Day 5: Wake Up Call

Not much farther, now.

Since this really should’ve come out Tuesday morning 3/28/17 (today), we’re renaming this “Day 5.” This seems important enough for a rare repost here on Day 5 of the 40/40 challenge:

Wake up Call: Horus, March 25, 2017
I am here to let you know that there is something coming around the bend for all of you. It is something that you have not been looking forward to because you have not been told that it is on it’s way. It is something that is totally a gift, and will bring so many of you to your knees. As I give this information through this one I do so with the knowledge that you may be wondering, as you read this, what in the world I am speaking of. I tell you that it is something that you will recognize when it comes forth, and it will be a personal outcome for each of you. Therefore I cannot be explicit and tell you what it is, because each of you will find it is personal to what is the right thing for your life. It will have all of the particulars that suit what you will find appropriate for the coming times.

As I send this information through this one, I am speaking to all of you in the way that you will find is personal, for you will have feelings and ideas about what I may be referring to. That is because you have been in contact with all of your own guides, and as that has come into the personal ways in which you interpret your needs and desires, it has materialized on a level that is ready to surface for each of you. All you need do is to know that it is already in existence, and that as you see and feel it as your reality, it will come into the physicality that you will be able to incorporate into your lives.

Take a moment dear ones, and feel the encumbrance of what you desire. Feel the increasing wonder of what it will do for you, and then know that it is waiting in the wings for you to bring into your lives. It will materialize as the suitable circumstances come into being. You will find that it will come in a way that is welcome and understandable as to the timing of it for what your life will be like when it is with you. It will come in a whisper, or a song, or a whistle. It will come in a way that you will recognize as the perfection of what is to be your new gift for the life you desire. It will fill empty holes, and provide a new way of seeing life in the materialization of what you want. You are the creator of your life and as you realize that more and more, you will know that this is indeed the time for the ascension to a higher way of being for all of you who are able to bring this into your present moments.


Always sound advice.
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20 thoughts on “Day 5: Wake Up Call

  1. last night: i awoke from a very vivid dream around 2:15 am (it’s always 2:15 am these days). i’m at an old-time turn-of-the-last-century festival with my family. we’re inspecting some (big) scale-model railroad tracks, as we find some rail pieces nearby, and the conductor tells us that it’s too late to add anything, that the trains are just about to start; he was walking the tracks for the last time before everything was put in motion. then, inside a shop, i was thinking of getting a big old-fashioned railroad watch when the shopkeep hands me the exact thing i was thinking of: a too-big, heavy old clock that was running, lots of dials. (later when i awoke, i immediately realized that this meant, “time was heavy in my hands”), then i look outside and see all these people, thousands, have set up lawnchairs for some big fireworks/sky display, but i drop the curtain and sadly tell the shopkeep that we have to go, that we’re going to miss it. that one's pretty easy to figure out.also note: all the time, now, i keep seeing myself in this gigantic white house with gorgeous wooden floorboards and accents in my head, the wraparound porch… i can FEEL the wood on my feet. the GREEN of everything beyond the house… the new earth so close. or perhaps i'm set to transition soon!~M4

  2. Ok, that comment goes with what I just posted at Lynn's site, so it bears reposting here. I'm responding to a kindly commenter about the white hat/black hat whistleblower situations going on, and about whether things are actually getting better or not.===========Things ARE getting better — a LOT better, infinitely so, in fact — but paying attention to the feigned veracity of whistleblower details is not what we're supposed to be doing. We're supposed to be unplugging and looking ahead, LIVING AHEAD. Who cares about all these petty political squabbles/fantasies? Some of us are literally SEEING the New Earth AND IT'S RIGHT THERE, right above our heads, about 30 feet. You can meditate UP to it.So… you gotta ask youself a question: what do you want? Superman words (Truth, Justice & the American Way), or the ultimate retirement from this sad and polluted civilization? It's time to grow UP with the New Earth. Make it so.

  3. Correctly said, We should have enough humility to accept that this was all just a construct ( the wars, history, fear mongering, classification, technicalities, the narratives). And reach within to live in ones greatest light and feel simplicity of peace of being in synchronicity. ~Robin Hood

  4. Ha! I'm seeing that we're getting more PTW/”intelligence” types looking at this blog than our regular readers!~M5 (no, not MI5!)

  5. Our “Good Friends” would love tormenting that bunch.-CAT3

  6. Wow, that's a lovely post, so gentle and soothing. I also like the photo of tress, which look to be live oaks, one of my favorites.

  7. FYI, we're currently confirming this Editors

  8. Truth, beauty, innocence. I only seek the peace that comes with my walled city. A new Earth is a long ways off for me anyways…-RF

  9. If they're truly intelligent then they're tracking who's heading back to nature and who remains in despair.-RF

  10. Sorry, I cannot connect to any of this being true. Could just be me.~M2

  11. The PTW is too busy hanging on to that cliff face to notice anything right now.~M4

  12. This past week or so I've had some alarming dreams. One was where I finally arrived at my family home,(currently trying to be stolen by Unscrupulous Lawyers)only to find that “they” – the U.L., had decorated it and landscaped it as they saw fit. I flew into a rage and started flinging all their stuff away and ripping out stupidly placed plants etc. – how dare “they” change it from how the grandparents kept it. Last night I became aware that I was about to be arrested by some military representatives and held in prison, my crime ? – wasn't me. I was determined to not let them get me at any cost. In my unplanned dash to remain free, I found myself tossing these military reps off of tall structures and leading them into watery places to drown. Obviously this isn't me in “real life”-here, killing people and needless destruction but I am very determined for my own independence and freedom. I am just feeling a little sick that my behaviour in dream time has just torn up my ticket to “Heaven” or the New Earth. I changed my meditations to connect to the New Earth and now I feel like I have become the most unwelcome guest. How do I make amends ? Have I blown my translation of these dreams out of proportion ?

  13. Nooo, not at all. A dream is a dream, and in this case you were exorcising some 'us vs. them' duality; the Real You knows you're innocent of all charges. To be specific, you are perfect, immortal spirit, whole and innocent, and all is forgiven and released. The “family home” you dream of is actually your body, and part of you is defending it against various perceived threats. Don't be concerned with the goal of the New Earth, instead let the process work through you. All is well. Everyone will find their perfect place, in time.~M3

  14. Well thank you so much for your insights and reassurances. I didn't think to apply the Coursian Mantra to me, I thought it was a way to rid demons by flattering them into oblivion. Thanks again Cats and Meowricals, I'll remember to stay off the dream fear bus as well

  15. Any message that mentions a cycle of being entrapped doesn't make any sense?If this soul entrapment cycle has been going on for eons, then why is it that all of the billions of new souls (population explosion), don't already know about it and avoid coming here. Or perhaps source cannot intervene here for some ridiculous reason, but would surely be able to advise or prohibit further expressions of itself coming here?Smacks of a cobraesque message…

  16. I would say this kind of new-agey deception is sad if it weren't so infuriating.-CAT5

  17. I also felt this was abit fear-mongerish when I read it too. Like we were at the complete mercy of the dark until now…

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