45 thoughts on “Enlightenment is the New Orange

  1. Hey, cool Cats, just wondering why the date on your Event countdown keeps changing? Am I jumping timelines or are you continually updating based on ever-changing information? This morning it was 7 days to October 22nd and now it's 13 days to October 28th (hmmm, 7 and 13; maybe it's being messed with?). And at one point, it was October 31st. Either way, we're so, so close…. Excited and hopeful, I am!

  2. Ha! No, you're not jumping timelines in this instance. This is actually an internal thing unique to all of us trying to group-thread the needle while trying to keep the cabal from guessing when and what. We're not supposed to call out any specific date — primarily because no one knows for sure the exact date — of stage four. Some voted 10/31 as a “catchall,” others said 10/28, 10/22… blah blah blah. There's also those who want to MAKE it happen by projecting… [sigh]. All we know for sure is that stage four occurs in October… though again there's controversy there b/c some saw it in November. Sorry for any of our confusion causing YOU confusion. It's the result of a moving target bipbopping between the hopes and desires of a bunch of crazy CATs. However, it is also my thought that we are OH SO close…-CAT5

  3. I just had a dream where a group of people tried to convince me that their esoteric methods were ways of purging darkness within them.We both knew it was a cover for satanic practices.It then became quite obvious when I awoke that this is why the cabal like to hide In plain sight.They do this because they do have to hide, from us.And that ladies and gentlemen is precisely how truly powerful they are. They have to exist by scurrying and scratching around hidden away in dark recesses.They like to pretend they are all powerful, so sad.Imagine what kind of existence that must be like?I strongly suspect a majority of souls caught in such a trap are longing for it to end as we all are.May SOURCE be merciful and swift.See you ALL in the true light.Mark

  4. Come clean cats', the colour orange had more significance other than autumnal leaves and pregnant pumpkins!This morning my family and I witnessed the most unusual sunlight.It was 30 minutes past eight so the sun was high enough in the sky for this region of the northern hemisphere (Midlands, UK).And although nothing obscured the sun as it was still too bright to look at, everywhere was in a kind of twilight?What we could only all agree on, was it was if we were all wearing sunglasses with a brown/orange tint?Somehow the sun was being filtered by a screen. Whether it was natural or as artificial I do not know but it was eerie and alien. I wondered if it was the same consensus reality I went to sleep in the night previous so profound was the effect.So is this strange colouration coupled with a distinctly subdued brightness something you are aware of or is it simply a freak anomaly please?Mark

  5. Maybe this is why the sun and sky here is so strange:”Storm Ophelia creating a spectacular display in the skies over the UK as it bears down on Ireland with hurricane-force winds.A red glow, or 'hurricane sun', is visible over cities including Bristol as the sun breaks through haze caused by dust that the storm picked up from the Sahara” ( source, Daily Express newspaper)Of course, it is fun to speculate that it is weather modification to disguise iron oxide particles from Nibiru!Maybe the ESO announcement later today will shed some further orange light on the matter?Mark

  6. Hm. I think Da-da and CAT5 chose that image because it looked fall-like and had light coming into it, but I'll ask them. The orange hue is just an accident of the light. If there's meaning there, it's subliminal even to us!-CAT8

  7. Here's your Event soundtrack, already in progress. (Try it, it really does feel like it!)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p03jG546GQc-CAT3

  8. I have never understood why this (very small) group does what they do, but even they will one day turn toward the light. It's unavoidable. We will all eventually return Home. Then, after the Last Person in the omniverse goes back to SOURCE, this omniversal construct will go POOF. (Of course, that's 32B years in the future, so… last call.)~M2

  9. FYI, the weirdness continues: 50,000 geese were seen flying over British Columbia last night, heading… NORTH! Two dollars says they're going you-know-where!

  10. Regarding Sphere Beings… M3 said: “They do feel like bubbles just floating around. I can't really see them doing anything (which now that you mention it does feel a bit pointless). It is like they are just waiting on something. Perhaps their purpose will be more evident during or after the event??”-CAT5

  11. We witnessed the sky just as you describe Mark. We're in the South East of the UK. It didn't look like any “Sahara sand”, which is their favourite when something is not quite right with the sky. Probably HAARP or some of their weather modifying tech? It definitely wasn't normal and gave a very eery feeling.

  12. OMG, the energy is high. Up all night. Each chakra gets worked over, then it starts over again. If this hadn't happened to me before, I'd think I had to go to the ER. They must be flooded with patients all over.-CAT8

  13. Ditto. I had a steel spike in #6 and #7 last night, then this morning 3 and 2 keep getting crunched repeatedly. I signed up for this?-CAT5

  14. Some of the CATs are totally unaffected, having toast and la di da. Ug. They're younger and have better original equipment.-CAT8

  15. No reason to hide it any longer: The Event Stage 4 has been happening since about 8:00 pm Pacific yesterday! We couldn't give any exact info so the PTW couldn't try any stalling tactics. This was even more painful than the one on 7/1 (for me, anyway). It'll be interesting to see how it affects things. If you're reading this, you survived Step 4!~M4

  16. Diff Steps will catch us each differently. Some will find the next one easy, some hard. Factually, there is no “decreasing” in power of Wave X. Once the power level is set, it stays there. Those of you having issues are just getting used to the new level of intensity. It's an energy hockey stick from here on out!~M3

  17. That would explain sharp prolonged pains I've had in my belly!I did actually wonder if it was a chakra.Mark

  18. So what do you figure this step did? I've been having headaches and stomach issues since yesterday, but I just had to send my best feline friend to the great beyond and I figured it was due to stress and grief. It would be great to feel for myself that something wonderful has happened but I, sadly, must have been standing behind the door the day psychic ability was being handed out. Thank you for all you do to keep us informed!

  19. Event Step 4 was the Spiky Step. That was your 3rd chakra. Some of us had the same thing.-CAT5

  20. We're still sorting that out. It actually helps a lot to have all of us chime in with observations. And several of us also had head and stomach issues (6th and 3rd chakra upgrades). You actually already have abilities, it's just learning to recognize and strengthen them that takes time and effort. No one is standing behind you with a stopwatch… but YOU!-CAT5

  21. Thanks CAT5.I said to my wife I was up most the night and wondered if it was appendicitis?She told me to quit being so stupid, I would have died if it was all night!She loves me really…@Kolibri, don't worry, I have no idea what's going on either, just happy to have a second row seat ��Mark P.S. Hi Laron!

  22. Honestly I've didn't feel a thing wave-X wise this time around. I'm fairly young so perhaps I've got “newer equipment”.Also, how could the cabal stalled this Event anyway?

  23. Thanks M4! I was totally on edge yesterday. My wife kept asking me what was wrong…..phew. Now I know. Much better this morning – spent extra time grounding in the AM. Peace.

  24. Thanks, I fell into sleep just thinking @7:30 pm, little wake for 45 min. @3:30 am, back down till 8 am. Haven't slept that long in quite a while. Peace/Harmony

  25. Anyone else having electronic devices shutdown randomly and batteries completely disharging themselves even though they are charged?Mark

  26. Sometimes our cars didn't start right away after TWB attacks, but what you're talking about is often accompanied by spirit and elemental activity. -CAT4

  27. The spirits in my house (which is very haunted) drain the batteries of cellphones in a millisecond (not sure how they do it)… though mine only do it to people they don't like. Do you know a good medium?~M4

  28. Well… Step 4 hasn't rid us of trolls. Please go away. We won't publish any of your poison. Your “gods” are gone. Time to revisit your true connection. Speaking of that, what will you say to SOURCE when you see It?[FYI, SOURCE is gender-free; we created the duality of gender.]-CAT Editors

  29. Aha. FYI, folks… this latest step of The Event was a CHAKRA OPENER and has to do with the kundalini. This will help free us of the old layers in Steps to come.~AM

  30. Thanks M4, but no, I don't know any mediums.I'm not concerned but it is annoying.I have had trouble before with objects thrown, my entire duvet was thrown off one night lol.But I sorted it out fine.My son (the one who popped a balloon but it stayed inflated for a couple of seconds) said two days ago he saw a dark figure only a foot high run away from him.Sounds like the little folk are having fun!I write and read about them and encourage the kids to, most likely the veil thinning.If anything the house is calmer and happier so I am not concerned. I am being severly prompted though to “connect” so maybe my devices switching off and draining down is just that.Mark

  31. You need to create and maintain a House Shield. We all have them. Just set clear intention and order everything that doesn't have your ACTUAL greatest good in mind (you need to say “actual” for those spirits who are *possessed* by lower spirits, to get in; it happens) to shove off. Get four of the same kind of object (crystals, rocks from a certain place, etc.), declare them as guardians of your home and place these symbols (that's what they are) at the four corners of your house. Renew this protection morning and night without fail. Be firm of mind when doing it and few things can gain access — esp considering the supernasties are all gone. -CAT5

  32. It's also, for some of us, opened our EYE bigger and… well, it's made us *faster* and more capable in our aetheric actions (a day later!). No other way to describe it, this is incredible.IMPORTANT: Sit out in the sun for 15 minutes and tell us how you feel. We're changing into THAT kind of being. Already. It's exciting. Also, be sure to either eat leafy greens or take a spirulina supplement, to better anchor the light in your bodies. Sounds weird, but it works: chlorophyll in action.~M3

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