Your Heliomancer for Friday, 4-21-17 [UPDATED]

Well… this is either Witchiepoo entering or leaving the scene. East witch, or West witch? A Native American holding a pirate flamingo?  Sometimes a coronal hole is just a coronal hole. Note that 12651 (formerly 12644 or AR2644) and 12652 are now sync’ed up (whereas 12652 was on a timeline below 12651); these programming snarls now occupy the same latitude/timeline. If they merge, break out the popcorn.

UPDATE 4-23-17

Here’s a webcam video of the sun pulsing on Easter Sunday. Very interesting.

UPDATE 4-24-17

M3 debunked the above video:

When I saw this I got it was because of the way it was recorded. Instead of recording her ipad, if she would have recorded out the window, she wouldn’t have see it. 🙁

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18 thoughts on “Your Heliomancer for Friday, 4-21-17 [UPDATED]

  1. Witchiepoo was a BAD character, right? Lidsville was a loooooong time ago, during the Freudian Horror reign of Sid & Marty Krofft!-CAT5

  2. The higher-level dragons that are here now don't have an evil bone in their bodies. Come to think of it, they don't have bones, either. Remarkable beings.Btw, felines: my backyard is currently full of multicolored sasquatch and taller white yetis. They are reeeealy good at math. ~CAT2

  3. Awesome! Thank you. I would love to hear more about your backyard guests – what about the maths?

  4. They're not really talking yet. Stay tuned on that one.Mathwise, I had a hunch and asked them what some big number times another big number (I had a calculator with me) and they (offhandedly) got the answer way before I did. They are super intelligent. There are many surprises in store for humanity.~CAT2

  5. How long have you been seeing otherworldly beings? Not doubting your gifts, but there are slow release hallucinogenic gases which are a CIA hallmark. Was Carbon Monoxide in my case (guess they don't like me lol). My daughter saw a black-eyed woman in a white wedding gown cross our living room once. I've been investigating and suspect that these could be live beings astral projecting in total sensory deprivation. As for me, I've never seen anything spectral as I'm not a medium, but have continually experienced the weird electronic surges and the phantom that runs up-and-down the house stairwell, etc.-RF

  6. I've noticed the wave fluctuations in the middle of the night. It's barely noticeable like your vision is going in and out. No dreams when this happens. A few nights ago I slept on the couch and I'm cycling through star maps for calibration. Today I removed all the hard-wired smoke detectors from my bedrooms to see if this has an affect.-RF

  7. This is maddening. Cobra isn't the cabal, he just gets twisted around. It could be that the Cabal pay attention to him, and try to mentally manipulate him, but he isn't one of them. I did agree that light workers are safe. They know how to protect themselves, and the light will shield them.~M2

  8. Btw… the recent blackouts were NOT caused by the sun or ETs, but instead by hackers. That how the M's saw it.-CAT5

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