Your Basic Fairy Primer

A still from a video of about 18 fairies taken by Da-da in his backyard. Though this
was taken through a screen, they actually twinkled like that, in silvers and golds.

While we’re all waiting and transforming, we thought some of you might be interested in this. We saw some questions in the comments on Lynn and Da-da’s latest Five for Friday and wanted to chime in about fairies. Yes, there really are fairies and elves and minehunes and leprecauns and all sorts of elementals. In terms of fairies, several of us have firsthand experience with our “Good Friends” (how fairies like to be referred, they hate the name “fae” as it sounds like ‘fey’ which means ‘doomed to die’ in the old UK variants). All of the information below is our actual knowledge of fairies, based on direct firsthand observation, it’s not an opinion or something we’ve read in books.

Note: We were granted permission to use the above photo (by the fairies themselves), but they asked that we please delete the video. In it, they twinkled just like Disney fairies.

Your Basic Fairy Primer

  • Fairies are elementals that are crepuscular, that is they’re most active at dawn and dusk, but they can be seen at any time. We’ve seen them as little silver and gold twinkling orbs (as seen in the above pic), like sunlit drops of dew on leaves, but also as… well, tiny naked people with wings (many of us thought we were seeing things that day!), as well as greenish glowing balls of light, about the size of a gumball (they may have other colors, as well), zooming here and there. They can move quite quickly when they want to — or simply vanish.

    Lynn confirmed this as a real fairy pic, from Wales.

      • Fairies ADORE playing tricks on people, like hiding things you really need (keys, phones, etc.), or in making electronics malfunction when you’re under the gun (it’s not funny, guys). We’ve also seen them make a previously opened bottle of root beer FOAM straight up out of the bottle six feet in the air when handed it to a visiting psychic!
      • They are excellent mimics. They can imitate any sound very well, with practice…but there’s typically something slightly off in the way they do it, at first (in terms of peoples’ voices), so when you hear it, it doesn’t sound exactly right… but it’s really close. However, with practice, they’re dead-on. 
      • They love gifts. (Who doesn’t?) They especially like being remembered by humans who all seem too busy to give them the time of day. Specifically, they like shiny things, and fresh milk and cheese, believe it or not. Da-da once went way overboard (he should never have told us this) and gifted some fairies with a massive DISCO BALL covered in mirrors! And the fairies LOVED IT. Several visiting psychics and mediums thought this was patently ridiculous, but again, the fairies still seem to enjoy it (it’s still there).

      Basically, there’s a whole world of magical things all around you all the time. All you need do is find a quiet place in nature, be open to the experience, and pay attention. DO NOT TAKE THEIR PICTURE. They hate that. (Da-da didn’t know that at the time.) Try turning your phone OFF while in nature (and elsewhere), as elementals dislike electronics. (Also, we suggest turning all phones and wifi and computers OFF before you sleep. Try it and see what happens.)

      Put that Viewmaster DOWN, kid, and see what you’re missing.

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      15 thoughts on “Your Basic Fairy Primer

      1. I've always wanted to see fairies!! Would the energy of the old suburbs I live in be too harsh for them(I remember hearing from somewhere that they don't like suburbs) ? I have a small garden in the back where I can place some sort of shiny thing for them to play with. I don't want to take their picture, I just want to confirm they exist!

      2. They exist, though they tend not to move around. Most have been in the same areas for a bazillion years, really since the earth was new. If you don't already “have” them on your property, you'll have to go to them.-CAT11

      3. Ah so I gotta find a “fairy hotspot” then… Perhaps if I go to the park and wave a disco ball around maybe I could get some reception? 😛

      4. I can always sense when they are around and sometimes I see the little balls of light….sometimes, though I see them with my 3rd eye.

      5. Yeah, like 11 inferred, the ones in Da-da's backyard were already there. I've experienced them myself. They'll probably be a lot more social at the next level, not quite so private. OR they will continue to cherish their privacy. Or both.~CAT2

      6. I dunno. While the fairies were overwhelmed by Da-da's gift, the other spirits present thought he was mental! Half of them had no idea what a disco ball even was! Not surprisingly, Da-da is now known on both sides of the veil. Pretty funny.-CAT5

      7. We still have the 1950's Viewfinder from my childhood! And GUESS WHO has the starring role in the Viewfinder slides – Peter Pan, Wendy, & TinkerBelle! Wouldn't leave home without it :)From a Distance

      8. Outstanding post. I love that fairies exist, but I also love the “idea” of fairies. I certainly wish I could see them.

      9. Honestly, some of us are still a little hinky about using the word, “fairy.” It's right up there with atlantis and unicorns, though both really did once exist. -CAT4

      10. It's important to note that it's not just in nature that fairies make their appearance. Da-da's backyard is a perfect example. His house and neighborhood are *very* recent additions to the fairies, who've been in the same spot since the earth came together. Old houses are often built in spots close to magical places, as the place just “feels right.” Then the rest of the neighborhood builds up around them. (Note: I don't have insight into fairy lifespans.) There must be lots of spots where our world advanced and built up around them; like churches built on previously pagan sites, the fairy realm has had our world built around their various glens. There are leyline intersections all over. They do tend to like those.BTW, if you find some, PLEASE be respectful. Besides it being a good idea to be nice in general, fairies can make things very uncomfortable for you (I hear) if you make them mad! We will all have to relearn being good spiritual neighbors soon, on many different levels (spirits, elementals, ETs, animals, plants, the new earth herself). It will be very different, like a magical realism novel (like “100 Years of Solitude”). We'll all have to become masters of our thoughts, and not the other way around.~M3

      11. Well, SOMETHING is definitely happening. I'm feeling it strongly. Last three nights have been very active. ~M3

      12. Indeed. I saw TWO UFOs yesterday (and last night) — and SIX in as many days — with different occupants. All were positive. In the most recent case, a jet was approaching my house when a “star” FLARED and then moved toward the jet. The plane instantly changed course. Last time I saw this type of activity, the Brexit had just been voted in.So… one sensitive is reporting that “the veil has been lifted,” which is difficult for us to ascertain, as it lifted for us a long time ago. But if the increased ET activity is any indication… keep your eyes open, really good things are happening.~M2

      13. Wait… that same “sensitive” also had a pitch for her “ascension oils” in the same post. Never mind on the veil for now. Two other M's said that they thought the veil had lifted months ago. ~M2

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