798: Sea Change

Here we go.

Something has shifted and things will actually, finally start happening.

Now the bad news: Something has shifted and things will actually, finally start happening.

Might take a little while to build up steam. We won’t go into detail so Team Snark will continue to sit and spin, but… well, it sure is nice that they’re all in one place at the moment. (And the dark thread trackbacks are SO obvious.) We are officially off the snide, OUT of the snide field nine miles wide. (Apologies to those reading this via translator. We’re waxing Dr. Suess.)


  • Beware the fear mongerers! They’re coming out of the woodwork. (One claimed that both coasts of the U.S. would shortly be underwater. Ridiculous.) As things change, the fear-mongies will be doing everything they can to inject fear into anything and everything, even more than before. Just turn it off. However, if you have a positive expectation, you will experience a positive outcome. (Note: You and SOURCE sometimes differ about what’s “positive” for you.)
  • FYI, we may open the message boards on a post one of these days. Note that they are FOR SPIRITUAL QUESTIONS ONLY. All else will be deleted. This is not a social media site. Lots of new people to the site have questions.

That is all for now. Happy merry.