That Omniversal STRETCH

Spiritual Warrior
What did this pic get on the New Age-y meter?

Time to tip the scales permanently. Time to STRETCH. The Event is incoming, we know that; in fact, it’s happening all the time, but the Big One is inbound. So, what are we going to do between now and then? We suggest adding a powerful new element to your meditations.

In your next meditation (here again is our meditation primer), get in the zone, then imagine yourself made of infinitely powerful and flexible crystal. Imagine this crystal filling with light, from the heart out, until you’re blindingly bright and glow-y. Now expand this light-being structure till it’s 30 feet tall… 100 feet tall… 1000 feet tall… a million. Grow till you hold the solar system in the palm of your hand. The galaxy. The Local Group. The omniverse. You get the idea. Then pop back to around 100 feet and have a seat on your house. Rest. Look around. We are MUCH more powerful and grand than these silly 3D flesh tuxedoes. Give it a try.

Then… offer love and healing light to all who need it. STAY IN THIS STATE as long as you can. Try making this your new everyday zone, and carry it around with you. (The M’s were doing this accidently and were getting stared at by a surprising number of people!) BURST with light and send it to every dark corner of this planet.

It’s time to EXPAND beyond our old idea of ourselves. No reason not to. Have fun with it!

Your basic Omniverse
Jeez, next we’ll have pics of UFOs and angelic unicorns.

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94 thoughts on “That Omniversal STRETCH

  1. Ok, I'll try not to let my ego be bruised, lol. I'm not at all at odds with the material (or so I thought) and sort of considered BOTD to be not that advanced (by todays standards anyways -we've come so far). Thanks for your help.

  2. I've got the same issue. I'd like to try to read a real physical book while on a train ride with no distractions from “devices”.

  3. Note that that reply didn't come from one of the CATs!-CAT4

  4. Why do most babies, heretofore​, either cry or sleep? They are evolving into a corrupted world and it is a heavy burden. Sleep is necessary to rewire the brain to prevent an overload of garbage. Eventually, they go to school to “learn” how to use the garbage.

  5. Not anymore. Many have been coming here since the early '60s till today with specific missions. ~M4

  6. SolomonBishop:We're on the same page, mostly. However, how is cobra compression breakthrough? Wouldn't that be CoBre? As far as I can tell, that person is straight up taking from theosophy combined with Asian mysticism.Details aside, you and I have no reason to trust cobra and her/his information.We also have no reason to trust the cats and their theory (based on personal experience) that we never left source. Everything out there is coming from people whose personal experiences we have no way to understand. What's 100% true for one experience can be anything from the perspective of another. If an “event” happens and you don't completely change your view of how things are, it's not “the” event. It's just you closing off to other perspectives and experiences.I will talk to you all next year when you're hopefully typing from all your new timelines… hehehe-Dog23

  7. We keep saying this over and over again. Ours is not theory. We're all in SOURCE right now. We have direct experience of this — which is KNOWLEDGE, not theory. That darkness that Solomon is seeing in his meditations is the darkness people wrap themselves in “for protection” from SOURCE because we are deep-down afraid of SOURCE for something we think we did wrong, but we didn't, hence all the fear and anger (anger is due to fear) and (mostly projected) guilt in our world. But SOURCE LOVES YOU, terribly, and would never punish you. Our separation is an illusion, which you will soon see — all at once, together, irrevocably — for yourselves. The Event is coming like a freight train in early July. Nothing can stop it. Things will change THEN, not next year. ~All the M's

  8. The only realization that would undo this is that none of it's real. So why now of all years? 2017 “CE”? All of a sudden? Bam! Just kidding everyone (i.e. just SOURCE)! Smile! Is that about right?What did we all learn? So, umm…, suffering sucks but it's not always bad but sometimes it's really ducking bad?If none of what we're experiencing is real and there's just 0 of us anyway, what's so special about early July of this particular year? Why not 2003 or Even 2000?What's the whole point here?I wish I could (was able to) be as certain as you. I do have a lot of guilt and fear to get through, so perhaps it's that. Which of course begets the original set of questions that set me off.I love you. I'm just exploring and wondering what the F is going on. For example have you tried to honestly wrap your heads around Presbeia Protoi? Or how about Georgi Stankov's TOMES of information? I've tried to wrap my head, honestly and without sarcasm or irony. It seems that everyone agrees that something is coming but everyone has been agreeing on such for the past 2,000+ years.One thing you're absolutely right about. My guilt and fear are keeping me from enjoying being around as much I could be.I love you CAT and mittens… from a distance, probably too shy to come up and talk to you in if knew your faces in real life. Fear, you know?-Dog23PS: I'm not expecting actual answers to my all questions. I'm just still confused and not willing to accept someone's explanation (no matter how beautiful) without a little something something from actual personal experience. I'll keep you posted on that.

  9. Ok, Dog23… you want a little proof? Let me look at you a moment… You're a normal guy (not a paid troll) with a few imbalances. You feel really intelligent, and philosophical, and super opinionated. And you spend way too much time in a recliner with a fluffy cat beside the recliner. ~M2

  10. Had my first “ship” dream last night, btw. I was on a big (ocean-going) ship that was navigating a world that had been wiped clean by cataclysms. Brrr.~M3

  11. Btw, by “imbalance” I think M2 meant dietary. I'm getting that you should try some blend of siberian and american ginseng (that also includes eleuthero root, gotu kola and schisandra berry). I like that cat, btw.~M4

  12. M2, M4 this was great, seriously. I hope Dog23 enjoys it as much as I did. ^..^~

  13. We don't like to do that, but felt it was necessary this one time. That was a two-second look, btw, which we can do because… we're all connected by SOURCE. Note that advanced beings (high-level ETs, aetherics, etc.) can easily block this kind of “look,” since they vibrate higher than we do. (Interestingly, the friendly tall whites mentally don HUMAN masks so we can't see them. They like their privacy.)~M4

  14. that this type of article showed up on Era of Light. Or maybe synchronicity. This place (University of Texas Health Science Center) is where I was employed when my Higher Self arranged an auto accident for me, so that I would not be able to continue working, and would have to leave there. I was chosen to serve as the Secretary for the Committee mandated in each medical research institution to review the Researcher's proposals and prevent abuse of the animals used in their laboratories. Dr. Ralph DeFronzo is a name I remember, just arrived to become the Department Head of the new Diabetes Center. I do not remember if he used animals, some of them don't, they just use test tubes, or volunteer (human) people who wish to make some extra cash. It has taken them over 25 YEARS to come up with this VIRAL gene transfer therapy. That's a lot of Grant money! Sounds kind of odd, doesn't it, that injecting a Virus into you will not have any effect?? Considering all I know about the way animals were used in the research projects conducted at that time, I am relieved that animal research is about to become obsolete. There is new technology waiting to be Disclosed that will make it unnecessary. It will be a wonderful time of healing when all of this takes place. That's part of what the Event and/or Disclosure will bring.

  15. BTW Dog23, here is some philosophical wisdom that I have observed here. If one is to visit this website and engage the M's with in-depth questioning of certain subjects, it is wise to be fully clothed. LOL 🙂

  16. No fluffy cats in my vicinity. Perhaps you were confused by my Pomeranian's look. He's all dog though. The rest is spot on but also simple to deduce based on my writing. I'll try the ginseng idea. I do feel an imbalance of some kind. Thank you M2 & M4 for trying. -Dog23

  17. Sorry, I thought that was a Persian. That's what I get for trying to limit my view to a few seconds so as not to pry. And we didn't deduce anything from your comments, that would require study. We just read the comments and post (most of) them.~M2

  18. Looky Here, Dog23! I found these two books available online. I read them years ago, or rather, read THROUGH them. You might understand the Physics side of things more than I did. I'm just the opposite, everything to me is magical and mystical. Everybody is made differently, because we are all different pieces of THE PUZZLE. If we were all the same, the Puzzle pieces would not fit back together. And that is one way I think of The Event. We will get a direct experience with the knowledge of why The Puzzle separated into pieces, and what it's gonna feel like when it all gets put back together. The Tao of Physics, by Fridjof Capra, 1975 Download Available:In Search of Schrodinger's Cat, by John Gribbin

  19. “As you know, healing must be allowed, it cannot be forced. For all people to be able to take time to think about such thoughts, that they most likely have not encountered in this earth life time, requires them to cycle into higher energy brain waves. As you are experiencing, this can make the human expression feel very tired.”Excerpted from:

  20. Got utterly WHOMPED with energy yesterday, literally forced me to lie down, anyone else feel it?

  21. For the most part, ours was about two weeks ago, give or take. Seems that those who are part of this are on our own various WHOMP schedules, but within about a month of one another.-CAT3

  22. Oh, don't think that we're this exclusive group who's “going,” and some will be left behind. Everyone is going someplace that's better for them. This isn't a race and there's no winning or losing. SOURCE will make sure that everyone winds up in the perfect place for them to learn and be happiest. There may be some who go ABOVE the new earth, or another timeline, or back to SOURCE in some rare instances, but all will go where they need to. Above all, trust that SOURCE has your back… and relax. You are fully taken care of.~M6

  23. Experienced the WHOMP today, my 19 year old son also got utterly WHOMPED. We sat at the dinner table both completely frazzled, exhausted and now after a nice fish dinner he is lying down in his bedroom and I am relaxing catching up with the cat site 🙂

  24. Yeah, the latest WHOMP we've all experienced here and there the last few weeks seems to be the utter-exhaustion one, followed by a… puzzling resistance to getting deeply into meditation, at least for me. It's happened before, but then you open up again. It's a process.-CAT5

  25. Glad I checked this site, the space monitoring sites I usually look at didn't show anything spectacular. After reading about everyone reacting to their Whomps I looked around again. This Enlil spiral shows a small “burp” drawn in a little black loop coming at Earth. No colour coding but it seems to have quite the effect on all the surrounding fields.

  26. Latest from Diane Canfield:'ve had some bizarre encounters with people out and about, lately. People staring at me in stores when I'm just standing in line. And when more than three CATs are together, we see people in cars in front of us on the road totally freak out and stare at us, acting in really bizarre manners. We caused a mini-stampede at one park. People just started running away! We were floored. Perhaps there's more of an effect when more of us likeminded folk are together. ~M5

  27. I'd freak out too if there were people – size cats walking around :P! But that's weird, maybe they freak out from your high vibe energy? It must be jarring watch people run from you…

  28. M5 thank you for sharing that – I try to avoid public places and people during my non working time as I've also experienced people staring at me. I have felt so uncomfortable that I've asked the person I am with 'is there is something hanging out of my nose'?! If by myself have gone into the ladies and looked in the mirror to see what they're staring at – (and ensured I carefully checked both nostrils). What is up with that? Might be a good addition to make a 4 cat walk about in public and see what transpires.

  29. We know because we are from the Tree. A clue to what this means is hidden in all the talk about timelines.-RF

  30. Thank you Stargazer, I will give it a try. The invisible ones want me to quit with the coffee too which would probably help. -RF

  31. By the way Solomon, I've always been skeptical.. not the religious type either. I have had all sort of strange things happen in my life that would probably make the majority of people believers, but still I said that I would have to see before I would believe. Last fall three men in white robes placed a seal on/in my forehead in a dream, Awakened me. The very next day I met one of the guys in real life and I then completed my life's mission (probably would have done it anyways, but it was a ballsy move and the reassurance was great). It is good that you don't have blind allegiance because there is a massive disinformation campaign going on to control the population. If there is ever a time that your help will be needed, they will reveal themselves to you and you will have no doubt about what you are supposed to do so no worries.-RF

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