Special Project [UPDATE2]


Hi. The CATs & friends are involved in a special project.

We’ll say more when it’s done. Until then, it would be unwise to provide details. We will be very busy till then, so there won’t be much comment commenting till we’re done.



We’re going to have to call this one off for a while. There are too many moving parts for us to manage and allow us time to do everything else. We’ll revisit this in the near future.


Soooo close…

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83 thoughts on “Special Project [UPDATE2]

  1. FYI, we’ve all been experiencing Wave X energy bouncing off the earth’s core the past few nights, roasting us from the back up. No idea how long this will last. It may have been part of Lisa Gawlas’ “Wednesday Void Fractal.” New moon compounds it.

    -CAT Eds.

    1. The Wednesday void fractal kept my whole animal family up all night and I was wide eyed staring at the stars wondering when this Void Fractal was going to let go of us.

      1. The whole thing was very weird. It was hard to try to do what we’re trying to do while all this energy was flying around. We’re going to have to return to normal operations and keep our other project going concurrently. So many moving parts. We appreciate various folks offering help, btw, but we need to keep this one to ourselves for a while.

        -CAT Eds.

  2. Those pesky neg reps up to no good huh.

    I’m on standby, call the hotline if you need me. (Well, maybe just a post, ahem)


  3. My cat has taken to eating the lizards she catches the past week or 10 days. I thought she may be missing some vital ingredient in her food, but now I think she was getting a head start on CAT project. Good luck and Source’s speed. Cay

  4. Godzilla just peed his pants. Yesterday I thought of asking for a new project for wee kittens, sooo, if You would like help! Till then we’ll get out the pom poms. Peace.

  5. Just send the bat signal if you need help. I have more time on my hands… Now that my entire social life is killed, I guess I’m going to keep myself busy manifesting an ivory tower to plop myself in while the rest of the world erupts. I thought we came here to help things? So far in this transition process I have: been hit with a bat a massive amount of times by source to unglue from my 3d sins and now I have been forced into isolation like some sort of time out. I’m not sure how I’m helping the process if no one wants to talk to me.

    1. We’re here w/You, Totally becoming New. We Are The Light/Love/Holders of The Door, We Are, More! Peace

    2. @ Etnom. We want to talk to you even if no one else seems to. Maybe you are meant to make new friends on your wavelength. 🤗💖💖💖

    3. etnomenignotum ❤️ I am a fellow hermit of circumstance! We have this wonderful place to come and hang out though, hold on there!

      Much Love & Light ❤️😊❤️

    4. Fellow hermit checking in. Hang in there, we’ll talk to you!

    5. I hear ya! I have like a “repel field” around me. My whole life and I’m 50. Just realized it 4 years ago. Still clearing it. The more people like you…the harder they run away or be mean. It’s a program they hit. Plus layers of other stuff. And to top it off they blast holographic weapons at anyone trying to see them by tracking up from you…shoot them movies that seem the real cause but they’re just holograms. Can mimic their sensors. Deflects away from them. It’s ridiculously awful – affects all layers of life, like fractal ropes that spiral up each facet of life. My guess is you hold a big chunk of something they don’t want to exist here. Fight back! It CAN come of with clearings by powerful trackers, but mine comes right back- no matter what level Help hits it. But I’m still fighting these critters with every ounce of everything! Don’t give up! Some very strong light workers give free group clearings, which should help take layers off.
      Christopher Macklin runs groups 3x a week. They help me. They ask a donation but don’t turn anyone away, so can be free if you’re strapped.
      Bonnie Serratore is very good and having 2 good groups this month. Register on her site Spiritual Acceleration dot com. It’s free to register, and you view the clearings through that site. 1) Friday Oct 4th at 5pm EST: This one is free: Topic is Suffering/,but they will go after ANY Negative stuff that pops up so don’t be put off if the topic isn’t exact for you. About 60 mins 2) Friday Oct 11th 5pm EST topic is Dark Force Interferences!!!! Cost is $30 but it will be well worth it! Lasts about 90 mins.
      Did this just start for you??? Or if you look back, has it really been going on a long time and you’re just noticing it because things ramped up to the point of ridiculousness? Are your own powers and sensors blocked to a large degree? (((Hugs))) for what you’re going through. ❤️️⚡️🌎

      Ps: I’m not trying to promote anyone especially, just sharing what worked at least a little for me against this stuff. Feel free to delete comment if that is inappropriate for this space.

      1. So in terms of how long has this been going on. I’m going to be honest — I think it’s been since birth. It’s not that I didn’t fit in but I feel like I have been always in a bubble field. It’s really noticeable now because when I engage with people including strangers it’s like an angry dog barking at me. And then I slowly back away. I’m thankful for the CATs post. It made sense to me. I’m not suppose to have distractions. Problem is I have been conditioned by my environment and now I’m pulling the layers of goo away. I have been held down for a long time by goo. My awakening process sparked years ago but it really hit me in the beginning of the year. There is no turning back.

        1. (((Hugs))). Here’s what I think and feel free to differ in your opinion or experience: This is a prison planet and we are somehow Prisoner Zero. Blocked by layers and layers of junk so no one can be affected by us. Hard to plant a seed when they move all the soil away. No one has free will around us, the critters make it opposite. And we don’t have free will to proceed forward in life- we just hit brick walls. Basically anything we like is blocked, because our heart sparking hurts them somehow. Like our hearts sparking reboots sections of the matrix to be Light again. We are even blocked from ourselves internally. And if we clear layers, they just come right back on because the critters can’t afford for us to be clear at all. Especially the heart.
          Question: Who IS allowed to be around you? Are there exceptions categories to this “people barking at you”? Look and check for this: Are disconnected people allowed to be around you? By this I mean- crazy, drunk, drugs, or deaf people. Also check very old and very young. Does it seem like any of these people can be somewhat nice or at least neutral towards you? How about “angelically nice” people?
          Have you tried any clearing type sessions? Have you found anything that lightens this for you? Wishing you a world of kindness 🌎❤️️🎁

    1. Cat Eds. The Ace Magnetometer show a gap mid evening. Also woke up Saturday morning with strong energies travelling from my feet upwards as far as my rib cage. Really good feeling to this wave and I feel cheerful too. If there was a timeline jump, it’s a nice one. Best of luck with the project, and I love the cat pics. Godzilla didn’t stand a chance lol.😄

    2. Yes, last night was indeed bumpy… noticed ‘slight’ whompage and… ok… Ended up breathing a LOT, grounding repeatedly, asking and inviting sharing and assistance a LOT. Got through…
      Stars were extra BRILLIANT last night (new moon?) – not as many as if was in deep desert, but the ones that were out were awesome. Orion brightly welcoming, he’s always been a comforting presence to me, enjoyed seeing him returning toward his winter position.

      Yesterday(9/27) dosed off listening to Amanda Ellis, I think it WAS the ‘tsunami of love’ one (I’d have to listen to it again) – was dreaming while semi awake or maybe popping in and out – I think there was a heart meditation work going on (I remember she was mentioning a flattened donut shape/structure she couldn’t remember the name of; I assume it was a torus… I ended up writhing on the couch, not in a bad way, but I guess with the intensity of what was happening in the dream plus reality during this ‘going’s on’…

      I remember some good things were said in another one (that is a staple here) of not getting caught up in the 3d drama ‘goings on’, not putting your energy there, etc. One section reminded me of a past thing – about the not so awake peoples having difficulty handling the waves of increasing love energy, not knowing how to handle it or even what it is and can make them feel agitated.

      When I was going to my first compatible counselor I remember telling him he could say or do anything, just don’t be nice to me, I couldn’t handle that. At that time I stayed out of touching distance to everyone, so I could even avoid handshakes. I stayed pretty isolated, just going to school or work then going home to read or whatever… not unfriendly and could communicate, but avoided a lot as a result of the abuse.

      The video of getting out of victim mode and using Earth’s resources and tools,(crystals etc) our thought energies etc to handle and change things. She talked of us becoming lighthouses of love (using the cell towers) shining out and transforming
      /transmuting the 5g energy to 5d energy. I believe that video was titled, Amanda Ellis, “From 5G to 5D – STOP the Fear!!! May 7th, 2019. Quoting in part Theo Gimbel (one of his book was – ‘Form, Sound, Colour and Healing’ ) and Charles Webster Leadbeater: ‘The Hidden Side of Things’
      Gee, I wonder if this is why we haven’t had money to pay for our cell phone service the last few months, so we just have a land line connected to our internet service. It was either have a car that worked with it’s expenses-payment/insurance and future replacement of bubbled tire or cell phones…

      I’ve continued to re-listen to the video… about at 25:00min started talking about the heart SOURCE light energy and the torus – fear diminishes the light, but not extinguishes – 5g cannot enter (through the SOURCE torus), but transforms from effects of SOURCE light to 5d energy and grounds the energy to Earth- this is what I mentioned above – I guess why I brought it up to bring this video up, so I could get the right one that effected me yesterday…

      I guess I should have split this comment up, but it became sort of a stream of consciousness thing with the whole video correction thing.

      much love,

  6. While the CATS are out catting around, I thought I’d share a little energy thing I’ve been doing for the past many years. I’m not Jewish (I’m long-time Sourcian) but I very much like the message of the Kabbalah: same highway, different lane. In particular I like the ceremony of Hanukkah because it is a Celebration of Light. I don’t put candles in a menorah but in a bowl of beach sand, in a spiral or circle, and do my own private rituals and meditations, versions that I resonate with. When I do this during Hanukkah I’m intentionally focusing on “riding the energetic coattails” of millions of Jewish / Kabbalists around the world who are doing the same thing. It’s like when we all did the meditation for the CATS a few months ago and the result of our combined focus was outstanding!

    The date of this year’s Rosh Hashana (Sept 29-Oct 1) feels especially important, as various sources have given October as significant.  “It’s the beginning of the New Year. These two days have a tremendous impact on our year.  Kabbalah teaches that Rosh Hashanah (also the New Moon of the Month of Libra) is a cosmic opening; a window in time sent to help us reprogram our learned behaviors to elevate to a higher level of consciousness and being.”  Sure sounds a lot like what we’re all focusing on here in Catopia, huh?!

    So, I’m going to do the same thing as I do for Hanukkah with my own private version and tap into the energy of millions of others who join in inspired unity as people from all walks of life gather together to dance, sing, meditate, pray, and connect to the immense energy of Rosh Hashanah. 

    Seems like a powerful way to help the Event along.  If this resonates with you, cool.  If not, cool.  Do what you feel guided to do.

    And I sincerely hope the CATS catch this and let me know “don’t do this any more!” if it’s not a good or helpful thing!

    1. Funny you bring this up… I was literally thinking about Kabbalah the other day. I think I’ll join you on this endeavor!

    2. @ jj
      dunno if you honor my humble opinion, but all you feel and do
      is indeed in Light and in Truth.

  7. Whoa, crazy happenings. Last night I was receiving sharp pains everywhere, I mean ALL over me and the frequency was increasing. I got worried and asked for protection, it stopped immediately… wow!

    Then in my dreams I called out a name, “Maria”. Every time i said it, i was pulled forward and felt I was leaving my body and entering some mystical night time scene? Who’s Maria?

    Rest of the dreams involved being chased, protecting trees, being in religious buildings and having a crystal healing session with three others.

    Hope you guys are safe.


  8. Huh, that explains why I had to take 10h emergency nap last night, but at least, now I feel like new 🙂✨

    Do not remember the dream, only some sense off doing some hard work for some organization ?

    I hope I was good at it 🙂✨

  9. Thank You. ❤️

    Looking forward to the helping phase, and sending Light for your current endeavor and to All. Much Love to All, Now and Always! ❤️

  10. Ha! Last night’s dream had me going to the train station at night with 2 bags in tow. One was filled with clothing but when I looked in the other I found sea shells, sea snails and an eel. I threw them all out on the beach as the tide came in (except for the eel who jumped out). I hope I got rid of enough baggage to catch the train on time. It felt like a major move was pending with no going back. Cay

    1. My train dream last night involved a certain amount of effort to get to said Train-to-Somewhere, then when it arrived, it was amidst a sea of mud — dark brown mud that buried the tracks and completely ensconced the train itself. –But it made it!
      Also wanted to note that a praying mantis flew by me in the back yard last week. Hard to miss as it was all wings and dangling legs, but I’ve never seen one in CT before (almost 20 yrs here). It landed on our camper, but I was in the middle of something so only could take a quick look at it.
      As a final note, I’ve seen more butterflies this year than I have in at least a decade. Stray Monarchs are finding my husband and fluttering around him lately, which kind of cracks me up, in a very good way.

      1. @ark2arcturus
        Hi, I grew up in Ct I loved seeing Praying Mantis -ssises, lol I thing the singles is the plural, too… I’m 70 now, but I remember them as rare and remember they were a protected species in Ct BEFORE there were such things other places/species specific – at least in Ct.
        Cool on the Monarchs, it’s late in the season to see many butterflies, but I think rules for such things are ‘out the window’ these days esp if they are ‘signs’ and Hellos. –
        I love the visual of your husband with the butterflies…

  11. I am in time out as well and have been for weeks. Luckily I have an ivory tower already. Just being told to keep all extremities inside my vehicle. Not bad- just a bit boring!

  12. Gaia Portal ❤️

    Strength of Inner Spirit connections are currently under test.
    Eliminations of tenuous connects are accelerated.
    Farsights are recognized for assists to Hue-manity.
    Finalizers are called forth.
    Archangels watch over the process.

  13. What the bleep is going on??…I am so ungrounded even with heavy grounding/protection in place…manic sooo tired headache sinus pain non stop churning booming sounds in head like a war going on in center of earth bed vibrating…this is the most intense I have felt this stuff in weeks…

  14. Wow wow wow.. Yesterday I celebrated my 40th birthday and what a time to get an upgrade of this magnitude.
    I can’t remember being hit this strongly physically, waking up at 5.30 am yesterday with a crazy throat pain (I’m barely ever sick, once a year or every two years if so) and then during the day all sorts of crazy pains from my belly to my whole digestion system, huge cramps, head, fever like symptoms, sore muscles. Couldn’t eat more than a few bites from my birthday meal at the restaurant and took it home with me. Could barely walk straight from the pain..Slept / rested most of today. Energy levels loooow.
    Digestive system all upside down.
    Most of it has faded by now luckily, my body has always been super fast to deal with stuff, goes through a relatively fast, very intense time and that’s it.

    But.. as intense as all the physical stuff was, they have nothing on the internal sensations. There are no words to describe how happy, strong, grounded and elevated I feel. I am at such a new level and it’s the first time that I feel the differences so clearly. It used to go in smaller phases, but now it’s literally like having stepped out of the latest version of me and being someone, somewhere so different. All I feel is this new found power and love which was always me, but could only now be fully experienced and expressed.
    Felt so much gratitude for all I am so blessed with and cried so deeply out of deep appreciation. It’s like being in a dream of a dream – well actually it’s exactly waking up out of a dream that I had been in for so long and struggled with most of my love.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you. ❤

    Hope all are managing well with these waves, you are all in my thoughts.
    Lily, as soon as I get my energy levels up and back to normal with daily things, I’ll get into the cleaning I promised you and will let you know.

    Much love to you all.

    1. Nuni ❤️ Wow, sounds like you’ve had an amazing transformative energy blast thingy! So happy for you ☺️

      Happy Happy Merry Magical Birthday to you!
      Hope it was as fantastic as you are!

      So much Love, Light, Sparkles and Sunshine and a very yummy cake!


  15. Ever since our new black kitty graced us with his presence, our home has become a far better place, energy-wise. On my first night with him, I somehow broke down crying and purged a ton of leftover regrets about my last cat. When I’m with him, it almost feels like she’s reincarnated in a new body. They have the same personality, too! He got used to our house and our presence within an uncannily short time.

    You know… I think I can go for a bit longer with no SHIFT thanks to his help. I love this little runt already.

  16. And special thanks to the cabal stooges pretending to be “anonymous” commenters who’ve been monitoring us in ham-handed fashion. Do you really think tracking our purchases and communications is going to tell you anything? We’re gonna look at you now that we’ve paused our project. See those eyes at the corners of your vision…?

    -CAT Eds.

    1. They simply have no appreciation of what’s coming, once the scales tip in the right direction being in the wrong team just isn’t going to be much fun any more. No hard feelings, this is not about revenge; they’re doing it all by themselves.

      Speaking of stooges by the way, I`ve been trying to put my finger on fancy pelooseit. She feels mostly the same as killary to me. I was expecting a bit more substance but all I pick up is crazy banana.

      They’re not all like that to me; obummer is different, whatever is pulling his strings feels more polished and determined if that makes any sense. I once stumbled upon a link to Akenathen’s DNA, walking eagle himself once proclaimed himself to look just like the guy. Like they hadn’t trashed old A enough.



  17. Thanks Cats & M’s for the Updates 🙂 gridwork has been non stop since Equinox & on Wednesdays Void I thought I got the night off but found myself doing gridwork in my sleep, I was conscious of it for about 3 hours, so I asked to be shown & the clear message was Job Done! now Spirit has me focused on anchoring a new higher frequency of Love (Blue/Violet) this hasn’t been possible till now & the door opened for it on 25th 🙂 777 keeps shining its light on the new grid. Codes are pouring in daily & the New Moon is twinned with the Sun! Heart Activations all round.

  18. https://youtu.be/N3Ht_EgvEdw
    Insert “CATOPIA!” at 2:14 instead of “Olympia!” and you will see where a 64 year old Hercules cartoon flash back connects to jj’s post as a repeating ear worm in my head. Do not ask me where that came from because I have no idea. I must have been 5 years old then. Cay

  19. Well, the energies whacked me rather amusingly today. Woke up with a nice case of vertigo; wanted to go to the gym, but I think I would have tipped over had I attempted to pick up a weight. So I staggered downstairs, fed the cat, bumped into a few walls, and went back to bed. Didn’t help. Got up a couple hours later, fed myself, bumped into a few more walls, aimed myself at the couch, and alternated between reading and napping for most of the day. Finally managed to accomplish a couple small things that didn’t need much coordination, staggering all the while. Better now, but I can still feel it. Wonder if I’ll be able to manage my usual yoga class tomorrow; my tree pose tends to be iffy at the best of times. Timmbberrrr!

    1. Kolibri. Lol yes my tree pose was always pretty wobbly too. I’ve been feeling the walking on a rocking ship thing too. Unpleasant.🤪

  20. Absolutely Beauty Full sunset in God’s Country. MUCH Love/Gratitude to All involved/evolved. Have a Lovely “Time” My Friends. Peace.

  21. Yeah this morning I woke up to the most terrifying of migraines (which is something I don’t ever get). Time was ultra weird today too. It froze still a few times, then warped past me. I actually was acknowledge by other humans today which made me feel connected back to Earth. I feel like I’m dipping in and out of worlds. Is anyone else experiencing this?

    1. Hi Etnomenignotum,
      The last few days have been strange for me as well. It all started with a dream I had. In this dream, I was in some sort of space ship, and my surroundings became fluid, like nothing around me was solid.
      The weird part is that the fluid surroundings carried over, and now I see the fluidity a few times a day when I am awake. For example – I woke up this morning and was staring at the ceiling for a while and the ceiling became fluid. It kind of ripples or waves. I was wide awake, there is nothing wrong with my eyes, and I am completely sober.
      I have experienced time oddities my whole life… it speeds up and slows down.
      Once I saw my pot boiling water on the stove, but I did not set water to boil. I looked again, and there was no pot of boiling water on the stove. It’s like I am seeing the same space, but in a different time, if that makes any sense. This is just one occurrence of many.
      I just learned to enjoy the strangeness.
      Love 💗 and Hugs 🤗,
      ~ Sharon

      1. Interesting you bring this up! Yesterday everything was more iridescent. I think you are seeing “form” for what it is. This fluid existence in which we humans have created and can destroy. That is awesome! You are fortunate to see it!

      2. Do you carry a totem? I have one and think will start carrying it. When I was a child I had a lot of out of body experiences and lucid dreams.

        1. A totem is something I have never thought about, but I would love to try. I do, however, wear a necklace I made from copper wire, a quartz crystal point and a black tourmaline bead. I never take it off.
          I will reflect on what totem I should carry.
          Thank you so much, etnomenignotum!
          Love 💗 and Hugs 🤗

  22. Joy, peace, contentedness, good cheer, creativity, inspiration, a sense of wonderment are all descriptive adjectives of my current state. How truly wonderful! I’m in hyper planting mode, new areas are springing into manifestation. Wowzer!!! The flip side is all the random stabbing transient pain. It’s sorta’ whack-a-mole on any given moment on where the next sharp pain will appear. I’ve burst out laughing on numerous occasions because the whole pain thing is so funny. Ya’ gotta love it. Me thinks that this whole series of adventures in these lives has been an exercise in good humor. (Just my opinion) Carry on All!

  23. Accept what IS, right NOW, Daddy-o. Like, it’s all we’ve got. You dig? I knew that you could. Peace, Baby.vivi

    1. @lily144… I enjoyed this video of Amanda’s the other day while Shepherd sitting.


      PS:, Lily – I had missed the story of Willow Puss' relocation, etc when the comment stream got long on that post, only hearing about it through replies in latter postings – here's to all finding that which serves everyone involved the best and more that will serve each in the best way possible…
      much love,

      1. Kg ❤️ Yes, Willow Puss has gone from our lives, I hope to a place much better suited to her nature and needs. She is so beautiful, I miss her so much already and dear daughter is very sad but Willow was hiding so much and showing fear aggression. She needs a very quiet home with no children, perhaps a single lady who can give her all that she needs to blossom. the lady from Ragdoll Rescue charity was lovely and assured me I was doing the right thing. She was such a nervous kitty and our home can be noisy at times especially when daughter is ‘expressing’ her emotions !

        Hope you are well, Much Love & Light always ❤️🙏❤️

    1. I don’t know anything about this one, beyond what my antennas are picking up.

      Please do start by G+P and looking them straight in the eyes to feel what they’re up to. Many are more messed up and confused than the people they are supposed to guide and heal, which can never end well.

      Just a reminder to ask and trust your heart in these matters, that’s all. And to be a bit careful with where you direct your energy.

      Take or leave.


  24. Hmm. Blackhawk helicopter just did a 50-feet-off-the-deck flyby of one of the M’s houses. Sorry, Mr. Global. We don’t scare worth a damn. The end is in sight.

    -CAT Eds.

  25. Those guys sure are fun wait till they land in front you while you are getting the mail LOL. Thankfully my neighbor came around the corner and almost rammed the guy and scared the shit out of him. They still love the lower than hell fly bys for some reason I am a nobody so I just scratch my head at the whole thing.

  26. What is going on with Millennials…So many suicides…
    So sad 🙁 … How I can help?!
    …When I am not well and lost myself… 🙁

    June ❤️

    1. As someone on the edge of the Millennial generation we were utterly screwed over, lied to. Told that if you played by the rules and get into debt to pay for expensive college degrees, and casually hookup because it feels good and has no consequences, and told we are lazy and selfish when all the jobs we were training for got sent overseas, and live in a meaningless existence to eat cheap carbohydrates and live in a cardboard box and pay taxes to fund corrupt politicians and war.

      Well, when people wake up, some realize it’s hopeless. I know some of the most honest, kind, genuine people…and they were screwed over by employers (there’s even a case of someone committing suicide inside the Facebook HQ recently)…or screwed up in relationships. They don’t have enough money or looks so they feel horribly alone since everything is transactional and maximization-optimized (as if your self-worth as a human being depends on the number of Instagram followers you have).

      Sorry for ranting. I actually got fed up with it all and tried to kill myself last week and obviously failed. I was driven into spirituality and sites like this after my life was derailed by big pharma, and the more the Event gets postponed the more genuine souls fall between the cracks and give up (while all the service-to-self types have more prosperity and success), which is what you’re seeing June.

      1. Much Love/Joy to All of You, from: Minky & I. Peace

      2. Elemental. Please don’t give up. You can obviously see through all the bsht and mind control. That gives you a sound base to press on, knowing what life is really about. You are light and love and very powerful. 💖💖💖

      3. I am so sorry to hear that Elemental… 🙁
        LOVE and ((((HUGS))))!!!
        Please do not do anything bad to yourself! You soooo LOVED!
        YOU have no idea! It will get better! You will see! ❤️❤️❤️


      4. Elemental,
        I totally get how you feel. When I woke up — I thought to myself, this whole charades is bollocks. All of it. Humans are standing on air and don’t even know it. Wait until it all comes falling down. And then what? So I crawled in and out of rabbit holes looking for answers. You know what I got as an answer from above. Just live. So my dear friend, live your life the way you want it. Most importantly figure out what that means to you. All will resolve itself just have faith. I really recommend reading Abraham Hicks Laws of Attraction. Hugs!

      5. First of all, welcome back 🙂

        I for one am happy you’re still here and would ask you to consider staying for the grand finale now that you’ve gone through all the trouble to get this far.

        Second, rejoice, because you can now take that option off the table and focus on feeling less miserable instead of more. I’ve been close enough to dying enough times to have learned the same lesson. Once life is hanging by a thread, the perspective changes dramatically.

        There’s no shame in wishing for a clean exit out of this mess. It’s a natural response to waking up. But wishing is a human distortion and corruption of praying and visualizing, which is how you really change reality. If skipping class was a viable option, no one would ever learn anything.


      6. Elemental ❤️ I echo what everyone has said to you dear friend and soul, hang on in there, it will be worth it!

        Sending so much Love & Light & Healing ❤️✨🙏

    2. June. There will come a day when you are well again, happy and fulfilled. Don’t doubt it and remember you are light and love. There is nothing else important. 😘💖

      1. Beautiful comment, I Agree, We Are All Love/Light in Action, We Are. Peace.

      2. Thank you, Newlynn! 😘💖😘💖
        I wish I could be more strong and be more helpful to others!…
        I feel so sad for Millennials…They seems so lost in all this chaos of life… 🙁

        1. June. It’s a messy time to be living in but from what I’ve read in the past, their generation were born with different DNA and will adapt to the shift more easily. It’s getting there that’s hard but we all have different things we want to achieve when we come here. Their life plans are to be honoured. I’m sure we are all a bit gung ho when we plan our next incarnation! I have said to people I only found my way in life from age 28 onwards. You are stronger that you realise. It pops up from the depths when you are challenged by life. Onwards and definitely upwards.💛💛😸🤗

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