
…The Event started millions of years ago and has been building, and will continue to build for… well, for a while. That said, we need to inform you that the Event Step 5 Countdown is a bit disingenuous as Step 5 kinda started around Monday… and Sunday is looking like the day when Step 5 will not exactly END as come down a bit so we can all catch our collective breath. It will probably PEAK toward zero time, but how this impacts you depends on your own personal vibration level.

It’s hard to know when Wave X begins and ends since, like a river, it never begins or ends when you’re standing in the middle of it. We do have a good handle on general timing throughout the rest of the Steps, though. If you think about it, if you had 30 people stand in a river at various depths and locations, then asked them all how they were feeling at any given moment, you’d get 30 different answers.

Oh, while we have you, for those who doubt that our high-vibe friends got rid of the archons… we would ask if you’d like us to put them BACK for you on that lower vibrational timeline you’re angling for? Talk about ungrateful. This kind of attitude will not get you where you want to go.

We’re not going to enjoy the calm of these autumn images.

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25 thoughts on “Technically…

  1. Fresh WHOMP beginning, FYI. My ears started ringing at 12:45 pm PDT. Lomnicky neutron monitor showed a spike at that exact time, and the Moscow Schumann meter is showing WHITE. Hope Step 5 isn't as uncomfortable as the last two!-CAT2

  2. AND we have a full moon tonight. Extra zingy, esp for those living near portals.-CAT5

  3. You wascally rabb—catts This explains the tecnicolor adventure dreams coupled on the other hand of only sleeping for 1 and 1/2 hours at a time. Probably to give me time to catch my breath. How about that news!

  4. We feel the same way. Personally, I've not had more than two or three decent nights' sleeps a month for the past two years!~M3

  5. Ringing, check. Disinterest in alcohol, check. Mentored dreams, check. Creativity ramped up, check. Synchs are redonkulous!Subtly significant shifting In progress.Mark

  6. Yes, I'm def feeling it… but in a different kinda way this time. Seems something major (but good) is about to happen, and I sense the elites trying to flee, but they're being kept from doing so. Very interesting. Plus, Trump is out on AirForceOne and has made a last minute flight plan change, perhaps to keep him safe while this goes down. Wow, could this upcoming Shift also include… A-Day? (Arrest Day)~M4

  7. Those who know have much Love/Gratitude for the archon help. For We are One, The One that matters, God Bless

  8. FYI, folks: It's very important for you to meditate sometime over the next day or so. It doesn't take long. Ground and protect and connect… and ask SOURCE to meditate with you. Takes about ten minutes of being in the zone… at least for me… and then I was taken UP and placed on the next level; it was quite obvious and dramatic, but was mercifully without the same chakra suffering as with the last two Steps.~M4

  9. My hope is that the reason you aren't enjoying the digital autumn images is because your in Joying the >>real<< landscape.

  10. So, Step 5 is over… we think. It was a gentle one compared with the others, with some of us having “rewiring” dreams. Two more Steps till #8, the big one; at least it was #8 the last time we looked at it. More on timing when we know more.-CAT Editors

  11. Prepare to be pleasantly surprised you Feline Sibyls! For surprise is a part out of the package. First, surprise, then you know. There are many paths and many reasons here, not just my perception of things as they are. Not just yours either. The hand isn't the moon.For those of you who have experienced it, describe the melding of multiple, simultaneous perceptions. Then describe the lack of perception altogether. So what are you predicting exactly? Find the words yet?This is how the demiurge begins, don't you see? Let's start learning together, take the square hats off.-

  12. Best recommendation I have is to start practicing to how talk about *this* while talking about the weather or something else. If you're bridging all the levels together within you, speak on the terms of the lowest one and encrypt the higher levels within.-

  13. Apart from being borderline rude, what is it that you're trying to say? And the “demiurge” is all of us, together. SOURCE is not the demiurge. If SOURCE thought any of this “reality” existed even for a millisecond, it would become alive.I wonder if we have a surprise for you… let's see…-CAT5

  14. In terms of this, it's best to use the (silent) mantra on people as you're talking to them. They can hear you, but it doesn't have to encroach on their own personal ilusion.Hold still a moment…-CAT5

  15. pardon my ignorance, but what exactly is the (silent) mantra?

  16. He's in one of the New England states. Did we all want a precis?~M4

  17. Oh, sorry. We were being rude to everyone else… note that, if you give us attitude and poke us — esp on a Monday — we will LOOK at you with a magnifying glass. This is not a good site for snark or trolls or silly limericks. We don't put up with it. Speak plainly, and be polite.-CAT10

  18. Ah. This was intentional rambling to make everyone think there is a message when there really isn't one there at all. Ignore.~M2

  19. Troll-like. Mr. Dash just got blocked. Don't waste everyone's time, Lumpy. People don't need to see what you're doing.-CAT5

  20. Silent Mantra Instructions: 1. Look at the person, or imagine them; this also works on anyone you can imagine, from the past or present. say to yourself… 2. “You are perfect, immortal spirit, brother, whole and innocent. All is forgiven and released.”This even worked on Mr Nasty! (aka, one of the big demons, who we won't name. needless to say, he fled, terrified of his connection to SOURCE.)[Note: I think this mantra came from Ken Wapnick, one of the incredible teachers of “A Course in Miracles.” Brother J wrote “The Course” through Helen Shucman from 1965-1975. If you doubt it, just read it @]-CATof9

  21. This is the so called Mr.Dash and I'm slashing your expectations because it's better sooner than later. No one needs to see what I'm doing. That's not my job or my expectation. Just you, just now, just read.For the longest time you were good and not trying to predict anything. You were just reporting on the weather, knowing it could change. Now you (mostly you, you know who) and your friends are single-handedly saving the world and predicting its future. This is not the beginnings of the demiurge you say? Looks like a textbook case to me and I'm pretty familiar with the falling, the failing and the drowning.There are many communities like this; I've found them everywhere. They're insular, resistant to discussions outside of the approved topics and they all think they're on the edge of the blade of salvation. Nearly each one dismisses the others as misguided at best and malicious at worst. Some alliances are formed and “information” shared where preconceived notions align.Can we try to see past all this and look at the guiding force(s) and changing environment? Something is urging people to flower with mysticism. The issue is they and you try to codify and “it's mine-ify” the whole kit and caboodle based on the previously mentioned group rules and the information you happen to have stumbled upon in your current life.Oh boy, the people and their illusions, am I right? “But, no, no way we're under any such illusions. We're part of the folks with special knowledge and skills who will go to the end of the maze right away and be reunited with SOURCE.”So what will it be? *fingers crossed*-

  22. [eyeroll]Seems we have a comment like this at least once a quarter.We have no expectations. We have no special knowledge. We just pay attention and listen, and ask the right questions. The info isn't ours. It's all of ours. That language TONE you're perceiving is inside YOUR head, not ours. The chip on your shoulder is YOURS, not ours. We just put words down here that we hope help people. You don't have to read them. You don't have to do anything. We have no ownership or ego in terms of information. (However, in case of the archon removal, it would be nice to give credit where credit is due, but ours is a Land of Fast Food Manners.] We have no illusions, becuase we know it's all illusion. There are no group rules. We just don't like rudeness. Be rude, get bumped. We are not resistant to discussion. If your comment is snarky, it gets tossed. If you push us, we look at you. Push harder, we ignore you. We value politeness and respect, which you would know if you actually read more of this blog from the beginning and weren't doing a drive-by. We don't dismiss anyone. We just don't like games and lies. No one does, save for game players and liars. And we didn't “stumble upon” anything. We worked hard to get where we are. We're not shamans or cult leaders. WE MAKE NO MONEY FROM THIS SITE. We aren't selling anything. We are helping some people make their way on the best, shortest path possible to a life with SOURCE. Keep your fingers crossed. You'll probably need them elsewhere.~M2

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