YES, The Event is coming, but there’s work to be done.

For those expecting to be able to sit around and DO NOTHING and judge everyone and wait for some deus ex machina EVENT to hoist your petards into the clouds… it ain’t gonna happen like that. We are allowed to tell you about The Event coming this year (2024) because you have to do ACTUAL WORK to make use of it. You need some time to think about it, before and after. It’s easy work for some, hard work for others… but it’s work that’s gotta get done.

What are we talking about?


1. We’re talking about love. What would Brother J do? He’d LOVE. Love is always the appropriate response.

2. When you’re giving things to SOURCE, you’re giving in to LOVE. When you place the NOW in the Hands of SOURCE, you’re creating a “LOVE PATCH” around yourself. (Try making that NOW/LOVE patch bigger and bigger, each time you think about it in meditation.) When you give your mind and will to SOURCE, you put LOVE in the driver’s seat. When you breathe in SOURCE, you’re breathing in love. SOURCE = LOVE. You all know that. But applying it is another thing entirely… even for CATs. Go back to your meditation ritual and inject LOVE into it. Whenever you think “SOURCE,” or “Brother J,” try using the word, “LOVE.”

3. If you channel beings from other planets and beyond, if you channel beings of love and preach their attaboy messages… it’s not enough. You have to BE a being of love, too… express LOVE to others. You have to practice what you preach. You have to BE the LOVE messages, in so many ways. If you donate millions of dollars to give angora sweaters to baby seals in Paraguay … it’s not enough. You have to LOVE, too. You, yourself.

4. LOVE needs no magic words. LOVE needs no special device, or crystal.

5. LOVE revels in the truth, but it doesn’t blame others. Love can correct (if kind and appropriate), as we’re demonstrating here, but it doesn’t project guilt onto others for something perceived as “wrong.” Is anyone doing anything in The Illusion? No. So why blame them for it? LOVE, instead.

6. Love doesn’t care who you vote for. All are equal in the Eyes of SOURCE. Factually, we don’t need politicians, or government agencies, or governments, or armies. We need LOVE. VOTE FOR LOVE. It’s cheaper. And if you need help, ask SOURCE. LOVE loves to help.

7. Love unifies. Love appreciates. Love brings people together. Love is positive, never critical. Love doesn’t downshift into schadenfreude (german for, “delighting in the misery of others). Love doesn’t point fingers. LOVE loves everyone. And YOU are part of everyone! Which means that YOU have to love YOURSELF. It’s not enough to just love others. You are LOVE yourself, and worthy of love. SOURCE isn’t knocking on the door with The Event to collect the rent! SOURCE is actually here, right now, to remind you that YOU are LOVE, an Indispensable and Indivisible and Eternal Part of ALL. Know it, learn it, live it.

8. In the meantime, LOVE abides. Love is patient and kind. Love isn’t forceful. Love doesn’t say, “LOOK AT ME!” Yes, you’re awesome, but you can be humble about it.

9. Love has many facets. There are a near-infinite number of Angels, because there are a near-infinite number of you, and LOVE has Infinite Variety. There are kinds of love you’ve never experienced on this planet. For example, horses originally came here lo-ooong ago as advanced beings, to help. Several ancient peoples have legends about flying horses. These are actually flying horse beings from another galaxy, who call themselves Homepatchians. When they place the NOW in the Hands of SOURCE, they create a love/home patch around themselves… and then invite others into their love/home patch by spreading their wings and gathering others in, bringing those around them into the LOVE they’ve created. Anyone’s who’s seen horse whisperer Monty Roberts (et al) do the horse ‘join-up’ thing… well, that’s where that comes from. It’s a Homepatchian love-patch thing.

10. When Brother J would meet with people who had problems (which is basically everyone he ever met!), he didn’t do anything, specifically. There was no action. He just stood there and simply recognized that SOURCE spark within people… which then instantly reminded that person of their SOURCE spark, their SOURCE connection. So much illness is people thinking that they deserve to suffer for something they’ve done wrong. You’ve done nothing wrong. None of this is real.

11. Love is always there for you, ready to work for you. If you still have problem with some people, try seeing them as four-year-olds. They might be little tyrants. They might scream and tantrum and push their brother. They might revel in doing the wrong thing. But they’re just little kids and will eventually grow out of it; even the most evil hard-cases have a teardrop of SOURCE within them. You don’t have to look for it. Just know that it’s there.

12. In the meantime, what will you do before The Event comes? We hope you’ll review the above, often. We hope you’ll LOVE FIRST, and ask no questions afterward. If you fail to learn this, you’re guaranteed to re-live this lesson again and again till you learn to LOVE. Everyone and everything is LOVE. Learn to live it. Forgive and forgiven.

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