WAVE X2/Energy Update & Brief MEOWRACLE [UPDATES]

The above Schumann Resonance meter explains why lots of CATs weren’t doing much sleeping night before last. (14 is midnight PDT… I think.) Apart from that, the neutron/cosmic ray count is all over the place, though trending upward. There have been a few spikes, of late. SOMETHING is going on. Somewhere.

What we DO know and can report is that one of the CATs has seen an energy event occurring this weekend, though she says it’s not “the BIG one.” No idea what that will mean. There will apparently be waves of energy that will affect us in innumerable ways, but what else is new? We’ve been hearing about Event dates all over the place, but without corroboration it does no good to report them. The lady at State Farm has predicted something for April 9th, 11 pm to 2 am, so that’s good enough corroboration for us.

In terms of complaints about providing you with all the info you want… it’s not always gonna happen. Basically, we’re gonna keep sensitive info to ourselves (which is not elitist, it’s called being RESPONSIBLE), as people who are way too sensitive (and that’s not necessarily a bad thing) continually attempt to foolishly access any dark being we vaguelly allude to (which is what we in the Royal Navy call DUMB). YES, we know lots of sensitive things and NO we’re not even going to allude to them, anymore. Nearly all of these forgotten nasties would seriously ruin your millennium, so why buy them an ontological ice cream? Please note that we ALWAYS have everyone’s best interest in mind, and give you what we can. FOR FREE. This has, alas, (re)inflamed a quiet CAT argument over whether we should be doing this blog at all, so best behavior, huh? That goes for everyone, CATs included. Suffice to say that YES, interesting and good things are happening…

Source: American Kabuki

… and NO, you can’t mindmeld with Dracula.

Dracula is typically very very busy.

That said, The MEOWRACLE did oraculate a week or so ago, but we were waiting for something a little more definite… however, since you all seem to want all the info that we can give whenever we can give it, here’s the latest:


FYI, Celestials and ETs and spirits we’ve been bumping against call The Event, “The Happening,” but you can call it “FRED” if that helps. And no, we don’t exactly know what the above means, either. [This isn’t obfuscation, it’s more an ET/Celestial translation issue.] ‘Broken star of the flame’ could be the sun’s brown dwarf long-period companion that’s currently transiting the solar system (see Lynn & Da-da’s FIVE FOR FRIDAY #31 tomorrow for elucidation). The ‘night of all nights’ could be what Edgar Cayce prophecized as the darkness that was to overcome the sun at one point prior to an amazing event. Or it could be when all the snow tires go on sale. One of those.

Fred is not going to be happy.

Try to relax and keep a sense of humor. You’re all already safe in the Big White Spirit House RIGHT NOW, and only dreaming that you’re buying snow tires. Either way, you’re getting a great deal.



UPDATE: 4-9-16, 9:22 pm

Three of the CATs have reported seeing lots of “waves” whever they close their eyes to meditate. Anyone else? One CAT saw a vast white wave just cresting over the earth with a woman’s face on it. Very cool. Then, for those who must SEE it in a science-y meter, we have this:

Buckle up, folks. Here comes Wave X2.

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29 thoughts on “WAVE X2/Energy Update & Brief MEOWRACLE [UPDATES]

  1. **Guys, Mom and Dad have officially threatened to turn this car around RIGHT NOW and go back home unless we behave. Let's pull it together.**CATS, please remember that a few blessed ones going through the dark night of the soul shouldn't count more than the rest – the rest of us will send them light. Does this help? Are we all in agreement?

  2. Ha! “Don't make me come up there!”Ok. Truce. CATs have claws, anyway. [hiss noise]~Cat4

  3. I hope I didn't push too hard for answers. As u guys know, when u know something is not right but don't know exactly what is happening, you kind of have a lot of questions. I trust y'all have the best interest in mind. That is why I have been coming here. There is also the humor

  4. We've all had a really hard three weeks, methinks. Nerves are frazzled. Btw, speaking of losing it, is anyone else experiencing flashes of light during meditations WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED? This is happening to me a lot.-CAT6

  5. There, Tod. We published your diatribes. No, we don't publish all of them, mostly because they're obscene or grossly insulting. This was your last post. No more comments from you, please. We've been overly fair in allowing you to vent, but we're getting complaints from readers. Like we suggested before, it's time you talked to a professional. We say this as your brother. Therapy is not admitting a weakness. It's an easier path to SOURCE. Let us know how that goes. We're all interested.-The CAT Staff

  6. If any reader wishes to learn what ungrateful person complained and used the word elitist, it was me.I hope this public confession helps in some way to calm the water. I too was venting my frustrations as we all are. This was wholly unfair, especially considering the GOOD work you all do here, for free.I have changed over the course of my lifetime. I recall a young man, full of energy, full of hope, full of fun. I have lost him. Everywhere I look now, all I see and hear is what is so very wrong with this planet, and I feel so utterly helpless against the infinite injustice. My immune system is barely coping. My heart grows cold. My tempers flare and my interest in anything wanes. But, somewhere, deep inside I am clutching onto that hope I have, I won't ever let it go.Thank you Cats.Sorry guys, keep it up please 🙂

  7. Bummer about Tod – we're all sending you light hugs Tod, but I won't miss your didactic diatribes. OK!! Good morning! So back to this image, in your meowpinions, what kind of event renders the graph completely white? How often do you see this? How would you compare this event to what you anticipate for this weekend? Thanks.

  8. Please, please delete these horrible postings from Tod once you feel that they have served whatever purpose. Awful energy to stumble over when scrolling down to see if there is anything new from people.

  9. Being aware of the Law of One, and watching how awareness treats Tod, even suggesting Tod consume substances that would interfere with Tod's free will, is very revealing, here.I do like revelation. It helps me see the things not directly shown to me.All words Tod use are created by the Creator. Interesting that some words created by the Creator are offensive, and what does that say about the creation that use it and the Creator that create it?I've said my peace (no I didn't mean piece)

  10. By popular request, Tod's comments have been removed. -CAT Staff

  11. I hear what you say….most of us “know” that Tod is a particle of Source having a human life. I accept that. But he is having a human life on Earth for a reason……life here dishes out consequences and those consequences are fascinating for the soul to experience.Limitations and boundaries are another reason. Oh don't we know about limitations! So Tod has experienced the consequences of his out of control ego or whatever it is is running his mind. In my daily life, I do not converse with or maintain relationships with people who are arrogant, rude, demanding and insulting. Why should the CATS and their readers have to have different standards because this is a website?

  12. Sunday morning in Scotland. I did not feel anything in terms of energy yesterday. In fact, quite the opposite. I felt a lot Friday then yesterday was AWFUL! I ended up sleeping nearly 12 hours. Thanks for the Diane Canfield update Annonymous.

  13. Same here. I was so exhausted Friday, I fell asleep while eating! Next day/night (Saturday) was intense, energy-wise. It's better today (Sunday).

  14. I'd like to thank all the “Cat-Staff” for everything you do, including using your judgement and wisdom as to what of your gleanings might be in the best interests of your blog followers (or simply what we might be ready or able to accept). I feel lucky to have found you all (via psychic focus, the only other “out there” source I need at present) and to trust/intuit/know that you are generally brilliantly on the mark with your information… a little levity helps as well! Please do not discontinue your good work; I have personally benefited by expanding my beliefs and entertaining the possibilities of what you all suggest. You are doing good work and I only wish I had such firsthand capabilities (as well as a circle of trusted & like-minded folk). Yes, a few friends have to put up with my “way out” ideas (some/many derived from you all) but if it helps us prepare or be in better tune w/ the universe, then good. My ears have been ringing for months now (and I don't think its tinnitus 🙂

  15. Oh, and to follow up, I do hope that soon “we” and the world of publishing/blogging will soon be ready to hear Da-Da's behind the scenes explanations and story of what has been transpiring (both recently and historically).Best,MS

  16. This is Anonymous April 9, 2016 at 8:32 AMThank you for your response.

  17. Thanks for the kind words, MS. All the CATs appreciate that. We know from long experience that we can't please everyone, and the truth (as we know it) is sometimes a graduate-level course. As for the book… things keep happening — and *people* keep happening — giving me no end in sight; might have to write it in two parts. I'm also working on a new YA fiction series (for my kids) that's threatening to dragging me away forever, but the non-fiction is both important and compelling, so it's got to get done. Stay tuned and many thanks again.-Da-da

  18. I love riddles, so I have been playing with the latest MeowracleTHE NIGHT OF THE HAPPENING WILL HAPPEN ON THE NIGHT OF ALL NIGHTSBETWEEN THE SUN MOON AND PLANETS THE BROKEN STAR OF THE FLAME WILL COME AND TELL US. “Broken star of the flame” is perhaps a comet. Yeah? Or maybe a meteor shower? Meteor showers are from comet pieces….”broken stars”?Here's a nice website with listings of all sky happenings. We have two meteor showers coming up in the next weeks.http://www.seasky.org/astronomy/astronomy-calendar-2016.html

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