Solsticial Postmortem… and Meterage [UPDATE2]


Ok, we’ve had some odd things happen in the past 48 hours.

While most of us were destroyed by the energies and lying around like blast victims after the solstice, some CATs experienced… otherness:


  • One CAT saw people being unraveled… or unwrapped might be a better term… to reveal their innate “freshness” — and then they exploded. (The people, not the CAT.)
  • Another CAT felt a “pressure wave” hit her house around the time of the solstice. (“It’s happened before. I hear and feel a big noise on the side of the house — like a giant bird flew into the side of it — but there never is anything there. One time as I walking from a neighbor’s house to ours, the boom happened, and I fell to my knees from the pressure wave. Where it comes from is a mystery.”) Like many other CATs, this CAT lives near a portal.
Did you say… ODD?
  • Speaking of portals… one of the M’s was feeling so energy beleagured that they started following their black-and-white tuxedo cat around their house, aimlessly, wondering where the cat was going. (“My brain was tapioca. And my cat looked like he knew what he was doing, so I followed him.”) The cat eventually went outside and camped out right in front of the portal that this M lives near… and just stared at it. So, the CAT in question did the same thing. They both stared at it a while. (They look kinda like whirling opalescent mirrors, so they can be rather hypnotic to look at.) Then, on a whim, this M… STUCK THEIR HEAD IN THE PORTAL. (Please don’t ever do this.) They said they felt immediate relief from the energies, and could breathe easier, but… right afterward, they were beyond destroyed, energywise, and slept for 25 hours. (Note: This M was in no danger, save for the huge energies at the time, which can fry you. But that danger aside, without primo Protection, things can access you in the portal state — that is, access and corrupt. This M is very well protected, and also has a special facility with portals. Still, we all thought this was completely crazy and admonished them for it. It’s one thing going into a portal in energy form, but quite another while occupying a body.)
  • Another M awoke around 5 am, and tried to go back to sleep but couldn’t. So they meditated and suddenly saw themselves outside their body, and noticed two truncated black-stone pyramids on the table next to where they were meditating. The pyramids had no point, but were instead more mayan-pyramid shaped, with a flat top. Flowing between the two pyramids was a “‘Matrix’ green” energy beam, like a large, thick laser beam. For whatever reason, the M stuck their finger into the beam (sounds similar to the above portal action)… and the smoke alarm in their house immediately went off! AND ALL THE SMOKE ALARMS IN ALL THE HOUSES OF OTHER CATS WHO LIVE NEAR PORTALS WENT OFF! Crazy. We’ve tried to look into this, in our brain-dead state, and it has to do with the leyline system throughout the earth, and these pyramids are buried somewhere (and VERY active). This M clairvoyantly saw energy flowing throughout the leylines associated with these pyramids, which travel through lots of pyramids all over the earth (mostly because they’re built on leylines), and when this M touched the energy beam they created feedback throughout the leyline/portal system (which are connected) and the subsequent feedback belched out energy through N. CA area portals, and perhaps elsewhere. Wow.


  • At one point, another CAT felt the energies let up for a moment… “and my body heat was replaced by ‘body cool’ for a change… it had been going on so long I really noticed when it was gone. I got the thought: ‘I’m finished with that stage.’ Later, around 7-8 pm, I felt… superweird… (I have no words to describe it)… nebulous. I went outside for some reason… and things seemed viewed through an anamorphic lens, like reality was being bent or squished.”
  • Finally, lots of us heard the same thing from Guides in subsequent meditations: What we just experienced is going to get stronger. And stronger still.








Big surprise, another timeline jump at 10:00 UTC (3:00 am PDT). These are raw muon counts:

Screen Shot 2019-06-24 at 9.23.59 AM

The meter itself looks like this (kinda hard to read):


More obvious here:




Apologies for file size; without at least medium resolution, you can’t see graph detail.



This was reported as…

Screen Shot 2019-06-25 at 9.37.52 AM

…but it wasn’t an asteroid. (An ASTEROID?? Really?) This is actually a gaia portal opening and closing, releasing tons of energy; it’s a natural portal, the earth basically releasing pent-up energy from within. Happens where we are regularly, and makes a TON of noise… and then brings in Coast Guard and military choppers trying to find out what happened.  No biggie.

Oh, and the PTW is up to something again via HAARP, this time in N. CA, trying to suppress rain and… either induce wind or reduce wind, we can’t tell… basically doing everything they can to encourage drought conditions (again) so they can burn the place out (again)… and clearly ignoring the fact that it rained in N. CA from November to May since the cabal were trying to wash away the accelerant residues from the previous fires AND increase the amount of water in that one damn to create a dam failure. Here’s to them reaping the rewards of their actions. Some people need a hard lesson in order to learn. All their crap will fail, of course, like it always does.

188 thoughts on “Solsticial Postmortem… and Meterage [UPDATE2]

  1. Gee, my experience was pretty mundane. I misplaced a day. On Sunday, I thought that it was Saturday. (It felt like Saturday until I finally realized it was Sunday early evening. Imagine my surprise!) I’m sending this off at 12:40 am for what is purported to be Monday morning, but whadda I know? Other than that it was the blind staggers as usual coupled with occasional bouts of lucidity.

    Liked by 9 people

    1. I also can not figure out what day it is from day to day so now I have resorted to the big “X” over each day on the calendar after I carefully look at the phone calendar.
      my body is doing strange things, my right eye has amazing floaters out of no where (I never had a floater before) and in that same eye white flashes of light. Went to the bike path for a nice long ride and somehow locked myself out of my car with the engine running, luckily the Police had a very good sense of humor and helped me out of my situation. My frontal lobe is really throbing with this energy and I’m walking with a side ways lilt and I can fall asleep at the drop of a hat.

      Liked by 6 people

      1. @milifiori: You may want to have the eye checked out. It could be a sign of the retina starting to detach or the other thing that can cause floaters. I don’t remember what it is called, but it is what happened to me a few years back. The eye doctor said that whenever these 2 symptoms occur, one should get to the eye Dr. to make sure. I don’t want to alarm you, but feel that you should have the benefit of my experience. Carry on!

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Oh my oh my oh my! Thank you CATs & Ms that explains it all! Have been so exhausted, barely functioning.

    Have been seeing strange movement all around as if the air is a wave pulsating and flowing like a sheer transparent river of light everywhere. Everything has pixels and the energy is just bizarre!

    Feeling like jelly this morning, wibble wobble!

    Much love ALL ❤️ xxx

    Liked by 10 people

  3. Amazing!

    I’m not convinced what the aforementioned M did with the portal was so crazy. It was supposed to happen. Well done for trusting your instincts. At some point all will become clear I’m sure…🤪


    Liked by 8 people

  4. Whoo. What an awesome solstice weekend for the Cats and M’s. Not surprised that they did unusual things like head in a portal etc. The tapioca brain syndrome was present in our house too. My partner came out with so many wrong adjectives for things on Saturday. The words weren’t even close to what she wanted to say! We both felt weird all weekend and I’ve taken the day off sick today as I just couldn’t wake up. Slept until 11am which isn’t me. Had strange strong intermittent pains in my right sinus area since the solstice. At one point this morning I’m told the humidity was 88%. Mmm this is Yorkshire not a rainforest! Love the cat videos today and thank you for your tales from the twilight zone – cue spooky music.🙀💖

    Liked by 12 people

  5. Oh my good purry gracious goodness… The Cat gifs!
    They fill my Heart with utter Joy!
    Thank you for sharing what ya’ll been experiencing.
    Amaze balls.
    Much Love to All ❤ 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 8 people

  6. I’ve had two similar shock waves, one while sitting down outside and one inside. Both nearly knocked me off my chair. My partner felt them too, but somehow manages to pretend its normal. I have no idea what’s causing them or if other people have the same experience.


    Liked by 8 people

  7. Be Well, My Cats and Ms – No MORE portal dunking – I’m sure portal apples are not that great, probably sour… 🙂

    All the best and more to you all,

    ((( ❤ )))

    Liked by 8 people

  8. OMG! The tuxedo cat lis soooo cute! He looks exactly like my tuxedo kitty used to look like…
    Thank you CATs for explaining what is going on!
    I feel so tired and had no energy starting on June 20th and up till even now. But it went to the extreme yesterday. I felt floored with energies on June 24th at around 5:00pm MST. I was walking in the mall and suddenly started to feel like I am moving trough the water it was so hard to make each and every step. I felt so sick, light-headed, headachy and nauseous at the same time! I ask my friend to drive me home….On the way home I was laying down with my eyes closed and almost dreaming the whole time. When I got home I went straight to bed and slept for 3 hours woke up to get ready for bed and went back again. Slept till 7:00 am. Had to wake up for work..Otherwise was ready to sleep for few more hours…I am still tired and light headed even now…

    Liked by 8 people

  9. Thanks for the explanation. I have been laying low since Friday and wandering round the house without direction.
    I wanted to share this beautiful father/ son duo by Andrea and Matteo Bocelli ,”Fall on Me” I hope the link works as I am technically challenged. Cay

    Liked by 7 people

  10. I’m house sitting in Los Angeles and what a rough nite last nite was. Multiple *BANGS* that jolted me awake, sounding like they were in the same room. Each time I got up to check and nothing inside or out was displaced nor did the usually sensitive dog budge. Very odd. Fortunately I feel sorta rested even tho I feel like I slept an hour total.

    Liked by 9 people

  11. So. We got this interesting email comment from Jim Rish, whoever that is:

    “How about leaving cats, animals that are oblivious to your satanist filth, out of your demonic realm, devil worshiper? Cats don’t have anything to do with your freak perversions. Neither does any other animal for that matter, sinner.”

    Wow. We’re not sure how to respond to that one — with words. Otherwise, we located him in his… dwelling… and did the mantra on him. Apart from that… we’re gonna let it lie.

    -CAT Eds.

    Liked by 14 people

      1. The quintessential “People that I don’t like are going straight to hell!” List.

        Not a complete list though, they left out rogue Lego bricks!

        Liked by 5 people

      2. i’ve never surfed but i’ve been the rest.

        so what should i do? get super “judge-y” of surfers, or learn to surf?

        is there a t-shirt prize if i tick all the boxes? cuz i’d rather not be a dirty, sinning surfer.

        hang ten!

        -K Gpa

        Liked by 4 people

      1. OK I am looking at that church sign trying to figure it out , is this a joke or for real?
        If it is for real, I only know what an artist and a vegetarian is because I am one, I dont think they are so bad…
        and I thought you really could not get any lower than the 3rd dimension, so where is their Hell at if this is not it.
        And Please can somebody tell me what on earth is an Occupier ? Occupier of what? is that like a walking Zombie.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Eric
        You are right, Jim is seeking attention in a negative way for sure and has tooo much leisure time on his hands.

        Liked by 2 people

      1. My favorite instance of this was an actual appearance of Mr. Nasty (THE Mr. Nasty) in one of my kid’s rooms before we got our house shield in place (long story). We’d both been meditating when my oldest son, who was ten at the time, suddenly burst out crying (he never cries). Before I could ask him what was wrong, the thing appeared to me, and looked more terrifying than anyone’s imagined in any horror movie or graphic novel. Now, don’t forget: CATs are feisty. It’s a prerequisite. I was startled a moment, then looked at the entity calmly and laid the mantra on it. It screeched like a scorched cat and fled. It’s never been back.


        Liked by 10 people

    1. Obviously, that individual does need the mantra, as well as an older neighbor of
      mine. I tried to befriend her and then,
      for some reason, she turned on me accusing me of destroying her irrigation system (like I have nothing else to do!).
      The most amazing and shocking thing she did was to decide she didn’t like the
      gifts I had given her, demanded that I come get them and then, when she opened the door, threw the book and CD
      I had given her, at me, nearly hitting me
      in the face!!


      Liked by 4 people

    2. Wow…as my son would say…”Triggered much?” Lol. I wonder why he was here?Anyways, we just keep the train moving on, smiling as we go 😁

      Liked by 6 people

    3. Cats are not animals.
      They are the first most wondrous civilization
      and perfect creation of God. In higher Dimensions, and proportions.
      They CANNOT do any harm, per Divine Law.

      “These people are sick!”(Q)

      Liked by 6 people

  12. @ Cats Eds, I sometimes wonder what translating devices are in some peoples’ minds or do they even read before responding or judging… ?? *shrug*
    They seem to like animals though, that’s something…


    Liked by 7 people

    1. You are giving that clever negative trap exactly what it wants, by focusing your ATTENTION on it.


      Instead of always allowing yourself to be puppet-manipulated like a naive child, you all need to learn to quickly mature, and to Master these energies. To finally Master this Matrix.

      Now, is the best time to start.


      1. First of all, no we aren’t. And second: it wasn’t clever. We were merely pointing out the inexplicable. This person raised their negative head and got a LOVE blast for their troubles. It’s a win-win. We don’t allow ourselves to be “puppet-manipulated,” but thanks for your concern.

        -CAT Eds.

        Liked by 12 people

      2. Ouch! That was a bit condescending, no? I think it’s important for you to know that the owners of this blog, and majority of followers don’t need this information as we are way beyond that. But Thank you for sharing. If I could offer you some information in return, it would be to review the last 10 or so blogs to help catch you up to where we are. Then when you do comment, it’s out of caring … after all we are ALL in this together 😊

        Liked by 4 people

    1. Feel better after reading comments here as spent the whole weekend in bed. Was telling myself to get up and do something and managed to do one load of wash for work on Monday. Otherwise napped and rested. Did have a ah ha moment when I realised that my ineffective boss who belittles me and thinks I’m crazy reminds me of my ‘mother cold, unfeeling, distant, undermining, delighting in causing emotional distress. While I had said the mantra to them previously, last night I pulled up their images in my mind saw them side by side and said the words.
      Am now on a fast.
      Thank you to all commenters really appreciate the humour, learn so much from everyone and the validation. Humbly grateful found the CAT site.

      Liked by 10 people

    2. pretty well put; good news so very welcome:

      Pleiades 1 Messages, June 26, 2019
      P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition!

      Change of eras occurs.
      Active Expansion.
      Magnetic tremors occur.
      Angelic descents intensify.
      Illusions continue to fall apart in the Etheric Plane.
      Attention! New Elevational Waves are approaching! The Light Celebrates!
      June 25, 2019:
      Cages are open forever. Terran Humanity initiates definitive freedom.


      Liked by 3 people

  13. The sky here is literally Rose/Gold/Purple…so beautiful! I can’t capture it on camera but it’s incredible!

    Much love ALL ❤️

    P.S I put this on an earlier post before, apologies, I put it in the wrong place. This is today, now, it’s so gorgeous!

    Liked by 14 people

  14. Wow…that “otherness” that you CATs and M’s felt/did/experienced is pretty intense! So I feel I got to say; CATs, M’s and all the wonderful writers at this blog – please take care of yourselves💗

    My addition to the “otherness” (THAT is a really good word!) that happened during the Midsummer-weekend was that about one hour after the “Special Project #4: Solstice Meditation and Jumps/Meterage”-event, as I went back and joined the others at the table where I was sitting, I suddenly felt like I changed reality…

    I was eating strawberrys and listening to a conversation between two friends, when all of a sudden I “drifted away”. My vision changed – I was hovering a bit up in the air above a huge grass-covered hill with a plateau on top. The hillsides were steep beneath me. And as I raised my vision, all I could see around me to the end of the horizon were grass-covered hills, but not as high as the one I was hovering above. The sky was clear blue – not a cloud in sight, and the sun was shining exept I did’nt see the sun anywhere.
    All of a sudden, my perspective changed and I found myself standing at the foot of the hill. I felt a bit puzzeled, because I knew I needed to get to the top but I did’nt know how to get there as fast as possible because it would take me hours and hours to climb that hillside.

    Then my perspective changed again. I was hovering above the plateau and as I saw myself standing at the base of the hill, I realized I was hovering because I did’nt have a body – my body was down there and I found it very amusing that I could exist at two different places at the same time and shift between them at will. As I saw myself down there, hearing my thoughts about wondering how I would make it up to the plateau, I sent myself the thought to solve it with my favourite (3-d) joy-vehicle – “hurry up and take the motorcycle!” And immediately I saw myself turn around and run a few hundred meters, stopping, putting on a helmet and then starting up my four-stroke that appeared out of nowhere.

    Then my perspective changed again – I was inside my body looking through the helmets visor and with a joyous laughter I revved up the motor, hit first gear and set off to get enough speed to get me up that steep hillside. As I got 2/3 up the hill I suddenly saw one extremely tall and luminous being standing at the edge of the plateau. The apperance of the being was sort of elongated and slim and with a transparent and pearly-shining apperance. At the last quarter up the hillside, the motorcycle’s engine did’nt have enough power, so it stalled. I laid it down, took of my helmet and began walking. The closer I came, the more beings I saw.

    Then my perspective changed again – I saw myself walking onto the plateau with that big smile on my face and I was so proud of that little woman for not giving up conquering that hill and then I looked down on the transparent luminous beings that expressed such dignity below me, and I thought to myself “oh, were there so many?” – they were standing in a big circle and there was an opening in the circle like there was a gap between two beings. Now my perspective changed and I was hovering behind myself, seeing my body walking up towards the gap in the circle, and my body-language revealed that I was happy yet a bit shy, almost as if it was a child being in the presence of grown-ups – the beings were at least five times as tall as me. As my body entered the circle, the beings turned their heads and looked at me…

    I have no idea who the beings were, or why I was to meet them because it all ended there – I came back to reality cause my friend next to me shouted my name in my ear – she had apparently been talking to me for a while but I had’nt heard a word. I must have been somewhere else😉

    Loving hugs to all of you🤗💖

    Liked by 14 people

      1. Yep….from here on out, I will definitely go easy on them tricky little berrys when in the company of others!🤣
        Loving hugs to you CAT Eds🤗❤️


      1. Oh my…..I just got to learn a new thing thank’s to “gurgle” – Castaneda is’nt a place, it is “a he” – I thought you were referring to the grass-covered hills that I saw🤣
        Anyway, the wiki mentioned the books he wrote and the titles caught my attention, so I’ll try to find some of his work to read because it definitely seems interesting.

        Sending you loving hugs, Stefan🤗❤️

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Totally forgot you were with people eating strawberries 🙂
      Was so There.
      I’ve had a similar experience, tall light blue beings, in an emerald green mist, forming a ‘horseshoe’ shape around me. The space that was open, was for me.
      There were 9 of them. Each one, holding 3 ‘spaces’. I held the other 3.
      It was just as spontaneous, and clear.
      Thank you for sharing ❤

      Liked by 6 people

      1. That is so cool Tea Kay❤️, definately a similar experience😃 But it sure was an akward moment as I came back to reality when she said my name in my ear – I did’nt know what to say that could explain “me not being at home at the moment”🤣
        Did you happen to figure out why you were there – e.g. them wanting to meet you?
        I’ve been thinking about my experience alot and I’ve asked about it but I don’t get any detailed answers to why I was to be there, exept the word “teachers”. And they really gave the “physical” impression as I saw them that they were old and wise teachers with a serene and loving dignity. The only thing that really bugs me is that I rarely (with a few exeptions) see detailed faces – they are always a bit blurred. Oh well…

        Perhaps the whole reason for me to change perspective/reality to that one at that moment, was for me to get even more confirmations that I exist with/without my body in multiple planes at the same time. And to meet some of my teachers😄

        Sending you loving hugs, Tea Kay🤗❤️
        // Uli


  15. Lovely Cristina asketh:
    J, why did Denise le Fay write this ??:
    “Denise says:
    June 19, 2019 at 8:46 AM
    This comment is for “J”.

    “J”, please refrain from sharing any more links to my website at the cats site. Thank you, Denise Le Fay.”

    is she does not like this place? Or is it that she hates cats?
    I do not get it.

    She did the very same thing to me, when I used to do what J did, to share the Light with others….and shockingly she did to me even worse…..totally out of the blue, the nicer and more loving I was to her, the more hateful she became to me, with very Dark personal attacking, out of thin air.

    Out of nothing.

    She has poisoned herself, and is apparently very happy to stay at that level of Darkness.
    The Dark attacks her nonstop because in her insane love/hate relationship she stays at their level and keeps herself accessible to their control over her.

    She then projects her deeply attached Darkness onto others. It is truly gross. Makes your skin crawl.
    Dealing with her was nearly as bad as trying to deal with her male equal, G. S. — and as one lightworker put it, interacting with them, is literally like jumping into an Acid Bath.

    She constantly and with great unwavering dedication, REJECTS all other lightworkers as enemies, because their immense LIGHT is too much of a destructive interference for her unbelievably low and physically sickening frequency.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. We find some “lightworkers” to be be territorial and judgmental, snarky even, as if this is a competition. (Psst… it’s not.) Lots of them and their ‘people’ leave backhanded, pedantic comments here as “anonymous.” Again, it comes down to popularity, hit counts, and moolah. We couldn’t care less about any of that. No one owns the rights to the truth.

      -CAT Eds.

      Liked by 14 people

      1. I often doubt my intuition, but not in this instance. I’ve followed DLF for a few years, with ever-decreasing interest, and it’s because she gives me a major case of the creeps. Truly seems to hate everyone. And those anonymous commenters you refer to have exactly the same energy; not really all that anonymous if even I can see them.

        Liked by 4 people

      2. I am a Dude, but don’t take any offense to your comment, however incongruous it is with the generally uplifting and insightful things that keep me and many others in this community stopping by to peep the latest posts/comments. Don’t consider myself a Light Worker, or New Age, as I have an aversion to labels. Just a mellow cat that serves and helps others, meditates, digs music, and is a lifelong teacher, mentor and student.

        At this point, to me anyway, this all shakes out to two words: BE KIND. Ok, Perhaps four: DON’T BE AN A$$HOLE. (Shout out to the folks going in on the Cats for doing what they do. If what they post bothers you that bad, just keep it moving, save your energy. Or not, I’m not your Dad, lol).

        Geez, the Crips and Bloods call a truce in LA after Nipsey’s passing, while some folks in these parts choose to separate, close up their minds, talk all kinds of ish…and offer personal invites to spill some blood. These energies really are something else, you Cats were not kidding. Strange Days Indeed…

        No worries, All is forgiven and released . ❤️

        Cheers 🤟🏽🍻

        Liked by 5 people

        1. ,,souls inhabiting me,, – is it like your body sleepwalking while your soul is out? Very intriguing, can you please tell more?


        2. Hi Ryan, I get what you’re saying regarding platonic touch and how physical activities can invite catharsis. I was previously involved with men’s work (similar to Sterling, MKP, BetterMen, etc) along with martial arts and it was very helpful.

          But what I don’t get is why would anybody want to fight you on this blog? Are you serving as a physical release for egotistical spiritualists? If so, maybe posting on sites which have them would help. I suggest Facebook and Reddit groups because they’re full of jerks.

          The people here seem more cuddly rather than punchy 🙂


    2. Stopped reading ‘ HER STUFF’ a while ago as always so negative, seemed like she had a problem with any males she interacted with and always anticipated going to have …Bless her 🙏😊

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Regarding Denise’s blog, what many people say here happens to me.
        I’ve been reading it for years. Not continuously, but I had something that was of interest.
        The last years I do not know what happens to him, but my radar never fails.
        It is very simple, if after reading something, I do not feel higher, bad.
        and with she is tremendous. She leaves me with a bad feeling. It is as if I felt surrounded and attacked by darkness. For her everything bad is at the moment. In the supermarket, in the car, in the hospital, in the town hall ….
        It is true that I am increasingly a hermit. But it is also true that, with a few exceptions, I always meet kind people.
        The smiling cashier, the friendly post office officer, the sympathetic doctor ….
        I do not know why I keep reading it, I’m subscribed to their publications and from time to time I can not resist reading them. It is clear that I am going to stop doing it. The final thing is that he does not want J to advertise him. It is your desire, we respect it, but … goodbye Denis!
        By the way, my radar goes up to the stratosphere when I enter this blog. I feel happy and light, and I love this new way of working as a team, it makes me feel useful and collaborative, not a mere passive spectator.
        Thank you Cat´s

        Liked by 8 people

    3. I get strange vibes reading Denise’s website, and so I stopped. It seems to talk about spiritual stuff (like Cobra) but every post complains about the patriarchy several times, and when someone else (not me) commented about it, profanity was thrown at them and they were told to go away. I also saw that comment about not sharing info with the Cats. I guess they prefer high horses instead of felines 🙂

      Liked by 7 people

    4. who are you referring to as her male equal G.S.? I, like Cristina, saw her post to J to stop posting on CATS sight and tried to find where J shared her post. Interesting…. trying to figure out who G S would be. Thanks,

      Liked by 1 person

          1. I know nothing. However, there are those who give me the creeps and he’s one of them. Your results may vary.


  16. Ears ringing terribly this morning. Dog not feeling well. Yesterday couldn’t do much gardening, got dizzy spells, but not normal dizzy. Seem to keep hurting myself by accident and not able to go in to work. Odd things. I enjoy reading all of your posts, makes me feel like I am not so crazy.

    Liked by 11 people

  17. Wow, so many cool things happened here on the CAT blog over the past few days like the group meditations and mantras! I was busy with some local stuff and afterwards busy being roasted from the energy 😀 still in the middle of that one, ufff. How’s everyone feeling?

    Lily, I did the mantras 3 times for your beautiful Elsie, what a special soul she is. Felt the energy moving over my shoulder blades while I did it, very powerful. How is Elsie doing now?

    Also did the mantra for you and your husband Sharon and I hope things have shifted towards a loving state and continue to do so.

    Will do those media people once I’ll get my energy levels up again and spread some magic sparkles!

    Thank you for all these powerful exercises to help transform things in ourselves and others. And all the interesting comments of everyone about their experiences and dreams. I love reading them.
    Is it me or are there more and more people here? So nice!

    The M with the head in the portal, glad you’re ok, the 25 hour sleep can do miracles. So funny how you explained that your cat seemed to be knowing what he was doing, so you followed him. Totally legit!

    Liked by 13 people

    1. Nuni ❤️ Thank you so much! ‘Elsie’ has been much better overall, I think the Mantra really helped her!

      She was a bit upset today but then we did have yet another hospital appointment and she has nappy sores bless her. she gets very hot at night despite the fan being on…

      Much love to you ❤️

      Liked by 3 people

  18. So this happened. I closed my eyes maybe a few minutes to sleep when in my minds eye the biggest brightest spotlight occurred front and center. I thought I opened my eyes and said WTH! But I didn’t. Then I just watched the light backup never really disappeared! Then I opened my eyes 5 min later and was like WTH was that? Been thinking about it all day. Hoped it would happen again last night. Didnt.

    Liked by 7 people

  19. Deeply love the Paschats all: Cats, Lions,Tigers so very amazing a creation to behold in absolute wonder.
    I suspect that they must be half matter half biophotonic light always in perfect reciprocal fields with self and Self in a 5d /3d furry flurry slurry hidden or not so very hidden masters of stargate portage and portal avatars in the cats cradle circuitry tangled and untangling the web of all things. Tip of the Hat to the Cats.

    Liked by 9 people

  20. Had a really rough night, many wakings and symptoms – a lot of dreams, some of intricate building ‘things’ – one of which was a Doctor Who dream…

    I feel disorientated, but not, same time…
    May all be well,


    Liked by 4 people

  21. I love this site and visit every day for insight among friends. I have a question if I may. Our dog has been having seizures on and off for 2 years. He is 6 now and after the first 2 he had 2 years ago he didn’t have any until April of this year when he had a bunch of them. Since then he may go 2 weeks without having any then he may have some 2 days in a row. We have been giving him cbd oil from hemp without the thc and thought it was helping, but he is still having them. He had one again yesterday and the day before.
    It is breaking my heart to watch him go through them, emotionally exhausting and the cleanup is extremely nauseating for me. I am at a breaking point and don’t know what to do with him, especially when you don’t know when they will occur. My pendulum says the strong energies are playing a role in the seizures but I also found information from reputable holistic vets that toxins from the vaccines can cause seizures in pets, especially the kennel cough with repeated dosages, which our dog has had in the last few years and that is when he seemed to get worse. This vet also says that giving more vaccines to a dog that has seizures will make him worse and may kill him. You can try to exempt your pet but a kennel may still refuse to board him when we travel . So my question is since this is all illusion anyway is it in the dog’s best interests to put him to sleep or keep getting him vaccinated so he can stay in a kennel when we travel. I don’t like either option, but I can’t take this any longer. We can’t take the dog with us and we have no one to watch him with his special needs.
    With the energies zapping me it is hard enough taking care of myself plus my husband has health issues we are addressing, I am helping my aged parents and I am just tapped out and stressed out. I keep meditating and saying the mantras but I just don’t know what to do with the dog. I was hoping we would have the big shift by now when everyone is supposed to be healed, but who knows for sure when that will be. I think I am trying to alleviate my guilt feelings if we decide to put him to sleep. We did have a previous dog over 20 years ago, even before I knew of the shift, that had seizures and we finally had to put him to sleep. Regular vet meds did not help him and he just got worse and worse. I was younger then and could handle the stress better, plus I was not having all these energy symptoms either.
    Any thoughts would be most welcome. Love you all.

    Liked by 9 people

    1. Ok. Dogs are sensitive to their environment just like people. Maybe even more so. I am thinking you need to figure out how to detox them from heavy metals they are breathing in (either from fertilizer in the grass they play in, or the air they breathe). Not sure the best way to do this, but maybe start with a good quality food, clean water, and only let them play/pee/poop in organic, non chemical grass.


      Liked by 8 people

      1. Injecting heavy metals directly into the bloodstream sure doesn’t help. Vaccines are snake-oil, I’m sorry but it’s not my fault. Even worse, since not only do they not help, they also do a lot of harm.

        Breathe through it, hiding from truth is like chasing your tail. It’ll all come crashing down any second now either way.


        Liked by 5 people

        1. @ Sifoo. Totally agree. My cat that is plodding towards 22 years old hasn’t had vaccines since he was five. My dear vet said they don’t need it after the initial injections. Then nexus magazine ran an article a few years ago and it said how damaging they are to our pets (same as humans). It was well researched too. 🙀

          Liked by 3 people

      2. If I may offer this… Animals as well as people will benefit from Distilled water when clearing their system or detoxing. Distilled water has the “room” to pick up dissolved toxins or heavy metals and carry it out. Tap, spring and purified water has dissolved minerals so it is not as efficient. Hope there is improvement. ❤

        Liked by 6 people

      3. Chlorella helps to detox heavy metals, as does food-grade diatomaceous earth. Most days I take both, and make an extra special effort to do so when the chemtrailing is heavy. I also put elite shungite in my drinking water container and in my cat’s water bowl. Oh, and I agree with the people recommending colloidal silver; don’t think it does anything to detox from heavy metals, but it’s really good good for you. Kills all kinds of nasty stuff. My cat gets it in her food daily. Between that, the shungite water, and all the Reiki she’ll hold still for, Lily cat is looking and feeling good at almost 17 years old (she’ll be asking to borrow the car soon)!

        Liked by 4 people

    2. Brenda,
      I realize your pup is becoming a handful for you, but if you can keep him, you might look into local pet sitters or walkers who might be willing/able to take care of him w/o the kennel cough requirement for when you go away. There are a number of individuals these days who are offering dog daycare in their homes, it might be worth an internet search. Your vet or other animal hospitals in your area might be able to suggest someone as well (maybe even one of their techs). They will want the best for him and may have some ideas to help you out of this dilemma. And, if all else fails, someone sympathetic to your situation may be able to adopt him, don’t rule it out!
      Big hug, good luck!

      Liked by 6 people

    3. Canary in a coal mine
      Something or someone who, due to sensitivity to his, her, or its surroundings, acts as an indicator and early warning of possible adverse conditions or danger. Refers to the former practice of taking caged canaries into coal mines. The birds would die if methane gas became present and thereby alert miners to the danger.
      There is a Dominican Republic situation in your house, two out of two dogs is very alarming. Get this dog out of your house anywhere: parents, friends, neighbors, shelter, rescue farm, drop in low traffic neighborhood with kids, universe will take care of him, there is no way to ,,unkill,, but you can take him back when situation is resolved.
      Due diligence on all household chemicals, cosmetics, house&yard itself is a sh!!ty task but slow poisoning is worse.
      Definition of due diligence: General: Measure of prudence, responsibility, and diligence that is expected from, and ordinarily exercised by, a reasonable and prudent person under the circumstances.


    4. My goodness, Brenda, I feel for you! It’s just awful when they have seizures! We have a 4 year old dog that has been getting seizures on and off for the last 3 years or so. Thankfully not that often lately. I have no idea what you have tried or looked into before, so bear with me when I share what came up for us…I also think vaccinations had something to do with his seizures starting up, he got the initial puppy vaccines twice, because the previous owner never gave us the papers and our vet wanted to make sure he got them. I also read that certain flea medicines can aggravate seizures (Bravecto for example), so I would be careful with any chemicals or meds, even some essential oils. Talking about oils, cbd oils can come from China, where they use hemp for pulling toxins out of the soils and then proceed to make cbd oil from it. So knowing where the cbd comes from and how it’s farmed might be helpful. Lastly, our boy has been helped immensely with a supplement called Pro-Quiet, which is a vitamin and amino-acid combo designed to calm a stressed out dog, helps with excessive barking also we’ve been told. We give him one wafer a day, unless he’s acting up with the seizures, then he gets 2 a day. It’s available on Amazon.
      I send you lots of strength and calm, this is a very difficult situation! My thoughts will be with you, your family and your sweet dog, and I will include you in my meditations and prayers!
      Hugs and love!

      Liked by 7 people

      1. A big thank you to everyone who responded with well wishes for my dog.
        I did forget to mention that I have over 30 yrs. experience with herbs and natural healing so I have tried everything in my arsenal to help. I organic garden and he gets the best quality food and water. I asked my pendulum if any toxins in the house were contributing to his seizures and it said no. I asked again if the high energies from the solstice were contributing to his seizures and it said yes. I do seem to recall numerous articles in the past that said sometimes it doesn’t matter what you eat or drink that the energies can zap you anyway. I know that is true with me, although I do somewhat better with the fresh juicing, but the energies still get me too. I had been putting diatomaceous in his food hoping it would get the toxins out and help him, but he had another seizure after lunch today which makes 3 this week.
        We live in a town of 35,000 and we only had a few house sitters listed in our area and some had limited calendar dates. I just don’t know how that would work. Still looking at options though.
        Thanks again for your love and support,

        Liked by 3 people

        1. Don’t know where you live, but it might be worth checking to see if your neighborhood is on The one for my neighborhood is crawling with pet sitters and dog walkers and there are only 903 people on it. You can also ask the community to recommend a pet sitter, or any other kind of service provider, for that matter. Just beware of all the ads for the Ring spy system, ahem, “security camera”.

          Liked by 1 person

    5. I almost forgot: we used to feed our dogs table scraps ( I know, we were told not to by the vet, but never why…), until one time our poor pooch had a seizure right after eating some left over meat that was salty. We found out the hard way about this…I went online to research what can trigger seizures and salt was a biggie. I wish someone had told us earlier about this connection, or we had checked on this ourselves sooner! Anyhow, passing it on… I am sure you will figure out a solution, you have all of us rooting for you!!!!
      All the best,

      Liked by 3 people

    6. Organic greens, try a little in the food. Cant hurt, for greens are the best chelators for heavy metals. Of studies I read, cilantro is the most potent. Remember to give mineral supplements, for chelation claws out minerals. Love/Peace.

      Liked by 3 people

    7. Brenda, the first thing that came into my mind was CBD as well. Have you checked whether the dose / brand that you use is the right one for your dog?
      Some brands are more diluted and contain a higher dose of carrier oil.
      Also, I don’t know where you are based, but I’ve heard that they remove some potent parts from this plant grown in the USA. Maybe check the company Endoca, it’s very high quality, concentrated CBD, grown from organic hemp in Scandinavia. I use it myself.

      I hope this helps. Sending quick relief to your dog!


  22. Update 2: wow! I had prepared an e-mail about the very same thing, the supposedly Meteor blowup and it being a portal. Right before I wanted to press the send-button I got telepathic confirmation you were already looking into this. A few hours later there’s update 2….
    A clear confirmation our abilities are reaching new and extra-ordinary levels.
    Humbled and in awe.

    Liked by 11 people

  23. Ok, Saturday and Sunday were a blur…..

    I was super lazy and didn’t want to do anything. Also was super emotional and I was set off by tiny things. I laid around and didn’t do much….

    I’ll take the excuse of overwhelming energies 😉

    Liked by 4 people

  24. Brenda, try adding colloidial silver along with the cbd oil for your dog. My preference is Silver Biotics. It added 3 1/2 years to my mother’s life after the doctors gave up. It relieved my sister’s dog of heart problems. Sending love. Beverly

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Yes. I put it in my cat’s drinking water. Have used colloidal silver on us as well for many years and the fact that I’m not dead yet and neither is the cat, is a good sign!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Yes colloidal silver! I give it to my guinea pigs when they get colds! A much smaller dose diluted with filtered water in their bottle. It does wonders! ❤️

        Liked by 2 people

  25. Had a brilliant experience using ‘The Mantra’ today, thank you so much CATs for sharing this knowledge!

    Daughter had another hospital appointment with the gastroenterologist. The first time we saw him, he was very old school, quite condescending and patronising. As we were waiting to go in, he was pottering about picking up ‘Elsie’s’ file and he glanced at us with a very solemn face despite my trying to look friendly! Mum was with me and after the appointment she told me she has also picked up on his energy beforehand as quite cold etc…anyway, instead of gearing myself up for a heated discussion regarding my daughter’s care I instead decided to do the Mantra on him 3 times….

    Well, when we were finally invited into his consultation room I thought we were sitting with a completely different fellow! he was gentle, kind, funny and even slightly humble!

    Mum said she thought he also looked a little dazed! 😉

    Then, whilst driving home, I got a boy racer behind me handing on to my tail and being quite intimidating despite the ‘disabled child’ sticker on the back window. I did the mantra again and the driver immediately pulled back! mum looked round at me said ‘You just did it again didn’t you?!”

    it is sooooo incredibly powerful!

    Amazing stuff!

    Had some really odd dreams last night too. I can only remember snapshots but I do remember seeing a two very large ladybirds about 6cm diameter with lots of smaller ladybirds which I assumed were there babies. I was admiring their beauty when the next thing I know, the male lady bird is on my hand and bites the fleshy part really hard. When I look down I have two small holes in my hand!

    Then, I dreamed my sofa was on fire. I managed to get rid of the flames and was left with just a very charred cover. Pretty mundane really, I much would much prefer another flying with Cats dream or another evening with David Bowie!

    Have also had that awake thing when during the day, I seem to have an overlap of experiences, like I am in two places at once. Yesterday I was pottering about at home (I think I was doing dishes or something but even that is a blur now) and had an overlap experience simultaneously of changing my daughters nappy. I was trying to get her to stop opening the tabs on the side of the nappy so I could get her dressed. Really strange sensation. I had the feeling it was going to happen again whilst driving today so I asked my guides to help me concentrating on being safe whilst in the car!!!

    Much love All! ❤️

    Liked by 9 people

    1. @ Lily. Well done re the mantra. I wished I had thought of that tonight when I had a maniac construction lorry on my tail in a small country lane when I had to stop to turn. So pleased Elsie was treated nicely. I will follow your example.🤗😊

      Liked by 2 people

      1. @ Newlynn, it was amazing, cannot believe how fast it worked! Had another experience today. I knew my ex had received ‘Elsie’s’ update ordered by the court. Everytime I send it, myself, my mother and ‘Elsie’ all seem to get an attack of very negative energy. Today was no different. I was affected first with migraine and the usual crushing feeling around my skull. Then my mother started having heart palpitations shortly followed by a choking fit. Then very soon after ‘Else’ started stimming like crazy and crying.

        Mum kindly posts the updates for me as I try and detach myself as much as I can from it all energetically in order to minimise the energetic/psychic damage as much as possible. She told me she was originally not going to tell me when she had posted it as an experiment to see if the migraines etc.. still came…When I asked she smiled and confirmed it just before breaking into her choking fit!

        I took myself into my bedroom, sat down, focused on him and started the mantra. At first….nothing, although lots of dark shadowy blobs started appearing in front of me. I kept on doing it and my migraine started to subside. I kept on and on until I felt some relief but my goodness this one compared to the doctor and the boy racer was really hard. It was like a solid shield had been built up that I could not penetrate and these dark shadows kept coming. When I did the last couple of mantras, I saw a pure, electric blue light flash over my head!

        I went back into the living room and ‘Elsie’ and my mum were fine again…..

        Phew, anyway……

        Much love ALL ❤️

        Liked by 7 people

        1. P.S Something feels wrong when I post stuff that is a bit personal. I was guided to post this due to the difference in experience from doing the Mantra in different cases if that makes sense. I no longer hold judgement over this old story of mine (which I have tried to heal and clear and released so many times). I just want peace for ‘Elsie’ myself and my family and I also wish healing on all involved. I forgive but still need to protect. I also hope that makes sense too. I can only change myself and my perception and understanding of a situation and act in the best possible way that my intuition and heart guides me to do.

          Much love ALL ❤️

          Liked by 6 people

        2. I added a couple little things in mine, like “I Love You, Very Dearly”. Just before, you are whole & innocent. Yeshua taught that Love Is our strongest weapon. I also ask for Divine Feminine assistance from the Ladies, Portia, Nada, Kwan Yin, any or All. May help! Peace.

          Liked by 8 people

  26. Interesting yesterday I heard a loud explosion and before and after helicopters. It seemed stronger than a firework and it was only once. Maybe more are opening and releasing…

    Liked by 6 people

    1. @James, and All – just an fyi – link goes to…” site doesn’t allow proxy etc….” but I opened a new tab and you can grab the link and move it to the new tab and the meme will open… cute, in a disreputable way, of course, lol…


      Unrelated PS:- was dealing with areas of my body feeling like they were inundated with acid today and for unknown reasons the whole end of my nose has gone red, swollen and extremely painful – may soak it with hot salt water washcloth tomorrow (well later today I guess, 3 am again)… couldn’t deal with it today – My eyesight is bad tonight, too. *shruggggg* On granddaughter duty later today, hope I’m more functional…


      Liked by 3 people

    2. @ James. It wouldn’t open for me. Maybe telling me something as I used to go on GLP quite a few years ago and it seemed to get hijacked as usual. The interesting articles declined and negativity took over. Gave up on it.

      Liked by 1 person

  27. Hallo Cats, was sagt ihr zu den waagerechten Linien bei Cumiana?
    Es ist seeehr merkwürdig, nach ein paar Stunden bröselt die ganze weiße Linie herunter. Gestern auch schon….Wie geht das?
    Lieben Gruß!

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Were any of you Cats or M’s sticking your finger in the portals or electromagnetic grids last night? Smoke alarms went off all over the house for a few seconds with beeps and repeating “Fire”, “Fire”. It occurred at 11:50 P.M. PST. and stopped on it’s own. Maybe it took a few days to pop out in So.Cal. Cay

    Liked by 2 people

  29. Feeling like it’s time to share a dream I had recently, of a Unity nature.
    I went to my old high school, after hours — confirmed by a big clock that appeared out of nowhere, said 4:40 or 5:40 pm — the place was completely dark and quiet but I was going to meet some people there.
    We are in the gymnasium, which is well lit. I’m standing in the bleacher seats with about 6 people, and then another dozen or so are standing in the seats directly below us. We are watching a large group of people on the basketball court in the middle, moving around en masse, with no rhyme or reason seemingly but the atmosphere was very joyful. A man in the crowd ran his hand across a woman’s breasts, like taking advantage of the closeness of the people and the love-in atmosphere, but the whole crowd including us on the bleachers went Ohhh! as in “Does he really think he could get away with that?!” with the full knowing that that sort of thing wasn’t going to be tolerated — and we laughed that he thought he could do such a thing.
    Then there was a skirmish of some sort over to the right, which I couldn’t see but could hear. Someone called out “Are there any therapists here?” And a small group to the left chimed in Yes! and merrily went off in a clump across to the right to address whatever the problem was.
    The crowd kept swarming around, and I felt like things were a bit chaotic. Happy, but with such a high energy it made me a bit nervous. I said, ‘Maybe we should have some cops… Are there any cops?’ I looked around — no cops. And that meant there wouldn’t be.


    Liked by 4 people

    1. So… here’s the link again, which mysteriously vanished from our page:

      As for the link itself… it does feel like some kind of rocket test. I wouldn’t read too much into it. The Cavalry has everything under control


      [CAT Eds. Public Notice: NO ONE has permission, or the right, to edit the CAT site save for the CATs themselves. If we need to, we can LOOK to see who’s doing what, and make that very public. Roll the dice… or choose not to roll. Do you like microscopes?]

      Liked by 5 people

  30. Feeling like we had another timeline jump big time…….er……..again. I am seeing it and feeling it …. Did we?????

    On a different note; Several years ago I awoke slowly and as I opened my eyes I saw a grey grid pattern in my bedroom. I then realized it was the Matrix Grid! I was seeing the Grid! It was real!

    Thank You,

    I Love Cats

    Liked by 6 people

    1. @ I Love Cats – may I ask you more about the Grid?
      Was it a grey grid with a hexagonal pattern that you saw? And if you looked closer, the hexagons were made up of grey, hollow tubes? And that it behaved like a fabric made of mesh – adapting to every shape but not letting you trough it?

      Loving hugs🤗❤️


        1. That’s fascinating!
          To be honest, I’m not sure what it was that I saw, other than that I sort of bumped into it. This happened about five years ago when my awakening really took off so to say, and I had an initial urge to know the foundation of space since I had read somewhere that the most perfect shape was the hexagon.
          And after passing by all of the strange and almost intimidating/scary faces that were neon-coloured that came rushing towards my face almost as if they tried to scare me off, I entered a peaceful black space that had what looked like blurred stars at a distance in it. And after a little moment, it sort of felt like I stopped drifting along and then I got a chrystal-clear image of a grey mesh web where the holes were in the hexagonal shape. I got the impression that that mesh was everywhere – spanning out from every possible direction. But – if it was the Grid or the very foundation that held space together as I initially hoped to see – I have no idea, other than that it made a huge impression on me.

          Sending loving hugs to you🤗❤️


  31. Just wondering if anyone has been experiencing things breaking, electrical faults etc..?

    Our fridge freezer broke a few days ago and then today our hob decided to give up the ghost! They say things come in threes. Please let the third thing be something really small and inexpensive!

    Much love ALL ❤️

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Ha! I broke a beloved butter dish and my S.O. spilled her drink all over the couch not a minute later. Note that electrical glitches are often timeline jumps. We might be having multi-mini-jumps all over the place; that’s how the meters have been looking.


      Liked by 6 people

      1. My washing machine has been broken for over two weeks now, luckily I have good friends to help me out till our new arrives next week.

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      2. Thanks CAT5 🙂 I have recently missed my mouth whilst having a drink!

        I also keep having really stupid accidents, I mean really stupid! Needed to unplug the fridge freezer, could not get to plug without pulling out fridge. Wheels on appliance are at the back of the so I thought if I can grip onto something at the bottom of fridge whilst tipping it back, I might be able to pull it out of situ. I feel something to grip onto (stupidly thought it was a handy ridge on the underside of the fridge) and pull. BANG! I had gripped onto the bottom of the door and pulled it eagerly towards my waiting forehead! Doh!


        Liked by 5 people

        1. @lily144, some days the “waves” are triggers, I believe tests. Out of the blue my van let out lots of smoke from the exhaust, engine going? So I just altered to happy thoughts, today, no smoke! Everything is In flux, “Choose the High road”, I just Love It. Peace.

          Liked by 6 people

          1. Thank you Christopher that makes a lot of sense. The last few days have been very ‘testing’.. Also managed to get a quite large electric shock off an unplugged appliance! I had just taken the plug out of the wall and my finger touched one of the pins and woosh! Wasn’t terrible but enough to leave me shaking. Crazy stuff seems to be happening in our home at the moment. Will just breathe through it and smile 😊 much love ❤️

            Liked by 2 people

    2. Yes Lily,
      Above I wrote of my fire alarms going off last night for no reason. I also am hearing of several people having plumbing problems with broken pipes. Hopefully the breakdowns are those things which can be easily replaced. Cay

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Hi Cay, no plumbing problems as yet but there is a horrendous smell which manifested out of nowhere this morning in the bathroom, checked water is flowing, no blocked popes etc but it’s still there, truly yucky, ugh!

        Much love ❤️

        Liked by 1 person

    3. @ Lily. Yes our tv (which i would happily do without) but my partner cant live without motor sports and mom and dad’s washing machine, within a day of each other. X

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m sure I read somewhere that just before The Event lots of electrics, Internet etc would break down…..❤️🙏❤️


    4. I smashed my partners “smart”-phone semi-intentionally after finding it blasting its crap energy on the kitchen table for the umpteenth time, does that count? 🙂

      Then I told her it was going to happen sooner or later anyway so there’s no reason to shoot the messenger.

      That’s some serious Jedi mind tricking right there, wish I could take credit.



  32. Reporting my experience of some minutes ago.

    I was at the local pub, using my phone with their wi-fi. Phone goes off battery, shuts down, I turn it on to see if I can use it some minutes more.

    About 1 AM CET: error msg loading DuckDuckGo, the same loading Google: a warning pops-up that the set time, 1:07 AM, some month, 2012 (yep, 2012) is not correct.
    Never seen that before.
    The phone displays 1:00 AM.
    I allow the phone to set the time from the net, I can open a page, then the phone goes definitely off.
    OK. I walk back to my car, about 8 – 10 minutes by feet.
    After driving a couple of minutes, I realize that the clock of my car, which goes always 1 or 2 minutes forward, shows 0:58 AM. Odd. I haven’t been setting it for a while, it must be at least 2 minutes forward, even more.
    Indeed, I arrive home after a few minutes, and the analogic clock in the kitchen (that goes perfectly) shows 1:00 AM.
    Never seen something like that.
    Of course, that might be my old smartphone, but it has never done that.

    I feel strangely empowered by this thing. I immediately thought to some side-effect of a timeline jump.
    Perhaps I read too much your blog 😀

    Thank you CATs.

    Liked by 7 people

  33. Did we just have another timeline jump? I just tried to sleep but got really agitated and had to get up after an hour. I was wondering if there was something unusual on the Schuman Resonance or somewhere else and found a new blackout on the Tomsk Cosmic Radiation graph:

    Liked by 5 people

  34. BTW I got the conditional job offer, as all hell broke loose before my interview today. My outlet is fixed. Stove is clean as usual. I am sure I cleaned up a mess or two along the way outside of the 3d kitchen.

    Liked by 6 people

  35. A long time ago I received a warning, or an advisory. Regarding how to manage telepathy responsibly. When you posted publicly your mantra to a person about cats and such, I can tell you you are breaking rules. Love doesn’t mean you change everybody. Love IMHO means you respect everybody. And you never gang up and throw energy. That’s a true lesson in humble spirithood.


    1. ,,received a warning, or an advisory. Regarding how to manage telepathy responsibly,, – sounds like very unique experience.
      Could you share at least some of it here? So little is actually known about it. Thanks in advance.


  36. It started with vertigo as I laid down ceiling was spinning.

    I drove to Costco as it seemed easier to be upright. No issues there. As I got into my drive way at home and pulled out the car keys, my mailbox key and house keys were gone! Had to have my neighbor who has a key let me in.

    I’m baffled by the missing keys! My logical brain has slipped its clutch… Vertigo is still an issue…

    Liked by 11 people

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