WEATHER ROULETTE: Gaia’s Wobbulations Have Begun; Aunt Ethel Inbound [UPDATES]

It begins.

Folks, the earth’s wobble is back. It never really left, but now it’s getting worse. And since the mainstream media and our “leaders” refuse to directly tell anyone what’s going on, we’re gonna be the ones who come right out and break it to you. Others already have (Da-da and Lynn have, on their sites), but we’re here to reify all that.

Put simply, the sun has a gravitationally heavy companion, a brown dwarf which is at the heart of its own system, surrounded by planets and flotsam and jetsam. That sister sun — we call her Aunt Ethel (less historic overhead that way) — is a neutral thing, a widebody visitor transiting our system every XX thousand years and affecting ALL the planets and moons — and our main star, in the process; the sun and the planets have been showing signs of something getting closer for the past few years (just look at Neptune and Uranus). Ethel’s gonna make things weird for a while as she moves in, unpacks her things, and starts smoking your cigars. How long is she staying? Could be three to four years. You’ll probably find this explains a lot of recent earth changes.

There is no cause for alarm… unless you really really hate change. We’re basically going to be living through a period of history raddled with tremendous denial by idiots in power, and some serious weather roulette. The good news is that this will all eventually end, and Aunt Ethel will go her merry way.

The bad news is… Ethel’s gonna make it snow one day, be 80 the next, and foggy the days in-between. It’s gonna be foggy A LOT. Plants and animals will be confused. Weather patterns will also become more aggressive. There will invariably be an increase in earthquakes and geophysical weirdness. You may also see other planetary bodies in the sky. You may hear weird sky noises as the earth expands and reacts to the intense gravitational fields. The sun is going to get hotter and whiter for a time. Flying could be more treacherous. (That German airliner that went down in the French Alps because of “atmospheric sloshing”; if there’s no air, wings don’t lift.)

In regards to the weather/heat image above, and the effects in general, here’s this from Lynn:

Heat from the sun entered the atmosphere (through weak spots in the magnetosphere) and it collected on the East Coast due to the wobble. We’ll have hot spots and cold spots, but it’s all related to the wobble and the breaches in our protective barrier.  I also see that other planets are having similar experiences (ultimately caused by the “red comet“).  Global warming to some extent is a farce b/c it isn’t something we can control, but they are trying to make money at solving it (which can’t be done).

I feel like we will notice [Ethel’s impact] most from February to May of 2016…. The weather is going to be hard on lots of people.

A lot to take in, but try to remember that people who panic tend to die a lot. Try not to let this happen. We have a lot more faith in you than your governments do. Don’t let us down.

Put simply, you who are reading this (yes YOU) have been chosen to be one of the truthkeepers and guides to those who will either be freaking out, or going along with whatever your various governments are going to tell you. Some may step up and tell the truth; more than likely, they’ll hint at the truth without actually saying it. Giving up information gives away their power.

Save this writing quickly, as it could be “disappeared” without notice. However, if enough folks get the word out, it may stay up. Either way, it’s time to pull together.

No, this is not due to global warming. Mankind has precious little impact on an object the size of the earth, regardless of what “scientists” say. Like you, the earth will be basically living through this little epoch as best she can, with grace whenever possible. Try to do the same.


FYI, Da-da wrote about this a while back, here and here.

Basically, if you like fog, then this planet’s for you, as it’s gonna be foggy — a lot. Da-da called it way back in 2013. Be sure to check back here for updates.

Wobble, wobble.

NOTE: By referring to our friendly brown dwarf as Ethel, we’re trying to take the curse off all those terrible names she may have had in the past… you know, in the days before people had a really good grip on fear. Ahem.

NOTE2: And for Mr. Snarky who thinks the big telescopes’ GPS coordinates would show a change in location… THEY ARE MOVING, hello? Why would they tell you? It is happening, and they are compensating (and conspiring to cover it up). The fact that true north is not always true north is also a fact. We’re not writing this to foment fear, quite the opposite.

NOTE3: Might we — yes, there are 16 of us here — remind the one noisy member of the “scientific crowd” that GPS satellites are controlled by the government. GPS can be manipulated through the satellites; their data (and thus your receivers) can be skewed any way they see fit. It’s highly naive to think that GPS, a military system, is some sacrosanct value that can’t be easily manipulated to serve any and all ends. But hey, good luck with your “science” religion. 


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10 thoughts on “WEATHER ROULETTE: Gaia’s Wobbulations Have Begun; Aunt Ethel Inbound [UPDATES]

  1. that germanwings crash was remote control, in case you missed lufthansa boasting about their ability to disable a pilot at a moment's notice…and the thing crashed top speed…

  2. On the contrary, this was what the MSM reported to pacify the masses. If they told you that the earth's atmosphere contracted for a moment, causing the wings to lose lift, how do you think people would react? All else is subterfuge. This is not third-party hearsay: this is direct clair-observation from two separate seers.

  3. You continue to ignore my points regarding telescopes. Maybe you are just not very bright. You have not addressed the issue of all the telescopes in the world that use computers to track what they are viewing. You apparently don't understand how these use lat/long coordinates on the earth's surface to find what they view (galaxies, stars, etc) with extreme precision. Any deviation of the earth's surface relative to the stars would be noticed immediately at extreme magnifications. And ALL of these telescope computers are not connected to the internet so it would be impossible for TPTB to modify their programming. Especially in the case of the 1000's of amateur astronomers.Science is not may religion, and in fact, I believe in many non-science-like things including reincarnation, ET's/UFO, channeling, and many conspiracy theories like red-flag events and a Cabal that is controlling the politics and financial systems of the world.I think all of you are being manipulated by negative entities to spread as much fear-porn as possible to make a buck and to feed your negative ego's. There are many other sites like yours, so you are not alone.

  4. How are we making a buck, exactly? Do you see any ads? I'll let the others answer here, as they suffer trolls better than I do.

  5. Hm. Ok, Physics 101: FYI, there are 16 of us here, mostly with PhDs and lots of experience and connections — and when I say “connections,” I mean to people and things others don't have. We write this blog for free, because we care; we're sharing this info becuase we feel compelled to do so. We have no ego, no agenda. We came to this timeline to help, and that's what we're doing. It is IMPOSSIBLE for us to be manipulated by negative entities, but I will not tell you why, as this is none of your business, and it's not in our best interest to reveal why. Note that some of your comments were deleted because they were insulting. However, since you are also our brother, I will try to answer in this light.In terms of the telescopes that rely on GPS sats, their data and computerized lat-long are easily controlled by the government, as they are a military/government system. In terms of what you're seeing through individual telescopes, stars will occasionally appear to move slightly. I've seen this myself through my own 10″ Meade and wondered what was going on; this is one of the reasons why I had the team look at this issue. During normal rotations and revolutions around the sun, small tweakings would need to take place, or trackings would need to occur, to set a scope directly on a star. There are stories out there about people having to move their scope to reset them (they don't all stay perfectly). You can google this yourself, but here's one that popped up: future, try making your emails less intimidating and rude, and then perhaps you'll receive the level and timeliness of response you seek. That is, unless you work for one of the PTW agencies and your mission is to spread Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt — which we are certainly NOT doing here. We are educating — something the MSM has refrained from doing, without agenda, for far to long.This topic is at an end. Good luck to you.

  6. I would like to Thank The Whole Team for your input, from Myself in NW Pa. and many others, that just do not understand Yet, Love and Light, God Bless

  7. Well, that's the nicest thing anyone's said to The CAT in a week. We thank you, most humbly.

  8. Absolute gratitude to you all. You set a great example for others to see.

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