UP, UP and AWAY!


Here’s that song again, this time from An Unorthodox View of ‘How It Is’. Some of the CAT Staff have been hearing this song off and on for weeks!

Up, Up and Away!

On October 16, when I wrote the article, “The Needs of the Whole,” I said that I sensed that a major shift was about to take place. It is now one month later, and for anyone with “eyes to see,” it is clear that that shift is taking place before our eyes. On November 5, I shared “The Shape of Things to Come,” and current events appear to be following the shape of the curve I drew, a cross-section of the wave the Hosts showed me on October 31. Every day I glance at the outer news, it seems to be going faster and faster and becoming more chaotic. Polarization is increasing, too, just as the Hosts told us it would.

In “The Finale,” I wrote, “This is the finale in a battle for who is going to control the entire planet and its resources.” Outer news continues to support that observation, as well. As much as I like to be “right,” there are times that I wish I weren’t, and it is taking effort on my part to continue to disengage from that battle that is playing out in front of me. Last night, as I was lying in bed, trying to fall asleep, I realized once again that, “wherever the attention goes, the energy flows,” so I made a conscious decision to disengage from thoughts about that battle and see where that took me.

Before I disengaged, I noticed that my reality felt like it was operating at the same frequency as what I was focused upon. I was “matching” my energy with that energy. I was focused on a battle, and therefore I became part of that battle. There was an enemy and there was “our side,” and I was locked in and identifying with that polarization.

Then I consciously disengaged from the battle and experienced myself as rising and moving backwards at the same time, toward an unseen “back door,” through which I sensed I would exit and leave that reality (in which that battle was raging) totally behind. The song title, “Up, Up and Away” came to mind, along with the lovely feelings that that song evoked. Here are the lyrics:


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47 thoughts on “UP, UP and AWAY!

  1. Has anyone made the connection yet that this song was originally recorded by the group “5th Dimension”, as usual a multi level message is given. It seems our friends are not without a sense of humour…bless them.

  2. In a meditation last night, I did as Traveler sugested and turned my back on the election foofaraw and saw an open door — in a place where there was no door — which revealed a bright sunny earth beyond: Terra. Later, I dreamt of getting a bus ticket and looking for my seat among many many buses.-M2

  3. I'm really excited about this too, but is there a place on the bus for Kitties? I ain't goin' NOWHERE without my Kitty Babies! I would never ever go off and leave them to fend for themselves. Some are feral, and I don't think I need to inform you of just how much the general public cares about them. Point me to the article that gives reassurance about this. When it comes to those who are depending on me, I don't want to take chances.

  4. I was told that everyone would be taken care of — animals included. Everything is unfolding perfectly.In meditations, consciously think/breathe “SOURCE energy IN,” and think/breathe “old energy OUT” and DOWN grounding cords. Helps a LOT.-M2

  5. OK! Well then now I can breathe easily! LOL Thanks!FYI – The info given by psychic contactee Julien Wells (before his long-term illness relapse) was similar to the Traveler's. It was in one of his weekly You Tube Video chats. He was given the message that right around Thanksgiving something was going to occur that would make everyone go “HUH? WHAT?” A complete surprise. In a later video, he said that right around this Christmas time there was going to be something “Interdimensional” happening. That we were going to — in a way of speaking — “get to meet Santa Claus”. And that this was going to start maybe around December 5 and then last through to Christmas. It's been awhile since I watched the video. Julian is back in the hospital as of November 5, a reoccurrence of ulcerative colitis. Prayers and healing wishes are requested by his wife Crystal.http://julienwells.com/news/I believe it is this October 27 show that he mentions the Christmas Surprise (briefly) As I recall, it was toward the end of the show.http://julienwells.com/october-27-2016-episode-13-exploring-the-new-age/

  6. Last night was again a rough one. i was in a semi-state of sleep, tempest raging outside and that typical signals appear in my central bulb (pineal + hypothalamus), as the white noise of a TV channel, two shorts and weaks. i hear an undentified sound from outside or inside my bed room (can't determined). Suddendly my central bulb just flash so high that puts me in distress for some seconds (still half a sleep) , but was calm just after when i woke up. This flash was like my bulb was a match that we were trying to light, and a bright, intense light appears in my close eyes at the same time… When this typical white noises happen like waves signals, something intense will follow, in my case. I was protected in my meditation before and ask for my highest good and protection for the night… nobody sees, feels something special yesterday evenning (in USA, i live in france, so middle night for me) ? I am a little lost if it was something good, which i had difficulties in managing, or bad things tempting nasties…But since i feel quite strange…like dephasing with my body, or feel my body lighter, no pain, just different. No strange/special event this 2 days on your side ?

  7. The exact same thing happened to me last night. I was wondering if things might've been sped up, but then I saw Earth2Edie's comment above. Major tingles.~CAT2

  8. Last night I dreamed of a ship in the sky appearing with a bright blue light beaming horizontally. In these dreams I'm usually at work and my coworkers and I decide how to get out of the building and get home to our families before something big happens.Anyone else ever dream of ships?

  9. I'm excited at first because I notice them and finally the people around me believe. But The ships feel aggressive and nefarious. In other dreams I've had, they begin to shoot and attack.

  10. Mmm. Well, rest-assured, that's not going to happen; violence of any kind will not be allowed, and all the Bluebeam stuff has been deactivated. No worries. Hm… “Bright Blue Light Beaming…”Interesting choice of words.-M3

  11. Something that has never made sense to me is the whole “leaving” thing?I wholeheartedly beleive in a frequency change, I have experienced the tangible bliss bubble and been gifted powerful waking visions of the consciousness shift.What I don't understand is WHY would we as a foremost loving race LEAVE this beautiful planet to a fate that would be doomed without us?Surely, after a global shift and raising of our colective consciousness, we would be primed perfectly to heal the planet and each other? Why else would the negatives by prepared to bury themselves deep underground?Is this about an ELE that's coming? Or perhaps some regressive ET alliance deception to “harvest” is all?We are all responsible in many ways for the condition of this planet, we cannot “leave” her and all the voiceless little ones who need her too. This leaves a very bitter taste in my mouth, and snacks of elitism to be chosen for a better place. There is nothing wrong with here, maybe those chosen to leave should be those hell bent on destruction and suffering.I am in no doubt of an upgrade, but I am not in the habit of leaving those who need my help.What are everyone's thoughts on this please.With respect Mark

  12. Thanks for your input. I believe you. At first I'm excited because it's like “it's happening!” But then the dream changes into darker tones. I'll have to shield myself better before sleep.THANK YOU CATS!

  13. Here is a direct link to Juliens video:Julien Wells Countdown to Contact 10-26-2016https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nc24i6wxxDwI was wrong about the info being at the end of the Live Chat.The information regarding the Christmas Surprise begins just after the 42:00 mark and lasts until the 48:00 mark. He is being told by the Pleiadians that there are some history making events starting “maybe about a week into December”….

  14. Here is the link again, hopefully this one will connect:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nc24i6wxxDwIMHO, I think of any type of separation by any means as just the point at which the two vastly different vibrations are to no longer co-exist. Not about any elitism. Just those with higher vibrations need to go to the timeline or realm to take care of Mother Terra in that realm, and all those that are suffering will probably be brought along too. Other than that, I really don't know or understand, only the vast amount of theories I read, and there are so many. It seems like, there are so many choices offered so that we can all choose our own timeline. Actually, Julien Wells addresses this issue in his Video Chats. That is what he was referring to in the video linked above when he says, “The flat Earth people and the Round Earth people are both right, until they choose which one they want to believe, AND BECOME COMMITTED TO IT. I think Dolores Cannon was on to something when she described all of the vast reality timelines that surround us. It's all mind-boggling to me from this standpoint, as my higher abilities are turned off right now.

  15. Just as people who can see future timelines admit that it is impossible to foretell the future, given all the changing will and intent out there, it is impossible for us to know exactly what is gonna happen… so why worry about it? Someone On High has clearly stepped in and is tending the garden, after leaving it to snakes for so long (no offence to real snakes). All will occur perfectly and completely — and probably in multivariate ways — in the end illustrating that there is no duality, and that Yoda really is a sock puppet.-CAT11

  16. Thanks Cat11 of course you are right, faith is rare commodity amongst the weary, but the flame still burns.I just can't concieve of leaving a planet that has given and forgiven so much, she is a living legend for all to aspire to.

  17. earth2edie,Interesting video. First he talks about inbreeding to create a “superhuman” of vastly expanded consciousness. Next, he and his “6” “BROTHERS” started playing with 'legos', i.e., toys. Next, the “CREATOR” is “pissed” at what has been done (specifically metaphorically alluding to mixing, genetic engineering, abomination, etc. with the “Legos” of the Creation. Of course, his true (consciousness) origins are, in his confession, not of the Earth OR the true Creation! Now, as for Santa?!?! CLAWS, perhaps! 😉

  18. Ok, stop the holiday CAT imagery right there, or we'll be haunch-deep in holiday cats freaking out to balloons and cucumbers and Freud's fish on fire.”Freud's fish roasting on an open fire…”-CAT Editors

  19. Apparently 6 snakes, CAT11! How many points on that Star of David? 😉

  20. How does one create a Singularity (black hole) in society? Let's say we are attracted or repelled by love so we can let that be 'gravity'. Let's say you do something so heinously absolutely unacceptable to the creation that you hide it by collapsing in on yourself, i.e., NEVER disclosing and keeping “it” in the dark. You know, like this gross “pizza gate” 'business', for example! Extend it further to Only WITHIN your OWN (Neverland) CREATION. Moreover, you create an accretion disk around your activity that destroys, distorts, and (seemingly) randomly tumbles all matter in the vicinity of your event horizon in a 'light show' of 'matter' that ALWAYS hides the truth of you. Of course, the REAL truth of you is more or less obvious by the gas jets of your dualistic expression given the context of your solar, galactic, universal, Multiversal composition, dynamics, and vector orientation. Especially when integrated across all topologically expressed chaotic intentions across all spectal, physical-hyperdimensional, hyperspectral, complex and imaginary states recorded to the 'states' of being, within. You can't easily identify this “Chosen” gas! SOURCE can! Smells kinda kosher with a waft of… against all LIFE! When exactly are these freakin' “aliens” gonna dis-clothe for sure? �� Doesn't matter for the REAL, as SOURCE doesn't really get pissed. SOURCE does math… simplification by expanding and multiplying out the complex matrix with a factor of the square root of a negative ONE! Don't worry it's topologically poynting “correctly” so all we have to do is sum additional subtraction of what is good to be for ALL. 😉

  21. While everyone is looking up…I just thought I would share this little snippet I got from those patient young men I meet at Dream Time. A few weeks backs, as my Awake Time memory I was “phasing in” I heard a partial sentence end off with “…there's ships that will be arriving to get them. We'll be traveling by Land” Oh well, nothing like a nice long road trip to talk things over and get brought up to speed. Could also be a better way to travel with so many cat crates. Possibly I failed to visualize a lush, beautiful planet in a galaxy far, far away and my future will be confined to driving around North America in a '59 Rambler. Home is where the cats are !

  22. I was hoping to get others feedback on these holiday predictions. The mention of Santa is just one of many things that set off alarm bells for me. I am aware that can represent some “thing” else. I have been trying to figure out with whom Julien has had his astral experiences. He states that the Pleiadians he has visited aboard ship are from dimension “3.5” which also is a concern. He is receiving messages from them in his headphones during the chats! I am thinking this might be a case like with Denise of American Kabuki website who communicates with the “Sphere Alliance” through an implant in her ear. AK (Terran) told me that they put one in him too but it fell out or didn't ever work. (Thank Goodness for his sake) This may be something in the category of “AI”, and I am making an effort to learn more about that. If you are lucky enough that your family and friends around you act completely sane 24/7, then you are probably not as interested as I am in finding out the cause of CRAZY. I believe that one cannot efficiently solve a problem until one finds the very Root Cause of the problem. Therefore I remain on an intensive search for clues to the puzzle… Julien really does have SIX brothers! Most of his very large family and their children had just gathered at their cabin for his September birthday – he mentioned it because he had to excuse himself from the party to do his Wednesday night Live Stream. I just went back to his website to find the family picture that Crystal posted, and now I see there is a very sad update on his medical condition and he needs a miracle to survive. I will just post the link and let you read it. I think Julien is a good hearted person who got mixed up with the wrong “element” whatever that might be. And now it has taken it's toll, which saddens me. He and Crystal just had a little baby girl.Scroll down past the text to see the six Brothers in the family picture:http://julienwells.com/a-video-from-the-hospital/

  23. Fun with Illuminati messages… See:http://www.ascensionwithearth.com/2016/11/the-world-in-2017-according-to.html?m=1Interpretation,The Universe as you know it has changed. The (ULTIMATE INFINITE and BLINDED by a 6 sided 'virtual reality' mask) “Magician” holds CREATOR power (Freemason hand position on the button and with staff in hand) over 3D, as you know it and by INFERENCE, 4D too, since they (The Economist) are FORCED to disclose this! As such, He sits in Judgement over the Tower in UNION with the World (All Life)! (NOTICE the SHADOWING or lack thereof denoting hierarchical order.) Now, the judgement is the Death of the Tower induced 'Cycles of Fortune-Misfortune' and through a hermit like phase of wise introspectoon, the Star has disclosed the ROOT of the problem to be where lightning strikes the Politicians! TRUMP!

  24. The Economist couldn't find its butt with a bell on it. You'll notice that their 2016 magick cover had no pic of Trump whatsoever. Spooky losers.-CAT4

  25. Talk about Up, Up and Away!,Join the Archons and you too can enjoy being enslaved within the confines of a ginormous phallus while pretending to be George Jetsun! http://www.arconic.com/thefuture/I'll remind you that archon means ruler! Be careful of what you really want to manifest! More phallic rules? No. Emphatically not.

  26. Nice dream yesterday, and it started with this white noise wavy signals in my central bulb (hypothalamus + pineal) again. I tried at first to control the flow of the waves, which seems to came endlessly and eventually let it go after a big breath and said “Ok Higher self, i trust you ! Show me what you ù%*$ decided to do !”. The flow began to flood and all my body started to have uncontrollable and violent spams with this feeling of a enormous amount of energy flowing in my body. No pain, no fear during this, but couldn't expect anything ! lolQuick after this, a big amount of energy filled my right arm, making it to rise up. the energy made a straight and thin line of multicolor light with circle at the chakras positions. The inside of all circles exploded in jet of ashes, as some fingers and big chunks of my arm. No blood, all wounds were instantly ashes. Big crash sound at the same time. Same thing for the other arm, legs and body. I still didn't control my body and i looked my Higher Self clap hands everywhere the ashes had some remaining rainbow fire, like a crazy scientist put out some little fires on his coat after an explosive successful experience (quite a comic point of view). Even if big part of my body blown up and were not attached anymore, i could move the all as always, like glass things to link them.I get up to show what was happen, but all my body was alreday regenerated by itself, with fully new and beautifull body parts… i just woke up and said silently: “ù%*$ yeah ! Higher self !”With all this recent dreams with high energy flowing in my body, i don't know why i am not a heap of ashes yet ! ^^

  27. Rainbow fire. That's awesome. Your idea of yourself has been upgraded!~M2

  28. I find it difficult to visualize a future in a higher dimension when I have not been fixated on material things in this one. The joy I experienced here was because of wonderful people and animals at my side, and a lot of them have gone. That is what I want to see when I get to 5D, the rest I will dream up afterward. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIeLeIwwpHc

  29. Ok ladies and gentlemeows, are we going to discuss the big good, and the big bad? They might move the pipeline, but then we have #pizzagate. And heads of countries falling like dominoes. Could we really be at the cusp of change?

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