
FYI, the latest post got hacked, so we have to recreate it [NOTE: It’s the post above this one, now]. What was swapped out was an old NOTES version, which wasn’t complete… or coherant. We’ll get it back up once we can get some time.

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5 thoughts on “Hacked

  1. Yes, fine. Just waiting for everyone to get back to their various locations so can redo that post. These posts involve lots of first-person synthesis and rewrites into a collective “our” voice.-CAT5

  2. Our hack here seems to be a google “problem” these days on certain sites that try to eluminate; they go in and mess around with the language to make us look like uneducated boobs. Only google employees or one of their parent alphabet agencies (why google rebranded themselves “Alphabet”) has control enough to do what happened here. Like it will make one bit of difference.~M3

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