Lion’s Gate Meditation


Hi, all. We’re gonna take a break from our break and do a mini “lion’s gate” meditation on 8/8, as we do every year.

We’ll do a “rolling” meditation at our various local-time variants of 11:11 am/pm. Or you can do it whenever you want and send the energy to any time you want. All of the M’s and some of the CATs have already done a pre-meditation (we always do that to pave the way) and the energy was just incredible.

Note: We heard from ALL the clairaudient CATs and M’s about what one CAT calls a “flappy pterodactyl” sound at their left ears; it bugged lots of us for the past few days. For those experiencing this, it’s because of an energy upgrade to that faculty (today’s been okay, but the past few days have been rough). 

Did someone say ears?

198 thoughts on “Lion’s Gate Meditation

    1. So, ROY G BIV. We’re already had RED and ORANGE and YELLOW — and now GREEN — in the sky. Next are BLUE, INDIGO, and VIOLET… but we’ve already had PURPLE, right? These are Wave X upgrades in action. Once these are done…

      -CAT Eds.

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  1. Hmmm, I experienced ‘flappy pterodactyl’ noise back around the Summer Solstice (have to check my notes for exact date)…it was the weirdest thing, lasted a good minute or so then changed to the high pitch that ramoed down to super low pitch in both ears (also lasted a few minutes)!
    So nice to know I’m not the only one experiencing weirdness!!
    11:11 meditation next few days…8/11 is gonna be a doozy!
    I Am Love, I Am Light, I Am!
    Love to All!

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  2. Wow, am wiped out today although did manage to meditate this morning at 11:11am. I did the light pillar meditation and imagined growing into a super tall pillar of light, joining up with other ‘beacons’. I saw the flower of life around the earth and also saw beautiful rainbow flooding our planet. Felt a deep sense of peace after. i noticed during the meditation, my eyelids could not stay still. My eyes were shut but my eyelids were flickering and spasming throughout the entire time!

    Will try again tonight if not too tired. ‘Elsie’ could not settle, probably those energies coming in, they were super strong! She was up until 3after am throwing books around just acting very unsettled! Ending up having to take quite a few books out of her room for safety!

    In the early hours when ‘Elsie’ finally got some sleep, I fell into a dream. I saw black helicopters over my home, black planes and white hexagon shaped UFO craft that spun as they drifted over my roof. I woke up and it took me a while to realise they were in my dream and not in conscious waking, felt so absolutely real!

    Much Love and Happy Lion’s Gate to ALL ❤️🦁❤️

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  3. I have been hearing the flappy ptetrodactyl all morning, left ear. Huge pressure wave(s) of energy coming through now. I’ve never experienced anything quite like this. Love and Light to all ♡ ♡ ♡

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  4. Yesterday’s (Wed) observation: So I drove into Seattle yesterday, here’s what I saw: The marine layer hadn’t broken up yet so this was more obvious to me. There was so much crackling energy in the sky that I finally had to resort to putting on my sun glasses. It was like looking at a slow moving display of electricity put out by one of those static electricity generators at science fairs. Just a random observation. Happy Lion’s Gate!

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  5. Wow. I joined this meditation and then dropped into some lucid dreaming this morning… the best way I can put it is, it is a whole new world there… as if my “training wheels” are off as far as what I’m “allowed” to experience consciously; I met entirely new beings, saw new plants (that seemed kinda like plant/animal hybrids?), interacted with “people” to a whole new degree and consciously brought back more than ever.

    It feels very “John Carter” -esque, as if the density of being human ‘here’ gives ‘us’ an additional range of abilities on that plane simply due to the energy frequencies we carry into there.

    love/light and crystal rain

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    1. Yeah, this looks like NASA was monitoring the HAARP energies being beamed in to create the quakes via stuff other planes (or this one?) had sprayed. If people knew this was being done to them, they’d rip the flight and HAARP crews limb from limb. These are oath-sworn Americans ACTIVELY trying to kill other Americans, which is an act of attempted mass-murder.


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      1. Check out Steve Quayle’s alerts. There was a scientist talking about this, and they tried to kill him, motorcycle hit job. The one “last send from scientist” and one other post before that. There may be more, but I haven’t had time to read them.


  6. My gawd! At about 10:57 A M PDT As I was preparing for the meditation, the dial on the energies was turned up to beyond full blast! I was literally floored! I hit the bed and was immediately out until 11:40 (give or take) when I came back . I got that my full attention was immediately required elsewhere. Wowzer! No rainbows and unicorns for me apparently. More as it develops. EEEeeee!

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      1. @ ~M3

        I get it that
        It is the real Lion’s Gate Portal,
        Lions themselves opened
        on 8/8
        for us / NewEarth
        to fly through.

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        1. Not just that one. SOURCE and… well, what some would term “angels” (who are higher-order beings)… are opening portals all over the place. We have turned a corner. You should be very proud of yourselves. Ascended humans are a big deal. But don’t get cocky, kid. 😉


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  7. Here’s a little song (I didn’t write but like!)

    Just because everything is so crazy, Much Love ALL people, fairies, elves, giants, unicorns, dragons, pixies, lions, leaves, flowers, trees, insects, pumpkins, whales, dolphins, armchairs, candles, sun, moon, sea, sky, stars, rainbows, penguins, mountains, mud, tea and biscuits and all and everything in between. Okay, bedtime for me, my brain hurts ❤️

    Much Love again ❤️

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  8. My dear friend who was so kind and loved cats passed. Wow. This is the song I keep hearing in his honor. What an odd time for him to go. I found a giant hawk feather the previous day and it found me again today even though I thought I got rid of it.

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  9. Just took the dog out hearing people racing and yelling like always then real low right over the neighborhood giant flash no weather system on the map predictions every day but nothing forming yet it made no noise but it was so intense if it was a meteorite those usually go boom when they are that low just looked like crazy discharge from something again it was a really intense pure white color this time…. and not hot tonight for once so do not think heat lightning. I did notice all the night creatures that were making noise and even the people got quiet. I on the other hand started singing Neil Diamonds They’re Coming to America lol.

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    1. Oh me gods… been singing that song for a few weeks at least, and feeling how much love there is in that song, I’m not in America, but, I felt so much love for the people whom are there, the way things used to be (ie immigration), and sending Love to That ❤

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  10. Before I came on here this morning, during my morning mediation my guides gave me the image of a hand brake being released, I wondered what that was about.

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      1. Is I possible to please get some review with an issue I’m having? I do not know where else to ask such uniquely skilled group. I am very concerned because I seem to be in a prison that I can’t get out of no matter what I do. And none of this “freedom” that is coming gets to me. It makes worse. There is some “repel field” around me, no one is able to connect to me on more than a surface level, if they do they are implanted to “Run”! This is just one aspect of several types of edicts over me (for lack of a better word) that act as “fractal ropes” spiraling up every facet of my life. (I’m not allowed to like anything, ESP men, not have power (not even my own,) blocked on every way of communication and Avenue possible. No one listens to me and my mouth lips voice attacked constantly) Think I’m holding something that BIG things do not want to exist here, and to have no effect on anyone.. All my life (I am 50) but just aware past 3 years and have been observing and doing everything humanly possible. No clearing lasts more than a few days. Worst-the energy of help doesn’t get to me and is often turned against me to make worse. Like lightworkers are shown a movie that feels real to their sensors, but meanwhile the real cause just eats the energy and pushes it back at me (like a holographic weapon?) Even good planetary alignments, esp portal days! Has anyone ever come across ANYTHING like this? I also seem to have a tree I named Scooby Point drawing me pictures of itself on leaves and in ice, and after a rare Dream of talking to a Rainbow Dragon, the Earth drew that exact thing in the parking space I pulled into the next day . Is it possible for any of you to check in on what’s going on? Or maybe have a SF look and tell you what they see? (Best bet to possibly avoid any holographic manipulation?) I have followed this group for years, love the info, love the community, I usually do not comment much except to support here and there, and I apologize profusely if this is not an appropriate place to write this, but I’m literally at the end of my rope (or ropes as the case may be). Btw my DOB is 1/12/69 and I’m super not looking forward to 2020 when Pluto and Uranus meet. If I even get there. (Not being melodramatic, just honest). Whompage seems to be my middle name. Trying to keep my sanity and sense of humor best as I can. Any ANY any skilled opinion greatly appreciated ❤️🌎⚡️ -Sue W

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        1. @SueW have you considered that you may be a mirror for others and the perceived repelling is not you personally but perhaps running away from their own reflection? Rather than reflecting on their own internal process the ‘messenger’ is blamed. This is a guess as I don’t know anything anymore and like you am hanging on in there as best I can, one foot in front of the other with lots of naps and sleeping!
          Have you said the mantra to yourself in a mirror? The mantra may also be good for those who aren’t listening to you. I am learning at 58 how tone is more important than content in being heard by others when communicating.
          I did go to a Biophotonic practitioner who corrected my energy field as it spun the opposite way which did bring some relief. .
          Still here but just barely. Beyond burned out and trying to keep myself afloat as work pays the bills for the existence here such that it is. Homelessness could be a possibility if I can’t maintain my current workload.
          The best advice I received in my 30’s was hang in there kid.
          Still hanging in there over 2 decades later. Are we there yet?
          Sending positive thoughts your way Sue 🙂

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          1. (((Hugs))) to you Belle! I will include you in my list of intentions for requests for Divine Intervenrion (for whatever that’s worth, lol ❤️️) Thanks for your thoughts. I used to think that mirror thing too, and that is a thing that’s going on, but it’s MUCH bigger than that. They are implanted to run, whammied with “she is dangerous”, multiple multiple layers of stuff. And there are levels of things on my mouth. One guy that liked me a lot, barely brushed his lip against mine, he stopped, his eyes got wide like he just saw Godzilla, and he literally RAN away 20 feet backwards to the door, he was 54 and had kissed me before, but always left shortly after. Even after I started to get clearings. And there’s a Godzilla Effect on me if I make a step to solidify any connection: I get a clearing, someone will give me phone #, I call a few days later as asked, they act like Godzilla is coming after them, “why am I calling?” etc. It would be funny if not so unfunny.


            1. ALL CATs have had people “reacting” to us while out in public. We are either LOVE personified — or the Biggest Monsters in the World.

              Side note: This can work both ways. One of the CATs (who is sadly not with us anymore, killed by dark things before we banded together for protection) once had a client she shook hands with… and this CAT recoiled as she realized that their top-most aetheric layers of the person had been given over to one of the calamari. The client “felt” inhuman. We can now sense this at a distance — as can the “horses” of whatever being they’re hosting. This is much less prevalent now that the planet has been heavily saturated with Wave X energy since 2011, not to mention the calamari being since eradicated. They had many ancient names. They won’t be missed.

              -CAT Eds.

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            2. @SueW got it that it was much more you are experiencing and we all need to be cautious when posting on a public forum but I ‘get’ you 🙂

              I am humbly grateful for the support shown here by others and also some took the time to say the mantra for me which I also said for you. Thank you Cats for this site!

              Great news on your happy day with many more to follow!

              @CatsEds yes used to have people stop in the street and stare at me, used to get very upset and when my children were younger they used to tell me I attracted weirdos. Yes and for decades – even ran into the ladies in a supermarket as this guy( read pedo with dark intentions) to get away from him following me up and down the aisles.

              This has finally all stopped since spiritual tags were removed which has completely revolutionised my life. I now am invisible (for the most part) to weirdos and sometimes feel fairly relaxed in public without the need to be hypervigilent!
              Who knew?!

              To finish on a positive there was a young girl about 9 years old, again in a supermarket and she stared at me but felt she was curious. She had the sight me thinks. She was very interested in me and wondered what she saw.

              Still hanging in there thanks to Bob, who will always be remembered for the great therapist he was and the only reason I am still here. He died at 46 and was a good moral man with integrity. Miss his wisdom and sense of humour. The world dimmed when he left.


          2. …and regarding the mantra, I spent an entire day before, just beaming LOVE to this stuff. Any thing, critter, frequency, AI program, spy, whatever. Figuring, if they have me wrapped so super tight, well then I also have THEM and can radiate the realest LOVE I possibly could through that connection into them. Felt great! The next day I woke up and my ability to feel feelings was reduced by 70%! Like my feelings were helium balloons, and a chain mail blanket had been placed over top of them not allowing them to rise up and be felt. I was stunned! An extremely uncomfortable existence that. And it took many months to get my ability to feel back. I did this again 6 months later, and the exact same thing happened again. So I do say the mantra but am a bit leary as it can set me up for massive retaliation. Couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried. 🙃 🌎❤️️

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        2. Update: Posting just in case anyone had sent energy my way or looked into this- Saturday was a true “Bubble Burst” Day and people and the warmth of the World flooded back in! Repel field went down and life allowed in. Including coincidence being allowed to work in my favor to put me at a group dinner with the current guy I like. Best day in a year since we first met and made out! Whoever or whatever helped me got me CLEAR-even my mouth! However, already fading by this afternoon, despite my best focus on maintaining highest frequency possible. Mouth was great and relaxed, but now lips constantly want to suck in like the “My lips are sealed” or “Mums the word” action. It’s just ridiculous, and unrelenting, but any minute of true CLEAR is a blessing. So thank you! Will continue to fight and try to revive hope for a permanent release. Blessing to this group. ❤️🌻🌎

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    1. There is no “ego” exactly. You are whole right now. Words can’t describe these things well. You are a portion of SOURCE, a tiny teardrop, who only thinks that you are “separate,” or an “individual.” You are what you choose to be. You are SOURCE. If you want to be a bridge to *more* of SOURCE, while in a body, you will be so. After The SHIFT, if you decide to keep this body, you can do so. You can modify it and make it last as long as you wish. At this point, all negativity is being purged, and pushed away, to enable this ability. And we will still have an “individual” mindset, if you wish. I did this, and yet I am also part of many other things. It’s an opening, an expansion of the mind (which actually belongs to SOURCE!), not a loss of any kind.


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      1. So I will become the best version of Me?

        I have had several dreams of seeing my own face, looking serene and pure and younger. Maybe that’s my chosen vessel? Shame, I had Angelina Jolie in mind, for no particular reason…(Best version, best version…🥴)

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    2. There is a False ego and a Real ego.
      Identifying with our bodies is False ego.
      Knowing being Spirit soul and eternal is Real ego.

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  11. Heard from other friends who had very similar dreams.

    My dog woke me up from my morning dream. He did not want anything. As I started to go back to sleep, he insisted that I stay awake. Ok, message received – he is a magical companion. What was in my mind was the morning dream, usually prescient. There was a group of us – like a work group/family, and some people brought other people to us for care. They were confused, ill, could not speak, and a bit fearful. For some reason, I decided getting on a carousel was the right thing to do, and then I understood that it was a torus – healing for them. I also understood that this was going on all over the world.

    The torus energy came to my attention a little while back, and I was told it was my gift. However, I had no idea what it meant – guess I do now.

    Most of the morning, every part of my body was not working quite right and the nausea was awful, but I did Donna Eden’s centering exercises and began to feel better. I did not do much, although I did sweep the front porch and clean the glass because it seemed important- something like best face forward.

    If anyone else is feeling out of it, try Eden’s morning exercise – very simple movements.


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  12. Been wiped out again, what is new hey! But, things are definitely different, colours are more vivid, there is a deep sense of peace.

    However, I have had a moment today and am not sure if it was a Source thing or just me trying to do too much when I’m tired!

    I decided as ‘Elsie’ was happy flipping through books that I would bring the tiny flat pack dining table O bought in to the room where she was so that I could finish it off whilst keeping an eye on her.

    As I pulled it into the room something in the middle of my back popped silently, the strangest feeling and very painful. I thought ‘Uh Oh, what am i going to do, I have to look after ‘Elsie” (which involves a lot of lifting and nappy changes which can be difficult if you are not so good! She is only 7 but as tall as a 10 year old.

    Anyway, as I sit and type this, there is only a faint dull throb, I really thought I would be out of action. Am hoping it was an upgrade rather than over exertion, it was a really big feeling POP!!!

    Hope every one/soul had a good Lion’s Gate 🙂

    Much Love ALL ❤️

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    1. Same thing happened to me on, I think, the same day, except that my very painful pop was in my head. It was just to the right of the third eye area and lasted for just a second. Got me to wondering what an aneurysm feels like, but luckily it was gone immediately, except for a slight ache. Hoping it was an upgrade of some kind, too!

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  13. I love Autumn in a way I could never begin to explain. I think I AM Autumn.

    Mark (Just saying…🍁🍂🦉🐿🦔)

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  14. I was just making a cuppa tea and waiting for the kettle to boil. I looked out of the window at the night sky. Just south west of the moon is a very bright star, could not see any other stars around although it’s quite a clear night.

    I have a small telescope and thought I would have a peek. When I looked, the star seemed to be constantly wavering, and there was a big black hole in the middle. It looked like a donut, does any one know if this is normal?!

    Much Love ALL ❤️

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    1. Pam. I’m feeling the cause of those power cuts wasn’t the story spread by the media. We were ok too. Wave X anybody! 🤔

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  15. So, nothing magical or mystical has happened to me, at least not that I’ve noticed, although I’m feeling absolutely great today. Pretty sure I’m surrounded by the magical and mystical anyway, regardless of my ability to consciously perceive it. The number synchronicities have been in overdrive, though. Every time I go out, I’m seeing triples and even quadruples of every number, interspersed with my own personal numbers, which are combos of 8 and 9. Been seeing 89 and 98 for years, but now even that has ramped up with multiple 8s and 9s in most sightings. I’ve stopped looking for the meanings (quite familiar with them already); when you see triples and quadruples of every number, they can’t all be a personal message in the traditional angel number sense! I think it’s just the universe showing off and happily waving to get my attention. During the recent Mercury retrograde, though, I did see a preponderance of multiples of 6, which kind of bugged me. And the more I asked for the 666s to stop, the more of them presented themselves; very funny, universe! Oh, and I’m also getting that thing where I’ll be reading something while the TV is on, and the TV speaks the word that I’m reading. This is a new development, and one I’m kind of enjoying. Hey, when you can’t see New Earth, portals, or dragons, you take what you can get!

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    1. @Kolibri, Yesterday I discovered a response of yours, to a comment of mine, I hadn’t seen before – it was about oxygen therapy – thank you – I have started looking into it and if $ will present themselves, will most likely act on it for water, at least…


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      1. You’re very welcome. I know the generator is kind of pricey, but I thought that simple water with lots of oxygen in it might be helpful, considering that your daughter is sensitive to so many substances. Anyway, it can’t hurt!

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  16. Hi guys,
    I’m seeing double Rainbows more often than the standard ones these days and i remember seeing mentioned that the 4D is (for example sake) 50ft above the 3D earth. Is this what we’re seeing represented in these Rainbows?


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    1. Been seeing double rb’s for a couple of years in nw pa. The minor of the 2 is getting more pronounced. Peace.

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  17. Seriously CATS, so many conflicting reports or stories on the event. Aluna Ashe says it’s already happened and if we don’t remember, we slept thru it Or its on a different timeline. Blossom says soon. Then there are those who speak of timeline convergence like Fleurbrun something that is supposed to happen this week. All I know is all the magical things that were alleged with the event didn’t happen if the event actually did occur. Mom is still dying of cancer and my medical bill is skyrocketing with my latest diagnosis! When are we going to catch a break? I hear ppl die and think damn, they almost made it to the event. Or am I just being gullible?

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  18. Yesterday I was itching from the inside ALL over, it was crazy.

    Last night was stranger for me though. I woke up hearing distant music. It sounded like it was coming from an electric fan that was switched on. I got out of bed, and sure enough I stood near it listening to voices singing. It was 100% a melody being played and sung by Male and female voices. I wondered if this was a new faculty that had activated. I woke my wife and asked her if she could hear it, the response wasnt favourable LOL.

    I got back into bed and eventually fell asleep. When I awoke again I could only hear the fan making its usual noise…?


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    1. Fun stuff Mark, I used to hear music and voices in the fan as well. Funny I haven’t thought about it in awhile. We got a new ceiling fan that operates differently and irritates me constantly, as it’s on a remote, and I don’t think I’ve heard anything musical while it’s been on, although, I’ve heard other weirdness, and not being able to place where it’s coming from.

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    2. There are so many little things happening now, yet my wife acts as though I’ve lost it. I guess we’re all on a different schedule. Peace.

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      1. Yep yep.

        And she keeps using my occasional inability to deal with it all gracefully as an argument against waking up, as if that makes any kind of sense.

        I’m pretty sure by now I get the hard cases, where nothing else worked.


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      2. I so wish that the one person we share our lives with – in my case Mr H – would see, hear and feel atleast some of the things we experience.
        I long for that day💖

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  19. Minor elements are recognized in the Values they carry

    by ÉirePort

    Minor elements are recognized in the Values they carry.

    Latter components heed the call.

    Perilous journeys are recognized as mild.

    Merrilous gatherings come to the fore.

    ÉirePort | August 10, 2019 at 10:10 I just noticed this now on Terran Cognito’s blogspot.

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  20. CAT’s and M’s,
    I know you’re on vacation now and I don’t mean to interrupt you in any way, but when you do have the time, could you please look into what’s happening in Russia?
    There’s been 2 major explosions in military facilities in only a weeks time(?!)

    Is divine intervention in action, helping us against foul plans?

    Loving hugs❤️

    Liked by 4 people

      1. Oh, that feels so good to hear. Thank you, CAT’s and thank you to all loving helpers out there💖


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  21. I just heard that Jeffrey Epstein “committed suicide” overnight. Immediately I said the mantra for him and I am now trying to dispel the rising anger I am feeling that this was allowed. Such obvious manipulation, corruption, etc. Deep breaths! Cats and Ms, please look into this. I am the Light, I am the Love, I AM. [Trying to release this]

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    1. One photo that purported to be Epstein on a gurney is an obvious Photoshop job. I think he was quietly taken away from prison by the cabal. Killed? Given a new identity in Tel Aviv? Who knows. Here is the photo. Epstein’s head is WAY too big.

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    2. Holding your hand and your heart in mine, Lauraksmi – I am doing this too… I knew something was afoot yesterday when I found about 20 drunken stag-do men on my private driveway, PISSING IN THE BUSHES!!! They weren’t there long after I was done with them (I am only 5 ft 2 inches in heels!) and a smallish woman, but the Lion Roared! Hee hee… wish I’d had a camera on me!

      No more abuse or disrespect, was the theme, I feel… and other synch’s are occurring all around too.

      Big love, beautiful, Jay xxx

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    3. This I know: whatever happens is part of the plan, Source doesn’t get surprised or make mistakes.

      The way I understand it, he filmed all his clients abusing his sex slaves and used that material to blackmail them into investing in his hedge fund. Which is how he got filthy rich doing nothing at all, and which also means everything will be revealed.

      Then there’s the vatican and the royal ass hats, which looks even worse to me.

      I guess many will miss the imagined opportunity to make him squeal and ask forgiveness, I don’t think that would have happened much anyways. Not that he won’t eventually, everyone will sooner or later.


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  22. Greetings CAT(s) and M’s and Higher Order Beings!

    This Epstein “death” – my kitty-cat nose is “twitching”/”something aint right”. What say you, lovely beings?

    Weather in South-Eastern Australia (and Canberra! and Sydney! and rest of NSW!!) is “much colder than last year, this time last year”

    Global economy is “going wobbly”.

    I’m just processing the downloads and upgrades I’m receiving from SOURCE (even though I am SOURCE).

    I’m just “hanging in there”, trying to get as much work as I can so I don’t starve & I can pay my expenses, until “something big” happens. Sigh.


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  23. Here’s a strange dream I had this morning. Dreamt I was the private duty nurse for a patient in a block wall and floor room which seemed to be in the back room of a church like institutional building. He was lying on a pad on the floor with a sheet covering his face and unable to speak to communicate. He had an attendant/ companion who told me what he required. The companion told me he needed a priest. I told him that I was not Catholic but did not think he needed last rites. He said he wanted The “Holy of Holy’s”. It felt as if he wanted to confess, be blessed or absolved of his sins. I went out to the hall where many priests were milling about and asked the first one I saw to attend to my patient. He appeared surprised and confused to be asked, but followed me back to the room. I stood outside and 2 other nurses who worked there asked why my patient needed a private duty nurse. I told them that it would violate their contracts to attend to him. Then my cat woke me. Upon waking my husband told me Jeffrey Epstein was found hanged in his cell today while on suicide watch. Curious.

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  24. In reference to my early morning dream. I looked up “Holy of Holies” which was the seat of atonement on the Ark of the Covenant within the mobile tabernacle of the ancient Jewish people.( As you can tell I was raised neither Catholic or Jewish.) I believe Jeffery Epstein was seeking atonement for things done in this life. Focusing on his face I said the forgiveness mantra and felt an overwhelming wash of sadness, grief and remorse. “You are a perfect immortal spirit brother, all is forgiven and released.” I guess that is why I was given that dream. Cay

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    1. OMG! I, too, said the same thing, Cay! I felt such intense grief for this man and found myself holding my heart and chanting the forgiveness mantra.

      I also had a night full of crazy dreams about timelines and about some horrible human trafficking stuff (don’t want to elaborate here) but it all made sense today when I found out that J.E. had departed.

      I was going to come in here and ask if anyone else felt a huge timeline shift in the night because at one point when I was awake with my eyes closed, I saw a massive flash of white with a black distorted star-like shape in the middle. It was definitely an explosion of some kind.

      Love is all around, peeps… heart light and hugs, Jay xxx

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  25. We are mostly all back. BTW, I asked some of the M’s about that weird Florida rocket launch (as their response was odd), and they said they don’t feel like the intended flight path was followed… because “something was intervening.”


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  26. This has been running in my mind for 8+ hrs, at least (8/10-8/11/19) – one of my favorite movies, though have only found it twice? to watch… plus introduced me to Bill Nighy a VERY good reason to love it…

    Enjoy… the fish…


    Liked by 10 people

    1. I tried to find the recreating Earth Mark 2 scene, but it seems the destruction of (3D) Earth scene much more popular. 🙂 this little bit was the best I could do… right after the ‘portal-ing’ scene with Marvin depressed robot, (Alan Rickman )
      – good night or morning…


      Liked by 4 people

    2. sorry but I do not agree with such video about dolphins inncarcerated and suffering with their sonar system, cause the echo is everywhere around….


      but they are high spiritual beings and are sacrificing himselfs counsciousley for us humans…

      by the way: I swimmed with wild dolphins in Northeast Brazil and it was a dream

      Liked by 3 people

      1. @alnilam144, this was only the opening scene of a movie and the dolphins were LEAVING Earth before it was destroyed to make room for a ‘galactic bypass’ – movie is satire if I have the the definition right – I think there was a thing with whales, too, maybe – Yes, If I were whales or dolphin and I could float on up to NE I would, too – with all the inconsiderate, un-considering sonar experiments that are going on.
        I’m sorry if offense was taken, it was not meant – just thought those dolphin were very smart and wise and they DID thank us for the fish… least we could do( even if WE didn’t –
        Mmmm, SOURCE fish…

        much love<3

        Liked by 2 people

      2. @ alnilam144
        The species of the Cetaceans, those wondrous Dolphins and Whales,
        they are a highest evolved civilization on Sirius B, a Water World.
        They incarnate here to bring the Light to this planet, a High Mission!
        The idea itself, of enslaving them, is another example of the many
        obstacles the dark put against our awakening.

        BTW, “lam” in your name, means LION.


    1. Yes… it seems that C tried to have him killed and it failed, and… it was in his greater good to die this way now, so that’s what happened. How weird. Just shows to go that Guides and SOURCE have love for EVERYONE.

      One day soon, you will drop all this rigamarole and never think about it again. On the NE, there will be something called, “Old Earth Face” — the face people will show when someone brings up something distasteful about our Old Earth “civilization”.


      Liked by 8 people

      1. You know, it’s kinda funny. When I first heard about E. yesterday, my immediate thought was to thank him for the role he has played in this awakening process in this silly big budget movie production we are all taking part in. My second thought was that I didn’t have to play his role. I think I’ll get back to the garden. The Casablanca lilies are particularly enticingly fragrant today. (I like sweet, spicy.)

        Liked by 4 people

  27. I feel very deep sadness for those wanting to see justice with the Epstein case. I cannot imagine how the victims must feel. It is also frustrating as this would have lead to more and more light being shone on what has gone on in our world.

    It seems that history keeps repeating itself, that whenever someone is arrested or tries to speak out about what they have experienced, they are silenced. Is Source trying to steer us away from a justice timeline?

    is Source wanting to guide us away from the 3D stage, the terrible things that have taken place and the drama and to try instead to focus on ushering in New Earth, a new start for humanity, in the Light. Can we shift without this disclosure taking place or is something else unfolding…?

    I get the feeling that we must just trust Source..easy for me to say I know.

    Much Love ALL ❤️

    Liked by 8 people

      1. Well that’s a relief CAT Eds, I hope that ‘one more act’ is what we have all been waiting for 😊

        Looking out of the window which faces South the eve saw a huge mass of light in the sky. The sun had basically set to the West and apart for this light, the rest of the sky was very grey. There was a flash and then sudden downpour.

        My body is buzzing and I fee very peaceful! I wonder if the light was a huge portal. it was so beautiful!

        Feels like something is in the air!


        Liked by 7 people

      2. @The CAT(s) That Lived

        I remember when you told us about the two timelines:

        1. Justice-timelime

        it is our choice…. but it is so heavy and dark, that we want justice for all of that

        Alnilam ❤

        Liked by 1 person

        1. That was then, this is now — on a totally different timeline. We have no idea what’s going on past next week, apart from seeing various flashes of this and that that are probably OTHER timelines. So much energy flooding in that readings are too chaotic to tell us anything concrete. Those uninterested in justice *might* go early to the NE, or we’re gonna have to stick around to help people through this before we’re allowed to see the train move.

          -CAT Eds.

          Liked by 2 people

  28. Great googly moogly. We got “drunk” CATs all over the place, and without drinking a drop. We can’t tell what’s going on, but 6 of the 7 the M’s and a bunch of the CATs have reported feeling like they’ve had a few stiff bourbons — without having anything but coffee and water (and some baguette and a breadstick in two cases. Anyone else feeling woozy? Checking the meters, now…

    -CAT Eds

    Liked by 10 people

    1. I can get empathic high drunk feelings from big holidays when everyone is drinking that is what it feels like right now. Maybe the rest of the planet is having a drink to cope lol.

      Liked by 6 people

    2. Maybe I’m just being ridiculous, but today is 8/12/2019. Add the digits, 8+1+2+2+0+1+9 = 23. Then, 2+3 = 5. Last Monday is the 5th, two mondays in a row, both #5, Monday, Monday.

      Add the digits of 1967 = 23. Also 2+3 = 5. Ford Galaxie 500, 5+0+0 = 5. Two 5s, two Mondays.

      Liked by 2 people

    3. Cat Eds. Yes i had the “whoa whats that going through my head” feeling a lot yesterday. Had to keep grounding.

      Liked by 3 people

    4. Yes, I was feeling very woozy yesterday, and often
      was clumsy, which is strange for me as I used to be
      a dancer and had very good control of my body. I also
      had unusual itching, which I think Mark had mentioned.
      I sure wish all these strange symptoms and feelings were
      over. At least I no longer have the feeling that my feet were
      not making contact with the ground although I could see
      that they were. That was really weird!

      With love ❤️ to all,


      Liked by 6 people

  29. I feel that often, usually when walking in the morning. Could just be my balance (or lack thereof). Check the wind, plants, animals to see their reactions. If they run for cover I do the same. Otherwise enjoy the substance free high. Cay

    Liked by 10 people

    1. My (lowercase) cats are hanging out in the same room, close to the ground — and close to each other (even the ones that don’t like each other), which is not like them. They’re all males and tend to like a bit of space. Meanwhile, I had some cheese and a glass of wine. What the hell.


      Liked by 15 people

      1. Half my neighbors today were hanging out with my dad all drinking beer even the women guess everyone knows it’s the end lol Even the kids showed up to just sit there and be with everyone. Very odd really since people these days avoid each other for the most part.

        Liked by 8 people

      2. Cat 6. Ah. Thats why my cat went off to his downstairs bed early evening when he usually comes upstairs with me. He is usually a creature of habit. It was a bit worrying as he is so old and he currently has a sniffly nose. But he was good this morning.

        Liked by 6 people

  30. Hi All ❤
    I've been 'out of it' for a while… but when I had a shower today, I got a message (which I do often, about all kinds of things). I got the number/date 11. Its the 12th here in Oz, so for us, yesterday was the 11th. I was perplexed, as I had previously got another number (to do with my journey). I asked Source was this number 11 meaningful? I got "Yes. You'll get the meaning when out of the shower". I was like, okay.. and didn't give it anymore thought.

    I get online (which I have been having a big break from mostly), and see JE had died/suicided. Wow.. okay.. yeps… that's pretty meaning full!
    I haven't read any of the 'details'.
    I get on here, and as I'm catching up, it is spoken of.
    So, I read the words.
    I then get this:

    "JE has gone. He was given an option, by those in alliance, and took it. We have All that is required."

    In other news….
    Lots of tones in ears, 'poppings' in physical body (aligned with upgrades 😉 ), new/broadened perspectives on old & new Earth.
    There's also been very deep dives into whatever else needed looking at… and I just now heard that 'that' was/is to align the physical with spiritual/etheral, even further.
    Lots of people feeling very stretched/pushed, questioning again… but the All says it is 'par for the course', and once again 'Trust'.
    "We are all connected in ways that are over and above what we have experienced before, as a Whole. Please allow for 'unknowing' as well as new knowledge."
    "There are Great things happening. ALL is accounted for".

    Wow.. okay.. anything else?
    (this is coming via me whilst I'm typing here)

    "Yes… Breathe. We Love You/All".

    Much Love All ❤ 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 13 people

    1. Thanks to you, as well as your guidance, for the encouragement. Waiting for impact. Adjust grip, breathe, then repeat. Lots of heart palpitations yesterday and piercing ear tones in left ear today. Cay

      Liked by 5 people

  31. The Epstein débâcle can only mean 1 thing: all of that Justice crap is no longer necessary, it never solved nor will solve anything.
    RIP Justice timeline: it ended before it started, premature death.

    I woke up at 2:30 because of what sounded like a motorbike going 200km/h. Sound wasn’ t that loud to wake me up but it did. Never heard that noise before. Coincides timewise with the Cats drunk feeling.

    Liked by 8 people

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