Another Sign Unto You ~ [UPDATE2]

Just a little sign. Unto somebody.

Regular readers will know that CATs don’t get biblical, but…

Hey… a sign.

In dreams night-before-last, some CATs were assisting people from OE to NE (Old Earth to New Earth). This time saw us escorting people through insane traffic, through customs, getting them their boarding passes, and then onto ocean liners… which is SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for us. We do this all the time. But this time we recognized the guy checking tickets. This has never happened before.

In the dream, we handed over our tickets, as we have a hundred times, along with those for the people we were escorting, but we never go aboard. This time the ticket taker looked different than the others: He was late 40s/early 50s, solid-looking, handsome, black-haired, lantern-jawed… he was an angel.

After the dream we had a train wreck checking in with each other. He looked SO familiar… but he wasn’t an angel we’d worked with before. Then we checked out who it was: It was Archangel RAPHAEL.

This was a surprise. AA Raphael is a healing angel, yes… but he’s also the angel of TRAVELERS. We thought that appropriate given what we were doing… but wait, there’s more.

We don’t write much about angels, as most CAT experiences occur at a considerably lower level. (The basement!) But imagine our surprise when — at today’s CAT meeting — one of us saw a 9-foot-tall white-robed figure glowing at the top of the stairs. And guess who?

We were kinda floored. (We’re still floored.) At the time, we said hello, but we didn’t do what we were supposed to do: GO INTO MEDITATION AND SEE WHAT HIS MESSAGE WAS! Duh. Instead, we chatted about how amazing and cool it was, what he might’ve been trying to tell us… (yes, we can be lame sometimes). AA Raphael was clearly getting impatient with us… because, as we chatted, we heard stomping on the stairs! Feeling the DUH moment, we went into meditation…

…and we could be wrong, but we clearly heard two words: “TRAVELING DAY.”

This might might be for one CAT, for some CATs, for all CATs… or for all of us… or it could mean something else. But it seems pretty clear that something will be happening soon.



The M’s all agree: Everyone should be setting extra protection all the time during this phase of The Event. Do this when you wake up, around noon, in the early evening, and before bed (in this case, to specifically safeguard you in dream state). We have a bunch of low-vibe things attracted to us, lately, specifically targeting anything “bright and shiny.” Note that more sophisticated dark things can throw (motionless) holograms, as well as project their voices/thoughts into protected spaces. It’s nothing to be afraid of, but it can be a little off-putting. (In your minds-eye they can often appear like dull-glowing basketballs with orange edges, seen “over the fence” of your protection.)

We also just finished a significant timeline jump, over several days:

And please, don’t microwave phones or money to “disinfect” or “recharge” them, respectively; neither work, and the former is unnecessary.

Common Sense is clearly no longer common.


Ok, here’s a sign unto you. We are going to seriously blackball anyone else who makes a medical suggestion of any kind on this site. We understand you want to help, but you’re not helping. There are some things you can’t herbal your way out of. So cut it out.

228 thoughts on “Another Sign Unto You ~ [UPDATE2]

  1. 🛳 ✈ 🚂 🚀 🌈 Packing my bags, just in case. No, wait, I don’t need anything… ready to go!

    Liked by 20 people

    1. I’m WAY senior citizen-y – I’ll take the $15.95 wash and vacuum.. to (then) go please, hehe… I want to be all spiffy…


      Liked by 19 people

  2. I like Raphael,I believe he has assisted with healing requests i’ve put out there in the past, didn’t realise he was in the travel business also, will have to consult before my next adventure :).
    It’s going to take a lot of coordination for this upcoming ‘Traveling Day’.

    Liked by 22 people

      1. I’m glad he came to you. You all needed the lift after recent trials. Being in the trenches when the dark ones are at their most desperate must be exhausting and traumatic.


        Liked by 14 people

  3. “Wash & Vacuum Senior Citizens” – LOL, Cats, I truly need that today after my Very [Indeed!] Un-Cat-Like response to someone who performed a traffic maneuver of sheer [negative] brilliance, nearly into the passenger side of my vehicle. I shared my feelings (hand gesture) in a open, honest, and direct manner. I somehow feel like I now need to apologize to everyone in the world including our three ever-patient, ever-loving feline domesticated quadrupeds (they are not our children, but they are nice and let us live here with them….). At least they’ve forgiven me, I think – but that wash & vacuum may be just what I need.

    I find myself occasionally thinking very un-Rainbow-like thoughts. I’m working on it. Definitely want to look my best for Traveling Day.

    I’m grateful to the Cats for all the good messages that have been shared on this blog in the past week (from Cats and from members) – thank you all, incessantly, for being who you are!!

    Liked by 25 people

    1. Makin me laugh.

      Unrainbowlike. 🤣🤣🤣 Yep i have those too sometimes. And luckily my outdoor cat friends don’t ever hold it against me,….as long as the gravy train keeps a comin.😉


      Liked by 18 people

      1. Yes, some hard hits lately. Pulling out all the stops.
        Been feeling like a large timeline leap is imminent. Feels like we will know what to do when the “time” comes. It will be simultaneous.
        It’s been so hard to work. It feels like the show is over, the theater has been bought out. It’s under new management.
        The refurbishing is about to begin on the old run down, dilapidated, dirty, falling apart space. Only a few stragglers are still in the cracked seats for the last of the show, and it’s a very thin show – simply going through the motions. Most everyone is out in the sunshine now, breathing clean air.

        Liked by 22 people

        1. Very good description Angela C!
          I feel exactly the same way!!
          Yes! Everything what is happening right now in my life feels like just simply going through the motions…
          Are we there yet?…I am hearing “Soon”…How Soon is Soon?…

          CAT’s told us they are not going to be here for the US election ( Tuesday, November 3 )…I hope it applies to All of US too… 🙂

          Patience & Love!

          Liked by 12 people

            1. 😮 Oh. I was wondering about that. How can a certain person win the election if there is no one left to “vote”? I hope this isn’t the case. My empath heart can’t take much more. I so need to be out of this toxic atmosphere. I don’t want to have to hear and wade through any more b -ice. Grounding and protecting again now. If this old desktop had emojis, I would end with a broken heart.

              Liked by 8 people

  4. Still laughing over the signs! AA Raphael, who is usually associated with an emerald green ray, and healing, helped me heal from serious car accidents. I am certainly hoping that we will all be ‘traveling’ soon, although the word soon never seems to live up to its meaning!



    Liked by 17 people

    1. coriboy – me too… many years ago I was in a car accident that ‘should have’ killed me. I distinctly remember someone helping me to get out of the car – a Mini, upside down in a ditch on a pitch black night in December in Yorkshire…! And what I remember is this tall man pulling me out of the small, triangular window at the back. You couldn’t get a CAT through that small exit! Weird or what?

      Thank you AA Raphael. I know it was you xxx

      Liked by 19 people

  5. At least I’m seeing my b-ice moments, The 1st step in improvement. I catch them most of the time, yet I do slip in __it occasionally. Now to stop reacting, and just observing or walking. What I see/hear means nothing. Peace.

    Liked by 18 people

  6. I miss placed my comment, lol – hit the wrong reply button – I’m sure that’s clear –
    I want to be clear; I’m not impatiently patient; I’m usually quite patiently patient…


    Liked by 12 people

  7. It has been a gut-punch of a day. Thank you for posting these clever and funny signs. Exactly what I needed. I thought I was past the ice and through the Gate. Oops!

    I am chanting ‘It’s Black Ice” a lot today so am getting through all of it, but wowza! this time slot is currently no fun.–until your post. Day full of many close folks telling me about how sick they are (cancer, heart valve infections, bone marrow transplants and broken bones to list some of the reports), and for me money issues and scary job demands.

    Glad to have the other CATS here to draw and learn from.

    Liked by 20 people

    1. Nasty headache, almost entered migraine territory. Still lingering but not incapacitating. Is it wildfire smoke, battling nicotein, ascention energy, all the above, or none of the above? If your vibration is high enough are you immune to crap? Some of us seem to be experiencing discomfort of some kind. I remember CAT Ed’s. suggested developing strong protections. I will try that and report back.

      Liked by 14 people

  8. Awesome! And so funny. Image of the Cats chatting ” and did you see how he was looking like a human star”, etc etc, all the while AA R is tappin his foot, clearing his throat. ☄😁☄


    Liked by 13 people

  9. Had a message saying this is my last chance to turn my life around.

    Sounds like I’m likely not going to NE.

    Liked by 9 people

    1. Of course you will go !!
      Why else would you be interested in the topics covered in this blog? You are here every day reading and commenting, that I think is already part of the ticket to NE. 😉

      Liked by 16 people

    2. I don’t think there are any absolutes. You can change your mind any time.
      Depends on what you want, and when you want it.

      Liked by 5 people

    3. If you got a message that this is your last chance and that you need to turn your life around, then LISTEN TO THE GODDAMN MESSAGE.

      Is everyone taking crazy pills?

      Turn your life around. Get on it. The only one who can do it is YOU.


      Liked by 16 people

  10. I was told – it’s here, it’s all going to change (again, I was told about change before cobid), just relax.

    Liked by 12 people

  11. I don’t pretend to know Raphael, but if I’m going to ask an angel for help, it’s always him. Hopefully he knows me by now! Trying to remember if I asked for his help when I sent healing to ~AM, actually. Hm.

    Liked by 16 people

    1. I, too, don’t know him (actually, never heard of him previously that I recall). I have some quick catch-up to do…. And I’m glad that he’s on our side, too.

      Liked by 11 people

    2. Does anyone know of a reliable source of information about Angels and Archangels please?

      I don’t know much about them, but they are thankfully in my life. For example, do they have individual personalities, or are they like a hive mind? Do they help other planets/galaxies etc.? What do they do in their spare time? Is Gabriel moody or approachable? Do they like cosplay?

      Infinite questions. I just think it’s easier to relate to them than SOURCE, probably because they are more definable I suppose. Either way, they are beyond, way, way beyond awesome.



      Liked by 4 people

  12. Well, my rescue kitten ran off and returned after three days and jumped into my arms. So he must be Jesus kitty I checked his paws. 😜I was just sure he was eaten by something his collar was off him and he was naked as the day he was born.🎩🐱

    Liked by 18 people

  13. AA Raphael and AA Michael are my two go-to angels! I called on Raphael last night for healing. I didn’t know, however, that he was also for traveling. I’m glad I checked back here before heading to my bed and meditation. I hadn’t seen the this new post. I am ready. I stepped into some b-ice for a while today but have since cleared my mind. Waiting for your call, AA Raphael. All aboard the Source train!

    Liked by 15 people

  14. I too asked AA Raphael to heal AM. I’ve occasionally asked him for help with travel too so I’m really happy he’s around. All good
    Enjoy the journey everyone. It will happen when the time is right

    Liked by 15 people

  15. Thank you CAT’s

    yes!!! This is definitly a sign
    the night I dreamed about Mont Blanc
    later near the morning came a date: 11.20.2020 at 20 h
    in Germany we count it like this and it came like this: 20.11. 20 uhr (8 h at evening)
    🌈❤️😊💐🌈 I love Raffael, the Archangel of AIR 🌈❤️😊💐🌈

    Love Alnilam 🌈❤️😊💐🌈

    Liked by 13 people

    1. Oh I forgott to mention
      the message came as flight departure announcement (airport)

      Love Alnilam 🌈❤️😊💐🌈

      Liked by 5 people

    1. I can try 😉

      First You need to upload your image to some image sharing service, I use “postimage” ( as it is free and easy to use, there are some adds there, but hey, it is free 😉 There are some others image sharing services out there, maybe try few and choose one which you like the most. You can register so you can go back, make image gallery or just to have some control over your images as opposed to use it as anonymous user 😉

      Then when you upload the image there, it should be sharing option available, which will give you the options of sharing ways, as WordPress can show directly linked image, you want to choose that link to copy to your message, but copy it in a new line as otherwise it will not be immediately visible, same goes for YouTube links 😉

      Here is the screenshot of the postimage sharing options, you can choose the second one (direct link), but I guess that the first option should also work, just remember to copy it in a new raw 😉 This is in Croatian, apparently the page recognize my location, but the order off the options should be the same, this time I will copy the link from the first option (probably “link” in English), just to see if it will work 😉

      Perica ✨

      Liked by 6 people

      1. Obviously copying the link from that first option did not make that image to appear here, still, there is the link to that image, so it was not a co.plete failure 😉, so the better choice would be the option No2 (direct link, I presume in English version 😉), at least if you use that postimage service 😉

        Perica ✨

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Just thinking about this, if You already have image in Google Drive , One Drive or on similar platform, that should potentially work, but You have to try it, or somebody who is maybe administrating WordPress could know for sure ?

          Perica ✨

          Liked by 2 people

    1. This song came to my mind, too. It was one of my daughter’s favorites back in the day and I heard it way too many times. 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 5 people

  16. dear Cat”s

    your message accompanied me through the day
    and makes me so happy to think about the ANGEL
    Archangel Raphael also the angel of the east gate🌈❤️🌈

    what a beautiful dream! Thank you so much for this uplifting message

    Love Alnilam 🌈❤️😊💐🌈

    Liked by 13 people

  17. Oh fiddle. I’m just doin’ what I always do. All the bulbs have been delivered, but apparently I didn’t have enough so I ordered just a few more. Went to my favorite nursery and bought 2 Franklinia trees. Too big to fit in car so will have to go in something bigger to carry them. To All who mentioned black ice all I can say is Har! I’ve fallen through it a few times the past few days, but yes, Christopher it’s a very wonderful tool to say to ones self “b-ice” I guess that’s the wonderful gift of raising one’s awareness. Cheers

    Liked by 19 people

  18. So ready for a change! There are times when I just don’t know how much more of this I can endure.

    Had an interesting dream last night. Some friends (people I did not recognize) asked me to go out to the club with them. I told them I had nothing to wear, no makeup on, and my hair was a mess. They said that didn’t matter. I end up at “Jesus’ Supper Club” – only one of the p’s in the neon sign was out, so it was Super instead of Supper. The place reminded me of a lounge-type steakhouse we’d go to when I was a kid in the ‘70s, minus the cigarette smoke. There were all types of people there, all ages and nationalities. The rest of the dream is rather fuzzy.

    No expectations, but do hope the place we’re traveling to is a little more upscale 😹

    Liked by 23 people

  19. So my neighborhood just got locked down in the pie throwing contest between the Mayor and Governor. So at risk of a fine, or who knows, I went out for a morning walk (ok, so I had my chin diaper), and the air was as fresh and crisp as ever…feel like we are all just done with this babona rona deal. I did have a traveling dream recently, of being in an air terminal, and have been having this feeling I used to get as a kid when a trip was approaching. Both which this post reminded me of.

    Archangel Raphael was part of this healing meditation I used to do, and should start doing again, with emerald green and pink as significant colors. Everything just seems so surreal at the moment, and it has been tougher to get into the zone when meditating, with lookiloos and thoughts I am not sure are entirely mine. I keep at it though, and make sure to keep grounding and breathing, with a crystal or two when called to. May it be traveling day for us all, now….soon works, but now would be more better. Loving the signs above. Needed that today. One Love All, stay in that awesome vibration! 🙏🏽❤️✨💫

    Liked by 20 people

  20. I guess, CATs and M’s that we’re in synch. re: Update 1 . Last night before I went to bed “I” had the “thought” to set further protections. How funny is that? Again I say Har!

    Liked by 13 people

    1. Yes, I have been feeling like that lately, too! Focusing on adding extra “oooomph” to it…
      Hugs to all!

      Liked by 7 people

  21. Thank you CATs and Crikey! That explains the huge black panther in my dream attacking me!

    There was a site I kept needing to go back to for some reason and this panther was there lurking each time ready to pounce. Cannot remember most of the dream but I know there were some friendly Cats there helping me and for some reason Simon Parkes!

    Okay, time to set more protection. does it work even if your absolutely passing out with fatigue, can I still show strength? Feel like I will be seen as an easy target in my current state. Perhaps I should ask AA Michael and AA Raphael to assist?

    Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

    Liked by 12 people

    1. dear Lily

      sorry to tell you about human/reptilian/mantis hybrid Simon Parkes
      I would not trust and be carefull with videos there can be subliminal messages.

      The cat’s told me that benevolent reptillians do not exist. At that time, my question was about Bashar aka Darryl Anka. He ist not official a reptillian, but I saw him in real 2015 in Sedona and I saw his face shapeshifting.

      At this time, in 2015- I was an ardent admirer of ET’s. I lived in UK for three years and had an encounter with a repto in my dream. he came through the wall and looked at me. I told him: “Here you are!” and than he disappered like the pixels in TV (in old times, when the programm was finished- the snow effect. I waked up and my whole body was shaking. It was on my afternoon nap and I made a drawing of him.

      Better not to open the doors to all of them…
      We are in the endgame and how more you are light, more attractive you become to the dark side, to catch you.

      I was on the side of Simon Parkes and it’s all “Black ICE” ( politics)
      Ask the ***CAT’s **** about him, please.

      Love Alnilam ❤️🙏❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Alnilam ❤️

        Don’t worry, I don’t watch Simon Parkes videos anymore, he just appeared in my dream that’s all although I am putting up more protection at the moment!

        The white sage came out today! Not sure Elsie was too impressed, it got quite smoky!

        Lots of Love ❤️🙏🌟🙏❤️

        Liked by 3 people

        1. Ah yes, that’s great.
          I allready read your message at your current state of health
          some of us have a tough time at the moment. Let’s face it with good vibes
          ***thinking good
          talking good
          doing good***

          I love you my dear, wishing all the best and super protection.
          I feel that we are under the umbrella of CAT’s energy and protect
          sealed. Nothing can happen to us (think at The Course)

          Love Alnilam ❤️🙏🌟

          Liked by 3 people

  22. I’m not sure if anyone might be able to offer any advice. I am loath to go to a doctors at the moment. I also apologise in advance for TMI! I have been getting increasingly heavier periods. Yesterday and today, I have been passing pretty big blood clots. I was up at 4am with fever and throwing up very acidic bile with no relief. UC symptoms are flaring at the same time so I am getting quite anaemic, I look almost grey in skin tone. I did go to the doctors before all the ‘stuff’ started happening out there. I had an internal exam/scan etc. All came back normal but my periods are saying the opposite. Feeling really hopeless and really getting quite worried about Elsie now and my ability to care for her. If anyone knows any herbal remedies/homeopathy etc.. I would be so grateful. I have to make sure anything I take won’t make the UC any worse. Elsie won’t have anyone if I crumble so I have to get on top of this. I’m usually quite independent and can be very stubborn but I think it’s time for me to ask for help!

    Thank you everyone for all your support and love. I think you are ALL absolutely brilliant and love you ALL so much.


    Liked by 12 people

      1. Lily I did the mantra and the light pour on you and asked Brother J to step in and help. I saw a multitude of golden angels that looked like part butterflies descend and they turned into streams of gold Light in a circle around your head. Poor description, hard to explain. I send Love and hold the highest vision for you.

        Liked by 13 people

        1. Lily…. all the best for you
          when my husband had the stroke two month ago
          we went imediatly to the emergency (and we both are not pro pharma)
          and the doctors saved his life! So have trust Lily. All will become good 🌈❤️

          love Alnilam 🌈❤️😊💐🌈

          Liked by 5 people

      2. Fyi Lily, i wholeheartedly agree to Dr, ER visit asap.

        Healing i offer covers the whole kit n caboole…you, the situation, medical peple, medical places, other healers, medicines, protocols, Elsie, mom, environment, etc, opens door to any Special Ones of the One True Source Creator (AA etc).. everything, everyone facilitate to best quickest resolution. Oh, and did I mention a special added triple protection .


        Liked by 9 people

    1. Lily please keep us updated on how you’re doing. Sarah and I are both sending healing, love and grace to hold you as you walk through this. And a hit for what’s under your house.
      Angels who apply – please hold Lily and Elsie in Grace and Protection, in every now moment, everywhere that they are, as well as everyone and everything that surrounds them.

      The Tree can act as a protection while we’re here, put yourself and Elsie, into the center of the golden beam beneath it.

      Liked by 14 people

    2. Sending healing to Lily, with the option to receive or not.


      PS been using triple protection past few days. A few (many?) times a day as i think of it. And for any “healing” that is engaged in.

      Liked by 12 people

    3. I am so sorry for your dilemma and send loving energy your way. I used to have heavy periods too and found I had a hormone imbalance and didn’t have enough progesterone. So I started using a natural progesterone cream and some herbal supplements specifically for heavy bleeding. I’m 61 now and don’t remember exactly which herbs they were as that was years ago. I also had to take a grass fed liver supplement for the iron as I was anemic too and they said that other iron supplements did not absorb well in the body and this one did. They all helped. I don’t know about the puking and fever though. Best to have that checked. Best wishes to you.

      Liked by 12 people

      1. Brenda ❤️ Thank you, that may help. Mum said she used progesterone to help her through the menopause, perhaps this is the start of it, just made worse by the uc and exhaustion.

        Much love ❤️🙏❤️

        Liked by 4 people

    4. Sending light and loving support, Lily. I, too haven’t been to a Doctor in quite a while but I would definitely see someone if I had those symptoms.

      Liked by 10 people

    5. We have been to the GP and A&E recently. It is fine. The care profession are good people. You will probably need strong iron supplements and maybe anti biotic. Get yourself sorted and helped. You can seek help them make your own choices. I hope you feel better soon lily x x ❤️ Look after yourself

      Liked by 10 people

        1. Lily, I am someone who tries to stay away from doctors,
          even though I worked in a famous medical center for 20
          years, but you can’t cope with all of those symptoms by
          yourself and need to get help. I agree, that when you are
          better, you can look into more natural treatments.

          Surrounding you and Elsie with lots of love ❤️ light
          and healing. Your friend,


          Liked by 6 people

    6. Many things begin in the stomach. Live vinegar or live sauerkraut are 2 of the easiest probiotic types of food to find. Peace.

      Liked by 9 people

    7. Hi Lily,
      I don’t know if you remember me, but last year I tried to help you with your symptoms and you didn’t want my help. So, now I’m offering my help again, because I know first hand of what you are going through at this very moment I’ve already been there and done it. I am willing to help you through this as much as I can and I don’t want to scare you, but this is very serious at this point.

      Okay, I need to ask you a few questions about what’s been happening.
      1. Have you been losing weight? If, so how much?
      2. Is your hair falling out?
      3. Are you able to keep any food down, whatsoever?
      4. How often and for how long do you sit on the toilet for?
      5. Are you on any medications and if so what? Asacol or something else? Any steriods, like Prednesone or something else?

      Do you have any yogurt, peppermints, apple cider vinegar, sauerkraut, kefir, probiotics, prebiotics, acidophilus, ginger tea or raw ginger in your house at this moment?

      So, please answer these questions right away, I live in Canada so I live in a different time zone, but I’m willing to help you, if you’ll just accept it.

      I’ll keep checking back here for a response.


      Liked by 6 people

        1. Hi Cats,
          Yes, you’re right she should go to her doctor, but she’ll probably be put in the hospital that day so she should make arrangements for Elsie as she maybe in there awhile. I do know what she’s going through, because I went through it and what is happening to her happened to me exactly the same way. And the doctor’s couldn’t do anything for me when I was feeling this way but that was back in 1991, so maybe things have changed, I truly hope they have.

          Honestly, I lost my large intestine because of all of it and ended up with a J-Pouch, which is why I wanted to help her last year when I made that offer to her because I saw this happening. When she didn’t want the help, I didn’t keep trying, it’s called freewill for a reason and I practice it. I have also written a book about what I went through and I was going to give it to her for free. So, if she still wants my help, I’m willing to help her, the only thing you guys can do is send healing, love and light to her and prayers and if I’m correct about this and I pray I’m wrong she could end up in the hospital. This is serious, this is very serious!

          What she is going through is very difficult and could have been prevented, truly. Put it this way I almost died one night, I came very close to dying as my blood pressure dropped so drastically and I didn’t know what was happening, my teeth were chattering so loudly and I was in a restaurant having dinner with my husband and we had to leave because of it and when we got home I went to bed with my dog and 4 very thick blankets on top of my comforter.

          I shivered until I fell asleep and it took 4 hours of sleep before I returned back to normal. Also, at that time I was vomiting in the bathtub and defecating on the toilet at the same time. I usually sat there for 45 minutes at time I’d be off it for about 1/2 hour and then right back on it. The vomiting was called involuntary anorexia. I lost a lot of my hair and I ended up with erythema nodosema and there was nothing my Gastroentrologist could do for me at that time, or so he said. I went from being 120 lbs down to 110 lbs and before I knew it I was down to 90 lbs my period stopped once I hit below 110 and before that my periods were like hers.

          The only food I could keep down was toast and eggs and spicy Chinese food, everything else I would vomit up. When I finally got to a different Gastroentrologist, because the other one was an idiot, they put me in the hospital for what was suppose to be 2 days which ended up being 6 weeks. She may have to go through another colonoscopy to see how bad her colitis is. Mine was the worst case they’d ever seen and it took exactly 1 year from diagnosis to the operation.

          So, that’s what she may have to go through because she waited so long and stress plays a big factor. Truthfully, it all depends on how far her ulcerative colitis has gone, mine was so bad they couldn’t get the camera in my rectum as I was in so much pain and they even had me on painkillers.

          Truly I just want to prevent someone from going through what I went through, that’s all I’m not an ogre I’m an empath and was hoping I could help her heal so she could avoid the operation, she still might avoid it, but I can’t say for sure.

          There’s more to this story but I’ve taken up to much space as it is with this response so I’ll leave it there. You can print this or not, it’s up to you cats and m’s.

          I’m sending her love, light and healing and I’ll also be praying to Source to help her through this awful time. I want her well, for her and especially for Elsie.

          Love and Light to all,

          Liked by 4 people

            1. Thank you everyone I really appreciate it. I have something called proctitis. It’s a form of ulcerative colitis that affects the the lower part of the colon. It’s been grumbling for a while, traces of blood etc, then my period started and it got worse, was busting bathroom a lot. The heavy bleeding from period and pain from both plus exhaustion really floored me. My period stopped abruptly this morning and the proctitis has eased as well. I had a scan for the periods a few months ago and internal exam. They found nothing which really confused me as the clots/pain continued. When I had Elsie the labour went on for almost 36 hours. I had a Pelvic infection after and passed a large part of the placenta days after the birth, the infection followed. Since then, periods have been awful. CATs has a look (thank you) and confirmed endometriosis and scar tissue which was what I originally thought before being sent away with what seems now to be a false result for the tests done. So, still waiting for doc to ring and will ask for another opinion. Still waiting for uc nurses to ring too although symptoms have subsided now period has stopped thank heavens. I don’t think I am in the danger zone with uc, have been before so would definitely know about it. Did have bleeding there about a week ago just before and during period and had s couple of yucky accidents so although it is still active it seems to be easing a lot. I think the exhaustion from lack of sleep on top of everything just was a recipe for disaster. Sorry I am waffling. Very grateful though and apologies CATs for clogging the blog up!

              Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

              Liked by 9 people

            2. Lily, we have told you what we see. You need to explain your symptoms to a competent doctor, and suggest the cause might be what we suggested in our email. A regular exam won’t show it. The doctor needs to look *deeper.* YOU need to be your own health advocate in a socialized medicine scenario. Use your WILL to push what you need done.

              We are not doctors, but we see what we see. And it’s no one else’s business here, so everyone please stop with the advise (~M5 said “everyone shut up”). You’re confusing the issue. Lily, you can’t *herbal* your way out of this. Time for some basic Western medicine. Since no one knows when The SHIFT is actually going to happen, we still have to go through the motions of living. Get on it.

              -CAT Eds.

              Liked by 17 people

            3. Good Luck Lily, I hope you get better, just know you are not alone, I am always here if you would like my advice and what works. Please just get better! I have fibroids, so it could be that. Enough said.

              Will keep you and Elsie in my prayers.

              Love and light,

              Liked by 2 people

            4. Cats,
              You’re right I meant sigmoidoscopy. Could you please send me Lily’s email privately please?

              Liked by 2 people

          1. Rlg, so sorry to hear what you went through. I hope you are living a much more comfortable life now and have managed to heal as much as possible. I was diagnosed in 2009 and every internal exam since has show ulceration and bleeding. I am 100% sure the CATs are right about the endometriosis (gp wants me to have progesterone) but am going to talk with uc nurses at hospital as they can hopefully shortcut me to the gyno specialist at the hospital. I have never really had remission from the uc and am in the back end (no pun intended!) of another flare up. I would love to speak to you because although I need to sort out the endometriosis pronto, I also need to find a way to heal from the uc as it is making life miserable at times. Here is an email address I rarely use but will look out for you [email protected] sorry for posting again CATs, would be really good to hear from this lady and don’t want to keep talking about it on the blog as I know it’s taken up a lot of space already!

            Thank you to everyone

            Liked by 3 people

      1. Rlg ❤️ Thank you for your message. So sorry, I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful before, I thought I could sort myself out, I can be a little stubborn sometimes! I would be happy for the CATs to pass my email onto you and am very grateful 🙏


        Liked by 4 people

        1. Hi AM. Thank you, understood and I am taking action. Apologies, not sure if there was some misunderstanding, I am absolutely not disregarding what you say, I agree with you. I meant I need to see a different doctor than the one I saw before as they did not look thoroughly and find the problem.

          It is also my fault that everyone has given advice. Apologies, I did ask.

          Thank you so much for your help and for everyone’s comments. Again, apologies fir taking everyone’s time.

          Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

          Liked by 6 people

            1. Sorry I saw the time stamp 8:06 ‘AM’ and thought it was from AM! Honest mistake, apologies, I just wanted to respond and was in a rush to make dinner.


              Liked by 4 people

    8. I understand your apprehension of doctors, I don’t trust them that much myself- But I, and others here i’m sure, will be praying for you to be matched up with good doctors and nursers to see you back to good health!

      Liked by 11 people

      1. Lore ❤️ Thank you, yes I am getting medical advice, just waiting for the call back. Hopefully I can get on top of it and then heal more naturally

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

        Liked by 7 people

    9. I agree with everyone else, Lily, you must seek medical help just to be on the safe side. If you’ve got any iron tablets I’d take them too! Hope you improve quickly x


      Liked by 8 people

      1. Mark ❤️ Thank you, yes I am taking the advice 🙂

        I think they may want to give an Iron infusion unless there is a gentle alternative. I have never been able to take the pills without negative side effects…

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

        Liked by 5 people

        1. Please don’t succumb to eating a box of nails! Folic acid is much better.

          Not only do the pointy bits point and guarantee acid reflux, they also have a tendency to rust and make your pee turn brown.

          Mark ❤

          P.S. Don’t mention the colon 😉

          Liked by 4 people

    10. Yes Lily I agree with the CAT’s and others….please seek medical assistance. I’m sending healing energy to you as others are also on a continuous Light Pour. Elise has been gifted you as her mother because you are strong, compassionate, have unconditional love and a heart of pure gold.
      Much love to you and Elise!

      Liked by 6 people

    11. Hi Lily 🙏🌈
      The symptoms that you described are signs of a big detoxification process.
      Don’t panic 🙏.
      For sure you have to go to the Doctor, a good one maybe (I advice you a Unicist Homeopathic one, if you can find one) but remember what I said just before, it’s a detox process.
      You’re blood and you’re body in general are highly acified, so much that your body have to throw out from him.
      If you have got blood clots and you are anemic (and you never was before) that could mean: 1. you can’t assimilate Iron, that could be a consequence of a luck of Vit. C. (remember that take a capsule of Vit. C it’s useless, the organism cannot assimilate such a big quantity of it in one shoot). 2 Are you taking other drugs? Some of them can have a “undesirable effects” one of them it’s cougulation of blood (remember, almost every medicine create a disequilibrium somewhere else in your body a part of where you’ve got the issue).
      3.The coagulation is a consequence of something else.
      – In any case, You need a blood test. –

      You can help your body drinking hot water during the day and hot water with true lemon juice ( 1/4 of lemon) in the morning just before eating and drinking anything else.
      Lemon juice contains Vit C (will help to assimilate Iron, too) and it’s one of the best alkaline food you can get from food.
      (Did you know Hot water was the remedy for all the issue of the body for ancient Chinese? 😁)
      Avoid milk, esp. cow’s one; avoid meat, refined sugar and wheat. All of these make your body more acid, avoid them especially in this moment. If you can, make some sport but not a too “heavy” one. (yoga, jogging, walking ecc).
      Probably you have to leave some weights 😋. Big Big hugs 🌈💓,

      Liked by 2 people

    12. I avoid doctors myself, but at this point please listen to the advice you asked for and go see a doctor ASAP. It seems you may need more than homeopathic remedies can offer at this point.
      And make sure they do a complete thyroid panel when doing blood work.
      Much love and light to you! 💗

      Liked by 6 people

  23. Update 1 was hilarious, I somehow can understand people putting money in microwave not knowing about metal threads inside it, but putting mobile phone in it to change it, that is just crazy, but hey, speaking by someone who put the egg inside the microwave 😂, by the way, do not try, it was a pain to clean it afterwards 😁, well, it is OK if you first brake it on the plate, but complete with a shell, that is big NO, NO 🙃

    Perica ✨

    Liked by 14 people

  24. Thanks for all the great updates, I’m grateful for the guidance, humor, sanity, and all the shares, & insights. I appreciate the heads up about setting extra protection, I’ve felt the need to do this quite a bit more the past few days, it’s felt like lower vibe energies, attack thoughts, discordant energies. I was getting it’s not mine, but this wasn’t a collective or empathic sense, felt like technology, or just some lower energies trying to be trouble. I’ve been using the mantra, beaming light, and calling in support from Archangels, angels, Brother J, Source, and my Omata. I definitely will be keenly aware, at all times. Oh and if I could get a wax with that senior wash and vacuum, it’s a deal! Keep on Shining Everyone, I send you All The Light I AM. with LOVE scott

    Liked by 13 people

  25. Lily,
    The heavy bleeding can come with hormonal inbalance of too much estrogen and not enough progesterone. This happens to many women peirimenopausally and can be treated with hormones and/ or uterine ablation. Also possibly a blood transfusion if you are too anemic. But that has nothing to do with the fever which could be related to infection from diverticulitis or ulcerative colitis. This can become serious quickly so, GO TO URGENT CARE OR E.R. ASAP. Cay

    Liked by 12 people

    1. Cay ❤️ Thank you I going to ask doctor about the progesterone when he rings. Waiting for phone call from UC nurses too, hopefully will get this all under control ❤️🙏❤️

      Liked by 5 people

    1. Lily
      please go urgent to hospital
      because of fever.

      Sending you love and light❤️😊

      Love Alnilam 🌈❤️😊💐🌈

      Liked by 7 people

  26. So this is way out in left field but I’ve been wondering for awhile. Why do the CATs not like or put down unicorns? Curious. Not a challenge. Just want to understand why some dragons are good but not horses with a horn?

    Liked by 4 people

    1. We don’t put down unicorns. We’re just not touchie-feelie. We use that word to describe psychics and channelers who inject a bit too much “blessed” WOO into what they do — without setting protection, and thus misleading people for any number of reasons. We’re not selling anything, so we give it to you straight. But even CATs make mistakes. In the unicorns’ defense, it’s very easy to be mislead by higher-order NEGATIVE beings who are experts at it — and who are wholly insane — and want everyone else the same way they are.

      Technically, there never were any unicorns the way they look in new age books and sites. The “unicorn” that people think of is actually a misrepresentation of an animal that lived long ago and looked more like a rhino. But some people want the Disney version. So be it.

      -CAT Eds.

      Liked by 8 people

      1. Cat Eds.

        I never liked Disney and comics
        coming from a anthroposophia familly
        my parents rejected such crap.

        I also don’t like the sugar candy channelings
        allways avoid them.

        But I love unicorns the mythical being like in the middle age…

        Liked by 5 people

      2. Besides you can easily get a unicorn by just gluing a horn to a horse and sprinkle glitter on it.

        Now a PEGASUS in the other hand would be a bit harder to fake… And would be a 7 year old me dream come true!

        Liked by 6 people

  27. Hello everyone ❤️

    Thank you so much for advice and comments. I have phoned the doctors and the hospital (uc nurses) to get some advice and see if I need to actually go in.

    Hopefully I won’t need to as Mum and Dad won’t be able to look after Elsie over night. Fingers crossed. I also asked AA Raphael for assistance 🙏

    Really appreciate you ALL 🌟

    Will keep you posted

    Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

    Liked by 15 people

    1. Hi Lily,

      You are so Loved and supported, now and always. Please keep us posted on the doctor visit, may you be in perfect health soon, and feel better. Sending more Light pitchers your way! 🙏🏽❤️🌹✨💫😍🥰🙏🏽

      Liked by 7 people

    2. Much Healing Love Is there Now from All. You Are every bit as Powerful as Any, Anywhere, Know It. You also brought out some b-ice in some of Us(fear/anger), for Healing. For this You have My Utmost Respect! Much Love in Peace.

      Liked by 5 people

    3. Sending you a huge waterfall of Healing Light Lilly! 🌈❤️🌈❤️
      All will be well!!! ❤️🙏


      Liked by 7 people

    4. Have just catched-up on what you’ve been writing & everyone else has been responding to you, and… oh, Lily❤️❤️❤️ Sending so much Strength, Healing & Love your way❤️💌❤️
      Please get well NOW, Lily💪✨💖🙏

      Liked by 6 people

  28. Just finished with meditation, house was surprisingly empty, perfect time to do it 🙂

    Nothing out off ordinary, I was feeling the energies around my crown and third eye, again, expected, but then at one point I could hear and feel the gush of wind, windows were shaking… Outside weather is calm, soo this happened very unexpectedly, it through me out from meditation somewhat, but I did continued, nevertheless 😉✨

    What was that, I do not know, some energies going in or going out, Gaia said Hello, actually that first popped in my mind so I said Hello back to her 😉

    Perica ✨

    Liked by 11 people

      1. Yes, but what I saw was moon moving from East to West, but not just the moon, at that moment, every object in the sky was moving, maybe I witnessed the timeline jump, that is for me most plausible explanation ?

        Perica ✨

        Liked by 7 people

    1. Oh jeez Perica. This reminded me that 2 days ago while i was in meditation, the power went out. There was no weather anomaly. I finished meditation (nothing unusual occurred, just going to that sweet peaceful place for part of it). Then afterwards power still out, unusual, checked w closest nerighbor, hers too,. Turns out our whole sector had been knocked off power, power trucks were out scouting. 2.5 hrs later, power restored, and wifi a bit later. Luckily was during late afternoon, not the heat of the day (97 deg F, Arizona)

      Now with your recent meditation experience, I wonder. I did not think to inquire. Thanks for the idea. Your experience seems very specific to your meditation. Nature speaking to you.? 😊


      Liked by 8 people

      1. Possible I do have strong connection to nature, to elements, as Alnilam mentioned possibly being a priest in Lemuria, maybe some off those abilities are coming back online as this is not a first time that something like this was happening. I wrote about it already, maybe a month ago during one meditation I felt that I am radiating soo much raw energy that I was disturbing everyone sleep pattern in the house including the dog, but at the same time weather outside was out off sudden started to going wild until I realized that it is somehow connected by me lashing out enormous amount off raw energies, and after that realization, I took control and everything calmed down, both the outside weather and the sleep patterns of everyone inside, including the dog, poor dog 🙃

        Perica ✨

        Liked by 6 people

  29. Lily, be well, and also happy belated birthday! Sending healing to you. Wether you see a doctor or not, I also have some suggestions that might help. The herbs Horsetail and possibly also daisy come to mind. I gather my own Horsetail herbs, but usually in late spring. I let it boil in water for about 20mins and then drink the tea.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. No, Lily. Don’t do this. Valerian root might be useful — eventually — but right now, it’s doctor time.

      We are going to seriously blackball anyone else who makes a medical suggestion of any kind, from now on. We know everyone means well, but keep your advice to yourselves.

      -CAT Eds.

      Liked by 10 people

  30. Just posting here for two things:
    #1 Still alive! Just so over this stupid charade. Especially the beerbug.
    #2 Wishing Lily a full recovery from what is ailing her, feel better, sister!

    Love ya all, even if I’m not around that much. Life keeps throwing curveballs at me, mostly work-related.

    Liked by 16 people

  31. Moving away from the medical advice smorgasbord, is it possible to have a future feeling of a memory?

    I feel like I remember what the moment of the split feels like. You know when there is something you try and recall but its illusive, you know you know it, but you can’t quite see it, only its periphery.

    I have this also with what I believe are other incarnations in other realms. Feelings and impressions.


    Liked by 13 people

    1. Mark-O-rama-Yes and knowledge of specifics as to identity now-past-future, but nothing I want to disclose at this time. Carry on!

      Liked by 6 people

    2. very strange feeling of vertigo yesterday evening and during the night
      when getting up, everything was a bit swinging and walking was different
      like coming from a ship and have to walk, like tumbling.

      The next morning the same but a little bit better, I was watching the stars
      and the stars were moving…. Sirius was moving very fast from west to east ha ha

      Now it is better, but not completly dissapeared.
      Is it a sign of a big shift? What happend to me? Never had such sensation.

      any explanations?

      Love Alnilam ❤️🙏❤️

      Liked by 7 people

      1. I have had that for 12 yrs but it was worse the last few days. I have a friend who has it too as long as I. Doctors never could figure us out and just put it down to anxiety. I am amazed to see other people starting to get this though I seem to be hearing about it more when I never heard anyone else has it like that. Wish I could tell you what it really meant but I am still after all this time clueless about it.

        Liked by 7 people

      2. Yes, it happened to me also, I got up from bed, just to return back to it, not the first time that I felt it, but did not had it for a long time, but also there is feeling lately that something will happened very soon, something big 🙏✨

        Perica ✨

        Liked by 4 people

      3. Alnilam. This has just happened to me tonight and I was sitting down. I felt like I was onboard a ship on the sea. No idea why but still a bit unbalanced at the moment. I’m sure the reason why will become clear in time.💖

        Liked by 2 people

        1. dear Newlynn

          I am fine now. I used two 1000 gauss small magnets with the North pole on the skyn
          just behind the ear flap.

          In Lisa Harrison’s newest video she speaks about “SEASICKNESS” – and it means that we are on the move. She also explains that we are between the two fullmoons and something will happend: we go home!

          I am only 20 % follower of Lisa Harrison, cause I do not accept the materialistic view
          of construct, computer simulation etc.

          But it is a explanation, what has happend to us.
          For @Perica and

          @SB (twelve years is to long, maybee something with cristalls in the ears)

          Love Alnilam ❤️🙏❤️


  32. Hey Cats & ~M’s.
    I keep having a vision of the Tree morphing into a brain, a mind. And I’m feeling like I need to heal it. I’m assuming it’s my own, but in a way it helps with the collective. Heal the mind. Interesting turn. That would heal the physical, the belief systems that shape our world, and on and on….I’m going to give full energy to this. Love to all, and a love / nurturing filled hug to Lily. Angela

    Liked by 8 people

  33. May I ask for sort of emergency light pours, please – my daughter is suicidal and we may be facing eviction… the baby has digestive issues, too, even with the most special formulas – part of things are probably the amount of emotional pain flowing around here –
    I feel calm, but I so wish I could ease all their pain.
    I thank all even for a thought this way.


    Liked by 15 people

    1. Thank you SOURCE – it seems even being able to ask for help has helped, not that I didn’t do some connecting that way – things have calmed down to living again…
      I feel like I’m in a node or something, isolated in a weird indefinable way – If anyone shows up here again or no one does; know that I wish you all the best that can be and more than you can imagine…

      P.S. Lily – you are loved and cared for – You (and your +1) have been in my mind and heart, NOT forgotten… ❤

      Liked by 12 people

      1. Glad a sense of normalcy has arrived, kg. A neat trick indeed during these tumultuous times. I pray it lasts. You deserve so much better ❤

        We are all hanging in there!


        Liked by 6 people

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