then there's ego and wanting to belong to a group and/or have special knowledge, which can all be misdirected as prescribed, so to speak.Goode (funny name, a bit on the nose) has a working relationship with both Cobra and Wilcock. I’m no “extra-sensist” but in my gut something definitely doesn't feel right about any of them. I don't know cats and kittens, methinks everything except for personal experience is a load of junk. According to this philosophy, one can only affect the world by changing and improving one's own self.That, of course, isn't to say that groups of people “on a mission” is a bad thing. That definitely adds to the self on a selfless kind of level. I only have to remember back to when we were kids and playing pretend with good friends made the world transform around us. Being in the company of the “others” in the right way completed the experience of fully incarnating.Information (i.e. event(s), lightworking, , etc.) makes our minds happy and prepared, or so we think. Slipping between cracks with friends is way more enjoyable and fulfilling. Now I just need to re-learn how to make friends in general as well as on “that level”… :)Then there's also the “observation of humanity” aspect that many of us, I assume, are participating in. I don't have a reason to trust any of the sources aforementioned. But, and it's a big one, I'm still very curious to experience the feeling of how the whole Cobra/Goode/Wilcock crowd operates. It's not just the cobes whom I love to observe, it's everything and everyone, every situation, every permutation. Getting information first hand enables some connections inside to happen. I don't know why I enjoy it or how it's helpful except that it's “teamwork” on some level. Understanding notwithstanding… ❤ It’s really hard to get a good perspective about it all and how things may be connecting in completely different ways than we expect.Wanting to belong is a strong driving force, one that won't be denied and oughtn’t. But what do we truly want to belong to? You cats & mittens seem to have it figured out on some level and I'm truly delighted to see it.-Dog23-PS: Want to share some dreams with you all that both came around 2012-2013. They’re both really short.Dream 1: I’m watching something on TV. The comic’s face changes to mine. I wake up right away.Dream 2: I’m walking in some sort of enclosed space with floors/stairs. I hear a really high pitched noise & everything goes white. I wake up right away.


  8. Some dink just accused us, via a comment I deleted, of being “fake news,” — and even suggested that we weren't being fair to Tod! (It was the READERS of this blog who blackballed Tod, and commenters like him, not us.) This post is really ringing out the trolls. I had a feeling. Cobra is a near-sacred cow. We're just trying to help. If you don't want our help… amscray.-CAT7


  9. Very cogent comment, thank you. (See? Dogs and cats CAN get along. 😉 Interesting dreams. Dream 1 is about Oneness: you are me are everyone. Dream 2… hm. Lemme ask one of the M's.-CAT3P.S. We still see “Cobra” as our brother (even the dark reptilian is our misguided brother), and we would be worried for him if we didn't know that good things were coming. You can either take the short path, or the long path to SOURCE.


  10. You see, I have never watched CNN…..I follow many sources and my intuition, that served me well so far…Cobra has been very reliable source for many years, unlike many others….he does not “sell” his products, for the sake of selling, and does not advertise it….but he also has to have some money for living, as we all do…..from the other side, he provides information that has always been free, and quite accurate…..I believe that the event would have happened already if there was no that entity and these bombs….and Cobra recently mentioned the possibility of event occuring during first quarter of year… you also say….and many othersWhy would he do so if he is not working for positive side?Regarding the name of your blog: that was just an example of making accusations without any actual proof…..I know it hurts….so think about it when you decide to accuse somebody of something, without actual proof….


  11. We're not “accusing” anyone. Cobra HAD been reliable, but he's been compromised. We have direct knowledge of this. His intel has been increasingly erratic and erroneous, which alerted us to be vigilant. Our “proof” is our direct experience of the entity's involvement with Cobra. You don't seem to realize that direct experience is actual KNOWLEDGE, not an opinion or belief. Knowledge — KNOWING — is proof. We discovered that a dark entity is influencing Cobra, hence we don't trust his info any longer, regardless of how close to the truth it is, occasionally. We also distrust Wilcock and Goode for similar reasons. If you don't like it, then stop reading this blog, and put your trust where you like. Time will show that we are correct, and striving to do the right thing at all times.-CAT Editors


  12. I was watching some of the Higher Truth Channel vids about the dam failure. They were telling people to get out of Dodge, before the weekend and before the California gov officially told the sheep in the headlights to pack up and relocate. They of course got blasted with accusations of fear porn and fake news. He did make mention of some FBI thing that is gathering lists of trolls and trying to determine if there is a head office that is dispatching the troll army. Anyway I'm sure they can explain it better then me and I'm not sure if this site even wants to go there. In regards to iso-tones, I listened to them to help me meditate. I am of the belief I couldn't meditate to save my life, let alone humanity – but I noticed none of the cats would be in the room when I had that playing and would even leave the house. So I stopped. I look after an extremely damaged an abused family member and he just just hated hearing iso-tones so I didn't inflict that upon him. I'm so old I guess a majority of the world has forgotten or never heard of the expression,”judge no man until you have walked a mile in his shoes” Thank you Cats and Meowricals for sharing, I guess you too are burdened with the Cassandra curse.


  13. It would hurt a lot w/o the occasional and judicious application of Jack Daniels (and a beer). Iso-tones aren't for everyone. Cats are wise and extremely annoying change agents of whoop-ass. Chaos does that to a fur-bearing animal.


  14. It has happened to a lot of sensitives, which is why we keep an eye out for it. The norms can complain all they want about “cobra smearing,” but we're just here to help the ball club. Cobra in his right mind certainly wouldn't want to cause harm. We all know that.~M2


  15. I have travelled the route most do who are seeking truth. Trodden the well trodden paths and frequented the usual online haunts (snares), that are available to all truth seekers, and I can state with all honesty that this site is the ONLY one that I feel deep down is legitimate.All other places have a foreboding sense, a dark underbelly. You can feel it. Even though the words appeal to your brain, there is an ickiness, and uneasiness, oppression. Here, I feel free and excitement, honesty and humour, goodwill.You are simply trying to make sense of it all and provide a platform to deliver truth and hope.I hope one day I can thank you all personally, I hold you all in the highest regard. Thank you.Mucho blessingsMark


  16. I'm open to any info or intel that proves Cobra a fraud, but you have not provided any. Only the statements that he is comprimised, under a dark influence, and his intel is wrong. These are only acusasations without anything to back them up. Sounds to me that you are just trying to attract attention to your blog.


  17. [begin rant]Speaking of poking the albatross, all this Antarctica stuff we're hearing from Will-Cock is misdirection (he just doesn't know it), at least for those of us making great strides in meditation and psy-ability/wakeywakeyness. WHO CARES about some ancient city?? OF COURSE there are ETs and ancient emplacements! We see them all the time. What's the big deal? Are you waiting for ETs to appear on CNN? Good luck with that. (If they do, they're probably fake.) All the best stuff IS IN MEDITATION. What do we have to do, get out and push? Not gonna happen. You have to save yourself. No one else will. MEDITATE![end rant]~CAT2


  18. Ok… I had M3 look at Dream 2. They said: “It's you making an aural connection with your higher self. I have always understood that a house is symbolic of the body. If you go in a basement, that deals with your root or sacral chakras. If you go higher like an attic, it is like you are going to your crown, throat, etc… It looks like they were on a journey to meet their higher self and sort of freaked out before they got there which woke them up.”Don't feel bad, this kind of reaction is experienced by nearly everyone; it lessens with time. The root cause would take a whole book to explain, as it's very complicated. Suffice to say that, in people's minds they think they've done something wrong, but they haven't, yet still suffer guilt for something they THINK they've done. This pertains to a time BEFORE the universe, when we were all one being… yet, we were one being who is an extension of SOURCE. like i said, it's complicated.-CAT3


  19. I think we're having an educational failure on the part of people who don't understand THAT EYEWITNESS TESTIMONY IS CONSIDERED PROOF IN A COURT OF LAW! Jeez, go back to school, people. I say delete this post and let Cobra deal with his issues. Let people follow their own bad counsel to its logical conclusion. One vote against further altruism.~M5


  20. THIS IS WHY I follow Da-da through this valley of the shadow. He brings cake!~CAT2


  21. I shouldn't tell you people anything. It's really not like that. GUIDE, not gf! (She was really pretty.) Ahem, Da-da is (feeling) ancient and has (LOUD, fighting, adorable) kids and is very married. ET races the galaxy over are not exactly beating a path to his hunky, cake-ridden door. One cake penalty quatloo from Cat5 to everyone else.


  22. Actually, after reading the link Da-da provided — and doing a quick scan — it looks like Wilcock DOES (now) know that the frozen ANT is misdirection. Not that any of this stuff matters.FYI: We are rounding the clubhouse turn, folks. ;)~M3


  23. I think the big issue is that people are not quite aware of subtle energy. It has to be in their face for people to feel the change. However, that's not the name of the game anymore. We are being asked to feel, observe and trust what we get.


  24. @IceSphere: No, we're not publishing your comment. It was backhanded, at best. If you want to call us “fake news” (which is code for “YOU'RE A PAID TROLL”) then stop reading this blog. We work hard to help people. If you want to tear people down, whatever your motive, troll elsewhere. Keep up the snide and you're blackballed. -CAT Editors


  25. This new bit has been added to the article above:M2 just said: “Actually, 'Event' energy has already come and gone in this universe. The WHOMP of it is still here… somewhere. Perhaps in the sun? It's out there, waiting for the exact right moment.”-CAT8


  26. Thanks CAT3!I've always been very guilt ridden, not exactly sure why, just feel like I need to apologize for some deed.-Dog23


  27. Dear Robert,What information has Cobra-chan provided that does check out? Did you see the octopus? Did you M=5 Midas package, Isidic security breach? Did you meet with the white/green/blue/black dragon groups?As far as my personal experience is concerned, Cobra's information is just words on a computer screen. It makes as much sense as Scientology.What I think we're not considering is that reality could be way more weird than we think and Cobra could in fact be presenting what he truly believes is truth, for his experience. Who knows, maybe all the parallel universes are interacting with each other all the time and our “3D” consensus reality is just the result of that.Words… too much ornamentation, too many tentacles.


  28. Reading this blog gave me hope that maybe this journey was worth the ride, so thank you for hanging in there.Starting four months ago, (Oct), driving home from work I would see small, intermittent purple waves, which grew in frequency and height. Driving home tonight it was a tsunami which filled the sky line and was just about to crest….


  29. People tell stories, it's how we connect. At some point, I've observed, this connection with like minded people becomes more important than the actual story and the story becomes a tool to keep the bond going.That's how we got here with spiritual, interdimensional aliens and entities. 200 years ago, English speaking people wouldn't even understand what we're all writing about. They wouldn't know about the new age movement. They would know their thing and would try to convince you of its ultimate validity. It's easy to look at things right now and believe that's how it's always been. Truth has to be more fundamental and undeniable than that.Even today, google the following groups:1. Georgi Stankov2. Presbeia Protoi3. Sananda's eaglesMost of these people use the same new age terminology an yet vehemently disagree about the nature of ultimate reality. Now, what does that tell you about people, beliefs and stories?We make stories and symbols, it's what we do. Shouldn't get lost in it though.-Dog23


  30. @Dog23: check out this book – put us onto it and it's excellent.-CAT3


  31. After reading through all the posts, I do believe there has been a reptilian compromise…. And it's in the cats! You may even believe this disinfo in your heart, so be it. Very well meaning Christians believe they have to “worship” a brother, or the Loving God will send them to eternal flames. It really doesn't matter, because they'll end up Ascending anyway,IMHO.As Cobra always always says, look inside yourself for discernment for the truth.I have, and I feel your “knowing” by your direct source is a reptilian trying to steer people away from truth. Disinfo is a clever game they play, and projecting disinfo onto cobra is clever as well. It will not stop us meditating for the event which will surely upset your reptilian friend.


  32. Somethings just hit me. Bits of evidence people ignore. One thing about cobras blog that's being completely ignored. Kathryn. You cats better hope you translate out. About dimension 3.5? I've already figured that out. What do you say?


  33. I see the caption on the top picture has changed. Synchronistically, during my analysis of the Cobra-inspired debate, I realized that I should not have used the phrase “snake repellent” in my posting. Being humble and kind is a way to prevent AI takeover, but probably not Entity attachment. Entities can latch onto good people who get fooled by them, and sometimes during a severe illness or accident, from what I understand. I've heard that they can actually invade during a surgery when under anesthesia, by using trickery and appearing as an Angel of Light. A lot of people like harmless snakes and have them as pets. My point of reference is having grown up on an isolated farm in hot Southwest Texas, in rattlesnake country. The way we protected ourselves from rattlesnakes was by living with cats. I think at one time the count got up to about 20 cats. An emotional memory for me was being yelled at to “Git inside the house NOW!”, and looking over at the patio and seeing our large orange Tomcat sitting between a rattlesnake and our house. I don't know what happened after that, but the Tomcat won with my Dad's help. I have been SCARED of snakes, ALL snakes, since then. So to all of you who like snakes, no offense intended, I just have a fear of snakes from childhood. And I still have a lot of cats too, but that's not the only reason 🙂


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