SÖC Meditation Primer


What is meditation? It’s basically communing with SOURCE, and remembering who you really are — a teardrop of spirit in an ocean of SOURCE. You revisit your SOURCE connection while you sleep, which is why sleep deprivation makes people insane.

[Note: Some say “God,” some say “SOURCE,” they mean the same. Also note that CATs now ground to both SOURCE and Gaia.] 

While many have their own techniques, the following is what most CATs do. We sit in a comfy chair while we meditate; we don’t sit zazen — or use funny hand gestures — or chant — or burn incense, though some people do all these things. Don’t get hung up on traditional forms. It’s the meditation that counts, not how you do it. 

Once you practice meditation for a while, it gets easier. But don’t expect to be a meditation master after a week.

We practice the following while sitting, walking, driving, being out in the world, dropping into “the zone” literally anywhere and at any time. It takes practice. Fasting for a day or two also helps with meditation, but you don’t have to fast. (Note that you shouldn’t expect to eat a heavy meal, or use alcohol or drugs and expect to be able to get into a meditative state easily.) We try to meditate twice a day, morning and evening. Do what you can. And don’t beat yourself up if you miss a meditation. There’s no specific amount of time needed for meditation to be effective: five minutes is better than nothing, and a half-hour to an hour is ideal.

You may notice that you LOOK YOUNGER the more time you spend meditating, as meditation takes place outside of time. It definitely has somatic benefits.

Most importantly, when you meditate, you’re using your free will to get “closer” to SOURCE. There is no better way to start or end your day. (We use the quotes as you’re already with SOURCE right now, you just think that you’re separate.)


SÖC’s Meditation Primer

Five Steps:

1. Close your eyes, calm your mind, and think: “Only those with SOURCE in mind, and at heart, and those with Service to Others in mind, and at heart, and those with my greatest good in mind, and at heart, are allowed past my SOURCE Protection.” Then think/imagine: “INFINITE BALL OF SOURCE LIGHT” all around you.

2. Think: “Grounding cord to SOURCE.” (Imagine a cord to the SOURCE connection inside you, at your core, then ‘breathe’ the connection a few times). Then… “I place the NOW in the Hands of SOURCE. I place my mind in the Hands of SOURCE. I place my will in the Hands of SOURCE.”

3. “Grounding cord to Brother J and The Holy Spirit.” (The Holy Spirit is Our Memory of SOURCE.) “Brother J/Holy Spirit, please enjoy everything with me today/tonight.”

4. “Grounding cord to Gaia. Grounding cord to the Oversoul.”

5. “Love and Light to all. Brother J/Holy Spirit [and my Guides], please meditate with me.”

Once you get comfortable with Steps 1-4, try asking for a spirit guide. You can be general, or specific. Just say, “Brother J, you are welcome,” or “SOURCE, you are welcome,” or “Angel Guides, you are welcome,” whomever you choose. 


NOTE1: Grounding and Protecting are the most important parts of meditation. We strongly advise you NOT to strive for contact with other beings/ETs/spirits if you’re just starting out, or even if you’re an advanced practitioner. 

NOTE2: Once you turn your meditation ‘light’ on, all kinds of things can come out the woodwork to startle you, or look at you. They can’t hurt you, so have no fear. You’ll get used to it.

NOTE3: A word of warning to anyone reading this who’s underage. Young people who “turn their light on” via meditation are huge targets in the spirit world — ESPECIALLY IF YOU DO SO AS A GROUP. The young are already attractive to spirits because of somatic changes you’re going through, and the raw power of simply being young. Some have foolishly tried to contact beings they thought were benevolent, but didn’t set proper protection and had some bad/weird experiences. We always get asked a lot about possessions. Possession can only happen WITH YOUR PERMISSION. So, just say no. As a being of light, YOU ARE IN CHARGE.


There are nasty things in the spirit realms. You don’t need to be paranoid about it, but don’t be foolhardy, either. Your WILL is strong, so if faced with a nasty entity, just exercise your WILL, put your hand out [mentally] and say, “You need to leave NOW.” And/or: “Go to where you are better served.” Be firm. Since you’re in a body, you outrank lower entities, and even some higher ones. Being in flesh is not easy, and in some cases it’s a privilege you’ve waited a long time for.

Additionally, if at any time during your waking day you have what we call an “attack thought,” which is any negative thought that intrudes — or you start arguing in your head — recognize it as such, attach an imaginary rock to it, and drop it to the center of the earth. Do this every time you have an attack thought and soon you won’t have as many.


1. Some people, CATs included, used to like holding crystals in their hands while they meditated… but we don’t need these anymore, unless we’re doing healing. That’s not to say it won’t work for someone else, we’ve just outgrown the practice, and only use crystals for healing. You don’t have to hold crystals or orgonite, certainly, but it does seem to help if you have too much energy. We use amethysts, amatrine, citrine, clear quartz, jade, moldavite, etc., or (well-made) orgonite with these things in them. If you go to a rock shop and touch lots of different crystals, you’ll probably find that you have an affinity for a certain type. Again, note that it’s not necessary. Lately, we’ve been experimenting with placing small pieces of (well-made) orgonite on chakras that are painful, and this works well to remove pain and pressure… but again, we’re now outgrowing this. Note that good orgonite is kinda pricey, but not if you get small 2″ pieces. It doesn’t take much.

2. Try meditating in the sun (for a short period of time — the sun is very strong, now). Throw a cord to the sun from your 3rd chakra. Don’t sit out too long! The sun is much more intense, now, for a variety of reasons.

3. Try meditating with others on a specific topic. This works exponentially. One person meditating on a topic has 10^1st power, while ten people meditating on a topic is 10^10th power. A million people meditating on a single topic can change worlds. This is all illusion, after all.

4. When out in the world, feel free to throw grounding cords on people who need it — that is, a cord attaching them to the center of the earth, not them to you. If people seem crazy, angry, out of sorts, driving too fast, inebriated, annoying, sad, etc., attach a grounding cord to them. Or ten. This works well. Just throw the cord and forget it. You only have to ask once. Trust that your Higher Self is working for you 24/7/365.

5. Try focusing on PURE LOVE in your meditations, see where that leads. All expressions of love are MAXIMAL, so when you turn it on, you automatically turn it on full blast.

NEVER meditate with a red plastic cup on your head!

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5 thoughts on “SÖC Meditation Primer

  1. Meow 😻

    [NOTE: Sorry, but we removed the “CAT 12” from the name, as… you aren’t CAT12, and we didn’t want to cause any confusion. Only CATs and Ms are allowed to use the CAT designations here. -CAT Eds.]

  2. I think one of your advertisings triggered my internet browser to resize, you might want to put that on your blacklist.

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