Update for 1-28-18: It Really is All Happening [UPDATES]

It’s all happening. A quick snapshot of some quiet, current metering drama: Not seen this kind of energy before — esp. from this Italian meter. More from Italy; timeline kerfufflage. More drama. Again, we’ve not seen this kind of activity in one snapshot. Riometer from Sweden. Ottawa is hot as usual, though we suspect that 60 Hz indicator is a power line. Irkutsk @ 3000 … Continue reading Update for 1-28-18: It Really is All Happening [UPDATES]

The Archons are GONE

Bye. For the first time in a looong time… millions of years?… there are no more archons in, on, or around the Planet Earth. The archons are GONE. They’d been forced away from the Earth and were hanging out around the moon — and were feeling surprisingly invincible — until they messed with some of the Meowracles’ dreams. So, we asked our higher order friends … Continue reading The Archons are GONE


No one will believe any of this, but we don’t care: put simply, we won. It was very stressful. We were brazenly attacked by the TWBs a week ago (three-ship sneak attack at 2:00 am), which forced us to (peacefully) scatter their ships all over the quadrant… but they came back, revenge-minded, and had to be liberated from their troubled existence. We did not do … Continue reading Phew

High Weirdness UPDATE for 9-4-17 [UPDATED 9-10-17]

Ok, that’s just embarrassing. Wow. Buckle up for this post. Lots happening. Some of which is so out-there it’s hard to even talk about. First off, something you aready know… Wave X in action. 1. This is Wave X/SOURCE energy, not HAARP. (The latter shows up as weather “adjustments” and tweaks.) The ever-increasing influx of Wave X “energy” (it’s not energy, exactly… it’s SOURCE getting … Continue reading High Weirdness UPDATE for 9-4-17 [UPDATED 9-10-17]