10 thoughts on “Happy New Year from SÖC

  1. Whadda night, that wolf moon energy was INTENSE… Lol, my astral body felt elevated, so much so I was sprawled on the floor at one point at an event with a bunch of people. A friend came up and ask if I was OK, I looked up at her, faced my palms up and shot water and fire out of them. Said “Yep, I just feel INCREDIBLY HIGH right now.” She concurred. I feel there was a LOT of rewiring in my Earth Rover last night, the lethargy continues into today's waking state.love/light

  2. Hello all. I left a comment a few days ago. I think it might be stuck.

  3. Well, first, I am so happy I stumbled on your website. I have learned so much from the posts and comments. It seems you all are very knowledgeable. I have been meditating for about 6 months now. Fortunately I was doing the protection you recommend in the Primer. I am not sure much is happening. I would like to get ideas or answers to all my questions. Will this happen for me someday? I guess I just need some encouragement. Thank you,Also One Who Believes

  4. Of course. You are well on your way. Your meditations will soon involve more and more in the way of encouragement. Expect it. ~AM

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