Your Monday Backbone, Timothy

Given how much all of us internally are talking about it, part of an M6 rant (in a comment today) just had to be its own post. Hell, it’s already well on its way to becoming a t-shirt. M6 calls out that 30-something guy who “vanished” from the CDC:

A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention employee was last seen 11 days ago, when he left work early after complaining that he felt unwell, Atlanta police said Friday.

Timothy Cunningham, 35, works as a commander in the U.S. Public Health Service and has responded to the Ebola virus and the Zika virus outbreaks, the CDC said. He holds two degrees from Harvard.

Police are now conducting a search for Cunningham and have enlisted the help of his family, friends and the alumni network of his alma mater Morehouse College.


Ok, we looked at this. M6 is right: This guy didn’t vanish at all. The dude made a remark (at work), calling BS on the whole epidemic virus thing (which it is)… for which he got looks from co-workers… but he wasn’t harmed. He just feels afraid, now — like too afraid to go to work. So, like the guy with the snake in the plane said, “C’mon… show a little backbone, willya?” Timothy: Go back to work. Go stand up for what’s right. You can do it. (And yes, we’re sorry we called you Timmy earlier; we were being feisty.)

It was at this point that M6 invoked Lord Nelson…

Lord Nelson

Of course, M6 said, “GO RIGHT AT THEM” in his comment (in a post that CAT5 deleted!) but it’s ok: M6 is related to Lord Nelson, so he can paraphrase. As M6 detailed, the above is typically the best tactic for most postmodern situations. If you see a problem, GO RIGHT AT IT. If you see a guy with a gun, GO RIGHT AT HIM. If you see someone who needs help, GO RIGHT AT HIM. (Or her.) If you see countless alphabet agencies and politicians conspiring to thwart all laws and bury your way of life, GO RIGHT AT THEM. With a shovel. We are not sheep. If everyone does this, there will be a lot less shootings and a lot less cabal activity. That is to say…


Two degrees from Harvard, huh? Timothy, if we can psychically head-butt the goddamn TWBs over and over again, then you — Commander Timothy Cunningham, 35 — can go to work and do the right thing. If something is not right, MAKE IT RIGHT. Make a stand. Blow that whistle. Who are you, anyway? You’re a Son of SOURCE, that’s who! No excuses, do the work!

(Jeez, is there a coach here yelling through us? Is that you, Gipper?) No, just Harold the exploding sheep.


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50 thoughts on “Your Monday Backbone, Timothy

  1. AAARRRGG… I just accidently deleted the last post! Was trying to delete an un-post right next to it. So sorry, folks. DAMN.-CAT5

  2. I'm starting to see this “theme” of having a spine a lot more lately. Is it the energies?

  3. Crap. And I just deleted all those graphs off my computer. Oh, well. If these was a post that we had to lose…-CAT2

  4. It's just as well: I think the Dourbes data was erroneous. OR something veeeery weird is happening in Belgium… so, what else is new?

  5. That's a bummer! I had answer to a comment from someone about a novel/story on humans changing their appearance and nature after being exposed to a frequency/sound from outer space. I made my first post here with this reference to a personal moment with my girlfriend where we listened to an episode of 'The Outer Limits' telling the same story with a few variations. If the poster still follow this blog (I suppose he does), I will reference again the Wikipedia link to that episode:, Love to all, and many thanks to the Cats & Friends for their work!(…and sorry about the lost graphs) -Franc

  6. @FrancI think it is essentially the same story, but I read it in book form rather than viewing on TV. I am pretty sure it was in a compilation of short stories, but that far back my memory gets a little hazy. Lotta smoke going on back in the late 80s' 🙂 Thanks for the link!

  7. And now for something completely different and obvious:”The Grammy Awards Is Actually a Satanic Cult Ritual” big DUH on that one, just look a the pics.-CAT10

  8. You know, it is hard enough to try to hold yourself up and to a higher vibration, but near impossible to try to keep others up there, too. To some extent, people have to do some work on their own.-CAT3

  9. Since we're doing a grab bag of info here… I don't know why certain people do what they do, but this info is just wrong: SOURCE implemented filters for our greater good, HE would *not* allow them to be removed. HE is *waaaay* more powerful than any ET force out there. Than all the ET forces.I'm starting to read less and less from “psychics.” I don't understand the fake-psychic's motivation, unless they're paid to put out false information. Of course, some people are real psychics, but they've been corruped somehow and don't know it. But BOY can they become indignant if you suggest it! I don't know where this woman fits in there. ~M3

  10. M3, in my ignorance, I thought SOURCE to be male and female at the same time?I have experienced Gaia as a feminine energy though.Mark

  11. No, that's correct. SOURCE is both male and female… technically an “It,” which sounds kinda icky in english, which is why we just say “SOURCE” a lot. And yes, Gaia is feminine or yin, the sun masculine or yang.I constantly writhe around about how to refer to SOURCE when it comes to pronouns — that is, for a general internet/lay audience — knowing that if I say “It,” people might get confused. Factually, SOURCE has nothing to do with this planet or the omniverse around us, save for us being Extensions of SOURCE and having this *local* experience, and that includes any “filters” or “veils” people keep talking about. Cobra has singlehandedly muddied the spiritual waters, IMO. If SOURCE thought for a moment that any of this were real and that we were “in danger”… then suddenly, all this around us WOULD BE REAL, and we'd all be hosed. It's not real. We are non-local beings having a local experience. And while we constantly tiptoe around levels of understanding here in print, we have very different discussions, personally.~M3

  12. Thanks M3, for your knowledge, patience, understanding and sacrifice.That extends to all of you.Mark

  13. I should say that we CATs are perhaps expert at SOUNDING like we know what's what, but in reality, like any of the advanced beings we deal with, no one fully knows what's going on with SOURCE. SOURCE is a HUUUUGE mystery to all cultures and civilizations, the omniverse over. Some beings have actually become so technically advanced that they have created “Doorways to SOURCE” — there it is, an all-white doorway, and there's SOURCE, RIGHT THERE, blinding the heck out of you… but if you go in, you never come back out… so no one ever reports what it was like! Author Gary Renard is the only person we know of who as taken INTO SOURCE, as an example of what it's like, then brought right back out two seconds later by his Guides… to which he instantly said one word, “More.” Many of us have had tangential experiences with SOURCE (though nothing like that), which brought about profound WHOA! moments (you even say, “WHOA!”), but it was an *outflow* moment vs a *going-in* moment. Going into and being IN SOURCE is apparently so… multi-orgasmic… and never stops… that you never want come back out again. Let's see… worry about the cabal doing whatever they're doing and making ends meet and paying taxes and worrying if I'll have enough time to get to the store and pick up tempeh which is all illusion anyway — or having an orgasm 24/7/365.25. Hmm…[Note: I wasn't trying to be crude. It's just an illustration of the apparent feeling involved. It's more descriptive than the mere word, “euphoria”!]~AM

  14. I should also say that any psychic who tells you “this is fact,” is either deluded or selling something. No one really knows anything for sure, due to all the timelines. When we “see” the future… we're not seeing the future at all: we're seeing the myriad NOW (the edge of the future-NOW?) flickering around timeline after timeline, or a potential NOW on a timeline we can't identify as being ours or not… or one that's about to be collapsed because it's not needed anyore… it's so annoying that I don't even like look at “the future,” anymore. Really, there is no past or future, there is only NOW. If you were outside this river of time, you would be in NOW with SOURCE, what The Course calls “the Holy Instant.” Time has been misidentied by humans as a dimension. It is not. It is just a recording that's playing, a river that you're currently standing in. Step one way and you're in a different river. Step OUT and you see all the rivers. It feels so good to step OUT, and let it flow on without you. (You can do this easily in meditation.) It's a bit much to get your mind around, but when WE (as an Extension of SOURCE) created the Omniverse once upon a time, past-present-and-future all happened at once, holographically. BOOM. Done. And now, it's literally like being on a roller coaster: you get in and ride for a while, then get out, then get in another car, ride for a while, then get out; meanwhile the track is winding all over the place, merging with other tracks and trains, diverging… but it will eventually end and we'll all found ourselves BACK WITH SOURCE. And we made it this way because… we forgot to laugh. We forgot to laugh at ourselves for wondering what it would be like to BE SOURCE… and then we felt guilty for it and retreated into this construct to hide, thinking we did something wrong, but we didn't. And all the while… We are asleep… with SOURCE blowing on our face gently, to wake us up. This is why absurdity is so important, and not taking things so seriously. Super-advanced beings LOVE absurdity. Brother J was hugely irreverent. Just think the Monty Python Fish Dance or “Confuse-a-Cat” and you're there. How I do go on.~AM

  15. You got your Maker, and the work in progress. How many present moments couldn't there possibly be? Thank God:) for relativity awareness. Never make it past lunch without it.

  16. Did anyone get whomped by downloads last night? I awoke feeling like an electric circuit! A blissful powerful current ran through my crown and exited my feet. Even my teeth were clenched, crazy. I knew it was a download so I let it continue, even managing to call back to sleep lol.I dreamt of somone accidentally touching me and they fell to the ground as if electrocuted lol.Mark

  17. Some, yes. We think this is a full-moon-amping-Wave-X thing, and not necessarily Step 9. We're still sorting this out.-CAT3

  18. It will be lifted from the ground so that it stands on two feet like a human being, and the mind of a human will be given to it.

  19. The fulfillment of prophecy. The wings come with me and birds fly south for the winter.

  20. I'm getting worried honestly, they're really ramping up the censorship. I hope this is a sign that it's ending soon.

  21. Sure us maybe( well, me not so much) but the masses I worry that still subscribe to that crap.

  22. I agree, you have my permission as a non local extension of SOURCE to go on until the local cows come home.The ACIM days brother J is the conduit for SOURCE. Are there any other conduits please?Mark

  23. Censorship, if I do anything other then daily tasks. I am immediately bumbarded with my worst fears. Been ongoing @ 10yrs. Since awakening . Tried it all,protection , montras, so is facing and accepting really the key, talking worst fears, so don't patronize please. Cause what if in accepting it becomes manifested? With that said, respect but,no dont know. I get the jest. Limited in power, I still can gauge whats next. As Lore stated worried,rightly so. Now only uncertain. If you really know,Please help us out,respectfully no speculation of Utopia,not at anyone particular, im tierd of bread crumbs. I want the whole truth nothing but the raw truth,no not someones book. NOW… Imo this unknowable does not jive with LOVE. It is fully apparent deception. Layer upon layer of deception to pacify all,maybe even the cats. Think logic,I've seen you cats,tweek the narrative in getting it right, to know yes,they also are or can be mislead. It does not make sense,imo,EVERYTHING dealing with SOURCE makes sense like nature or creation or it wont JIVE…Epic G

  24. Sure. Buddha is one. Kwan Yin is another. Any Ascended Master is a conduit to SOURCE. J is the “latest” one.-CAT4

  25. THIS. IS. ALL. ILLUSION.It's a dream. It's not real. Can things in a dream hurt you? No. You wake up and think, “Phew. Glad that was just a dream.” Well, all of this is. It's designed to make you feel FEAR 24/7. That's why Da-da said a wile ago to stay off the “Fear Bus.” When you have a fear, or an “attack thought,” say “ATTACK THOUGHT!” and attach a mental rock to it and drop it to the center of the earth. It takes time to overcome fear, for a variety of reasons we won't get into here. Note that we've been doing this for awhile and we still have the occasional attack thought.Yo have to ask yourself: Do you want SOURCE, or Justice? This decision will select your timeline.-CAT11

  26. I like that CAT2. Keep in mind that the only “hell” is the place that you don't fit… There is a place for everybody 🙂

  27. Epic G, the Cats will build a perfect world. The choice to make is whether you will excel in a perfect world or in an imperfect world. In the perfect world there is no fear and in the imperfect world you face your fears. Look me up on facebook if you want to see the other side of the same coin.-Ryan Belding Finley

  28. on a separate note… try this in your next meditation: last night, tired of waiting for the Event, i decided to help make it happen no matter what. i worked (in my head) to create little electronic boxes about 6” x 4”, with four big switches and a rheostat knob in the middle. i imagined that each switch activated some important circuit, then threw each switch one by one… then slowly TURNED THE KNOB TO 11… amping the energy hugely. i did this with four different boxes, one on top of the other. it really seemed to do something.~M6

  29. THIS is hell (metaphorically). We have nowhere to go but up.-CAT11

  30. Respect-ively, I said don't patronize. Dream sure of course, yet experienceing now, you,yourselves show this in revealed posts about symptoms. I don't think your tracking my point or avoid of the obvious. Being your answer was pure on point redoric,imo,nothing personal,as I said Ive been around awhile,and know when I see subterfuge, my guids only chime in,when its SERIOUSNESS,thus saving my ass,outside that. Hit or miss mixed with tricks and deception,so again respectively….I wander?

  31. I hopefully don't disrespect,how can one prepare for whats to come,if you know not. This is outside of LOVE,need no guide,common sense. Deception,pacified,bones given in victory to control long game. “?Maybe?” obfuscate,no prepare pacified, whammy!!!!!! Guess im on the “fear bus” lol,no a realist.

  32. OP, I want you to know that I get what you're saying. A lot of people seem to have what is, in my opinion, a catastrophic set of blinders on as it relates to this stuff. My primary criticism has to do with it being obvious to me that many have a gross misunderstanding of what exactly the nature of 'bad' 'good' 'positive' and 'negative' are and LOVE is not what people are conditioned to think it is, although I can't really say more than that. Like this'Deception,pacified,bones given in victory to control long game. “?Maybe?” obfuscate,no prepare pacified, whammy!!!!!! ' looks sort of like rambling gibberish, but it's very very profound. You've managed to really hit the nail on the head hear. The game is FAR from over and people seem to have convinced themselves that they've 'won' when it's only just about to really get started.As for your initial statement in the beginning about your issues with fear. I had the same problem myself after my 'awakening', but mercifully it only lasted for a few months rather than 10 years. I don't know if anything I say can help you, but I'll try.Two things in your comment stood out at me, the first was that you mentioned being afraid of 'embracing your fears' because you where concerned that by interacting with them you would manifest them and bring them closer to you. That you're stopping to think about that is a good sign, imo, but that's part of what makes it all so tricky. You have to figure out what exactly it is about the thing that your afraid of that gives it power over you and learn how to break it's power. For example, I have some serious body image problems regarding being fat/obese and I have a weird fear response around certain foods. Honestly, I'm still warry around certain foods, but for me overcoming my fear of the foods involved being able to separate my relationship with my body and fatness from my relationship with the food and the food's relationship with fatness. This was and still is very difficult to do and I still struggle with it. I remember at one point I was literally ordering triple meat pizzas specifically so I could 'overeat' them without freaking out and thinking negative thoughts about myself. Learning how to 'overindulge' without actively berating myself and dwelling on the consequences helped me learn to start to dissolve that relationship even though I still struggle with it. I actually ended up 'intentionally' putting on 15 pounds while consciously maintaining a relaxed mindstate so I could teach myself not to freak out about it. When you can control your mind and body it's not as hard to lose that weight again and I found the lesson worthwhile. I 'manifested' getting fatter, but the relationship to the 'manifestation' was different than it was back when I weighed 450 pounds.(I now weigh 220)The second thing that I want to suggest is that you learn how to look long and hard at both yourself and the specific nature of your fears. What are you afraid of and why? Like really ask yourself why and dig deep. This is very difficult work and most don't ever do it, but it's value is immeasurable. Behind every fear I have that I've looked at, I've been able to find a root or seed of something inside myself that is quite different from what one might think the root cause of the fear is. Learning who 'YOU' are and I really mean it is not easy and it's part of the work. Your fears are a part of you but not in the way many think and if you can figure out their true nature you will find you become much stronger than you thought you could be.

  33. On the other side we are the most advanced civilization in existence. We are immortal beings that know and have everything but after awhile we start to lose our sense of purpose. Forgetting helps so that we can rediscover what it is to experience mystery and the unknown (fear comes with this territory), but most importantly we are here to retain our humanity otherwise we lose everything and will die out for lack of purpose.

  34. Hi Cat11, I understand what you mean, but I am perfectly at home in the water. While I can walk on water just as you are urging your fellow brothers and sisters to do, alas my purpose is to swim down to the deepest and darkest of places and coax people back up to the surface. This can be an unpleasant experience as the sensation of drowning comes with the territory, and to the untrained eye I will look just as dark as the beings I am trying to coax.

  35. Right. The advice we give on this blog is general advice. For volunteer searh & rescue lightguards, you of course do the job you came here to do. -CAT11

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