Your Friday OPT (Ontological Pep-Talk)

If you only knew how many wars had been fought over ownership of this blue-green (former paradise) planet — and are still being fought — and the huge numbers of beings involved not only in said fighting, but also in enhancing and preserving Terra’s structural and spiritual and biological integrity — not to mention (though we just did) just how many genius beings who’ve contributed to this place… AND JUST HOW PAINFUL IT IS to both write and read [and edit] such a heinous run-on sentence like this… well, you’d never call the earth a backwater planet again, bad grammar and all.

The earth is, in fact, prime galactic real estate. LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION. Why else would so many beings want it so badly? There’s a space war being fought over it right now, all around you, right over your heads… and the the Light has already won. Jeez, how could it not?

The more you meditate, the faster it happens, simple as that. You’re not going to evolve surfing the internet or watching hairless primates argue on CNN. Many of you came here for what many higher beings call The Big Show… so, start making it happen. Imagine picking up a barricade and tossing it down the hill. Imagine being a massive column of light. Imagine.

No excuses. Do the work.

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10 thoughts on “Your Friday OPT (Ontological Pep-Talk)

  1. Y'all are evidently so psychic that you picked up on how very much I needed a Pep-Talk today.Very Grateful – Light Beam Engaged

  2. Going home…LIFE shown!Good wins…Greed spins,Decays in,Death begins.Life makesNew stakes.Selfless Mates;All take…Equal Weight.Forever Safe.Walk Away…No decay.Ordered? Neigh!ABSOLUTE -TODAY.Imagine. STAY.

  3. This in from Lucia Rene:Riding the Wave to the EquinoxWe have started the build into the March Equinox ascension wave. Have you noticed? The Earth’s vibration has speeded up and will continue to do so through the Equinox on March 20. When the Earth’s vibration speeds up, so does ours. That means expansion, ecstasy, and increased well-being when we embrace the ascension process. It spells big trouble when we are unwilling to let go of our limitations and make friends with change.I keep hearing about people dropping the body. I think we need to expect that this year. Some souls are choosing to opt out at this juncture. Allow every soul freedom of choice regarding its own evolution. One’s higher self is always right.Some people are falling ill quite suddenly. If we don’t deal with a limitation in consciousness at the mental, emotional, or vibratory level, it is now manifesting in the physical body with speed and force. It is yelling at us, “Look at me! Don’t ignore me any longer!” Accept that as a gift from Spirit. Have the humility to ask what needs to change in your life. Expansion is now the name of the game. So the mind may be mounting defensive stories: “There is nothing happening in my meditation so why should I bother continuing to sit here?” Exactly! Nothing is happening. Welcome to the Void, to increased silence. Welcome to 'nothing happening', as in more space between your thoughts, more space between the particles of consciousness of which you are made up, more pure presence, more grace and ease. If your mind is telling you that you are bored during meditation, look again. Get curious about the boredom. Merge with it, then watch it melt away to reveal the Nothingness it is masking. The encroachment of Nothingness is visceral at this point.And that, my friends, is at the root of all of the difficulties manifesting in our lives. It all boils down to fear of expanding consciousness.If we expand, if we allow the Ascension to sweep us up, if we change radically, then what? Who will I be? Will I go insane? Will I be able to function, make a living, put food on the table? The mind will be quick to tell you, “Stop! We're heading into dangerous territory. I, the mind, will be obliterated.” And the mind is right about obliteration. The mind will lose it’s position of calling all of the shots for the life stream if we move into the formless heart space that is at the core of the 2016 Ascension. But tracking back through your spiritual growth in this lifetime, isn’t the expansion of consciousness always followed by more joy, peace, and liberation? Of course it is.So it becomes a process of simply getting curious about everything that is arising in consciousness, taking responsibility for all of your experiences, all of your reactions. It's a very personal year. One for deep self-inquiry. Time for a complete willingness to let go of limitations and enjoy the ride on the ascending wave as the Earth leads the way.

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