Lingua Franca: ORANGE


Your time is coming, so… it’s time to get ready. (You should be excited.) Let’s start with something fun: where your language came from. (Language is basically software.) You want Disclosure? We got your Disclosure right here, pal.

We had M3 ask their guides how to say, “ORANGE” in Pleiadian. They said:

M3: It sounds like, “AH-RAN-GHEEE.”

Ah-ran-ghee? Folks, the lion’s share of earth languages are a modified Pleiadian! That is to say, most earth languages have Pleiadian roots. Note the differences.

If language is software, our software had to come from some place. We chose “orange” as it’s a unique designator. You don’t need a crashed disc to sort this one out. (We would’ve included Middle Eastern and Asian, but we don’t speak those. Anyone who does, please chime in below.)

In the meantime, like the guy From Beyond said to the two women in Prospect, Oregon on March 24th, 1961 (as noted by John Keel in his book, Mothman Prophecies)…

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30 thoughts on “Lingua Franca: ORANGE

  1. Editors Note: This was published early, accidentally. We apologize for any earlier, incomplete versions those 18 of you saw!-CAT Editors

  2. I dreamed I could float and was telekinetic. Haven't had that dream in years. Bring it on! Thank you cats.

  3. Dang. My dreams are lame in comparison. I dreamed I was stuck inside a giant Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory. “Dr. Freud, clean up on aisle 9…”-CATof9

  4. Here's a good description of what will happen during The Event, in terms of reminding us of our connection to SOURCE and having us come out clean and trauma-free.-CAT Editors

  5. I asked one of the M's (M3? who answered?) where the orange (the fruit) came from, and if it also was from the pleiades. They answered: “I get it didn't come from anywhere. A geneticist made it and is unique to earth.” Wow. The earth is always made to be puny and awful and “a backwater” in all the scifi movies, but that's just propaganda: the earth is indeed a super-special gem oasis.-CAT3

  6. I don't know for you, but today at 5pm Paris (11am EST), while walked with my dog in this windy day, a Big signal just hit my pineal …so strong that i stopped to see what was going on. I was expected to hear a voice or something big happen, so it was unusal! Normally, when my pineal ring, i just try to figure out for what it happens, but there, too strong, was just stun. My heart beat and feeling started to be different, and i needed to take some big breaths and seconds, without fighting this state, to manage to find a balanced state. And this evenning (8:30pm Paris, 2:30pm EST), my crown chakra / skalp started to burning as hell, just before to walk outside with my dog for his evenning pee. I sat for a minute and closed my eyes to figure out, what was it for? This little orb of light passing and strange feeling, but can't really understand the all thing… i ask to hold this for later in my evenning meditation, i do before sleeping. I still don't meditate yet, but my crown keeps to be busy now… no one startled by some energy today ? Note : i just look to the schuman graphic and my stunning experience just started at the same time that the new stream of the 27th (11:30 at the Tomsk timeline)… this night should be busy! lol

  7. Wow. Was that Sunday at 5:00 pm in Paris? Interesting. Just looked at the Schumann Resonance (Tomsk) and noticed that that was the exact time I “bumped up” my energy in a meditation. I also had the crown thing, but a week ago. -CAT3

  8. Hey cats, I have been lurking and following your wonderful blog since the very beginning! This has been a place I have visited daily for your collective insight on our predicament here on earth. I know you guys don't feel Cobra is not 100% of the light or that he is compromised (though don't let me speak for yourselves. That's just my feeling) and I look at his post differently now. I just wanted to know your thoughts on his recent post regarding how we have reached critical mass, following the ” Etheric Liberation” meditation held today. I would like to believe it coincides with what you guys have been alluding to these past months. maybe humanity has been at critical mass for a while and he is posing a partial disclosure narrative? His post make me feel relieved but cautious. The topic of critical mass has been a pretty big goal of his blog, as I have also been following him for a few years. But I can't help but putting 1000% of my faith into that idea, considering all that has transpired in the past year. Even ignoring Cobra's statement, I beleive we are close, and I will continue to bust my butt to try to spread positivity and love to those near me in hopes it spreads collectively. Thank you all for hanging in there, in the midst of the powers that were trying to purge truth speakers. Love and light for everyone!-grub

  9. One online reporter said that some recent headaches might be due to the “work” that is being done on the “ends of the telomeres”. I believe he said something about snapping back and forth, he probably meant On & Off. I do know from previous research that telomeres are the end coverings of the DNA strands, and as we age that degrades, and our DNA begins to malfunction. I began brewing (Oriental) Astragalus root in my green tea after that because its supposed to support and strengthen telomere function. The other news coming out is that there was a nuke set off in Antarctica approx. 2 weeks ago. The Fulford report this a.m. is stating this too. US & Russian military forces are arriving down there and evacuating the place. I don't know how this could have been allowed to happen – but we might also be feeling Mama Terra's pain. Any comments on this, Cats?

  10. Thanks for the kind words. As for Cobra… once you discover that someone you trust has lied to you, you never fully trust that person again. This is human nature. It's wrong, of course. We should forgive 100% all the time. Sadly, even the most well-developed of us have problem giving that 100%. That said, we saw Cobra's most recent post the same way you did. Note that Cobra was (is?) occasionally influenced by something dark — which isn't surprising, as he was a big target for Team Dark — but those beings are finding it harder and harder to manifest that level of lie-control, not to mention just existing here at all. The vibes are going UP UP UP, and the lower-level beasties aren't able to handle it. We are definitely close to the end.Btw… we have a very happy surprise in store for you in the coming weeks. ;)-CAT Editors

  11. I checked American Kabuki's new website for additional info. I'm posting it before finishing reading it in case I get interrupted by “BEINGS WHO NEED ME” lol all those who didn't see the Sphere Alliance Messages on the American Kabuki website, the story revealed from them (the SA) through Denise was that the Original Beings to arrive on this Planet were from the Pleiades, and landed in Antarctica. One of these first inhabitants was the Soul Essence of American Kabuki/Bill Ferguson or “Terran” as the Sphere Alliance named him. I might have gotten the terminology incorrect, this is my recollection. I do recall that AK was told by the SA that the continent of Antarctica was actually named after the “Being/Person” that AK was at that time. The ongoing drama concerning Antarctica is still covered by AK, which is why I refer back to him for inside Intel. AK still has a “body” in stasis down there! I hope his AK website is not deleted by Google. all this info is there. Surely he has the means to preserve it.

  12. So that's why we're having headaches. We thought it was because we were trying to cut back on our caffeine intake. We'll try the astralagus root idea. Wonder if telemeres grow faster in an alkali somatic environment vs. the traditional (overly) acidic western variant. Da-da was talking about having to recently switch to a more alkali diet to kick the butt of a stubborn virus (it worked!), so perhaps this was an underlying impetus. Just a thought.As for the nuke… the M's say NOPE. What we're seeing is the Antarctic ice shelf itself cracking severely due to Wave X energy “waking up” (what the M's call) “The Base” and that geologic region of Gaia. Remember that weird signal that NASA detected coming from beneath Antarctica a while back? That's it.Just as interesting, M3 just said the recent extremely loud BOOM heard @ 11:00 pm on Saturday night (not sure if this was reported anywhere) in N. CA was actually the tall whites (who are SUPER nice) venting Yellowstone so it doesn't become an issue. The Tall Whites are AWESOME. Please thank them in your meditations. Without them, we'd all be toast. Seriously.-CAT Editors

  13. His info seems genuine. I esp. liked his recent redress of Wilcock and “Goode” — both aptly named (one accurate, the other antipodal).~M4

  14. To be specific, the N.CA BOOM felt more like a magnetic disturbance (pressure from ABOVE counteracting pressure BELOW). It was a magnetic pressure burst of some kind. Very weird and ET high-tech.As for Antarctic hoopla, I get it's something about the earth waking up and trying to reset herself (due to Wave X + entering this new region of space)… there is some kind of ET interference, but it is super confusing and I don't understand it, as yet.~M3

  15. Oh, that's hilarious. No, Edie, it's not that. All our kittens are now old enough to be considering dying their hair blue or pink while pestering their feline siblings. ~M4

  16. I did not mean to infer that Astragalus will help these current headaches right now. It will not, I took a capsule of it instead of in tea this a.m. and no difference. I have had a headache for days myself, taking every type of allergy/herbal medication for it and still this a.m. so much pain that I can barely focus my eyes. I started buying Astragalus years ago when I read that it increased immunity to viruses, along with the anti-aging benefits. The reason that I am able to add the powdered herb to my tea is it seems alkaline as opposed to bitter, although I don't know pH factor. I found one of many links with an overview of telomere info: can see from the graph link what a WHOMP is also occurring. Ouch!

  17. Hooboy. The number of trolls and govt types hitting this post is staggering. Struck a nerve, huh? So…SPECIAL NOTE TO TEAM DARK et al: The mere fact that YOU'RE STILL HERE on (this) earth reading these words strongly suggests that there's still hope for you. Seriously. You still have time to turn things around for yourself. If you're tasked with doing something you know is wrong… stop. If you can't do the right thing, then simply stop doing the wrong thing. If guided, you could also do the RIGHT thing. You know who you are. And you know the right thing to do. It's never too late to start up the short path to SOURCE. We're all in this together.-CAT Editors

  18. And right on cue, I saw a Tall White (ET) ship in broad daylight today, tooling along in the regular air lanes. They deserve a parade!~M2

  19. Btw, speaking of the alkali thing I mentioned on Lynn's blog (and to some CATs here), I later asked Lynn about this and she said: “I see lemon water being more beneficial unless you are having some real stomach issues. If you are sick do the lemon water with a little organic honey and turmeric.”And regarding telomeres: “The DNA components do grow back, but that feels more tied to amino acids rather than the alkaline status.”

  20. I do have reservations about Cobra but it appears he does good work I must concede even if within the light is the dark & vice versa, even if he is a part of the Galactic (hierarchical) Federation (not so good, should be Confederation!) New Age (Cage) & their 'melding into the bliss of the One' line of thought which I totally distrust as being just another co-opted construct of the AI/Demiurge using the fact that we all come from the same Source.This meditation should help heal the portal & alleviate suffering; we should not let the “Goddess” ever come between us & Gaia, or us & Source – that also is my concern.

  21. I used to consider myself the picture of health but since early November I've been fighting concrete “head”, lungs etc. with the grand finale being 7 days of someone driving an ice-pick into my skull behind my left ear. Did others experience the ice pick headache as well ? When I was finally able to stagger around the house, I was referring to it as the gentically modifying flu. I wouldn't be surprised if the telomeres were crocheted. Now I find out our enslavement has caused another race to be enslaved as “volcano watchers”, I'm sure they'ed much rather be at a beach or skiing then watching our volcanos. I hope they like eggs.

  22. Hi zzanderboy, can you please elaborate further upon this:”we should not let the “Goddess” ever come between us & Gaia, or us & Source”What Goddess are you referring to please?Many thanksMarkP.S. Tall Whites, YOU ROCK!!!Team dark, you don't.(You see, I AM evolving, there was a time where I would call those that suckle from the chaotic nipple names, like festering mirkins, or egesta of a pustule laden lickspigot! I have come far….Namaste.

  23. Here's a tip. Colloidal silver has been known (taken in moderation) to regenerate bone marrow which is what writes DNA coding including the length of telomeres. Leukemia and Parkinson's Disease among so many other ailments are curable because of this. But the pharma industries don't want you to know about this amazing silver bullet which is loaded into a gun called Hope and pointed directly at their heart. The one holding the gun is about to move His finger off the trigger guard.

  24. 28, 2017 at 1:12 AMHi zzanderboy, can you please elaborate further upon this:”we should not let the “Goddess” ever come between us & Gaia, or us & Source”What Goddess are you referring to please?My reply: Cobra's meditation was to heal the vortex at Lake Kivu 'in the name of the divine feminine' & all those raped in the Congo; he is often talking about the 'Goddess' presence to return. At the end of his instructions I quote: “Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!”Has anyone asked Gaia about this co-opting I wonder? I posit this is the deeper nature of his machinations. This ‘Goddess’ that can no doubt seduce with radiance & colour, just like Cybele in days of old but now with a make over. Interestingly I tried to post on his site before the meditation & unlike the other time I posted where I succeeded, this time after saying what I write here & my earlier post, I was refused with a window saying 'Unable to verify your open ID credentials' when I was posting same as the previous time ie WordPress, not OpenID. I like to think I hit a nerve, but I am not really computer literate to any serious degree. Any ideas?

  25. I managed to post my comment on Cobra's blog so I must withdraw my suspicions!

  26. Oh if only my trash talk was that elegant! I aspire to stop my paint peeling expletives and bring myself back to Sacred Neutral. One day I just kept chanting the phrase Sacred Neutral. It's kind of a tongue twister and it came out “Sacred Noodle”. So now that's what I chant in order to avert sonic sins caused by Downwardly Mobile Beings who are just workin' on my last nerve.

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