We had never read any of Ken Carey’s books (nobody tells us anything), but we are currently digesting them and passing them around quickly. For those who read this blog, the excerpted book is a must-read; Carey’s description of The Event, written back in the late ’80s, is amazing. It is also supremely reassuring. 

[Note: this is the Oversoul speaking directly to you, through Ken Carey. An Extension of SOURCE, the Oversoul’s primary gift is: creativity.]

[Also note: our emphasis is bolded.] 

Excerpt from Ken Carey’s 1991 book, The Third Millennium

Chapter 14: A Moment of Quantum Awakening
At the moment of quantum awakening, change will occur rapidly, rippling across the terrestrial surface like a wave. Everything in the earth’s gravitational field will be affected in some way. There will be a time of massive change, of change on a scale that has no historical precedent, though it does have antecedents in the prehistoric events of this and of distant worlds. The changes that your generation will experience before it passes the torch to another are more fundamental than those that accompanied the agriculture revolution-and those changes took thousands of years. They are more far-reaching than the changes of industrialization, which took nearly three centuries to transpire. Yet, deep and fundamental, massive though these present changes are, they will occur within the span of just a single life.
Properly understood, these changes and their coming have the ability to inspire a degree of hope and optimism unprecedented in the history of your race; for they spell the end of mankind’s subconscious condition and therefore portend, as the scriptures of the world foretell, an end to bloodshed, starvation, warfare, exploitation, and needless suffering.
Within your lifetime you will witness revelations that will show the foolishness of much that was once deemed wise. You will watch as traditions and historical habit patterns once assumed to be survival imperatives are discovered to be detriment to a healthy life and to a healthy society. Behavior that made sense for creatures who imagined they were islands of individuality is abandoned by those who experience the interconnectivity of all life. The consciousness that is awakening upon this world is no respecter of Darwin values. Its perception brings new values and new ways of being. During these decades you are seeing the descent of the Angels of Healing. Even now, all around you-and perhaps in your own life-they are incarnating. In some cases these are beings who have not known human form since before the decent of historical time.
It is possible that you are among those who have held only a tenuous and flickering connection with your incarnational successions. It is no matter for judgment. Those who incarnate now, those who bring the fullness of their eternal talents, attributes, and perspectives into today’s people, are the agents of healing. They alone have it in their power to experience this awesome time of transition as glorious or traumatic. All are invited to remember their essence, their purpose, their reason for being here, and to bring through into this age of transition the sense of celebration that invariable accompanies such remembrance.
Our numbers upon the earth have grown rapidly since our first large-scale arrivals began in the late 1960’s. Yet it is not quantity, not numbers that will make the difference, but the quality of our compassion, the quality of the love that radiates from our hearts. Every individual who becomes a clear and undistorted channel for eternal love into these times offsets a thousand who remain locked in the dissolving values of the old. 

We are rapidly dispelling what remains of human illusion, helping all to identify with the growing currents, the energies and the forces of love and life. You are already living in the dawning of the age of Planetary Awakening, the age of peace and community building. It is here now for the most sensitive to its fragrance, texture, majesty, and vision. The age has begun when the earth is to be cultivated like a flower garden and her gifts presented as conscious offerings to the gardeners of eternal beauty, the age when humankind return its gifts to the earth, to her soil, her streams, her mountains, her oceans, her creatures of water, air, fire, and clay.

The future, as always, holds an element of surprise. Yet some things are as certain as the movement of the stars.

A mother never knows exactly what hour she will give birth to her child, but since she has a “due date,” an approximate time when the baby is expected and will most likely be born. For millennia now there have been those in various traditions of both East and West who have known that the earth has a due date something during the second decade of the twenty-first century. Though there will be much awakening of individuals prior to the first unified movement of the awakened planetary organism, this movement, like a first breath, will occur in but a single moment. It is then that the Star Maker will consciously awaken in all systems of human biocircuitry capable of sustaining universal awareness.

Babies are sometimes born early, sometimes late. So be aware, be vigilant. Do not discount the possibility that the moment might come as a thief in the night. And do not be among the foolish who will wait until the last moment to come to terms with the rising awareness. This is to be an important occasion.

It is the event that is central to all of human history.

Our emphasis for many thousands of years now has been and continues to prepare you for this single moment. For though the changes will be dramatic, they need not be traumatic. 

Though they will bring a fundamental human revisiting of reality’s nature, this need not be perceived as threatening. Essentially, it is a positive and joyous event. The consciousness that will eventually emerge will be the consciousness of the Eternal One, the Creator, the Being of Life, awake and aware for the first time inside a material universe. Human circuitry is designed to accommodate this consciousness. In much the same way that your individual cells understand their relationship to you, each awakened human being understands him- or herself in hologramatic relationship to this unified field of awareness.
Since this perception of self differs significantly from historical perception, its emergence in collective human consciousness presents the potential of disorientation in those who might react to its coming in fear. We have much to do before the preparation of human consciousness is complete. Still, even if the awakening were to occur in this very moment with no further preparation, it would be an event of unprecedented beauty. However, in that case fewer people would be in a position to appreciate it. We wish to to maximize enjoyment and minimize discomfort for all concerned. If human beings understand more fully what is occurring, they will be less likely to react in ways that would cause them unnecessary discomfort. 
Regardless of whether one accepts this change or attempts to back away from it, this event will be of greater power than any the earth has ever seen. More energy will be released in a very few moments than is typically released upon the surface of the earth in many years. This energy will take the form of heightened perception and deepened emotional connection, rejoining the individual and God.
Though this unprecedented time of intensified energy radiation still lies a few years before you, you are already near enough to it and the event will be so powerful that time is behaving with increasing subjectivity, bubbling and warping, creating islands of the future wherever there are those who deliberately invoke the energies of the emerging consciousness and demonstrate willingness to live their lives in love.
These are not disconnected islands beneath the receding seas of historical illusion. They are united in a veritable continent of rising awareness. As the new reality comes fully into human consciousness (at that moment when the Creator’s luminous field comes into perfect alignment with the Earth Mother), all illusion of destructive nature will be dissolved. Though there have been many centuries leading up to this moment, when the moment comes it will be decisive.
There will be a great shift then, a single moment of quantum awakening. In this moment, the smallest interval of time measured in these dimensions-this interval that occurs in every atom between each of its billions of oscillations per second-will be lengthened unto infinity. An interval of nontime will expand. Through that expansion eternity will flow. Some will experience this moments as minutes or hours, others as a lifetime. Still others will experience this flash of nontime as a succession of many lives, and some few will, in this moment, know the Nagual itself, the great nameless Presence that exists before and after all these worlds.
In the expanse of the non-time interval, human beings will have all the time they require to realize, experience, and remember full consciousness of their eternal spirits and to recall the origin of their individuality in the primordial fields of being. All will have ample time to recharge their form identity and its biological projection with the awareness of who they are, why they have individualized, and why they have chosen to associate with the planet’s human expression. Each one will have the choice to return to biological form or to remain in the fields of disincarnate awareness.
Those who choose to return to human form will do so fully aware of who they are. No longer will they be put partially incarnate; they will resume biological residence with the full memory and consciousness of their eternal natures, sharing the creative capacities of the Star Maker, whose reflective cells they will then know themselves to be.
Subconscious orientation in fear will be replaced by conscious orientation in love. The sudden release of power, as the polarity of the collective human emotional field shifts from outer to inner orientation, cannot be avoided no matter how smoothly we seek to guide the transition. All will feel an unmistakable surge of power in the instant of quantum awakening. This is as inevitable as the daily rotation of the earth’s continents into and out of the light of the sun.
But the effects? The implications? There is no way to predict them. They depend on the choices you make today. By extrapolating current trends of consciousness we can establish a probable range of effect. But there may be as many as eight billion people incarnate at that moment, each with complete freedom of choice. And though the choices each one makes in his or her lifetime prior to that moment will certainly predispose that person in one direction or another, there are no guarantees, no assurances.
The spiritual polarity of collective human consciousness did shift one before, triggering a reversal of the earth’s magnetic field, a shifting in the position of the poles, and a great deal of destruction. However, that shift was a shift from consciousness to subconsciousness. 
We will have a degree of control during this conscious shift that was absent then and so do not expect the same sort of cataclysmic shock waves. Still it would be underestimating the variables to assume that earth changes will not accompany this event. Almost certainly some will. These will be for the most part of benevolent nature-a melting of the polar ice caps, for example, bringing rain to arid regions and helping to cleanse toxins from polluted lakes and rivers, a warming and simultaneous moistening of climate that will open to agriculture the extensive plains and fertile river valleys of Greenland, Antarctica, and certain of the world’s deserts.
To minimize the trauma of this moment for you and others of the human family, it is important that you prepare for it well ahead of time, establishing the habits that will leave your self-understanding fluid, relaxed., And trusting in the overall benevolence of the universe and its resident intelligence.

The best way to prepare for the future is to be fully in the now.
The only habit you must cultivate, though it may go against the programming and traditions of your society, is to allow your consciousness the relaxed flow of attention that brings you a clear and accurate picture of the phenomenal world and continuous awareness of the Eternal Presence from which it has unfolded. Such a state of consciousness will allow you to enjoy the rushing energy currents and heightened awareness that will sweep through the earth during the expansion of the nontime interval and will maximize the stabilizing influence that radiates from you into your local surroundings.
Long before the moment of collective awakening there will have been established a sufficient core of people functioning on higher frequencies of awareness to enable the harmonic currents of their respective amplified radiations to displace the influence of those who may react in fear, both at the moment of collective awakening and beforehand. The frequency radiations or vibratory emissions of fear are not harmonious. Their effect on collective human consciousness increases at an arithmetical rate (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) for each additional person whose behavior is centered in fear, but they do not build in the kind of geometric progression (2, 4, 8, 16, etc.) that is characteristic of the harmonic radiations of love.
Before the final instant of final awakening, the radiations of love will constitute the predominant vibrational influence on collective human consciousness, even while a numerical majority remains centered in the historical orientation. That condition is now very near. You who have motivated by love bring to bear on collective human awareness an influence much greater than your historical reason might suppose. 
Individually you have an impact on the collective predispositions of your species far greater than that of those who are merely trodding the time-worn paths of self-centeredness. You who do your best to make your decisions out of love, who refuse to be controlled by the subconscious machinations of fear, who take time, if necessarily, in difficult situations to proceed slowly, consciously, lovingly, are truly among our own. Your awareness of these things will soon be in full. You are the ones upon whom we can depend during the coming shift.

Yes, the Oversoul looks just like Merlin. Who knew?

56 thoughts on “The Event ILLUSTRATED II

  1. An Oversoul that steals pizza out of the box ?? I seem to be the proud owner of a mirrored disco ball. I was going to hang it out in the back yard somewhere and see if I make any new friends. Any tips on some places that work better then others ? Such as high, low, in a tree on a fence, full sun, partly shady ?


  2. We will love the land once more as we love our children.When all know love, fear will have no place, such joy truly awaits us!


  3. Btw, some of you should be receiving gifts right about now, in dreams. Be sure to pay attention.~M3


  4. I have two beautiful cats, but one is more special to me. I often try to envision the new earth, one thing I imagine is one of my cats, she is all white with one blue and one green eye. In my mind she is as big as a snow leopard who can talk, and is not my pet but part of my family. I imagine us running down the beach in a calm cove with a purplish sunset. The backdrop in a jungle with mountains peaking from behind. Our house in tucked away within the trees, behind it is a wonderful waterfall. After working our fields during the day with our community, we get together at night around a fire. Some play guitar and some sing. We are on the outskirts. When you elevate above the mountains there is a wonderful white glistening city, that looks to be made of crystal integrated with nature.


  5. I had an odd dream last night… I was in the backyard with my phone when i saw a huge orange beam of light(and some spaceships)! I took a picture of it and went to show my friends but they seemed more interested in getting me to work for a living. I sort of have an understanding of what it meant (I'm more interested in the metaphysical then i am of “real life”) But that beam was odd, any thoughts?


  6. We seriously recommend picking up a copy of Carey's book. It's a primer for those who will be the next group of angels in SOURCE's universe. Excellent. Four CATs have already been issued “invitations” (which we of course accepted). (!)As M3 said above: pay attention to your dreams right now.~M5


  7. It is showing you a clear direction and a future choice. It won't be long, now.~M4


  8. absolute truth… this so resonates with my soul and makes so glad to be incarnated at this time. excellent read….more sir….


  9. Last night I dreamt I was able to see earth bound spirits of those passed. I could switch on this faculty at will as I walked around communicating with a male spirit.I have seen, smelt and heard the dead before and even communicated to them in dreams and then waking life, but never been able to do it when I wanted to, it just happens spontaneously. Maybe that will change now?


  10. Could you please elaborate on what you mean by invitations?It would be an honour beyond words, but wouldn't you be a little peeved after struggling down here for so long long, only to leave it when it becomes a paradise?ArchAngel Michael once told me out loud when I was awake thinking of him that I WAS CHOSEN. Do you think this is what he meant?


  11. When you say “showing you a clear direction” Do you mean literally or figuratively? The beam was horizontal and pointing to the east of me… As you can see I can not read in-between the lines very well…


  12. We asked the Oversoul what we would be doing after The Event. We were told. We suggest that others make their own connection. We can't tell what's going to happen for each individual person, and we can't ask for you. It will be different for most everyone. But we trust that SOURCE has our greatest interest in mind, so whatever happens… happens.~M6


  13. FYI… latest from Diane Canfield:”We need to continue to stay in the moment so we can feel these upgrades when they take place. If we are focused on a future event we no longer exist in the moment. If you are focused on predictions of other events, this takes you out of the moment of Now.”


  14. I feel compelled to share this.I know two things.This change will come like wind, it will be like a cleansing wind that washes over us, I cannot explain it but it's like I can remember it even though it hasn't happened yet?Secondly, we are VERY close. I am FEELING it :-)Time to wake up…


  15. Yes, we feel it, too. It's very calming. It's like that retirement you always dreamed of. Except without any meanness or darkness — and with spirits and ETs! And enchanted forests! We'll have to look down to see if we have big hairy feet. ;)-CAT5


  16. Sorry if that sounded brusque. Tone is difficult to manage with language, sometimes.~M6


  17. Commenters please take note:Any negative or insulting or accusatory comments will be deleted, nearly unread, so don't bother.-CAT Staff


  18. Or worse: we'll have one of the M's read you DEEPLY. Only mildly kidding.-CAT12


  19. Snarky Commenter: OF COURSE we felt the recent energy. You'd have to be a dead lizard not to.-CATof9


  20. I cannot tell you how beautiful this piece was for me and how deeply the words resonate with me. I have seen this “energy event” – this “flash”. I had a dream about it a few months ago and it was indeed a moment – and I saw neighbors of mine who are rather “unconscious” – suddenly transform. I have also refused to cater to the belief out there that we are in end times as in violent end times – that there will be chaos and destruction. Absolute nonsense. There is so much Love behind this awakening – so ensure we ALL “get there” – in our own time of course. Anyway – thank you for sharing. It is so reassuring to me to read these words.


  21. me too! seriously one of the best pieces i have read – especially when i read pieces that talk about how we have to be in these perfectly healed states – by doing the work on our own – clearing out all lifetimes of trauma (w/o knowing what they are) – being in a perfect state of thought at all times in order to get to “go home”. this man's words through his Oversoul are so beautiful and comforting. we all make it. i do feel those of us who have been using our time and will to awaken and remember will be needed when this “event” comes to assist others. i have seen it.


  22. yes caleb ~ i feel the same. a couple of months ago i had a dream of this event. call it prophecy – it was a powerful experience. and yes it was powerful and gentle at the same time. swept across the earth. neighbors up the street who are pretty unconscious were suddenly transformed – which surprised me in the dream experience. the sky was a bright – very bright – milky white (which oddly enough the skies here in my area have been looking this way the past few days) – and off to the south i could see other planets. 2, i believe. it is coming – i definitely feel it.


  23. This interview is an important read:“…does White Cloud not always say that Visualisation is your most powerful tool? This is because EVERYTHING is a visualisation. YOU as a BEING think there is a profound difference between what is real and what one is imagining. This is not so. Your subconscious mind does not know the difference. To ‘it’ … Everything is real. Or, would we say ‘Everything is an illusion!”~M4


  24. thank you so much for sharing! I too feel this is very close & see signs confirming such. since the third week in april, the sun is both rising & setting 30 degrees north of where it has in the past (I live in central texas). the constellation of orion, always visible in the Texas sky has dipped below the horizon no longer to be seen. exciting times indeed!! again, thank you so,so much!


  25. pretty amazing read. so what to do? keep calm and carry on? continued controlled folly? honestly, all i'm doing is trying to act impeccably in all (most?) things. not sure how i'm doing but i keep putting another foot forward.-karategrandpa


  26. Yes, it is a living language that becomes part of you on “reception.” You'll all know what we mean soon enough!~M3


  27. Yes, light is a living “packet” language. You'll know what we mean soon enough.Speaking of folly… all “scientific” instruments only measure this little water drop we're inhabiting, and show nothing of The Event's incipience. (The Event itself will originate from an adjacent universe of light, so it's impossible to “locate” in this existing space-time. Like Da-da always says, we are non-local beings having a local experience!)~M3


  28. FYI, all… we have trolls trying to choke info traffic. But they themselves are experiencing unusual delays in their world. The time is short, but it's never to late to change, trolls. There will be two types of Event reaction: awesome wonder and fearful dissolution. Which bus did you want to be on?-CATof9


  29. I particularly liked his line about “islands of the future” popping up as time itself changes. That works for me, islands of the future becoming the reality of the now.


  30. FYI: the “RV”/”dinar” funding drama that never seems to go away is pure hokum. There will be no funds delivered. No idea what the various parties get from this, but turn your backs on this fiction and move on. Sorry, that's the truth. And anyone who hangs on anything Corey Goode says deserves what they get, so let's stop reacting and get busy ignoring. Oh, and Antarctica? Who cares? Take a vacation from all this disinfo and make your peace with SOURCE, with yourself.The Event is one month-ish away. It cannot be stopped. THIS is why the elites are freaking out. Alas, for them there seems to only be the boo and the hoo… but there's no place to go.~M6


  31. Yes, well done M6, I think the idea of this is to keep folk hanging onto the Babylonian money magic program. I have NEVER understood money, it seems so alien? And I KNOW that any advance for this planet cannot involve money, that's ridiculous!So if you want this dinar rv nonsense to materialise, all you are doing is becoming part of the problem and not the solution…


  32. Wowzers, my head feels like it's expanding and contracting! It's all tingling with a pain in the center and a burning on top in one spot, thrumming a whawn,whawn…whawn,whawn. Started last night and it's still doing it this morning. Anyone else feeling like this? Shit is getting weird, just saying. Mo


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