Your Whammy for 9-28-18


The Oversoul and Guides love communicating to us via music. They do it all the time. It’s like a game. We used to find it annoying when we didn’t understand what was going on, but now we get how the song communicates not just words and concepts, but also tone and mood.

In the past, we’d often wake with this super “WHAMMY” (a Da-da term we stole; other people call it an “ear worm”) song in our heads and have it stuck there all day. This is because THEY WERE TRYING TO TELL US SOMETHING, duh, only we were too dense at the time to get it. Ok, now we get it. We’re paying attantion. Even stranger (and the reason we’re bringing it up), we as a group are now getting THE SAME SONG stuck in our heads, independently. Blah blah blah.

Anyway, here’s this morning’s whammy, from Phineas & Ferb, a show some of our kids watch:

This pertains to this:

They’re watchin’, and they’re waitin’.

Those Universal ships… actually, this term isn’t entirely accurate. Those are SOURCE representatives in those sphere-sized ships. They’re not “sphere beings,” like the neutral ETs from 2011/2012, formerly here to jockey for position (they’ve since slunk off to watch at a distance). So… what should we call the ships in this STEREO image here? Let’s call them “SOURCE Ships,” ’cause that’s what they are. (And boy do we have a related surprise for you; in a future post.) We’re firm believers in calling something what it is.

Anyway, SOURCE already sent The Event energy into… The Universal Energy System, if you will… and it’s somewhere in the pipes being stepped-down and… customized?… so it won’t roast us, but will instead help each of us do what we need to do… and the SOURCE Ships are on station, watchin’ and waitin’ to help manage it when it comes out. All is well.


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51 thoughts on “Your Whammy for 9-28-18

  1. Huh? Looking forward to your surprise post, CATs and M’s

  2. When you guys first broke the news of ‘ships’ from the Sun, I was kinda skeptical, My mind said ” humanity is enslaved for thousands of years, now they are coming for the ‘show’ ” I was in two minds posting that sentence.

    Than I got another ‘clarity/understanding’ , the ones coming or allowed to come have ‘stake’ in this. they have beings from there own clan incarnated as human beings , so they have come to watch ‘family’ in a way.

    its kinda very interesting up there, beings saying ‘you too’ never expected that, and some are going ‘look mama , what kind of ship or being that is’ and mama says ‘ cool down son, you may end up annoying someone’

  3. My most prominent “whammy” was given to me two years ago. For two straight days I heard in my dreams, and woke up with Belinda Carlisle’s Heaven is a Place on Earth stuck in my head. I just knew it was a message from my guides. So now when I get an ear-worm, I look up the lyrics and listen to the song several times to make sure I get the message loud and clear. It is usually a profound experience (but it drives my husband crazy because I keep singing it).
    Love you all <3

  4. TOTALLY get this, took me a while to figure out the purpose of those songs too. It is a really great way to align/remind of a multi-sense-provoking vibration.

    My morning one today was/is The Cars – My Best Friend’s Girl

    (still feeling through this meaning… I believe it has to do with New Earth… or our Brown Dwarf sister system… or both)

    WOMP ramping in progress on the Tomsk!


    1. Note that sometimes a whammy is just a whammy. We get things sometimes and ascribe all kinds of meaning to them… then realize it playing in the grocery store. 😉


      1. Interesting, though I believe all has meaning…
        though also, everything means nothing too…
        and thinking is exactly what causes the blurriness in betwixt.

        Even to find a song playing in the grocery store is a cool deja-vu 🙂

        I’m glad I used the word betwixt today, lol. That feels REALLY fun to me.

        BTW all, a GREAT question I’ve been intending to ask myself each day is,

        “What would feel FUN for me to experience today?”

        Feel it, imagine it. Bring ALL the senses in. This can really shift our vibrations UP!

        The BEST days, are when the experiences also manifest physically 😉


        1. Depends on the song. I just heard, “Disco Inferno” at one store, and in terms of disco, this seems like a good idea.

          Fun? Oh, that’s that thing we (CATs) get to have AFTER The Event. 😉


  5. Just listened to this and I have this HUUUUGE grin on my face!! That song is perfectly constructed! Thankyou CATS & M’s!

    One morning, I woke up to the below song in my head. I heard it in my head as though I was actually in the pub & the band was playing it. Yes, that “live” volume & -that- “live” *energy*.

    [embed width="600" height="600"][/embed]

    I think that SOURCE is telling me I need to “go for a swim into deeper water” & SOURCE is trying to tell me the message that SOURCE wants me to understand in a way that I would be able to relate to the message.

    Also, what size (number) is the “width” and “height” in the html coding please (to embed a video)? If embedding a video does not work, I’ve done it incorrectly.


    1. All stars and other main energy points in this universe (static portals, neutron stars, magnetars, blackholes, etc.) — and all other such in other universes in the omniverse — are connected into one giant network, and all that’s connected to our Group Self (which we often call ONE or the Oversoul) and of course SOURCE. SOURCE sent basically a *super-soliton* pulse of spiritual SOURCE-ity (which is Wave X) into this system to start The Event… whenever. It’s not a sudden thing, but it will have a sudden MOMENT to it, hence those SOURCE Ships managing the process. All the lower level ETs have fled or have burrowed underground to get away from it. It’s wake is multidimensional, and both preceeds and proceeds it, and it has been been building and building and building. There’s a lot more to it, but… I can’t put it into words. Frankly, SOURCE is awesomely bizarre. When you start looking into It, It starts EXPANDING in your mind. Very strange and wondrous. THEN there’s how this whole system was created, how and why! Amazing.


  6. Well, that could explain why today the song “Dirty Little Secret” by the all American rejects has been buzzing in my head. Started early this morning woke up around 3- 5 am mountain time thinking about the line “I’ll keep you my dirty little secret” and followed up by “I go around a time or two, Just to waste my time with you”. I already played it at work hoping it would shed some light. Spent some deep breaths focusing on the feeling and mood of the song. Energy feels fine and I enjoy the “vulnerability” the song portrays.

    It’s amazing that this concept “WHAMMY, earworm” came up today. It could be considered that we are connected… Wouldnt that be interesting 😉

  7. Just roast me at this point lol… this energy has been ridiculous the last 48 anyway
    Phhh shit is for the birds 😉

  8. FYI, Dolly Parton made an appearance again today with ” Here I go again”after a couple of days absence. When I don’t hear her, I forget the song. Sooooo, here we go again!

  9. Why is cobra the only one that talks about toplet bombs? Is toplet bombs just BS…?

      1. Ooohw, THIS is why most of his readers seem so desperate and all their comments so sad.
        I was really wondering recently, how often and if some froogles took his page down….

  10. Oh my goodyness! I just started reading this post and ‘Set the controls for the heart of the sun’ came into my head! I used to listen to a lot of Pink Floyd when I was younger, the old stuff with Syd Barrett.

  11. Just found the lyrics! Oversoul trying to tell me something?!

    “Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun”

    Little by little the night turns around
    Counting the leaves which tremble at dawn
    Lotus’s lean on each other in yearning
    Over the hills a swallow is resting
    Set the controls for the heart of the sun

    Over the mountain watching the watcher
    Breaking the darkness, waking the grapevine
    Knowledge of love is knowledge of shadow
    Love is the shadow that ripens the wine

    Set the controls for the heart of the sun
    The heart of the sun, the heart of the sun

    Witness the man who waves at the wall
    Making the shape of his question to Heaven
    Whether the sun will fall in the evening
    Will he remember the lesson of giving?

    Set the controls for the heart of the sun
    The heart of the sun, the heart of the sun

  12. I feel I must ask this question, something is trying to prevent me from typing this (just thought I would add that!)

    Cobra has advised many, many people to bury/scatter cintamani stones across the world. I felt uneasy about this for some reason and did a bit of delving. I came across the below links but I also asked a friend who also does clearings etc.. She thought they had a very dark energy. Is this something to worry about? What is the purpose of this? My psychic skills are not yet as advanced as I would like the to be but something just does not sit right with me here.

    1. Avoid the “cintamani stones.” These stones aren’t what you think they are. This is a form of dark magic. Cobra should be avoided at this point.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Thank you for clarification, I had an inkling this was the case. Frightening, I worry how many of these stones are scattered around the planet.

      2. Yeah I’ve read something like that. Apparently they are shards/pieces from a destroyed planet in the Sirius Star system and hold the trauma of that destruction. I think they were trying to re-power the old grid with them…

    2. Interesting! I had the same feeling. I’m very into burring crystals and grid work but not those

      1. Cool, I went to Pilot mtn. NC, Serpent Mound, Oh. and my home town in Nw Pa. To spread crystals. Sort of an exchange of positive energy. Peace.

  13. My thoughts and words are expressed in music.
    Have great sense of humor, love to laugh
    especially at our self’s, keeps me grounded

    Great group of people here, w/shared experiences
    among one another…I like that, keeps me sane
    in this up side down world of craziness…

    With your permission, hope you don’t mind
    my posting appropriate of the moment music videos
    promise to keep it clean…

    your friend


    1. Hi Neighbor Dave…
      Long time gone by..
      Been trying to catch up with you with no avail.
      This is CaTsRuLe. Old Times @Hatter’s site. Sure do miss the old gang and the chats we had (always out of subject on my part).
      Liked your above oration. Definitely describes you.
      Hope you are doing well. I get thru day-by-day now. Maybe someday, I can ramble an explanation back with one of my long on-goings I used to do. Love, Peace, with Hugs. CaTsRuLe (yes

  14. Thank you! Love you cats and M’s :-). Thank you all for that you are doing. I’m really allergic to cats but I tolerate you guys well 😉 you rock!

  15. The moment I read this post, I heard a whammy, it was ‘Moving on up’ by MPeople.

    The chorus goes somethin like:

    “I’m moving on up, moving in out, time to break free, nothing can stop me…’

    Whoever puts these in our minds sure have a sense of humour.

    Then today I woke up feeling awful, then another whammy, I’m still standing’ by Elton John…!


    1. Ha! We always hear “We’re movin’ on UP!” which is the old theme song from “The Jeffersons.” Probably before your time. This is really the theme song for The Event:


    2. Ha! I get that one too! Often for some reason when it’s really windy, it’s like not really wind but the whole planets being pulled/dragged? upwards. X pam

  16. Very, very interesting….i’ve worked in Radio for 20 years. Music Director. No, I don’t take requests. 😀 Plus, in radio, we are obsessed w/ clocks and time. I have a collection of watches and clocks too. When I “wake up” am I going to laugh about the profession I’ve chosen? hahaha

      1. great, so i get to work 30/10 instead of 24/7. can’t wait. ;(

        1. Ha! Like you’re going to do the same thing you do now. Nope. Best to think as flexibly as possible and have no expectations. Once the Event dust settles, the New Earth will be a relaxing paradise.

          -CAT Eds.

    1. In pep band in high school and college, the cheerleaders would always yell to the band: “Play something we can dance to!” So we always played, “Mission: Impossible” (in 5/4) or “Spanish Moss” (in 17/32), or somesuch time-signature-y piece. Hee hee. Fun seeing them try to integrate… that…. extra… beat…


  17. Hmmmm what’s the significance of the The Clock in the Wall movie? I’m thinking there must be a connection with the collective talk of time? Or maybe I’m just tripping over my lovely warm socks that I shouldn’t even be wearing because it’s meant to be beautifully warm and delicious on the Gold Coast, but it feels like a disgusting am I out of my mind icy cold spring. Upside down and inside out indeed, reflecting my feels!

  18. I hear songs on the radio that are directed to me from my loved ones on the other side and from my guides. I know when it is happening because I receive a small shock in my body before the song comes on, like “Pay attention here!” Once the song has been established I know who is thinking of me, or what I am supposed to understand whenever I hear it again. Messages come especially when I am in dark times. One of my favorite signs is “Magic” by Olivia Newton John. When I hear that song, which is an odd song to hear on XM or radio, I know my Grandma Evelyn is with me. This has been going on since the late 90’s for me. It may sound like a weird thing to have happen, but I trust it. Makes sense that earworms are messages as well. Although, that time I had the Oompa Loompa song stuck in my head I was at a loss as to what it meant!

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