OMC-1: Rainmaker Meditation COMPLETE

Given the recent serious turn, we’ve been asked to try something new. Take a deep breath…

The states of California and Oregon and Washington are on fire — indeed, the whole West Coast of the U.S. — and it’s artificial yet again. The PTW are attacking with heavy (orange) chemtrails, ship-based DEW weapons, and arsonists. Well, we’ve finally been given the green light to do something about it.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to meditate with your omata spirit-group (or just yourself) — along with all other positive participants at the below times — to create a gentle soaking rain that comes to CA and Oregon and WA from the Pacific Ocean. This RAINMAKER meditation will involve a bit of a time commitment, but you can jump in and do what you can when you can. A system is developing out in the Pacific and we might be able to snag it.

OMC Rainmaker Meditation

WHEN: There will be three half-hour meditations each day, starting Friday 9/11/20 and running till the equinox on 9/22; we’ll run group meditations for the next 11 days at…

    10:00 am PDT (17:00 UTC)
    4:00 pm PDT (23:00 UTC)
    11:00 pm PDT (6:00 UTC)

…and a final one at the time of the equinox:

9-22-20 @ 6:30 am PDT (13:30 UTC)

Each meditation will last 15-30 minutes. As always, if you’re tired or have a time conflict, you can ‘beam’ your meditation to the appropriate time. [FYI: The CATs are going to toss in random meditations here and there too, to keep the PTW off balance.]

This will be 11 days of rainmaking, and it will probably be cumulative. Don’t be disappointed if it doesn’t happen right away. It might take all 11 days to see results, though some CATs are seeing it as early as the 16th. It will take time and effort, given how much energy is being used to stop the rain and propagate the fires and smoke… but if enough of us participate, perhaps we’ll be done early… and we can explore other opportunities. We will be joined each time by our Positive ET friends, and of course SOURCE and Gaia. Gaia has already been stepping thing up. (Note that both CATs and CAT commenters have reported the earth glowing at ground level: that’s Gaia.) 

WHERE: The entire states of California and Oregon and Washington.

HOW: We’re going to G+P+C, then join with our respective omata. We’ll then visualize a gentle, COLD rain system rolling slowly into the Western edge of and across California and Oregon and Washington, from left to right, to cover the states with gentle rain. You might have to imagine roping the clouds and pulling them in like stubborn cows, or use rod and reel. This rain will start and won’t stop till all the fires are out. There will be no special effects (no lightning), just rain… and a gentle wind. Lightning suppression will be in effect. [Leave the DEW ship to SOURCE, Gaia, and the SF. Would be nice if the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard could help, too.] 

We’re going to bring that storm system on the left to the West Coast — and others after that — over and over again… gently.

This will be a(nother) test of what we’ve done before — but this time with the omata as supercharger. We’re curious to see how this works. Afterward, if given the green light, we’ll address other problems, elsewhere. This will be our first test of this Omata Meditation Collaboration (OMC). Believe it or not, this is one of the final precursors to The SHIFT.

This is also what our higher-order-being (HOB) friends do on other planets throughout the Omniverse, so this is excellent training.


FYI, You don’t need to have a complete set of your spirit-self group (aka, omata) with you to do this meditation. You can just bring yourself to the mix and help us bring light to dark. As always, you are more than welcome. 😉


A few things…

  • FYI-1, we’re moving meterage info to a separate post. This post is only about this 11-day meditation directions.
  • From now on, multiple meditations will have a date/frequency designator. For example, the second of three meditations on the 12th would be “12.2” and the third one on the 14th would be “14.3.”
  • FYI-2, there is an artificial blob of high pressure out in the Pacific that seems to be the root cause of much of what folks on the West Coast are experiencing, weatherwise. It needs to go.

ACTION: Imagine a huge mountain/block of ice in the middle of that Pacific high pressure blob (hence, the P-blob):

That should eliminate it.


Good work, all. Looks like we are closer to actual rain:


Ok, let’s try to turn the counterclockwise Pacific winds CLOCKWISE. These anti-clockwise winds are artificial. Imagine all the winds off the West Coast rotating to the RIGHT (which is the way it naturally is). Let’s see if that helps.


FYI, we’re envisioning giant electric drills (with no bits) of LIGHT to turn the winds and water currents clockwise. Ask J and SOURCE and Gaia to work with you. Once it starts going, it starts on its own because this is the NATURAL direction.


We don’t know about anyone else, but in last night’s meditation (16.3), CATs were immediately set-upon by a profound dampening darkness that smothered all positive energy. A little disconcerting for a moment… but really, it was fine by us, because in the energy realm, thought takes form in action instantaneously. So, if something obviously reveals itself to you, it’s like a gift. Why is it like a gift? Well, we breathed in tons of SOURCE for a few moments, then sent all who created and touched this dark energy the following crystal clear energy message:

You are perfect immortal spirit, brothers, whole and innocent. All is forgiven and released.

Lo and behold, that darkness exploded. Things were clearer today, energywise.

This technique works esp. well if something reveals itself to you, something that’s trying to scare you or worse. We did this on one of the Mr. Nasty’s floating around (scare/sphincter factor 9.9) and they made a surprised noise and fled; they did not like that mantra one bit.

We even added it to the clockwise Pacific Gyre energy we were creating, so that all who touched it were touched by that mantra.

Speaking of that, please pause your clockwise energy spins over the Pacific to address the jet stream. Imagine it looking like this (on the Pacific side), though with the blue line more along the coast:

That’s why we were having you imagine those clockwise winds, to restore the jet stream to more of its natural pattern. HAARP heating and bad mojo have been subverting actual weather since the ’80s, often turning the coriolis effect backwards. Time to put a stop to that… then step away and let Gaia and SOURCE take over. Ignore any crap about the “changing jet stream” and “el nino” and “la nina” as this is all programming propaganda to make you imagine weather being a certain way. We’re actually getting closer to seeing what we’ve all been working toward:

After we’re done with this exercise (on the 22nd), charge weather energy with the mantra in your daily meditations, then put weather in the hands of Gaia and SOURCE.


Please note that we are suspending these set of OMC meditations early. The omata exercises were VERY successful, and those should be kept up, as part of your regular meditations, but the concentration on the rains will cease. We’re handing everything over to Gaia and SOURCE and taking a short break. Frankly, we are tired, and we need to recharge a bit. And the 3d days are winding down. Time to look within and meditate with your new internal spirit-groups. You’ve all done very well.


Ok, Ms. Friend has dragged us back! We’d hate to miss an omata party.

Skip all the instructions, now. Everyone freelance. Let’s let SOURCE and Gaia and the HOBs guide us:


The ca8al no longer controls the jet stream. 🙂


We’re now being instructed to work on making ocean currents along the West Coast — and the whole of the Northeast Pacific — to be ICE COLD and flowing south, with the major ocean currents rotating clockwise. Final push. Home stretch. For whatever reason we saw this as having something to do with opening up the New Earth (?). Yeah, we don’t understand it yet, either.


In our last two OMC meditations today, CATs reported not only seeing windows fill with blinding light at the end, but some also reported SOURCE and Guides showing them the fine line they will tread between here and the New Earth. The path to salvation will indeed be a razor’s edge yet again. We’ll have a lot more on all that after the Autumnal Equinox… which will be our last official OMC meditation for this first installment, at 6:30 am PDT on 9-22-20 (13:30 UTC). Phew. Hopefully we made a difference, but the main goal was to get those who were interested more in tune with their omata spirit groups.

312 thoughts on “OMC-1: Rainmaker Meditation COMPLETE

  1. Team dark chipped in after about 10 mins. There was resistance, but as always its futile.

    Need to dry off now! Until later…

    Mark 👊🙏🌧

    Liked by 15 people

  2. Just woke up, seemingly for the 45th time, and checked in here – very heavy mission-y dream night, very OWWY at times – lots of sharing experience with Brother J and Source – was allowed to extend that to my daughter as well (she’s energetically [telepathically?] allowing more help lately – she had migraines yesterday and was still plodding through making dinner at 2:30 AM – I packed it in about then, as had been dealing with an intense weird neck-headache – can’t describe…
    Anyhoo, my first read/look at update 2 above, noticed the blue outlined black place to the left of storm, I know it’s most likely that big lake my brain refuses to name right now – at first glance it looked like a bat shape – went along nicely with the whole vampire thing – will put my attention and intention to the storm – on stake-OUT duty – oh my, if I’m getting pun-y this early; it’s going to be one of ‘those’ day – sometimes when the punning begins I can’t stop…
    a good, better, best experience day to all,


    Liked by 12 people

  3. Great meditation ❤️ I did notice resistance around 10 mins in but then a sort of breaking through, then I read you update 3!

    Brilliant, see you again at midnight (UK)!

    Love to ALL and continuous rain to California and Oregon


    Liked by 12 people

  4. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. My Omata is very determined when they get their sights on. Taste the Rainbow baby.
    It went a bit further than simply rain, due to the underlying conditions that enabled dis-harmony in that location. Went pretty far and wide actually. My Omata seem to mean business. Took me a bit to come out of it/back from it. I’ll be there for the next one.

    Liked by 10 people

  5. I saw rain rain rain
    tonight I will repeat sending the rainclouds and tet it raining
    **** a rainbow**** allways comes after the rain and i dreamed about a rainbow

    love to all my Omatas Rainmakers 💦🌈💦🌈💦🌈

    Liked by 13 people

  6. Just looked out of the window and sky is full of chem trails, haven’t seen any in a while… Time to get the magic eraser sponge out…


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  7. ~ Lily ~ being one of those in California… I am wishing I could let my circle of local friends know it is high time to get summer stuff under cover for rain… is early anyway for that here, as in most of CA, and ALL of said circle of local friends would think I was bonkers, given the ongoing dry spell and all the media barrage, not to mention the current fire conditions.

    I suspect it will be very damp here shortly, and make for some mad scrambles along with soggy tools and any non-weatherproof stuff still sitting around out from under roofs! We do tend to spread out all summer outdoors since rain of any kind is about as scarce as visible dragons, or unicorns. :-))

    Very cool to hear of your Omata stepping out of the background, too!

    Liked by 15 people

    1. Friend ❤️ Yes, you’d better get your tools inside quick! I think this will be a huge success!

      So sorry to hear you are also there…Relief is on the way…☺️

      Gentle Rain Pours ON!… Umbrellas UP!… PTW GONE!

      From my Omata and me to Your Omata and You! Much Love and Soft Rain🌧 ❤️🌧❤️🌧

      Liked by 11 people

  8. I just realized (the posting times on the blog are PT and I’m an hour later Mountain time ) – so my last dreamings and all the mission-y things in sleep this morning – I may have been connected to the meditation times with y’all this morning – inside it feels like a given… glad I didn’t ‘miss’ it – I don’t really worry about that ever: I just !intend! to be right time, right place with you all… 🙂


    Liked by 11 people


    I really hope it is ALL true!


    Liked by 7 people

  10. RE Update 4: Love the ‘zebra stripes’ combing the atmosphere towards the west coast of US… I wonder what a high level view of the ocean wave patterns might show?
    It’s a comin’ :-))
    love, friend

    Liked by 12 people

  11. I do enjoy CAT meditations; you guys are strong and I can feel the power. In fact, I can feel the pull to meditate, which is unusual for me. Invited my Omata in but, as I don’t see anything much during meditation, don’t know if they showed up or who they might be. But there was a lot of power pushing me along. And that’s what I did with the clouds; after dusting that storm to the east (Buffy reference), I got behind the clouds off the coast with a big old broom and swept them in. They were more resistant than I expected, but I eventually got them to the coast where it was quite easy to visualize soaking rain. That rain is now on the back burner and I feel into it every so often. Yep, it’s coming down in cool, gentle buckets. See (or feel) ya’ll again shortly….

    Liked by 14 people

  12. OK, here’s today’s update from the farm: The wind has turned onshore so it is cooler. The relative humidity is way up. We reached the dew point about 6:30 this (Fri.) morning so we had a mist develop. Very smokey until all the smoke that blew out into the ocean has to come back to clear. (or does it?) Think pristine air ALL. Good job!!! And now some light- hearted farm action starring Tyrone the Magnificent. With a cast of other cacklers. Har !

    Liked by 13 people

    1. @J, Tyrone is very handsome… and knows it 🙂
      I recognized the background music immediately both from childhood and some videos my daughter used to watch, or it was on PBS – adult actors dressed as toys interacted with a couple of kids and sang kids songs and rhymes – good shows/videos – can’t think of the name – it might have been a British production.
      Some happier times from her childhood – 🙂

      much love and thanks for the enjoyment of chickies and memories…

      Liked by 7 people

    2. Love the video, J!!! I live for your posts. Please enjoy the virtual key lime pie from Trader Joe’s and the virtual lattes I’m sending you now. ☕️🥧. Har! ~ Gary

      Liked by 8 people

    3. Hi J,

      Tyrone the Magnificent is quite the looker. They all look so healthy and chickeny happy. It’s wonderful to see, and hear – the music was perfect. Thank you for posting it.

      Liked by 6 people

  13. I have a few questions:

    Is the light pouring exercise appropriate for children to do? I have been having my 7 year old do it with me.

    Can I meditate while nursing or otherwise holding my baby? This is my life these days.

    Liked by 15 people

  14. Update 4: You are So Welcome Source!

    So next meditation and going forwards is also for Washington ❤️

    Are we still bringing in rain from the West? It looks like there is rain coming in from the East too or am I interpreting that map wrongly?


    Liked by 8 people

  15. I woke to the image of a silver knife with blade on the right and handle left. Maybe that was the stake to stop the beast.
    When I asked to join Cat Crew rain meditation my legs started shaking with very strong energy. Water and air combined in force with plant/tree ash to form huge drops of rain which began clearing the atmosphere and squelching fire.
    When I asked for clarification on the knife from this morning I was informed it was to cut free all STO life from STS beings. The severing was from Gaia was to free and nurture her children/creations. I saw green shoots and animal life return quickly and abundantly beneath clear skies.
    STS beings will remain in their fear based created destruction. It would appear that they have been cut off from all that they wished to control and destroy. Yikes! Do not mess with Gaia as she invented “tough love”. Cay

    Liked by 17 people

    1. Felt same about Gaia.
      Slashed Excalibur, Sword of Light, to dissolve the wrong front.
      In the abundant rain, I felt the presence of “Illumination rain”.

      Liked by 11 people

  16. Just caught up with you. Missed this morning. See you at 4! Have done something like this on my own in previous fires. Always heard that old Who song, “Love Reign o’er Me” as I started. Was evacuated in 2017. Since then have been searching for my lake and tribe to join me, and with this latest round of fires realized it’s pointless to go anywhere at present. Just hunker down with Source Love and Light and wait until I am directed. I will know when and where to go. Also realized with the posts today, (read almost everyday yet rarely comment) that during meditations I’ve been seeing and in contact with my omata for years! CATs, is this the same as multidimensional self? Or like star family? Also got that visions of me flying around with gold light shooting out of my eyes and palms to heal violence against earth and animals and children is because in some reality I AM a very fierce warrior of Love. Following your blog has really helped me, and maybe I should let you know more often how much I appreciate you and this community. LOVE PEACE JOY to all of you!

    Liked by 16 people

  17. Hi everyone, This time I felt all of us harmonizing, as well as our Omata’s. A great hum of loving intention. Together.
    The next one is at 2 am for us, so we will send to it. Love to all, and especially those in CA, WA and OR. I will continue as I sleep as well. Love, Angela

    Liked by 11 people

  18. Time for a new anniversary indeed. Today was a beautiful day! Thank you All, this is the best birthday gift ever, shared gifts for All! I not only saw the rain in my meditation, but also felt it as well. When we did the light pillar meditation a ways back, I could see a lot of pillars, but this was different. I felt like a part of something bigger, a knowing that what we were doing was actually working, feeling and seeing it- it was awesome. I am overflowing with Love today, and you All have a lot to do with that. I am eternally grateful. Let us do this! 🙏🏽❤️🌹🎂☔️❤️

    Liked by 16 people

    1. Happy happy Birthday mootzfriend! I was hoping to locate one of your posts again. I wish a blessed joyful new year of life for you. Somehow you will make it so. Love, Angela

      Liked by 10 people

      1. Thank you!! Somehow someway, we will. Sending pitchers of Love and Light your way, and to All.

        Liked by 9 people

  19. Oh, what a day…
    I don’t know how much detail I’ll go into – At 3:11 PM My time I got a feeling – delayed a few seconds and started to get mild headache – thought OK, OK… got the message… hook up with Omata and intend – guess this was a ‘mix it up’ call to west coast relief meditation –
    Felt peace and like I was the anchor in the group for this time – then felt connecting/joining to three other energies that had been mentioned as being ‘on the job’. – I realized later that this lasted THROUGH the next allotted med. time – it got intense and SERIOUS at some point… something beyond the weather…
    Had a break for biological function about 6:30 PM and when I lay down again I was surprised to reconnect with Omata and then connect with another certain group of beings that have been mentioned – it was almost like a tea break – meeting up and discussing with another life ME of my Me-ness that lived between the stars and had my much loved job working with Suns and my (or one of) purposes coming here to gather information for a next project way, way across the Universe somewhere using what I learned here (this was also covered in my last QHHT session I almost didn’t come back from. That purpose ended a couple? of yrs ago – completed…
    Wow, didn’t think I’d share all that… feeling subdued? not sure if right word –
    I must not be so afraid of baddies ‘finding me’ again as I was when I first came to this blog – that must be a good sign.

    love to all – see y’all in late meditation,


    Liked by 12 people

    1. Forgot at one point in the seriousness part, a being that had come from far far away some yrs back to help me when I was being inundated (had never worked with a human before) – indicated he was willing to join in – the closest that I ever got to a name for ‘him’ was Bigguy – he was BIG – and that sounded closest to his name that I could pronounce, anyway – not sure why I’m even mentioning.

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  20. OK All. I was right. As I watched the satellite loop of the Pacific, I could see what appeared to me to be a low pressure system start to form off the Cali. coast. The 9:00 forecast update CONFIRMED that a closed low is off the Cali. coast and will merge with a trough coming down the B.C. coast. Good Job!!! Keep up the good work!!!

    Liked by 15 people

    1. B.C. coast trough — yes, that’s mine.

      Check out the exquisite B.C. clouds at 1:00 in video, to help with your meditating:

      Liked by 4 people

    1. Diogo, I hope you don’t think me presumptuous to pipe in on this, just wanted to share my experience: about two months ago in a dream I was told by guides to combine the silver ray with the gold I already was accessing. To pull in both, like a swirl of chocolate and vanilla from a soft serve ice cream machine.

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    2. Hm. Interesting read. As always, different people see things differently. We’ve always felt that the deepest truth is where things and visions overlap (this is how the CATs work, in fact). We felt like that reading this. So many people sense earth’s change and ascension, that it has to be happening. We don’t necessarily see these planes coming back, or all this stuff happening, but we do feel The Event happening… slowly. This felt kinda like a confirmation.

      -CAT Eds.

      Liked by 9 people

      1. yes, that’s what i hope, after a lot of involvement in these matters about the event, going up together with Gaia / Planet Earth is at least rewarding, because being here without knowing all the truths of the cosmos is not the best feeling in the world. I thank the attention!

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  21. In my rain making meditation
    I also are visualizing being in a car and see the rain,
    I see the car headlights and the windshield wiper moving fast

    drops and drops of water…
    I saw us all together, the Cat’s Omata group sitting in a circle
    in the center the huge earth and the west coast…. we are sending rainclouds
    it is raining and extinguishing all the flames

    I also use a watering can
    I fill it full in South Asia China in the basin of the Three Gorges Dam
    and pour the water over the Westcoast of US

    love to all my Omatas Rainmakers 💦🌈💦🌈💦🌈

    Liked by 13 people

  22. Well this might be random, but I dreamt 6 burly men in loin clothes were moving the Arc of the Covenant somewhere in the Middle East or North Africa. It seemed to be a safety precaution to keep it out of the hands of those who would use it to harm others. Also the Arc did not seem to be a s large as I have seen it in representations, though it was heavy solid gold. Was it a weapon?
    My my Omata team popped (auditory as well as visual) in for this morning’s meditation.I had been envisioning rain for days prior to this group meditation. Cay

    Liked by 11 people

  23. I found an interesting weather related site after poking around MrMBB333 ‘s page – haven’t checked in on him in many months – anyway, after clicking on the weather radar tab (on the list far right) there is a very cold? spot to the southwest (down & left) of Salinas (closest labeled city around that area) – What could be that cold out in the ocean ? ALL other seeming cold spots seem to relate to mountain areas – I could totally be reading the info incorrectly – not at all used to reading info maps like these…
    The other tab that might be useful was the clouds one.
    On the lower left is a time tracking bar that’s useful for tracking progressions or projections for the different tab informations…
    The site is if anyone is interested and knows how to use such things… I think I found it by hitting the weather box on Mr MBB333’s home page…

    best-ests Saturday to all,


    Liked by 9 people

      1. I kept feeling icky/nefarious about that ~ 10 degree F spot off So Cali coast – tried to meditate on it, finally checked on it again… it’s gone completely – it was the ONLY cold spot in the whole Pacific area showing in that half of Pacific.
        Glad it’s gone; I can finally take a big breath. Don’t even care what it was as long as it’s GONE!


        Liked by 4 people

  24. Hi Cats, is it possible to be a part of Omata’s beyond your own core group you are working with now? Somehow it felt like I put a call out to a larger group that I’d had occasion to be a part of in some way and many joined in as well. Such a tone, rattled my bones. Love to everyone, as we go on.

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      1. So as of 10:45am PDT, there is a second low forming west of the first low. It’s between 170-157 west. The first low is between 135-145west. Keep up the good work. Also let’s keep up on the smoke abatement. It goes hundreds of miles out into the Pacific. cough, cough!

        Liked by 13 people

        1. ~ J ~ Thank you for your weather eye! I find it helpful. May there be wet toes and dripping eaves soon. 💦🙂💦
          Love, friend

          Liked by 12 people

      2. Am I right in sensing that not only are we being watched, we’re being assessed.

        I had the realisation we are displaying our command over the four basic elements, earth, fire, air and water. No coincidences right? Where will this lead us… ?


        Liked by 5 people

          1. “This will be a(nother) test of what we’ve done before — but this time with the omata as supercharger. We’re curious to see how this works. Afterward, if given the green light, we’ll address other problems, elsewhere. This will be our first test of this Omata Meditation Collaboration (OMC).”

            Ah, silly me, where on earth would I have gotten the idea of being assessed?


            Liked by 5 people

            1. WE are testing it. The CATs, our Guides, those in our omatas. It’s a *self-test.* We’re seeing how it works, that’s all. A Test. Like test-flying a kite you just built. It’s not an “assessment.” Some of us are clearly still running other mind-sets.

              -CAT Eds.

              Liked by 8 people

          2. maybe not quite the right word,
            but assessing and judging are yet two pair of shoes.
            For Earth is not only a unique Life-School,
            it became a unique University in Creation,
            on which each of us is backed into a sovereign.

            Liked by 6 people

            1. Don’t worry Oro,
              I often jumble things up. Sometimes I actually create happy mistakes, but not on this occasion 😂.


              P.S. Love you CATS, and thanks CAT2 and AM for earlier 🙏❤

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  25. I do live in Northern CA so I cam home from Idaho visiting family into the smoky pit here. On my way over Tahoe the smoke looked like an angel on her stomach above the land ….. It caught my breath. The trees were waving to me and I felt so overcome with love for the land and the people. It was sad to see the air so nasty bad. I asked the angels of wind / air to clear it out.

    So I did the meditation this morning. I had kind of a interesting experience. I grounded to Gaia, new earth, old earth and GAIA. I then did protection. For some reason this morning I did the lightsaber / pillar protection, which always for me is like a large light that encircles my body (in like the start trek teleporters? but more light and more cylindrical?) It was rainbow light and it went up high and way down below into the earth. I called on HS, Bro J, all my higher selves, angels, guardians, etc to participate. I then specifically called for my Omata. I then saw a color wheel appear inside my light clyinder, I was looking down and it had ‘energetic beings showing up, first red, blue, purple, green, etc… I feel like I was a golden yellow / orange for some reason. I was given information for my mum and my sister on health / healing protocols. Then I was given information to help my son in the Navy. He struggling with the young men who are immature. I was shown very strong BOLD word… TEAMWORK!! And then it shifted…. I started crying. I was overwhelmed with this TEAMWORK phrase….. my omata my son… my CATs on this board!

    I then had a Harry Potter style wand…. the weather system to the east of California, Nevada, Oregon, Idaho, etc… I swirled my wand into it and watched it dissipate. I then focused on the Pacific….. and imagined a ‘jet stream’ of water coming down from the north and stretching across the Pacific down all the way towards Mexico… And I then focused on pushing it into the land and RAIN…………..

    Gentle beautiful rain, so crisp clean and beautiful…. My heart was full. I thanked GAIA…. and let the sound of RAIN and the music peacefully set in.

    I’ll try again later. seemed very powerful.

    ❤ to all


    Liked by 17 people

  26. Well after this round, my daughter turned her music on random and when the song came on she started laughing like a loon. The song is playing, and she looks at me and says “wait for it” – and the next line of the song is “It’s gonna Rain”
    So hopefully that was musical confirmation. 🙂 Love to all. Angela

    Liked by 15 people

  27. So this afternoon the furnace got turned on. The house was in the 60’s. Way too cold to my old personage after 90 degree weather Monday. The weatherman missed the today’s temperature mark by only about 20 degrees F. It got up to 64 F. due to the unhealthy smoke. BTW, I dipped into my key lime pie supply again today due, I’m sure, due to the gloomy smoke. I’m down to 4 remaining. All I can say about that is Eeeeeee!

    Liked by 15 people

  28. truly – is this day 45 hrs long… it’s way too long and never ending – my daughter agrees – the two of agreeing seems ominous, lol


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  29. Slept like a baby with rain on mind. Woke to gentle rain in NW Pa. The west coast Is gearing up for Their share of Beautiful Clearing Rain. So It Is! Peace.

    Liked by 11 people

  30. just a note, if I’m not on here for awhile – need to deal with some stuff that has arisen – it may just be a LITTLE while – dun’know – matters clawing up through dreams and things – I guess I have to deal with again… body shaking – I’ve dealt with it before I’ll do it again. just want my friends here to know I didn’t evaporate or self combust or similar…
    I’m NOT asking for energetic help, I just have to face it all again…


    Liked by 14 people

    1. ~ Kg ~ I will hold space for you here while you tend to what is necessary. I imagine there will be quite a few of us doing the same, in fact. May it go well.
      Much love,

      Liked by 10 people

    2. Sorry to hear that KG. There’s a whole heap of stuff coming up at the moment, you’re not alone. If you need to reach out, we are here for you x


      Liked by 9 people

  31. Hi Cats, this latest round was a profound Being. Finally getting to that. The Omata help is expanding. Feels so good to be in those moments together with them and with everyone here. It’s permeating my being, like a sound frequency that stays.

    Liked by 10 people

  32. Here’s today’s cute story. Due to the smoke these past few days, I have been neglecting to fill the bird feeders. Not a peep to be heard nor a bird to be seen. I went out today and filled them. Obviously scouts had been posted for as I filled the feeders excited cheeps could be heard. After I came back up the hill from setting sprinklers, a plethora of birds, chipmunks, and squirrels were practically swarming the feeders. Lesson learned: Don’t neglect the wildlife. This brings to mind #5 in the 10 ways for humans to work with Elementals from Tanis Helliwell’s book “Summer With The Leprechauns” : Cooperate and create with nature by planting trees, growing flowers, AND feeding the birds. Done, done, and done. See, Lily, this is partly why I recommended the book to you the other day. I consider it a wonderful guide book and primer on how to live. BTW, I went crazy yesterday and ordered gobs more hostas. (It was the key lime pie what done it to me) Har! Cheers

    Liked by 16 people

  33. Great to see the updates on the rainmaking, I heard today the rains will come! Will continue joining in and keeping an eye on the schedule, can really feel the energy of the group along with Gaia, and All, Much Love~scott

    Liked by 8 people

    1. Definitely Lore,
      You really have to step back into “view” mode to watch all that **it. It’s pretty crazy. I’m coming to believe at least a great part of our “job” here is to radiate such a counter to all that crap – that tumbling minds and souls have another option to grab onto as it gets crazier. That may be most if not all of our job.
      Some kind of big Show taking place to wake people up, while at the same time empowering them to step into whatever level of sovereignty they are able to. You have to walk it for it to really sink in. You won’t ever feel truly FREE until you’ve been in some way responsible for taking your own freedom back. The battle is in taking back our minds.
      This is that show, that walk. The more pieces I learn / feel, the more interesting it becomes. I’m trying for Yoda levels of peace. for me that’s a stretch. Though it does help. I hope you find your level of peace. Love, Angela

      Liked by 5 people

      1. ~ Angela ~ Re: “…. at least a great part of our “job” here is to radiate such a counter to all that crap – that tumbling minds and souls have another option to grab onto as it gets crazier. That may be most if not all of our job….”

        I agree! I see the image of holding steady a raft at dock’s edge while the waters grow increasingly choppy. To hold a safe footfall for all who choose the unknown across the water to the known chaos on the land. It’s the smile in those holding hearts ( like yours and mine) that lend a bit of courage for those hesitant feet.

        We’ll hold the raft steady till the last moment, and may be grasping the guide rails to stay upright ourselves at times.

        Love , friend

        Liked by 6 people

          1. Of course, but sometimes it FEELS like things are getting worse sometimes.

            Really it’s mostly when I get into my moods that I get like this.

            Liked by 4 people

  34. Hi Cats and ~M’s,
    I wanted to say thank you. I’m not sure why. And I know you said none of us owe you one, but it’s nice to say it nevertheless. For the wisdom, the guidance, the occasional small stick, the laughs and the camaraderie in the space you created. It’s so natural to work as a group toward a common goal. Maybe we are an omata of sorts from way back when. Meeting up for the ride. Strange mood. Nostalgic about something, I’m really not sure what.
    Sending to the 2 am. Love, Angela

    Liked by 6 people

  35. I am not sure what exactly is going on but I had a lot of difficulty doing the meditation this morning. It took 6 – 8 attempts to get my protection up. That is very unusual for me. Then there was a lot of resistance to get the pressure system off the pacific to turn clockwise. I imagined a bicycle wheel with pedals that i was forcing to go the clockwise direction. I called on angels and AA Raphael to heal the west coast forests, land and people. I felt overcome with emotion over Earth and the destruction. 😦 I then set protection for the US in general and the WEST coast specifically, and then imagined rain coming in again.

    The strength of the resistance to protection and fixing the counterclockwise issue was massive and upsetting.

    I did pour all kinds of light into the west coast and US… even opened up my sabre light and flooded the west with rainbow light.

    Skies are looking more blue…. but rain would clean it out well..

    *fingers crossed*

    ❤ kk

    Liked by 8 people

    1. The dark is powerful, there’s no doubt about it. But they’re losing, because the Light is not only stronger — IT’S INSIDE THEM, TOO. Though we’ve seen that some have somehow cut themselves off from the Light, but that means that at the time of The Shift… they go POOF: uncreated. Just like everything in that Dark Dimension. Gone. Only a burnt smell left behind. (If you ever see an actual Archangel, you might now understand why they have “that look.” Angel is a hard job.)

      -CAT Eds.

      Liked by 8 people

  36. Hi Cats ~Ms and everyone,
    This one was a little different. Various things have been coming to me over the last day. It all came together in this meditation. Water. I called on the various omata of the waters of this planet to join in, no matter where they originated from. And on the omata of Gaia. And we Loved, the water, each other. Water is key.
    And even more strangely, Poseidon was there.
    Love the water, it is an ally. And it is everywhere.

    Liked by 6 people

  37. As I was trying to push the winds clockwise there was quite a lot of resistance to make them go the other way! I also noticed something odd around 5 minutes in, a dark round structure which was emitting lots of blue rays outwards, could be unrelated to the meditation but thought it was worth a mention.

    By the way did anyone else find themselves moving their head round and round clockwise with the winds as they meditated?!

    Much Love ❤️☺️🙏

    Liked by 5 people

      1. I have a question. The winds in the northern hemisphere always rotate counter-cockwise around an area of low pressure and clockwise around an area of high pressure. Are you saying WE are to rotate them clockwise. I thought we are welcoming low pressure=rain. At least that’s my understanding. Please clarify for me. Thanks

        Liked by 4 people

  38. That’s odd. I got really into the meditation, seemed to be going ‘swimingly’ when, at around 15 minutes in I heard ‘get out of the meditation they’re attacking you. I came out and put up better shielding around myself and Omata members, I even wrapped us in invisibility cloaks and then dived back in again. A few minutes later I heard ‘get out Lily they’re attacking you’. So odd, I felt like we were really making progress, I was seeing wonderful clockwise spirals of Cloud and so much cold gentle rain drenching the west coast…Was having fun splashing in some puddles too!

    Much Love 💦🌧🐬🌧💦

    Liked by 7 people

    1. hi, @ lily!
      i hear something shocking from my Guides,
      i must tell you & all right away:
      The warnings you got, were NOT from your Guides!
      They are false, carried out by our… enemies!
      They SEEM so well intended, but in fact, they divert us
      from exerting our power.
      It is as strange as that!
      In stupor i have noticed this same very tactic, in the
      last communication Terran Cognito had with THOR.
      So much negativity from a Celestial it simply is NOT possible!
      It is dark interference!

      In LOVE asking the CATs & Ms to PLS certify, if correct.

      Liked by 8 people

      1. Yes, that’s correct. Team Dark is very concerned about losing control. We saw Lily’s comment, but have been busy with other things, so we held back a bit… as we wanted to see if you’d all catch this and self-correct. And you have.

        We also distrust some of what others have been saying on their sites, but didn’t want to have to get confrontational. (We were counseled NOT to be confrontational, and asked to let things take their natural course as much as possible. Otherwise, we’re imposing our will on others.) Guide toward the light, but never force. This is the mistake the Fallen made, thinking they knew better than SOURCE.

        -CAT Eds.

        Liked by 12 people

        1. Thank you Oro & CATs ❤️

          I had a funny feeling this might be Team Dark but just wanted to see what you thought, no coincidence a spider just ran across the floor as I read this!

          I wasn’t going to stop with meditations anyway so raspberry blown in their general direction…Next time I continue on…🌧🦁🌧

          Much Love ALL ❤️🙏❤️

          Liked by 9 people

        2. So, what have youse ALL ascertained about the rotation of the highs and lows in the Pacific? I’m still perplexed. Thanks

          Liked by 5 people

    2. Hi Lily,
      Was this the 4 pm meditation PST? Because that one was weird on our end too. We missed it. I looked at my phone and it was 7:44 EST. The alarm didn’t go off, or we missed it. We did it then, sending it back, but that was definitely odd.

      Time has been odd. Skipping around, choppy for the past few days. Losing track, more than usual. Can’t figure out if dreams were real (this life) or dreams. Most odd. I hope you’re better?

      Liked by 6 people

      1. Hi Angela ❤️ Yes, I think it would have been your 4pm meditation. It was strange…

        Actually yesterday was a whole lot of strange! I wish I had the energy to go into it but I am so shattered.

        Elsie is really struggling at the moment, so much screaming, kicking…By the time I sit down in the evening it’s almost time to go to bed. Just so tired. We are both struggling with her challenges and my health is not good, been quite depressed about it all.

        I know there is a golden gate ahead but it’s out of our view at the moment…

        Must keep plodding on, but for how much longer, I am not sure how much strength I have left. Honestly, if there was a nice little warm cave I could curl up in right now, I would…

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

        Liked by 7 people

        1. Holding you in a water / flame little cave. Filled with nourishment and peace and joy. Somehow – make it so. Love, Angela

          Liked by 5 people

  39. Thanks youse ALL for the clarification of Update 6. I didn’t get the jetstream action. Looking upstream next week, the jet is purported to be aimed directly at the west coast. Manipulation by ptw or natural? Interesting

    Liked by 7 people

    1. It’s hard to say, there are so many cooks in this kitchen. That’s why we’re gonna do our one job, then give our seats to the higher ups. This whole NE thing is a massive relay race.

      -CAT Eds.

      Liked by 9 people

      1. You’re welcome. Since weather (energy) is what touches our physical body, I’ve always been a keen observer. (Also a gardener) The forecast for the farm goes like this: Wed-23-showers .68 in. Thurs.-24-showers .65in. Fri-25-showers-.57in. Sat-26-showers-.28in. Let’s make it so!!!

        Liked by 11 people

  40. So sorry everyone, I will have to sit this next one or two out, am not feeling too well at all.

    Will try and make up for it when I can.

    Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

    Liked by 9 people

    1. At around 8pm UTC of the 17th, I felt that “scary, creepy” feeling mentioned in Update 6.

      After G+P+C, and doing the “I AM LIGHT, I AM LOVE..” mantra, it was gone.

      Liked by 6 people

    2. Hi Lily,
      So many things are coalescing right now. And the main one is how to work with water. The water in our bodies. And from bits I’ve read on here, and from meditation there’s a thing I’ve been trying that has possibilities. At first it’s an adjustment. Like talking with your cat every day and then one day your cat speaks english back to you. It’s different. This language is all in feeling though.
      I feel for the water in my body, and then say I Love Myself. And I hold that Love.

      At first it’s a bit hard. Then you can feel the molecules spinning, happily. Then it starts to mirror. Outward to the world and further, and then back in – reverberating.
      It feels like it has the power to heal us, from the inside out. Loving yourself, loving the water in yourself. I don’t know, I’ve always seen Source as a splash. Maybe water is the key. I’m feeling my way here, this is new.

      I hope it helps. Sending a splash of Source Love your and Elsie’s way. Try holding Peace for Elsie’s water…My love to you both. Angela

      Liked by 5 people

      1. Angela ❤️ Thank you so much for your words 🙏

        I think you may have something there. I know much of our current situation is revolving around this blooming bed situation for Elsie, lack of sleep…everything magnified with ongoing exhaustion etc…

        It’s funny, I have been so tired I’ve doing such daft things. I’ll have a pair of glasses on, then pick up my phone or book and reach for my other pair of glasses, almost wearing two pairs, forgetting they are on my head! I was talking to mum on the phone, can’t remember what we were talking about but I got really confused and said ‘ I can’t find the phone!’ Doh!

        Typing quite clumsily due to current state but I changed our water a couple of days ago. It was tasting funny and I did not have any spare filters in the house so I put the distiller on, could be coincidence but everything seemed to escalate, I felt unwell, Elsie was quite manic, the screaming went to new levels especially bedtime/during the night. Mum, bless her brought round a filter jug I gave her a while back and after using that today, Elsie has calmed down and I feel a little better…

        My favourite place to be is on the bath with Epsom salts and Lavender oil and Elsie just loves her bath time too, smiles and giggles!

        Beautiful water splish, splash, splosh 💦💧💦

        Love, Light, Gratitude ❤️🌟🙏

        Liked by 4 people

    3. Lily lovely. So sorry you are struggling and feel poorly. I’ve sent a light pour over you and your home and an all encompassing loving hug. 😘🤗💖

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Newlynn ❤️ Thank you so much , really appreciated ☺️

        Will be so relieved when Elsie’s bed situation is sorted out. I never knew a bed could cause so much stress!

        Much Love & Light & Hugs to You too

        Liked by 1 person

  41. Good morning from here~
    I was checking in earlier with my omata, and the RAIN project etc. When I touched the Omata Meditation Collective (OMC), it is HUGE now. Imagine a sky-high,massive, gently jostling bunch of opalescent helium balloons, their rainbow iridescent strings held in SOURCE’S hand…. quite the presence now!

    The connection between SOURCE and Gaia is feeling like a rainbow/ fiber-optic/ warm, pulsing umbilical cord/ and light-water pour spout. A very coherent feel for me, if a very long sentence!

    love to everyone,

    Liked by 7 people

      1. ~ CATs ~ yup. Really. The balloon bouquet has a presence of its own now. Maybe we’ve done what was needed… now SOURCE has it in hand? with Gaia? I agree with your thought to leave matters with SOURCE and Gaia now. From my view.

        Liked by 5 people

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