Yesterday in a meditation with all the M’s, we saw a tiki (??) come to us and warn us that a new BIG nasty thing was coming right before The Event, a super powerful BIG BAD immortal that would be able to get through our shields. We expected it later, but it’s here now.

It came right through protection and house shields last night like Bob Saget on a paycheck. It then invaded our dreams in a sneaky way. For the male CATs, it comes at you in the form of a pale ET VAMPIRE woman  — and you LIKE her, you feel sorry for her, you want to give her things. (We’re guessing it comes at you as whatever gets to you.) It was like a classic vampire, but at a higher vibration. It didn’t need to be asked in. Some of the M’s saw it as a woman, some a man, but both were high on a ledge; we had to go UP to it each time.

At one point, one of the M’s went to an ATM/token machine (like in an old arcade) and put money in the machine to get handful after handful of silver tokens for the raven-haired vampire lady with the big slanted ET-black-eyes — soon joined by her blonde companion also holding her hands out.

Some of us realized what was happening and tried to reset protection… but it didn’t work. We tried to reconnect with SOURCE, but the link was compromised. We tried over and over again to reset protection in any and every way we could think of, but nothing worked. The images kept coming back, sliding into our minds. We went for our aetheric weapons… but they were gone, replaced by these really cool MANACLES that we mindlessly put on… then tore off, realizing what was going on.

THEN we deployed the spiritual nuke: we looked at the thing and said:


…and it slowly retreated. This is the only thing that worked. Know it. Learn it. Live it.

NOTE: It also infected our crystals (those of us who use them), so be sure to go through your cleansing routines.

NOTE2: It’s trying to interfere with this post. Let us now if you see weird typos and extra words.

NOTE3: After much investigation, we discovered Mr Tiki to be a neutral agent, reporting to some seriously nasty beings. Luckily, we never fully trusted this entity. As Lynn always says, never trust a being who won’t tell you its name or place of origin. Indeed, some big nastiness was inbound, and it was coming from Mr Tiki’s handlers. More on that in the next post, ’cause what they tried to do was epic.

NOTE4: Big Bad Averted. Buh-bye.

Oh, trickster tiki…

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42 thoughts on “BIG-BAD INBOUND [UPDATED]

  1. That would be ego, a very mischievous creature indeed. There is nothing to fear guys. Don't let ego take control of your perception.-RF

  2. Mmm… no. We have met The Ego and this was not it. The Ego isn't immortal. This thing is. It's an old old, dark offshoot of One. It will eventually see the error of its ways… once The Event energy hits it. The Ego is part of the illusion. It doesn't exist.~M4

  3. If it comes to me as a pair of cashmere socks, a cup of Yorkshire tea, a packet of hobnobs, and a prescreening of Game of Thrones season seven, then I'm royally f@$!#d…

  4. How does a powerful being such as that get corrupted in the first place? I've always wanted to know how/why these powerful beings get to the “big bad” point.By the way, I know you guys are trying help and I appreciate that. But wouldn't bringing this being to our awareness “link” it to our consciousness making it easier to attack us? You say it's trying to mess with your post now, so it has access to the internet In some form, so it can see the posts and people's profiles here. Not only You guys are ultra prepared too and it STILL got past it. Us normies are sitting ducks to these things! But I suppose you have to warn us somehow.

  5. This was my initial question, as well. The intelligence behind this thing is not human (it felt insectoid), so… who knows? It is distance from SOURCE that makes beings crazy, and if they are “separate” from SOURCE for over a billion years…? (This is why the Coursian mantra works so well: it REMINDS this being of its connection to SOURCE, and to all of us, and it does not like that one bit.) This thing is certainly nothing that can be reasoned with by anything less than SOURCE. It blew past our intent and will like it wasn't even there. We highly recommend not even THINKING about it; just note it if it comes to you and hit it with the mantra. Humans are not as 'easy pickins' as some ET/etheric/cabal groups have come to believe. ~M1

  6. Insectoid and reptilian and also… octopus-like? It hit quickly while we were still meditating (I felt it latch on all at once, but didn't think possible through our protection), then later saw it engage my natural curiosity and compassion while in the dream state, slowly sidling up closer in a velvet-y almost sexual sort of way, while making me *feel something* for it. Insidious, vampiric feel. It actually woke me up during the first attack and caused me to reset protection, then came at me again in the second dream state, bypassing my protection completely again, but more deliberately the second time — and while “doubleteaming” (there were two the second time). I would be fully compromised right now without my experience and training. Thank you, Brother J!~M3

  7. This was no namby-pamby 'ego' monster, folks. It was the worst I've ever experienced — and again, I thought I'd seen it all! This thing was in a class all by itself. It could easily infect/enslave whole planetary systems.~M2

  8. AND… what no one is saying is… hopefully this is what the “tiki” warned us about (no offense to the tiki mask being, it's just a little weird). If there is something WORSE THAN THAT coming… we may need The Event to save us from it.-CAT5

  9. It could come to you (in dreams) as an injured animal or a lost child or a family member or the hottest sex object of your dreams. Or all of these things at once. It has many tentacles. Education and heart and WILL will defeat it.~M3

  10. This is why I mentioned cashmere, I knew it would be aware of these posts, the killer is, I'm allergic to cashmere, so I know I wouldn't be tempted HAH!Aaah…damn.

  11. I would definitely refrain from any alcoholic beverages for the next 10 days. No reason to be afraid if you've practiced the mantra.-CATof9

  12. What these 'bad' spirits are discovering with SOURCE: mortality. Leftovers are delicious with the right Event BBQ sauce! As below, SO ABOVE. Let 'em know, with Love! Thanks!!!

  13. Well, a small amount with food is fine I'm guessing. Wine helps to digest cheese after all!-CAT4

  14. Okay ! IT is nearly 3:40 AM at Paris time. I just wake up at 3:33(And i laught at it!) to my first dream. I have my first battle with this being, stunt but feeling right. Before to sleep, i put a stronger protection on me and even asked help to Brother J and Archangel to add to it. I made a second spell, a uninterrupted pulse of source's love energy, pairing with the MANTRA, cycling every second. I took a moment to connect inside my heart, everybody in the world who will be in contact with this Dark being, and visualised myself giving this extra “spell”. Dream: Can remember the whole, just the end. I was in my bed, knowing the being will strike a any moment, couldn't sleep and had my Siamese cat with me. I could hear all this voice from outside of my bedroom, like if the wall were only tissu. I felt that oppressing, and wanted just to sleep in peace and be separated to my beloved cat. I took my cat close to me, knowing the being just here. But something strike my mind : “… my cat… i don't have siames cat… i have a dog… is the being the cat?” At this instant a warm and pleasent feeling of a fire burns in my chest/heart, made me full aware of the deception. I got up, start to look at the middle of the room, put my palm wide open in front of me and trying to tell the MANTRA. A little burning tornado was forming face to my palm. A mix of ashes and dark smoke, very hot, burning my hand and feet. I couldn't tell correctly the MANTRA at first, but the second try was the right one! I saw the tornado of ashes pushed against the opposite wall, and being transformed into a big raven of ashes, striking and falling inert against the wall to the ground. The room was full of ashes floating, my right hand was partially burned to ash. I was looking quickly for ma dog. Checked the laundry, saw two look like my dog, but partially in ashes, and a third one totally clean and white (as he is a Bichon), the only one to react to my voice. And i woke up at 3:33. With at strange feeling of burning on my right hand and foot.So ! If somebody can read that before to sleep in USA, Be prepared! The being seems still roaming around! I go back to sleep, reset my protections and do that special “spell” again for me and everybody! Love to all!

  15. I was in enough danger reconnecting with my beloved sparring partner. I can't imagine how much trouble I'd have been in if I had to fight off half of the spirit world at the same time.-RF

  16. Arrr, time to press the fight me hearties!From this day to the ending of the world,But we in it shall be rememberèd-We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;For he to-day that flies his spirit with meShall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,This day shall gentle his condition;And humans on Earth now a-bedShall think themselves accurs'd they were not AWAKE,And hold their spirits cheap whiles any speaksThat fought with us upon St. John's day.The archon fiends shall not have us.

  17. That reminds me, I had a dream awhile back where I was comforting my mother while and telling her that I love her and will always forgive her- she then rested her head on my lap and when I looked down at her she turned into this red-eyed demon thing and I woke up suddenly after seeing it. To this day I think it was a bad spirit but it hasn't appeared since.

  18. What about RBD's, aren't octovamps on the menu?Hey didn't we have someone claim to be an “Octomom” or something recently, not related is it?And why now? Are we saying this thing has been here all along but only just been discovered as we have dredged the cesspool? How many are there? Is it related to the Archons?Also, what if we are not lucid enough during dreamstate to thwart its efforts, what is actually at stake, is it simply siphoning energy to stay alive, but essentially we are still ok?Sorry for the questions.I will remain vigilant and question all. If we are as close to the Event as we suspect, it would be prudent to become more vigilant than ever before.On a lighter note, has anyone else noticed how the birds are really going for it, their song is louder, more complex and greater in frequency than I can ever recall?Be safe, be well.Mark

  19. I did not see the imagery the Cats did, but I woke up for the first time in my life sure I had had a serious psychic attack. It took me hours to shake the very bad feelings I was left with. Kept going to my heart and feeling the love and was eventually good but I never feel like that. Horrible!

  20. I don't talk about this, but long ago, when my ex was on top of me, I suddenly saw her for what she was: A MONSTER! A real monster. We split shortly thereafter. I thought I imagined it till I saw her again in a store after not seeing her for a while and… she was indeed some kind of dark creature. Horrifying.

  21. We were told that the (little) dragons fled at the approach of the BIG Thing, as it would kill them. THAT was eye-opening. What's not clear is if the thing that showed up already is The THING that we were warned about. We (bravely? foolishly?) looked closer at the thing from the other night and it's officially what's termed an “archon,” a cross between a reptilian and Chthulhu (see note at bottom). We have heard that there are more than one of these. If the Big Bad is WORSE than the archons… well, the pain and suffering won't last that long 'cause SOURCE will step in shortly after that happens. Still, we might have 24 hours of horror. Think of it as an early Halloween!This is all happening now because The Event is literally less than two weeks away, maybe sooner.Birds here are having the time of their lives.Note: Speaking of Cthulhu, now we can tell you… there really ARE kraken. They're about a quarter mile long and live at the bottom of the sea in various regions. They are telepathic and PISSED OFF and you don't ever want to meet one. Besides 'seeing them' ourselves, we know an eyewitness oil-platform diver (who worked in those deep-water hard suits at great depths) who quit after seeing a kraken. One of the tentacles was 30 feet thick. He could tell as it was against a drill pipe marker in the lights. You don't see them much anymore as there are (luckily) only five left.~M4

  22. This dream may have manifested from reading the comments here and my imagination got the best of me, but what I remember: I see a bottle of wine, it has like a silver and gold bee shape outline and the work archon on the bottle, I thought that was strange, then something startled me to my right I turned and there was this black figure and I hit it, but then I woke myself up and apparently I hit my wife, must not have been too hard though…yikes

  23. Thank you so much for this link….dots are being connected….I've learned so much from this blog. LOVE you Catz

  24. Wow, my head is spinning (metaphorically). I'm sending out love and light to everyone and feeling grateful that I do not appear to be under attack, or, if I am, appear to be unaware of it. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

  25. The attacks are slowing. These dark beings have learned that humanity is no longer easy pickins.~M5

  26. …and ETs are learning that we're not quite so gullible.~M3

  27. I had one (again) show up in a meditation as a black figure sitting in a chair, with these terrible black tendrils coming off their head and expanding. I hit it with the mantra and it started grimacing and writhing in pain.NOBODY EXPECTS THE FELINE IMPOSITION!intuition? obstetrician? photoemission? phase transition? dental technician?-CAT5

  28. [Psst… @ArenaAnaheim… some of the CATs used to work at Disneyland. Shh.]-CAT4

  29. Mmmm… this 'black magicians' thing feels off to me. We're all being attacked by something else. This is subterfuge. Wheels within wheels.~M2

  30. [sigh]Um… we're psychics. Many of you already know this. Among other things, we invariably always know when we're being followed, either physically or electronically (yes, we now abut the system bugs, duh). That notwithstanding, why was “David Dee” (@CultureRoast), a very low-level secret service type guy, following a bunch of accounts associated with us? He actually mildly harrassed Da-da, digging for information. We don't like that. So, unless Mr. Dee and his ilk would like for us to divulge EVERYTHING about them and their sordid sock drawer activities… leave us alone. And if the President or anyone on his staff want to know something, please come right out and ask us publicly, right here. No games, please. We have enough rigamarole with moronic dark spirits. And NO, we willNOT cooperate with alphabet agencies, of any kind. Too Many Secrets.-CAT Editors

  31. Yet another comment deleted. So many trolls out.-CATof9

  32. [sigh] Here we go. One commenter, whose nose is out of joint because he was called out (and whose comments one of the other CATs deleted) said:===============”I think you misunderstand the meaning of “troll”. I'm calling you out that you're not in fact psychic. You're quite boastful about that for, really, no good reason. We all want to be special so I understand the drive. I'm sure you're special in a variety of other ways but psychic you're not. Or perhaps you're psychic in your own universe but you're definitely not psychic as part of our shared reality.Trolls do it for the lols. I'm trying to have a dialogue with you. But no, block, ignore, redirect. This is very cultish behavior. MUST OUST THE UNBELIEVERS!!!! LALALLALALALAALA!!!! I'M NOT LISTENING!!!! <<– that's you right now." =============Ok, fine. You want it, you got it.We really dislike people who act like this. It's insulting, and we don't deserve it. You don't believe… ok. Why press your non-belief on the rest of us? We do this site for free. We don't make you read it, or charge money for it. You're not a subscriber. That said, we respect that everyone has different belief systems, and we're not here to convince anyone of anything. We hoped some might recognize the value of what we present here. We know what resonates as true within ourselves, and that's what we present. There are several of us, and we compare notes. Six are hard-core psychics, others are sensitives… but we're all getting STRONGER in our Clair-X faculties, so the “psychic” designation grows day by day. If we have consensus on info, or see a pattern in observations, we tell people about it, simple as that. We realize that you may have your own challenges in this journey, including fear of judgement, but dealing with your fears by projecting what you are afraid of onto us or this site may not be your healthiest outlet.That said, you're a male who grew up always seeking your parents' approval, and you never got it. You grew up obsessed with what other people thought about you. Fear of judgement is putting your feelings mildly. We've been in that situation before and it sucks. We feel for you. As for your dig on 'love,' we constantly have to remind ourselves that we can't always help people that are a detriment to themselves or others. So if we can't help you here, with these writings, perhaps this is too much for you and you should move to another venue. You, commenter, moved to the dark side to try to fit in (you're longing for it there, too), but the only thing that's going to help you is a sincere return to the light. You should make your choice soon, SOURCE is almost here. You need to deal with your fear of judgment, and that right soon. We suggest trying to meditate. The attempt will be appreciated by your spirit guides, who still have hope for you. We could of course bring up bad things, but we prefer to keep things constructive.~M4

  33. But we are all immortal, so there is no true death. For example, my omega (omicron) would be waking up under a Tree in Ithaca. Besides… it's kind of hard to give and receive hugs in full platemail!

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