CAT Check for 2-18-17

Well, there it is, plain for all to see: HAARP being used against the Oroville Dam (that concentric radar/energy signature right over the dam). The PTW have made their choice against the American people very clear. The PTW and MTW (Media That Was) have chosen their lane. We bid them farewell and wish them luck on their inevitable timelines. We’d hoped they’d make a better … Continue reading CAT Check for 2-18-17

CAT Check for 2-9-17

A check-in/update seems in order.  All is well… where it counts. Like Trump or not, the de facto “military” government now in place in the US is keeping the peace, and will be meting out justice to the justice-challenged. There is no avoiding it. (M3 said: “If you’d gotten the other candidate, you’d be embroiled in a terrible war right now, and it would be … Continue reading CAT Check for 2-9-17