LIGHT That Candle, Prepare the Way

In a meditation, after grounding and protection, imagine that you’re a giant candle. Strike a giant match and LIGHT yourself (spiritually). Imagine yourself burning with SOURCE, rising up as high as you can go. See what happens next. This is what “light a candle rather than curse the darkness” means. If we all do this together… Tell a friend. This is our Memorial Day goal. … Continue reading LIGHT That Candle, Prepare the Way

Light Beam Over Golden Gate Bridge [VERIFIED]

This light beam video has been verified to be genuine (by an unimpeachable source). So, what is it and what’s it for? We asked said source, our favorite person-in-the-know, and here’s what she said: “I see these beams as a way to travel.  Not only do they show where a portal is, but they show it is active.  Many species of ETs use these to … Continue reading Light Beam Over Golden Gate Bridge [VERIFIED]