Meterage for 7-22 to 7-26-20 [UPDATE6]


FYI, the first bit of CME energy just reached our shores, so… you might feel a bit scrambled going into the weekend… but what else is new? Be sure to GROUND yourself well, and BREATHE (SOURCE) through the energy.

Today’s energy (and micro-jumps):



A tiny jump/adjustment.





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And this from earlier:


Screen Shot 2020-07-22 at 12.02.02 PM

There was also a big Aleutian quake (at 10 km depth) that we’re looking into.

Screen Shot 2020-07-22 at 9.32.32 AM

Here’s the pre-heating convection (see that thin line at top?):

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And the quake a few days later:

Screen Shot 2020-07-22 at 9.32.18 AM

We have no idea why the Powers-That-Are (PTA) allow this facility to continue existing, what they’re doing is treason (attempting to create a tsunami to wipe out the West Coast). However, it’s good of them to prairie-dog for us. The SuperFriends are looking into their recent modifications.

Oh, for those who wonder about the Schumann Resonance (which we don’t always show, unless it’s interesting), note that that meter is more of a MIRROR: Energy bounces off the core and comes back up to us, so we’ll probably see SR WHOMPs after these CME surges; in the above CME cases, you’ll feel both ingress and egress.

Meanwhile, the sun is having its own paroxysms, pre-SHIFT:


(Oh, and a HELLO to all those astronomers and others who are using CATs as a kind of Wave X detector, showing them what’s really happening out there. Still much to learn, folks.) We have too many solar-strobe/Portal One/CME energy images to show here.

Here’s a recent earth-facing pre-SHIFT energy blast from a portal near the sun (that caused some CATs to think they were goners):

Screen Shot 2020-07-22 at 12.15.56 PM

One more: A couple ships seriously ZOOMing past the sun:

Screen Shot 2020-07-22 at 12.24.54 PM

Ok, time for some CAT eggs, SuperFriend-style:





7-24-20 ~ 12:20 am PDT: SOURCE is here. Welcome SOURCE in!


Ho-lee merde. We *heard and felt* the CME hit in the early morning (PDT time) and it sounded and felt like a buzzsaw. You could really feel the power of Portal One (within the sun), and we’re 93 million miles away from it. No winking this time, we felt reality unknit and reknit at least three times whilst we were awake. A very strange and singular experience. Anyway, here was some of the energy:











Only a few CATs reporting so far. Lots of vertigo and a general unfocused nebulosity.

More after we have a metric ton of coffee.


More (serious) timeline jump clarification:


The CME “buzz” started at 3:00 am PDT (10:00 UTC) and then the jumps started around 4:00 am (11:00 UTC). Wow, this is going to take some getting used to. We’re being pulled away from 3d. As usual, The SHIFT appears different (slower) down here in the trenches than Guides and ETs have described. We might have to issue a TTYB alert.


Welcome to a new level.

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Whoa. We just hit a wall.

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More jumps and anomalies, big and small:



And a rare correlation with this meter set:


And a small jump:


And some energy anomalies:




Also, note that our meditations have been… different, lately. Things feel smoother and stronger.

More as we find it.


Another CME today, but none-earth-facing.

Lots of CATs had rough Ascension-energy nights last night, and awoke… different. Again. Like we’re being expanded into different dimensions. It’s really tough to describe.

329 thoughts on “Meterage for 7-22 to 7-26-20 [UPDATE6]

  1. Something kind of funny-ish occurred this morning, just a bit ago… I was repeating the old/first? SOURCE mantras this morning while hand connected to my little dog’s back, while she was sleeping above my head – trying to hold on to memories of things (like mantras or much of anything) has been challenging, but was able to retain that first iteration of the SOURCE mantra (what I’m calling it anyway to remember) this morning – now what was I saying… …
    Anyway, after saying it for some extended time I started reading some recent comments I’d probably missed these last days… I was kind of “ditto-ing” people’s’ sharing of LIGHT pours as I was reading and a phrase popped in – I thought it was funny…
    read/shared light, then this was ‘said… ” LIGHT bestowed – LIGHT Be-STOWED”… for laters, I guess…
    anyway, just a mild funny
    be well, ALL
    feeling whonky, so going to try resting more –


    Liked by 15 people

  2. Hello: I write this quickly to put a youtube link (before they delete it). It is in Spanish, but for those who understand it it can be interesting. The first intervention is in English (from a German doctor). It is a press conference of a medical group reporting on the falsehoods and manipulations on the subject of “C bug. Here they have been sanctioning doctors who have disagreed with the official line, so they have much merit. It just ended (it was live).


    Liked by 10 people

  3. It’s been happening for a while, but now I’m completely stuck in the (mashed) fruit loop; smoothies and juice is all I’m allowed to “eat”.

    Sleep schedule is seriously twisted, can’t fall asleep at any other time than between 9am and 11am, if I’m lucky I get to see the sun setting while waking up.

    Just got word that work starts on Monday after a much needed month off; though I have no clue how to re-combine the two realities. The “food” is not a major issue, but sleeping all day and mostly staring into a wall when awake isn’t going to be very popular.

    I just wish we could get on with the show, give everyone a solid kick in the behind to snap them out of auto pilot. Life would be a lot easier if everyone else wasn’t still pretending.

    A slightly older friend of mine just had a heart attack, another one feels like he’s getting one any second. I guess I shouldn’t be complaining about food and sleep disorders, pretending isn’t looking like much fun either.


    Liked by 18 people

    1. Dearest Perica ❤️ I have decided to relieve myself of Lisa posting duties…for now! 😉

      Hopefully these multi-postings by Lisa mean she is feeling better ❤️

      Much Love & Light ❤️✨🙏✨❤️

      Liked by 7 people

        1. Actually, I will reiterate on that one, I am not going to follow Lisa for a time bing, or at least until CAT’S gives a thumb up for her as her last two post, and specially the latest one did not feel OK, something is wrong, so I will wait, let someone else take on that duties ✨

          Liked by 4 people

      1. @ pam141
        “Our future is being filled with energies not becoming”

        maaany times asking my Guides, trying to grasp this…
        It is called the “Uniqueness of planet Gaia”.
        An unprecedented Medal of Honour,
        bestowed onto us all by Brother J Himself.
        Through His unprecedented Acts.

        There is NO script for our future – there is no becoming this from that.
        The jump into a higher Dimension of consciousness,
        of not only a planet,
        but of us, all humans,
        in form!
        Is a new Beginning
        in total Purity,
        from ZERO.
        We are the happy creators,
        and we will sculpt our untouched, new future,
        to our happiness!

        Liked by 12 people

  4. Cat Eds. Thank you. Update 5 explained why I had TTYB The Sequel at 16hrs UTC this afternoon. It sure did increase my heart rate. My body didn’t like coping with this two days on the trot. At least I managed to make a large batch of blackcurrant jam this morning before it hit. By the way regarding coatings, I would go for titanium nitride. My partner worked on the prototype machine many years ago and I was struck by the gorgeous rainbow colours of the coated items. Pretty. 😸🌈🌈🌈💖

    Liked by 14 people

  5. I am a little puzzled with today Lisa’s post, a Part 2, something is off with it, anybody else feel the same ?

    Liked by 9 people

    1. ~ Perica ~ I felt the same about this new Lisa G post. Perhaps with her health difficulties AND her daughter/ legal system difficulties she left a crack in her shields or something. She’s an amazing person. I hope she finds her balance soon.
      In the meantime, I’m letting her post. pass by.
      Love, friend

      Liked by 6 people

    2. She is compromised. She always has been — she has maintained a vibrational level somewhere between ‘Queen V’ of Higher Realm, and below your ‘Blossom’.

      She has sandwiched herself in there, on a 3d/4d LOW Timeline….and refuses to move, to evolve, to budge from her happy place.

      She displays the light of Blossom on the surface, but never lets go of the underlying Queen V anger-issue energy Blockages. (which are causing all of her physical symptoms — the energies are increasing but can’t move past her tangled mental blockages to be able to ground into the planet, much less move the counter energies from the planet’s core back up and out, as well )

      Team darth vader have always used her and other lightworkers at those levels and they are currently stepping it up by going for their closest family members as well, eg. Lisa’s daughter, and Queen V’s daughter at this time.
      It’s also why she always sabotages her own Light information, constantly over the past decade — it’s an insertion of dark energy sabotage. Also why so much of her focus is on creepy positive “moon” brainwashing intel.
      Even Laura Whitworth was given the highest intel on that topic, that it’s primarily the reptilian base artificial satellite.

      BTW — Laura is HIGHER than Blossom.

      If you want to keep following Lisa, the smartest thing to do, to help our ascension, is to use her as a barometer gauge for WHAT NOT TO DO.
      To yourself, and therefore to the Ascension Team.

      Step out of the old role of naive worshipper and use her as your biggest lesson in DISCERNMENT.
      If you study her in this way, it will swiftly CAT-apult your soul evolution and vibration to very high levels…

      Liked by 3 people

      1. We haven’t found this to be the case… but… we haven’t spoken to her for a while. The latest ET thing was a little unusual. She actually can’t speak to us if she’s compromised, and she’s missed a few sessions… still, we keep the light on for her. She has a lot on her plate. And how has her info on the moon been “brainwashing intel”? Yes, there are some (four and a half) Neg/Neut bases there, but the moon still acts as a gravitic funnel for Wave X energies. It was the SuperFriends who put the shields around the moon to keep Neg influence to a minimum.

        And keep it nice, please. Discernment isn’t something to rub in people’s faces. Would SOURCE do that? No.

        -CAT Eds.

        Liked by 14 people

      2. She appears to be in a mucky place currently, as we all have been at one point or another. Tis best to beam the love instead of the criticism. Super easy to move along if something doesn’t resonate. 💖 There’s something to learn from everyone.

        Liked by 10 people

      3. Noted! For My Wife has been on the attack way more than before. I have a feeling someone is ticked about All the Love/Light energy I’m pouring on reporters. Well I Love those dark ones, Too! Peace!

        Liked by 9 people

      4. To be frank, I am grateful for this upright, neutral description.
        We lost the habit of listening to Truth.
        But how can we speak Truth, if not using Truth words?
        Which look a bit like a prick in the butt!

        I also find, high time for us to give up gurus.
        Also an old habit.
        Time to take our own reigns in our own hands.
        Gaia has done it today.

        Liked by 7 people

  6. Wow, today barely able to stay awake and I am usually totally fine with whatever comes ✨ Major integration and then big sleep 😴 and then some coffee, which I don’t really drink anymore, but today it was a necessity. Massive ups ✨ 🧗 are certainly happenin 🎉🙏

    Liked by 10 people

  7. Very interesting blog post from Sophia Love 7/24/20 “True Victory” See what you think. Perhaps this is more about the “progenitors’ returning?
    I spent three hours in bed this afternoon, completely depleted of energy. Still not much energy to work with now. Something’s got to give; I guess it’s me! Somebody please pour a bucket of Source on me!
    ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 17 people

    1. Hi lauraksmi, I just saw this. I’ve been in and out of things these few days too. surreal. I’ve poured a beautiful waterfall pitcher of Light, and surrounded you in emerald green. I hope you feel better. Love, Angela

      Liked by 12 people

      1. Thank you, dear siblings in Source! I have more energy now and was able to pick the first of the baby green beans from our garden patch. Steamed them within an hour of picking and they were crunchy delicious with a dab of butter and a sprinkle of pink Himalayan salt. It’s the small joys that are getting me through this. Every day the world seems more chaotic. Something has to change soon. May all worlds host Love, Light, Truth and Peace! ❤ ❤ ❤

        Liked by 12 people

  8. Strange question…
    What does it mean when you hear your name called 3 times as you wake up from a dream?

    I answered the vice, but got no reply.

    I live on my own, so it definitely wasn’t a human in the room with me. I also turn my devices off at night.

    This is also not the first time I’ve had this happen.

    Liked by 11 people

    1. Perhaps someone wants you to know you’re not alone (in a good way). It’s a good time for contact, that waking moment!

      Liked by 10 people

    2. Anonymous

      it’s a call from your Higher Self
      I learned that it is a precious sign from Spiritual world

      Love Alnilam 🌈💖

      Liked by 9 people

      1. Whew! Thanks for the explanation…I was afraid I’d slipped to a (much) lower timeline.

        BTW just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you guys do. I don’t know how I’d have gotten through the last coupla years without you.


        Liked by 8 people

  9. dear CAT’s ❤️

    I have a question:
    do you know about the Three Gorges Dam? It’s the greatest dam in the world and he is on the Jangtse Kiang River in China. The dam is in danger to break cause of severe torrentila rain during the last 45 days.
    If the dam breaks it would be a catastrophe with millions of death (100-400 Millions) and Wuhan with laboratories and chemical drug pharma would be destroyed (80% of world supplie)

    So I use to send light to China and the Jangtse Kiang River…
    today in my meditation I was sending even angels and suddenly I saw an
    angel with a trumpet…

    Do you have any thought about it?

    love Alnilam ❤️🙏❤️

    Liked by 7 people

  10. Feeling very wonky today and tired (what’s new, huh?) But anyone else feeling pain in kidney areas today – this is new, at least this relative time era of my life…
    Don’t feel it’s ACTUALLY the kidneys, but that area – maybe I volunteered to be the magic assistant during the night that gets her body sawed in half in the magic show???
    Also kind of have a feeling like I’m ‘swirling the drain’ – that’s the phrase I’m getting anyway… I’m open to these feelings changing, yes? Very shaky and vibrating, too…
    I’m going to go (oh my, was going to say join my cat, but she’s a dog- cat/dog?, part dragonette?
    Anyway going to try to zone out…


    Liked by 12 people

    1. Kg,
      I too have been very shaky which has woken me most nights over the past week. Not feeling weak physically, just fine vibrations which are usually deep within (but occasionally extending to my arms/hands). I think body recalibration is underway.
      The high pitched ear noises have been intense today.
      Warm, clear, soft, water swimming dreams.
      Blossom had a comforting update in her most recent channelling.

      Liked by 13 people

    2. It Will Pass! That was Perica’s elephant on My back last week. Live food &Lots of clean water, and tell it how much You Love It. It Works! Healing Light Is there! Peace.

      Liked by 9 people

      1. But what goes down the wonky drain in pieces comes back whole, stronger than ever. Allow your self to be broken, it’s ok, you’re safe. It’s all part of the plan.


        Liked by 6 people

  11. The moon is weird tonight. In completely the wrong place in the sky, bigger than usual and all fuzzy, I looked down to the bush in my garden and was sure I saw a figure standing there, couldn’t make it out but slightly luminous. Could be my imagination but my heart did that horrible butterfly thing! I was settling Elsie down to sleep earlier and heard a small child singing what sounded like a really old fashioned nursery rhyme of some sort, Elsie made a really high pitched scream followed by some shouts. She settled down eventually but it was odd.

    Going to sage again me thinks and do my Source shielding…I do NOT give permission for anything/anyone that does not have Elsie’s and my highest good at hear i our home or anywhere near us. Anything that does not have our highest good at heart must leave immediately and go to a place where they will be better served, SO BE IT, SO BE IT AND SO IT IS ✨

    Much Love ALL ❤️🙏❤️

    Liked by 15 people

    1. Hmmm, just saw a black object in the sky that vanished as soon as I set eyes on it (back window) and then saw a flash of blue through the front window! Is today ‘The Day out of time”? It’s turning out to be a very strange evening!

      Much Love ALL ❤️🙏❤️

      Liked by 9 people

      1. Day out of time was the 25th. Today 26th is galactic new year and lions gate start thru the 8th of August. Has been a very intense time of integration for me personally in my process especially past few years. Just keep holding the highest ✨and intentions. 🙏

        Liked by 11 people

    2. Hi Lily, too many things. I had Sarah take this one. You know, my daughter the dragon. Let me know how it goes now. I’m surrounding in emerald green. It seems to be morphing the ugly into something better. But let us know. Love, Angela

      Liked by 6 people

      1. Angela & Sarah (Dragon Daughter) ❤️ Thank you so much 🙏 I’m sure someone spoke of the veil being very thin at this time of year. It seems we might be experiencing that…Elsie is very up and down. We got beautiful Skylar today, just hoping she can cope with a very unusual household! I will envison that emerald light in meditation and call in help from AA MIchael, Brother J & Guides tonight.

        Thanking you both again ✨

        So Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

        Liked by 7 people

        1. Hi Lily, I’ll pass that on to the resident Dragon 🙂 Is Skylar the new kitty? Cats are wonderful protectors, that is perfect! I think you are on top of something where you are. I know we are smack dab on top of a huge crystal deposit here where we are. It can make things “additionally” interesting. Like they need any help lately…keep us updated on how the new addition to the household does. Love to you and Elsie – and Skylar. Angela

          Liked by 7 people

          1. Angela ❤️ Thank you! Yes, Skylar is the new kitty, she is very vocal lol, I’m sure she miaowed ‘wwwwooooooow” at me earlier when serving her salmon kitty pate! ☺️

            Much Love & Light ❤️✨❤️

            Liked by 7 people

  12. Forgot to mention, I had a strange dream last night.

    There was a big Trump Rally going on. He appeared in my dream not as himself but impatient angry and not very pleasant at all. I was trying to get myself ready and was putting on a black dress and rushing to finish my makeup. Melania was there. She seemed scared for some reason. I cannot help think I had a dream intruder impersonating Trump. Compared to the other Trump dream I had recently with the puppy, this had a very different energy…

    Much Love ALL ❤️🙏❤️

    Liked by 10 people

    1. hi, lily,
      gone are the times, when we scrambled our heads
      to explain a dream for ourselves.
      Too much interference.
      You need not accept everything.
      Use your power to transmute it to GOOD.
      “Not my thoughts!” is enough.
      in LOVE

      Liked by 9 people

  13. I felt I was taken to unfinished business, while a Friend has been drinking more than normal with verbal attacks. I let My ego get caught a few times and respond. I’m improving by just observing (mostly), or going tone deaf to certain verbal energy. Have a Beautiful night, All. WATL, …… ONE. So It Is! PEACE.

    Liked by 12 people

  14. Skylar the beautiful Ragdoll is back home with us ☺️

    She seems to have a very ‘hoarse’ purr could be from the tube for breathing when she was having her op (spayed) last week. She is also very thin. The rescue said she was picky over food but she has been through a lot, it could be stress? Does anyone have any tips on how to help her throat/hoarseness and with appetite? Would it be a good idea to put colloidal silver in the water or diatomaceous earth in her food to help her tummy detox from all the anaesthetic etc…

    Much Love ALL ❤️🙏❤️

    Liked by 11 people

    1. Hi Lily. I can feel you worrying from here 😻 I should just feed her what the rescue centre said she prefers. Otherwise try her on sachets of decent cat food and small amounts of dried for her teeth. When Poons was picky I slow cooked chicken thighs with a bit of olive oil. Failing that he also loved a bit of raw minced turkey or a few raw chicken livers. None of my cats ever liked the idea of rice and fish which some experts suggest. It’s trial and error. Her throat will improve. Its very soon after her op. A bit of colloidal silver in her water is a good idea. It’s a bit early for trying to detox. It’s seven weeks since Luna was spayed and she hasn’t grown her coat back fully yet. It takes them a while to heal. Skylar’s body has been burdened with litters of kittens so her recovery may take longer. Time and her new lovely family will heal her. Take a deep breath and relax. I will send all three of you light pours.💖💖💖😽

      Liked by 10 people

      1. Newlynn ❤️ Is my worrying that obvious?! I shall take advice and breath deeply!

        I woke to a hairball in the kitchen and Skylar breathing as clear as a whistle!

        She has been eating ALOT today (currently on top of the fish tank sleeping it all off!)

        The Rescue said she was very fussy and hardly ate but she is very different here bless her. Hopefully she will gain some healthy weight soon. Will try and avoid grains and give her some good quality stuff!

        Thank you for the Light Pours, that was lovely 😊

        Much Love & Light for you ❤️🙏❤️

        Liked by 7 people

        1. Hi Lily. Ahh that’s excellent news regarding Skylar. A good hack usually does the job lol. But the Cats advice about butter does work and Poons loved a bit. I bought him a special silicone spatula to lick it off. He was also partial to the odd treat of a bit of clotted cream. I never thought to try him on coconut oil as Christopher suggested. He would probably have liked that too. Spoiled or what! Seemed to do no harm as he lived so long. It’s so good that Skylar has eaten well. I should reinforce the top of the fish tank if she puts on weight.😂😸💖

          Liked by 6 people

          1. Newlynn ❤️ Yes, I already pre-meditated that and made a wooden lid for the fish tank! I knew she would want to snooze up there, its all tucked away in the corner!

            I thought CAT5 was joking about the butter but it seems very popular among the kitties! I will have to try that out, although aren’t they supposed to be lactose intolerent? 🤔☺️

            Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

            Liked by 2 people

            1. Hi Lily. I had heard that about lactose but Cats have been enjoying cream etc for centuries. I don’t take much notice of these fashionable notions. Poons survived until 23 and didn’t have digestion problems. Cats are not daft and most of them will only eat a little of what they fancy. Some don’t but we have always left hopper of dried food and none of our cats over ate. Knowing food is there seems to make them graze not stuff themselves. Luna enjoyed a spoon of rice pudding last night.😊😸

              Liked by 1 person

    2. The best way to detoxify is silymarin or milk thistle extract, it cleanses and protects the liver and also the kidneys. It even works in cases of poisoning.
      For stress I would recommend bach flowers.

      Liked by 6 people

      1. Christina. 😊 I was just about to say to Lily that I forgot Rescue Remedy, Bach flowers. Thank you.💖🌈💖

        Liked by 6 people

      2. Cristina ❤️ Thank you 🙏 I’ve used Milk Thistle before and use Bach Flower remedies on Elsie and myself, they are so good! I haven’t heard of silymarin so will be sure to look that one up!

        Much Loves 🙏❤️🙏

        Liked by 8 people

    3. Hmmm, I think Skylar has fur balls, she keeps making this strange noise then getting low on the floor looking like she is about to be sick but nothing comes up…Is there anything yu can give to ‘ease’ things? Maybe I should do a bit of research!

      Much Love ALL ❤️🙏❤️

      Liked by 5 people

            1. ~ OH CATs 5 & 6 ! ~ A double chuckle!! I think there may be a correlation between humorous CAT comments and rising levels of frequency craziness. Which bodes well for an even nearer approach to ‘full’ on our collective Shift battery charger?
              love, friend

              Liked by 9 people

            2. Well this little kitty is wolfing her food down, it’s making me laugh so much. Every time I open a ‘pate’ kitty tray for her she miaows ‘WwwwwwooooooWWWW”!

              Now if I can just get Elsie to see the funny side of the incessant mewing, things will be golden!

              Much Love & Butter ❤️🐱❤️

              Liked by 2 people

      1. Give her something oily that she likes, so that the hairs stick together and he can expile him. A nut of butter, mine loves cod liver oil (although I think most cats don’t like this).
        In Spain they are given a paste that comes in a tube, it is called “malt” it is not the same one used to make smoothies, so I don’t know its real name. Malta is its generic name, not the brand, there are many. They like it a lot and I give it to them once a week as prevention.
        I give you the example of one, it is taken from amazon (I buy it in my local store), but for you to see what it is, it costs about three euros and gives for three or four months
        “Gimcat Gimcat Malt Soft Extra 200G
        GimCatGimCat paste has a unique complex of malt, high-quality oils and vegetable fibers that prevents choking on fur balls and is also a delicious treat for cats
        GimCat cat snack, a perfect digestion: The beta-glucan content helps to repair a damaged gastrointestinal tract, in addition to avoiding possible digestive disorders since it prevents the formation of hair balls
        Thanks to its lactose-free, coloring, preservative and flavoring-free recipe, GimCat Cat Paste / The perfect treat for every day, for cats of all ages and breeds!”

        Liked by 9 people

        1. Cristina ❤️ Thank you, I wonder if you can get GimCat Paste in the UK, will have a look 😊

          Skylar is okay today, woke up to find a hair ball on the kitchen floor! Relieved it wasn’t a chest infection, sounded pretty awful!

          Much Love & Light ❤️✨❤️

          Liked by 6 people

          1. Hey Lily,
            If you don’t have one already, a grooming glove (has nubbies on the palm to catch fur) is a great way to cut down on loose, excess fur, and my animals enjoy the rub down with it. A lot.
            Big hugs,

            Liked by 5 people

            1. Laura ❤️ Thanking you! Sounds like a fab idea! i’m being a bit tentative with grooming due to the stitches from the spay. I think she must have had an injection on her shoulder area too as she seems sensitive there. I have a bit of a dilemma. The rescue’s policy is that we have her for two weeks and if all works out okay, I sign an adoption certificate. Her vaccinations are due in one week. She’s 7 years old, will be a house cat so is so unlikely to get anything. Just trying to work out how to get around it because I have a feeling the rescue centre will want to know she has been jabbed before they let me sign for her. I could book her in (delayed app) and then cancel it…

              Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

              Liked by 3 people

            2. Hi Lily! If you’re forced to vaccinate your new kitty, here’s a way for her to recover from it. I bought a bottle for myself, actually, in case it ever comes to forced vaccinations for humans. Not sure what it would do against microchips, but it might help against a ‘normal’ vaccine. I gave my kitty a squirt, too, just in case she’s ever been vaccine damaged.

              Liked by 1 person

    4. What ever You put on Her coat she will lick off. So if she can’t eat it ….. Yet I use virgin coconut oil on my kittens, for it heals/wards off bugs/anti-fungal/Is great for Their digestive. Pea size first time to test compatibility. Ask Your favorite Ascended Master to assist(Mother
      Sekhmet I prefer)Best of Everything for Little Angels, Both. Feel the Love/Light! Peace

      Liked by 10 people

    5. Dear Lily,
      Your Skylar sounds beautiful and I know how
      difficult it can be to get cats to eat, which is so different from dogs. My cats, even when not
      well, would usually eat cooked chicken and baby
      food meat. The most difficult time I had getting
      a cat to eat was with my chocolate point Siamese cat, June. She had been ill for awhile and then when she recovered might have lost her sense
      of smell as she would sniff the food but not eat.
      I took her to two vets who did not offer any help
      but the third one did. He gave her an injection
      of a medication with strong vitamin supplements. The next day, she must have felt
      ravenously hungry and ate even if she may not
      have been able to taste or smell the food. I don’t
      think you would have to do this with Skylar, but
      always worth knowing about if nothing else works!

      With lots of love ❤️ to you, Elsie and Skylar,

      Coriboy ❤️🌈😊❤️🌈😊❤️

      Liked by 7 people

      1. Coriboy ❤️ Thanks for the tip, I will keep that in mind. Skylar (aka Little Puss Puss Furry Boots) is actually eating loads now, it’s like having a little doggy! i’ve been leaving out some grain free kibble and giving her this pate that she loves, especially salmon or tuna! She is starting to look a bit better already, although she keeps getting poo attached to her back end, eww! 😝

        Much Love ❤️🐱❤️

        Liked by 2 people

  15. Terran Cognito has a couple of new posts, two are updates on the status of HATJ who has “mysteriously” had her incarceration lengthened (how can that be done legally?) while others are being released early. And a request for readers to send Love and Light to the source of the water at her prison location, possibly contaminated/poisoned on purpose. We can do that!
    There is also a very long post of his recent contacts with his off-world friends regarding the SSP and other interesting historical insights. ❤

    Liked by 9 people

  16. I seem to be hitting a new phase this morning. And this is only my personal feeling.
    The Garden shifted, and so did my office to accommodate. And then it shifted in me.
    I am a warrior. In all iterations and levels where I am. Some as a fluffy cloud warrior, holding Love. All the way down to further below here. It’s what I am.
    And this morning as the Garden shifted, I felt myself Warrior-ing up. Putting on the armor, stowing the Light sword. It looks a lot like the Armor of God, although I’m not particularly religious.

    And I’m ready to step into the fray. For me, there comes a time when tipping the scale is needed. I will not go down silently in fear, when I could have tipped the scale. And some greater part of me is calling me to arms. It’s time.

    I’m not sure what that will look like. At 59 I’m not heading out to a protest. I will pick my moments. I will be ready for them. My armor is in place. The silent warrior is ready. The arsenal is wide and varied.
    Into the fray.
    My love to all. Angela

    Liked by 15 people

  17. When I was looking at the Schumann a few minutes ago, for no special reason… just because… kept staring at the reddish elongated blob at the 19 mark – kept thinking it looked like a traffic-light pole, no discernible reason, just what it kept feeling like to me… *shrug*
    My brain isn’t very entertaining lately, so I guess I’ll take what it gives me…
    May your brains be more entertaining today… 🙂

    I went to sleep around 3-4 am and up and down since… still TIRED… and solar plexus wonky – I feel like I’d like a cozy soft blanket lined SMALL closet and tuck myself in… with a very strong sleeping pill (never take them) and clutch a stuffed animal…

    I think I’ll peruse the Mantra tab up above and try to remember all the things I keep forgetting…

    I wish you ALL good days today.. ❤


    Liked by 14 people

    1. Dear ~ Kg ~ sending a freshly picked bouquet of love, light and my hand to hold, all wrapped up in a perfectly soft blanket. You can curl up in the box with it if you want 🙂

      love, friend

      Liked by 13 people

  18. I woke last night at 4am thinking a spider had crawled into my ear, such a strange tickle then I realise it must be energy being sent into my brain for some rewiring as the other ear started up. I went back to sleep and dreamt of my telekinesis powers kicking back in and relearning how to use them. I woke up later quite excited, I had tried for hours as a child trying to make things move, knowing I should be able to but with no luck, perhaps I will have more luck now! Where’s that ✏️

    Liked by 12 people

  19. Well, it is actually video in which Laura interviews Vered Kilstein, a very experienced QHHT Practitioner based in Sydney Australia.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Ah. We looked at this. It’s something strange that China wants us handling and even planting. We get that some plants destroy natural ecosystems, and this feels tied to that. What is strange is that SOMEONE should be able to identify the seeds. Burn them.


      Liked by 11 people

  20. Dear Cats and other colleagues who participate here.
    It is not my intention to come to complain, but only to know if someone else happens to him.
    I have been for several weeks (months), in which any news I hear of lack of solidarity, of lack of respect, of harm done to innocents, leads me to a spiral of anger and despair as is not normal for me.
    The point got to such a point that last week I passed out twice.
    It starts with an unpleasant sensation under the navel (not in the solar plexus) that turns into blind fury, it goes up to my heart (my heartbeat and pressure increases) and it reaches my head and everything turns radiant white and I pass out.
    I don’t sleep well either, I have horrible nightmares and I fantasize about going out with a laser sword, or a gas canister, or a flamethrower and making the world a better place. (Pure liberating fantasy, I know I wouldn’t)

    This scares my family very much. So they pressured me to go to the doctor, I was lucky and he was a very understanding doctor. He told me that it happens to many people, including those of his guild. That if you are a normal person with a conscience, you cannot stop having those thoughts. What is a case of acute and sustained anxiety (not depression).

    He prescribed a very low dose of benzodiazepines that I obviously did not take. In addition to lawyer, I am a technician in nutrition and orthomolecular and phytotherapy treatments. So I know how to replace this. I am taking GABA, L-theanine and taurine to sleep. And to give light to my days Kava (piper metisticum) and a small dose of Hypericum (St. John’s Wort), small because I am very sensitive to it.
    The truth is that I was scared when the doctor asked me if I was excited about something in life, as if it was just buying me some shoes, and I was surprised with my answer without thinking:
    I’m not excited about anything in this world, I take it all for granted, I don’t want to know about more atrocities, I just want to go to the next level.
    someone else like me?
    Any ideas to fix it (I’m drowning in self-turning light cubes and mantras, it seems like they’ve lost their strength, or maybe if I don’t I would be worse, who knows)
    I am desperate, I have already passed the dark night of the soul. I don’t want to go through it again.

    Liked by 15 people

    1. Cristina, ugh, I’m right there with you. Trying to get over this month long sickness and had to go out to get food. Everything pissed me off…the smelly cars, the dirty roads, the noise. It’s just all too much. If anyone asks me if I have something to be excited about, I’d either laugh or cry…because there is nothing. Everything seems so pointless and I’m utterly exhausted. Hope your regimen helps you. ❤


      Liked by 14 people

    2. Cristina. You poor love. You are struggling. My advice is keep isolated from news, TV, social media. Anything that feeds the lies and negativity into your life. Occupy yourself with things that make you happy and peaceful. Hobbies, creating beautiful things, being with your lovely dog etc. I cope by living in my own little world and only interacting with the outside world if I have to. Breathe in Source whenever things are upsetting you. It works wonders and don’t forget to ask for help from guides and brother J. Sending a hug and a bath full of light. 💖💖💖

      Liked by 12 people

    3. “I’m not excited about anything in this world, I take it all for granted, I don’t want to know about more atrocities, I just want to go to the next level.”
      Hi, Cristina: you have described me and my life during this last years. I live “in pause”. I’m sorry, I don’t know how to fix it. I surrendered. My only way to communicate with other levels of me is through the I Ching, and it’s advise is hexagram 5: the wait…. You can imagine my face 😵😤. Definitely, waiting for years is not an easy way for an impatient human like me. And about the aggressive images… Well, this weekend two dumbs put fire on the pine trees next to my parents house. They did it at 01:30, my parents were sleeping. The fireman came and all ended fine, but can tell you that I imagined vividly a barbecue with this two. I am not perfect 😜

      Liked by 14 people

    4. @Delfina Gasoido
      I am sorry to hear that you are going through this as well…((((HUGS))))…
      I could totally relate to how you feel…Nothing excites me for a long time…I could not find any reason why I still should exist in this reality…I guess there is some good reason that I am not aware of right now…
      The only thing that helps me… just to stay in my little bubble and do not look at the world outside…Pretend that nothing is real and it is just a game and to go outside only when you absolutely must go…I also pretend when I am outside that it is not real it is like someone else’s life and not mine…I also do not watch any news and I am sifting through information that I need to know and everything else that does not apply to me I am just observing and not taking to the heart…
      This is what I do…and it helps me…
      I hope more people could share what they do to help them deal with this time that we are right now…
      Please hold on! It will be over soon…


      P.S. Something is going on with this blog. I hope my comment will get posted

      Liked by 15 people

    5. Cristina ❤️ Sending as much light as I possibly can.

      These are seriously difficult times, nothing ever quite like it has happened before to humanity, so some people say. What is coming out, has been coming out into our awareness is horrific, and for many we find these things out whilst on our own, in our living rooms, via some video or another and then of course it stays with us and unless we can get serious support processing these things, they can eat away at us. These things are such an abomination of cruelty and abuse it is beyond comprehension. It would be unatural NOT to feel something from all this…

      I suffer with anxiety and completely empathise with the gravity of what these feelings can do to you. I take something called neuro-night complex. It has 5-HTP, Theanine, B12, Magnesium and many botanicals. It does help me sleep better. I also have Epsom salt baths with lavender oil and use a diffuser with Frankincense which also helps with anxiety.

      I wish you were her because i would give you the most massive hug and we could chat and drink tea all night and hopefully feel better after. I hold you in Light and Peace, and Soothing Lilac Light.

      So many Sources have said The Shift will come when people can no longer bear it any more. I feel we must be pretty close. I cannot think this can go on for much longer. I have turned the TV off and there are very few videos now that I watch, mainly meditative mind!

      It’s okay to feel these things, it is so natural to feel these things, to be angry, disgusted, sad etc…All of it…We are human, we are definitely NOT emotionless AI robots! It shows our humanity and our hearts to feel things like this. We have Compassion, Love and want peace for our brothers and sisters and our world more than anything.

      This is a bit of a babble I’m afraid but I wanted you to know you are not alone and you are such a strong and beautiful soul who I consider to be a dear friend too ❤️

      So much Love & Light ❤️✨🙏🌟🙏✨❤️

      Liked by 19 people

    6. Yes, this happened to some CATs some months ago, exactly as you described. Those called need to realize that people are waking up, and that this will take time. YOU don’t have to wake anyone up. Or save anyone, except for yourself. You don’t have to “do” anything. You “save” people by being a LIGHT example, walking around, being you. While he was in a body, Brother J used to teach just by walking through a village and interacting with people in a normal way (which he could never do!) — because he was a living example that we aren’t bodies: we are spirit. And our spirits communicate COMPLETELY at that level, instantaneously, at the speed of light. And a LIGHT being (which you are) leaves light-challenged people changed by your very presence. Just know that all is well. Take a shower or bath, have a cup of tea… and recharge. Things will take their natural course and the sun will rise. BREATHE.

      This goes for all who read this blog. You’ve done enough. The LIGHT has already won. It did so before any of this ever started. So… relax. At the spirit level, KNOWING is just as powerful as DOING, sometimes more so.


      Liked by 24 people

      1. ~ AM ~ THANK YOU for writing this response for Cristina! I’d just read her comment, shifted to an activity for a short while, then felt a ” Wonder if there are any more new SOC comments” itch, and find your deeply kind and warm comment to her. And all of us as well.
        It feels like a steadying hand at the elbow while one regathers balance and remembers what one already knows. A sort of written ‘vibrational medicine’.

        You don’t comment often, but I think I’ve saved all of yours for rereading.

        Pretty incredible to witness the close attention the wonderful CAT/M/ Dada collective team pays to our community here, AND the individuals within it!

        love, friend

        Liked by 14 people

      2. I can speak only for myself, but I think that most blog members/readers here will agree wirh me that Yes even we done a lot here (I hope so ✨ ), we are not the group who will just easily sit and wait, we are Light Warriors and that is why we came here ✨

        I think that for a warrior, it is harder to wait then to go to the battle, while there are still battles to be fought, but also, the warrior earns for a peace and the celebration to follow 🙏✨

        Liked by 9 people

    7. ~ Dear Cristina ~ My heart reaches for yours immediately. I hear you. I even see you a bit fuzzily in Spain? where you are. In Spanish anyway :-).
      Thank you for sharing this intensity of experience here on the blog. (and just got an image of a very large and elastic trampoline completely surrounded with ALL the caring hearts who frequent this blog, all acting as safeguard to keep you from coming off the edge while you bounce wildly and sometimes lose your footing.)

      Mostly, I believe in YOU. You are a very fine human. I love you. Remember to breathe. It only takes one breath at a time. Perhaps, when you can get yourself to do it, make your face smile. Rather like a yawn- it is very ‘catching’ and you might find a real smile come too. Keep writing.

      Liked by 12 people

    8. We All have to figure out why We’re at where We Are. Comfortable or not, these Are lessons/puzzles. And they Do seem a little slow to Us, even if time is an illusion. A bucket of Light for All! Peace.

      Liked by 12 people

    9. Dear Christina,
      I do wish that many of us lived closer to you so
      that we could give you a big hug and let you know that we understand what you are saying.

      For those of us who are empaths all of the
      horrible things in our world, especially things
      done to children and animals, seem almost
      unbearable… never seems to get better. We
      see people suffering, in so many ways, but often,
      other than prayer, we cannot do much to change
      their lives.

      To say that I can hardly stand it anymore would
      be an understatement. I don’t like to complain
      either and try to focus on gratitude, BUT enough
      is enough! In addition to all the awful things
      going on in the world, in my own case I was told,
      five years ago I was going to die (stage 3 cancer),
      I had three serious car accidents in three years,
      my daughter-in-law has destroyed my relationship with my son, my only child, several
      good friends have passed on, as well as my cat
      Cori and my dog Blackie. Being a few months
      from 79, is not helping either! And of course, there are the endless CMEs and YATJs, with for
      me all the weird heart palpitations, dizziness,
      clumsiness and other strange symptoms.

      So what to do to keep sane? Coming here to this
      blog helps tremendously and I agree with Newlynn that doing creative activities can help.
      For me it is music and dance and sometimes
      needlework. I used to love to read and inherited
      8000 books 📚 but now I can hardly concentrate on anything that I am reading at all.
      Maybe I need Key Lime Pie 🥧 and Lattes. Lots
      of them!

      I know we have all volunteered to do this and I
      think if we can just keep encouraging and helping each other we can do it……We can
      make it through all this, and I truly believe that
      Source has something in store for us that is far
      more wonderful than we can possibly imagine!

      With a great deal of ❤️ love, light and healing,



      Liked by 7 people

      1. Coriboy. You have been through so much. I would really like to give you a big warm loving hug even if it’s only a virtual one. 🤗🤗🤗💖🌈💖

        Liked by 4 people

        1. Dear Newlynn,
          Thank you so much for your kind
          and loving thoughts….they mean
          a lot to me. You, and all of my spiritual
          brothers and sisters, on this blog, help
          me to get up every day and keep going.

          With lots of love to you and your
          beautiful Luna, ❤️😊🌈❤️😊🌈❤️



    10. Dear Christina, Big hugs and love to you! This sounds like a trying time, hang in there . I don’t know you, but you were in my dream last night..
      You were planting seeds in a garden and the seeds grew really fast and were the strongest plants. ✨👍🏼
      A couple of things that have been helpful for me over the years in processing trauma or difficult emotions, is lots of deep breathing / breath work. Taking time for self care AND not forgetting to nurture and dialogue with my inner child. I’m guessing with what you shared that inner child is needing some nurturing right now.

      Big 🤗 hugs, lots of 💖✨ to you. You’ll get through this 🙏!

      Liked by 5 people

    11. querida Cristina ❤️

      the prescious CAT’s ❤️🌈😊❤️🌈😊❤️
      allready told you what to do

      we all are in strange times and it is important to allways remember”
      we are LIGHT in a physical vessel.

      Trust in the Universe, trust in Source and in YOUR-SELF ❤️🌈😊❤️🌈😊❤️
      well valeriana, Gaba and Aswangha you allready know. I drink tea Good Night from Pukha and use Valeriana, when I wake up.

      I also use magnet therapy one negative pole on the third eye ( fixed on an headband with Hansaplast.)
      For Solar Plexus: protect yourself with the golden Globe arround you and ground with roots going deep into earth.
      Bath with sea salt, also showers with cold water in the morning are doing wonders.

      Raw Cacao is excellent to becoming a good mood. Raw Cacao powder with avena milk.
      Chanting and braethwork also. Nature, nature and singing, chanting. Mantras.
      Mantras can override negative thougths. Ganesha Mantra hearing:

      Black Stone like Turmaline, Obsidian…. (spanish: apósito adhesivo) upon your solar plexus with Hansplast three days and after cleansing three days in salt water. This helps against bad energies. Repeat untill you don’t need anymore. You feel when it’s over ( attack)

      Drink lots of water
      I have now for my husband one glas bottle 1 ½ l water …. he have to drink during the day.

      Relaxation from yoga : you start with feets and up all the glands and organs feeling relaxed
      this in the night brings you to sleep easy, cause you stop thinking on worries!

      I love and keep you in my heart mia amiga ❤️🌈
      we are pure spirit and safe ❤️🌈😊❤️🌈😊❤️ safe
      the angels are carrieng us on their wings, I saw it today in my meditation.

      love Alnilam ❤️🌈

      Liked by 8 people

        1. @Lilly

          yes indeed Pukha Good Night is wonderfull
          we have so many tools for help
          but anyway, how more we come into
          ❤️🌈😊❤️ alignment with SOURCE ❤️🌈😊❤️

          how less we need the helping tools
          caus all is ONE and all is SPIRIT

          I love your music story and I remember them all
          my good companions throug the years

          my favorite was Night in White Satin from the Moody Blues
          and when I think at Night in White Satin, comes Rio de Janeiro in my head
          (I lived there almost four years, worked as a tourist guide)

          love to you, Elsie and Mom ❤️🌈😊❤️

          Liked by 3 people

          1. Alnilam ❤️ Yes, the Moody Blues, how could I forget! My Mum and Dad had so many great records between them, a treasure trove. Mum loves Cream, Donovan, Georgie Fame. Dad had Rolling Stones and The Beatles and Puff The Magic Dragon! 🐲

            Much Love & Light ❤️🙏🌟🙏❤️

            Liked by 3 people

  21. Cats et al
    Have you heard about planetary magnetic anomalies causing memory issues? I think I had better update my password list cheat sheet so that it is easily recovered should the Event cause a mind wipe. I guess that could also effect computer systems (so maybe no need for passwords). Just thinking out loud. Cay

    Liked by 12 people

      1. Uhhh, Yes, and this is starting to bother me also, I used to have a good memory, specially on technical staff, and now as if that does not matter (which it true anyway), as that knowledge is/will be, obsolete (which is also true), that there is a lot off new stuff to be learned very soon, well, at least that is feeling I am getting from my inner voice 😉✨

        Liked by 10 people

  22. Here’s a recent message from Sophia Love. One gives an outline for what we can expect in the coming months, starting with that mysterious announcement that Blossom’s Federation of Light talks about. One won’t say what it is either, but the outline is interesting. I think this must be from her newsletter; this is the only place I could find the transcript online:

    Liked by 12 people

    1. Kolibri ❤️ Thank you for sharing this. It sounds like this ‘announcement’ is going to come ot any day now…Deep Breaths necessary I expect…

      Much Love & Light ❤️✨❤️

      Liked by 11 people

  23. Here’s my dream from last night…Cristina, your post comment reminded me to write about it ❤️

    It started off with me being in company of an old male friend. I asked him if he would like to share a bottle of wine with me, he agreed to go to the shop. I opened my purse and gave him £10. My purse was ‘bursting’ with notes! We went to a house and found the room we were going to sit in occupied, so I suggested going to my room (not one I know in waking life) as I had lots of beanbags and comfortable floor cushions. This part was quite non-eventful!

    Suddenly, I found myself in the arms of a woman who was crying, she had on very old fashioned dress, almost like the ‘Girl with the Pearl Earring’ painting but all browns. She held onto me tightly and I to her. I suddenly started moaning, I mean really loud, guteral, primal moans of despair but also a huge, incredible release of trauma and emotional pain. I woke up and was worried I may have made those noises out loud! It was like, every awful thing that had every happened was released with these sounds I was making, they were so blooming raw!

    Funnily enough, last night, before bed, I meditated about 3 times. Each time asking for assistance to release all my fear, anger, anxiety, anything and everything that no longer serves me! I think I may have had a Primal Scream Therapy session in my dreams!

    Much Love ALL ❤️🙏❤️

    Liked by 14 people

      1. Veni Vidi 11 ❤️ Yes, it was like I was being given the chance to do some serious emotional purging in dream state. I imagine if I had done that in the waking day it would have freaked Elsie out a tad! 😉🙃😊

        Try asking your guides and Brother J to assist you with releasing all fear, anger, anxiety etc…and anything that no longer serves you, really do it with intent, perhaps you will get the situation in dream state!

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

        Liked by 3 people

  24. Looks like this blog has a lot of empaths.
    I too have been ticked off lately.
    Try to stay above it as our job is to hold the light for others.
    Center, ground and soak your head or scream when necessary.
    All is illusion. Cay

    Liked by 13 people

  25. Gee! Lily, what you have described was similar with what I have gone through last weekend except it wasn’t a dream.

    It started with me with the intent to welcome SOURCE. But somehow, it turned out to be a question session: Lots of WHY? Why HER? What IF? Followed with pain, sobbing out loud, guilt and anger! Going round and round …. It was really RAW as though it happened just yesterday even though it was more than 10 years ago. I guess that I will never know the answer. And luckily I was alone during last weekend, allowing me to drown in pain and tears.

    All these years, my only consolation is that I know my Mom is in a good place. Two years ago, every night before I closed my eyes to sleep, I would ask her to show me where she is now – JUST ONCE and I won’t ask her again. So, one night, in my dream, I saw her sitting there on the ground, a feeling of serenity and peace embrace her in a bright surrounding. Though we didn’t talk nor did I see her face clearly, I knew it was her. It felt so surreal but unfortunately, it was only for a few minutes as I was woken up with “Wake up! We’re late!”

    Anyway, last weekend outburst was the closure I needed to release the trauma of witnessing the last moment of the person I loved the most. And is it any coincidence that it was also a review of what I have read in ACIM during the last 2 months – attack thoughts, see things differently, not a victim etc. Thanks CATs, for introducing ACIM to us. 🙏 🙏 🙏

    And now I’m ready to move on, or at least, I hope. Lily, I will try your method of asking to release all negativities that no longer serves me.

    @Delfina Gasoido, sending you pitchers of LIGHT 🌈 and LOVE 💓to you. It’s really tough trying to stay zen and indifferent to the madness going around us.

    I think this Pitcher of Light is working in this community, at least it was confirmed in my dream last week. Don’t know who they were in my dream but there were two people standing behind me and I told one of them to try the Pitcher of Light on me to see whether it works. Within minute, I got excited and exclaimed “Look! It worked! There is a rainbow” pointing at the wall in my actual house. The rainbow appeared for a few seconds and disappeared. So THANK YOU for this Pitcher of Light blessings, whoever that two persons were and from this community here. 🙏🙏🙏

    “We are perfect immortal spirit,
    Whole and innocent.
    All is forgiven and released.

    Liked by 15 people

    1. Phoenix ❤️🤗❤️ So sorry to hear about the passing of your dear Mum and the pain attached to losing her, although, you never lost her right? She showed herself to you and I’m sure she will be waiting for the moment when you can connect again, after all this craziness!

      It’s brilliant you could let it all out, the catharsis is so important. I have let myself rip emotionally quite a few times. I’m one to (unfortunately) let it all build up then then the levee breaks! Mostly I have been on my own (before beautiful Elsie came along) but I do remember being in a solicitors office with my Domestic Abuse Officer (back in 2013 I think) and just could not stop sobbing. They both ended up bursting into tears too! Emotions can be catching!

      We are so conditioned to ‘keep it all in’ although I think when you just think “sod that’ I need to get this all out, it’s A Okay!

      Yes, please give it a go, asking for help with release etc… it can take a few times but do try, we need to let go of guilt and fear and all those things. I’m still working on myself lol!

      The best outcomes I have had, have always followed me being thankfull for the experiences but asking now that it is released…

      Big Loves to You and Hugs and Light ❤️🤗🌟🙏🌟🤗❤️

      Liked by 4 people

  26. Speaking of Gene Kelly from the previous post this guy is doing a whole series on Hanks.

    A comedian said we would be down to watching the muppets after all is revealed…I wonder if even that will be left.

    Liked by 7 people

  27. Okay, I’ll post this here to add to the mix. I hadn’t looked at my computer all day. Christina, WE ALL here are probably going through the same stuff. I know that my anger level is currently quite high. I find that I am running out of patience (which is always in short supply) with people, situations and generally conditions. My solace is being outdoors here at the farm. When alone, the sheer magnitude of SOURCE is palpable! The quiet presence is literally indescribable. I will note as an aside that I Don’t want to be around anyone who doesn’t match my particular current vibrational rate. Oneness and universal love have not quite reared their gentle head yet. Sigh! I am annoyed even with Gardener’s presence. So—–I guess I, like so many others are in the “Let’s Go” stage. I don’t have anything more useful to say except as I’ve told Kg at times “Keep your chins up!)

    Liked by 11 people

    1. @ J … ❤ ❤ ❤

      Thanks for the reminder, J.
      Oddly, I'm not having anger issues, my challenge seems to be in allowing family to go through their 'stuff'… anger, meltdowns, etc and to let go of wanting to 'make it all better'. Letting distance to happen, trusting that their paths will lead them where they need to be, beginning to maybe understand that they have had as much or more of the LIGHT that they can handle at this time – I certainly don't know what's best for them and can only trust that SOURCE does and the path will be open for them to find their way, how THEY must…

      Much love to all… I'm getting the word, forbearance… word for the day?


      Liked by 9 people

  28. I just did a quick recheck of Terran Cognito’s post earlier and discovered a new one posted tonight.” Message from Thor about impending events- 7-28-2020″
    Wow! Seems along the same lines as Sophia Love’s post from 7/22 posted earlier. Even uses the WWG1WGA. We could be close to the announcement?
    I had another exhausting, confusing day with emotions all over the place. This has helped to center me. We are One. ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 7 people

  29. I forgot to add to my previous post a literary reference:
    “Let the wild rumpus begin!”

    Yours in Loving Source, Laura

    Liked by 7 people

    1. ~ Laura ~ Definitely one of the classics!! I’d say “Where the Wild Things Are” is a pretty good description of ‘where’ we all are about now. Of course, remembering it is only a dream, right Max?
      love and big smiles, friend

      Liked by 8 people

      1. Actually, I made a post that disappeared! It was in reference to two new posts on Terran Cognito’s blog from 7/28/20 in response to Sophia Love’s post on 7/22. The “Message from Thor about impending events” is quite intriguing! That’s the “wild Rumpus” I was referring to.

        Liked by 6 people

        1. The Carrington event sounds interesting. The statement “Electric charges are in the air”. So That, kept the telegraph machines running for days. We could do some cool stuff w/copper wire. Peace.

          Liked by 2 people

  30. Ivo of Vega: ET Healing

    As I opened my mouth and examined my lower jaw, there I saw it – a white tooth! All white with a little bitty speck of what looked to be amalgam at the very top but nothing like the usual chunks of amalgam that are in my swiss cheese-like teeth. I know other than my front teeth, dentists have never used white fillings on my teeth. Molars were always treated with amalgams or pulled. (I confirmed this with my last dentist who did a lot of work on my teeth).
    But there it is – a white tooth! It was like a miracle. I thought, “Huh?! Am I losing my mind?” The usual reaction. But then I guard against this because then you’re in the twilight zone and subject to being effed with by the dark ones. No. I had to be sure.
    “Ivo, did you fix my tooth?!”
    He explained he had because it was one of the worst leakers.


    Liked by 5 people

  31. Isn’t that something, It seemed like a normal day. Though little annoying things are here, I figure it Is My perception(after reading comments). Have a Most Loving/Light filled day. Peace.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Perica ❤️ No mistake, not by The CATS anyway, interference, very likely! They really are scrambling to keep control (PTW). Sad but true…

      Much Love & Light, keep on shining! May we all be beacons and just say ‘NO!’ I will not be dimmed, I will smile and laugh and dance!


      Liked by 8 people

  32. I have a bit of sweet wonderment to share:  

    I was staying all day with my 15 mo grandson while his parents were away – always a great time to get ‘deep’ with both his baby AND big selves  🙂    At one point when we were both on the ground level together, he interrupted his busy outdoor explorations to make his “LOOK at THIS important thing!!” sound, looked intently into my eyes and reached out his one finger to touch a specific spot on my forehead – 4 times in a row!  A couple of times he adjusted his placement till it was in exactly the same spot.  His control is still variable, so the gentleness and the targeting were both significant.  The place he touched is where my ‘third eye’ would be.  

    I have nothing visibly notable there, though he is quick to call out any new bump or insect bite I show up with.  He isn’t speaking words yet, so he uses gestures and sounds, and we have a great intuitive communication.  Much later that day while sitting on his dad’s lap having dinner, he interrupted himself again, caught my eye, and reached one finger again to touch that same specific spot… I felt he wanted to let me know he was still aware of it being special in some way, even though he was engaged with his dad at that point.

    Pretty special youngster, even if I AM his grandmother!

    Liked by 12 people

  33. Dear all (OMG, I don’t want to sound like those who channel condescending spirits, jejeje):
    I want to thank all of you who have shared your experiences similar to mine and also the encouragements received, I have even felt those of those who have sent them to me without writing. 😉
    I feel much better for several reasons, kava, GABA and others are having their effect, I am also being especially strict with me in terms of mental discipline, and above all, this support group that has been created here has served me very well .
    The worst thing sometimes is not to be going through some kind of hell, but to think that you are going through it alone.
    In my previous message I said that I did not come to complain, nor did I seek compassion, and you have not given it to me.
    I have received love, encouragement and above all the feeling of belonging to a community in which without knowing each other physically, I have felt very close to you.
    We are as a kind of therapy group, or rather support group (such as those of pregnant women), since what we are going through is not a disease, although sometimes it makes us sick, it is a long, hard process in cruel occasions, but above all unknown, since we are the first to walk this road without any road map.
    So thanks to each and every one of you, those who read, those who usually share and those who do not.
    I feel that I have regained strength, whenever I imagine my Higher Self, I see something military type (in a good way), with my laser sword raised to defend the innocent.
    The joy and the illusion have not yet arrived, but after the last few weeks recovering strength and calm is a great triumph. And I owe it to you.
    By the way, excuse me for not commenting and thank you one by one, but I think that if I do, the Cat’s will block me for overbooking … hehehe !!!

    Liked by 12 people

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