EVENT Step 8 Countdown (and Step 7 Recap) [UPDATED 1-19-18]

So, Step 7 happened. Actually, it kinda happened before the countdown finished (except for one CAT who got flattened on January 2nd), but oh well. Some of us got hammered, here and there, some of us were hot-and-cold (literally), some of us had ice cream. You spins your bottle, you takes your frame-of-reference smooch. 

Enter Step 8
STEP 8 is supposed to be THE BIG ONE, according to our guides. We must’ve asked 10,000 times. It will be around January 31st, which also has a lunar eclipse and full moon/SUPERMOON associated with it. For whatever reason, the last few steps have revolved around the lunar calendar; we have no idea if this will be the case with remaining steps. 


[NOTE 1-19-18: We now know that Step 8, and the remaining Steps, will invariably involve more INTERNAL CHANGES than external changes. There may be timeline changes, but none of us are seeing a giant ‘wave of light’ or anything like that… which is disappointing. None of us are quite sure what’s going to happen, but SOMETHING good is going to happen, it just might not be hugely obvious. 

That said, we’ve decided to try and influence SOURCE by “suggesting” during a 1/31 meditation that there be a visual component to The Event (!), either on 1/31, or perhaps at one of the later Steps… or on Valentine’s Day. A lot of us like that date. We have no idea if this will have any effect, obvious or otherwise, but it’ll be a fun experiment. AND it will get all of us working together on one of the most powerful days in human history. So, please, join us! Details to follow shortly.]


 Most importantly, the energy from Step 8 looks to come through the sun, not from the sun, from an extradimensional source on the opposite side of the sun, using the sun as an amplifier. This is apparently “The Event” that everyone came back for this one lifetime to see. Will it be? We’re not sure, but our guides are saying “Step 8 is the big one.” It’s on a Wednesday, too. Over the hump!

Will you go to a new place? Will you find yourself on a new timeline? Will cats become sentient? We don’t know. What we DO know is that the energy will be epic. Most of us plan to fast around that time, as fasting makes energy transitions a lot less painful. What we do know if that lots and lots of beings have been coming to witness this; some have been here for over a year. Frankly, we’re all pretty darn exhausted. Hopefully, this really will be The Big One.

The Big Meow.

And with that, a few general EVENT suggestions:


Assist others (UP the ladder!).

Don’t feel superior (though it’s tough when you’re siamese).

Maintain that happy demeanor.

And above all…

Live the cat poster.

UPDATE 1-3-18 (a little later):

At the behest of S.Joshua, we looked at the Moscow SR meter… very interesting.

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30 thoughts on “EVENT Step 8 Countdown (and Step 7 Recap) [UPDATED 1-19-18]

  1. The weirdest thing: you are talking to yourself right now — as are we!~M2

  2. I hope this will be the start of humanities prosperity being realized. The start of vast projects helping all 3rd world countries have a proper standard of living, all of humanity having a proper standard of living. I hope it's the start of us cleaning up the planet, our food and water supplies and the total surrender of the cabal and removale of negative ETs. The release of advanced technologies to improve health, manufacturing and galactic travel. It's time

  3. More than you realize! It's no coincidence that you found this site. We'll all laugh about it one day.~M4

  4. Has anyone else got “whomped” with high blood pressure (and headaches to match)? I've always had too slow bp…this is totally weird. And painful. Trying hibiscus.

  5. This says Feb end -early march, also Feb20 is chinese new year, or lunar calendar new yearhttps://bodysoulapothecary.com/2017/12/05/update-on-ascension-the-event-frequency-shift-the-new-earth-information-through-qhht/

  6. I'll wade in with my comments, too. Some people have reported smelling burnt hair or burnt sugar at various times lately. To me , What I have been getting is the scent of spicy roses. It's been quite pronounced. Not in the last few days,though. What's that about?

  7. A little. Some of us (me included) take turmeric to calm things down. It relaxes your epithelial cells in your blood vessels.-CAT3

  8. Ok. March 1st will probably be Step #9. The “big one” might be different for different people, we don't know. All we know is, our guides said the “public” one was Step 8.-CAT5

  9. THAT… could be a demonstration of what's called, “clairscent,” one of the higher abilities. Not many have it. It's the ability to sense different kinds of energy or spirits via smell. (I have it, too.) Some energy/spirits smell like coffee (GOOD energy), some smell bad. Some spirits smell of their favorite scent while alive (my grandmother smells of Chanel #5). I've also smelled spirits SMOKING (cherry) pipe tobacco, which I don't understand at all. I have also smelled the NEW EARTH… which was beyond amazing. (You are so in for a treat one day.)Note that it could also be burnt hair from a curling iron, or someone making caramel next door… and being too close to holiday potpourri. Sometimes Occam's Razor is the cleanest cut of all.~M6

  10. Hmmm. Oft times I've been outside when the scents waft over me. Today, (Thur.) when outside, I smelled Spring! This is at 46degrees north. It's January!! It was rich and sweet and just for a while.

  11. Here's a new one.My wife parked our car a couple of days ago and put the keys in her pocket.When we arrived back at the car she couldn't find them. As panic set in, the very next thing that happened, is that I felt them in my hand…It was freezing and raining and I had my hands stuffed in my jacket pockets for most of the time. I never once felt them before that moment and my wife swears she never handed them to me.Also been dreaming of infiltrating institutions that appear to look after children but are secretly running dark tests in them. My dreams are vivid and hard going as of late.Seeing more inner light also.Sooooo looking forward to step 8!Mark

  12. Thanks, a Yes to the smells of beautiful scents. Something cool is coming, We Are our brother's keeper. Fully ready for Peace/Love/Joy/Abundance, no more homeless or hungry, that is our mission, Gratitude in harmony.

  13. My spouse and I have also noticed the on and off burnt smell for the last month or two. I know that some of us are being fitted on the other side, so perhaps this is the olfactory system being tested. On a side note, it seems that Apollo's preparations are well under way for his grand experiment. Kudos to you guys. Looking forward to wrapping up prophecy and passing the torch so to say.

  14. I was just walking to the local UPS with a package to drop off and was thinking to myself, 'A land where thought is a crime is no place of mine'. Suddenly I was overwhelmed by the cherry scented smoke that you mentioned. Probably burnt offerings and incense from the Temple.

  15. Have you noticed timeline shifts IN YOUR PERSON? Some days you look slightly different. It's crazy.-CAT11

  16. You guys will appreciate this… I've been staying in some airBNB's while vacationing lately (more like, an EPIC adventure of learning/feeling/healing/surrendering to SOURCE… anywho) Aside from the PLETHORA of other synchronicity I've experienced lately, the last two of the places have had a 'Frosty' sync for me. The one I checked in today has a frosty the snowman figurine on the shelf in the bedroom… and the one I left last, had a CAT named Frosty. HA!love/light

  17. As an experiment, try doing a little auto-programming: think of some generic thing — a VW bug, for example — and decide that you're going to see them everywhere. See what happens. ~M5

  18. Sorry for the Step 8 recap delay… it's still going! Or we're still sorting out its effects. Or there's more to it. Or we're just lame. Stay tuned. We're nearly all wiped out today.-CAT5

  19. Note that this vision, along with all of our own visions, could be symbolic and not literal. OR something we've not seen is coming. We just don't know, but… we're on it. You'll know when we know. -CAT5

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