That 3d Sinking Feeling

So. We dug into this, and… whoa. We know some of you really like the royals, but you have to come to grips with whom you’re dealing with. First off, look at that face. Look at both their faces. They’re not reacting to the wedding of him & her, per se, they’re reacting to something else. This will sound completely crazy, but it’s true.


The royals and other higher-up cabal typically get their marching orders telepathically, through proxies on earth. These are orders from either the deep reptilians or the few surviving calamari (we use the name “calamari” as code for their real name, which we don’t say because of the “Voldemort filter” they have on it; they can zero in on you if you say or even think their name… we know this from personal experience… so please don’t do it). Most of the big calamari are gone, but sadly a few young ones remain. They went by many names, and the new ones are pretty nasty, but there are so few of them that we doubt you’ll ever encounter them. (Also note that they won’t survive the transition to 4d, so they’ll only be on the 3d earth.)

That said… in the above Queenie pic… look at her face closely. She had PERSONALLY MET with one of the oldest reptilians (they feel original; we hear the word “antique”), visiting with his retinue. Queenie was surprised by their visit when they showed up at her castle. They personally told her that there was to be a sea change in royal leadership, and that she was out — and someone else was in. So, in that pic, Queenie is dealing with the emotions of being replaced, being forced to watch a wedding she totally disapproves of… but more importantly, she’s dealing with her memory of THAT THING SHE SAW, telling her, the Queen, what to do. She is their servant. And that ‘high-priest’ lineage is about to flip, and the Queen will be done very soon. Amazing photograph. We wear the chains we forged in life.

P. S. If you’re going to write about this in your blogs and videos and elsewhere, please credit the CATs. It’s only fair.

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13 thoughts on “That 3d Sinking Feeling

  1. Yeah, that was the most evil of the reptilians that came to her: the leader. Shows how close to the end of things we are — and how close to the new beginning!~M3

  2. Latest from Lisa Gawlas ~”Listen to your body and your guides, neither will ever steer you wrong.”

  3. I wonder how a change in royal leadership benefits the reptilians? You wouldn't think they'd have much interest in a kinder, gentler, less bloodthirsty monarchy, and they surely don't have humanity's interests in mind. What's up?

  4. Three observations:1. The amount of viruses lobbed our way has increased 500% since this post.2. Google is suppressing the post, as the numbers are 1/4 of normal.3. The Event is coming and none of this matters.-CAT8

  5. Hey guys, are comments being blocked, too? I made one last night, but don't want to repeat myself until I know you didn't get it.

  6. WOW, the night sky under the near-full moon last night had a magenta overtone coloring to it!!! The COLORS! The COLORS!They're not hiding anymore 🙂 love/lightJoshP.S. that photo would be SUCH a GREAT candidate for a caption contest hahahaha

  7. Is that concern for Liz that Philip is showing? I'm struck at this little moment of humanity here. It reminds me of the Grinch's small small heart.

  8. Wow, so she detests the rebranding of the Windsor reptile line. So, I'm guessing the rebranding of Windsor, as ordered by the big reptilians, is an effort to keep the reptilian investment in the so-called royal family alive, at least down here in 3D.

  9. And yes, we know: when we hear “reptilian,” it makes us suspend belief, too. We're all conditioned to think this way. If we hadn't “seen” it…Believe us, reptilians are a lot easier to take than giant cthulhu calamari things (the calamari were the reptilians bosses), but the old ones are now gone. They were just like in that Hellboy movie, a kind of CG cameo. You'd simply never believe who took them out. -CAT Editors

  10. Note: There *are* NICE reptilians out in the galaxy. They're not all evil. (And yes, “inner earth” reptilians qualify as “evil.” We rarely use that word. Evil, but feckless. Also note that this little news snippet isn't important, we just thought it interesting (that pic is priceless). Best to let it go.~M6

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