864: CAT Grok Notes ~ [UPDATE3]

A quick note on languages.

Please note that we’ve added a TRANSLATE function to the sidebar, to translate the site. Let us know if this works… or not.

[Also, the hacking has been rectified.]


Speaking of groking (which is a neologism coined by Heinlein in his classic, Stranger in a Strange Land, a Martian word which means to deeply and profoundly and intuitively know something), ~AM made a good point in discussion this morning. CATs will occasionally encourage people to do this or that (like that 5th level meditation we recommended), but the reality is… as The Course says, “You need do nothing.” You are with SOURCE right now, so you do not need this time (or learning) to do anything specific to get what you want (provided you want SOURCE). You HAVE SOURCE, right now. You are perfect, immortal spirit, whole and innocent, and all is forgiven and released. You don’t have to jump through a specific set of hoops and say magic words to be one with The ONE, just the desire and the focus and steadfastness.

And like lots of CATs in the past and present, some readers are seeing dreams of the past being undone in their minds. This is the Holy Spirit in action, removing past experiential lessons from the ‘time tape’ that are redundant, since you’ve learned that lesson and don’t need them anymore. As your mind is healed of your thoughts of duality, so the past is healed of the necessities of their formation/foundation. This is one of the “miracles” in A Course in Miracles. The biggest miracle is of course, FORGIVENESS. Forgiveness undoes all the knots in your soul.

[Side note: While we talk a good game, CATs are far from perfect. We argue all the time. And we do understand and occasionally teach the above, but we also get caught up in the Illusion from time to time (so to speak), like everyone else. ~AM brought this up as we were writing this UPDATE — because he himself fell off the forgiveness wagon just today, when he went outside to yell at some helicopters that were flying 50 feet above his house, making a racket, not to mention engaing in an activity that is utterly fruitless. Those in the helos were cabal stooged (allegedly working for the power company) trying to map portals and figure out how to access them. Talk about Illusion! Anyway, ~AM shouting obscenities at the choppers, and even flipping one off (a very un-~AM act!) is not undoing the Illusion in your mind: It’s making it REAL for you. Of course, ~AM immediately realized that it’s ridiculous to react to the Illusion, so he “XXX”‘ed it out — basically doing a “take-back.” All CATs do this: We see the undesirable act (flipping someone off), or the thing we said (“F*** you, you bastards!”), and then imagine three big red X’s over the infraction, saying, “I take it back!”] One of the M’s then pointed out that forgiving quickly is a sign of spiritual maturity. To which ~AM replied: “Yeah, well, the “spiritually mature” don’t flip off helicopters!” Basically, we all have our lessons, and our paths. And the path to salvation is as a razor’s edge….]

I wonder if I deeply hurt that pilot’s feelings….”


We noticed something interesting this morning. Last night was “Walpurgsnacht,” the sacrificial eve before Beltane, the pagan first day of whatever. Mayday, Mayday. Anyway, this Walpurgsnacht, and the thirteen days prior to Beltane, are big sacrifice days and nights for Team Dark (hence talk of the “red heifer” thing and the other weirdness). That said, if you look around last night, day before… there are lots of (fake, orchestrated) protests and “riots”… but no massive deaths. No shocking event. That’s because the Light is STRONGER than ever. We also noticed this:

Note when that X-flare occurred: right at midnight (UTC). That was ONE stacking the deck. Lots of sacrifices didn’t happen.


Interesting glitches:

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