Your Basic Update for 11-26-17 [UPDATES]

Wow. Two CATs and one M almost passed out while out-and-about yesterday due to the energy. Never have we almost dropped in our tracks. Super-draining. Could barely get up this morning.

Note that the above two graphs are courtesy the Moscow meters, so it’s on the opposite side of the world from most of us.

There was also a small CME that will probably deliver a mild, glancing blow around 11/29/17.

And while astronomers attribute this to the sun, Wave X has been delivering some absolutely gorgeous auroras in aurora country.

There have also been some timeline skips in Saudi Arabia (GCI 002), which is no surprise. And the New Zealand meters are either offline, or NZ has left the building.


AND all those strange BOOMS reported all over the world? We know exactly what those are, having heard them many times ourselves: they’re gaia portals (that is, natural portals that are a function of our planet) releasing Wave X energy into the atmosphere. The earth can only hold just so much energy before it needs to vent. The energy builds and builds and has to go somewhere, so it discharges into the sky like reverse-lightning. Typically happens within the event horizons of full moons. It’s actually a natural occurrence and there’s nothing to worry about.

While we have you, here’s the latest from Diane Canfield and Blossom Goodechild.

Finally, please note that we suspect that our Step timing might be slightly behind, such that it could start six days BEFORE countdown’s end. It’s odd, because some have experienced it six days before, while others get it three days after. That said, Step 6 might start manifesting on 11/27 or 11/28 — or t already started yesterday (the energy of which was pretty darn debilitating). Everyone report back, please, if you experience anything unusual.

UPDATE FOR 11-28-17

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36 thoughts on “Your Basic Update for 11-26-17 [UPDATES]

  1. I was woken up by a high pitch in my right ear at 2:55 am. Then have been experiencing a steady hum in my left ear all throughout the day today. -Keleka17

  2. C's and M's Sat and now Sun-shoulders Ached! Back is out, I got the blind staggers. Today (Sun) we got extreme wind gusts out of nowhere, torrential downpours and power outage lasting about 5 hours. No coffee! Yikes!!!!

  3. INTENSE dreams that last few days and felt the same of being stuck to the bed… TONs of purging and energetic motion lately. I've felt like the highest highs followed by the lowest lows, as if ping-ponging until I find my balance again. My intuition awaking on the 24th was the next upgrade had begun for this body.This morning's dream, I was passing along some knowledge of where I'd hidden some important object ( a green 'stone' object? that I'd hidden inside a house amongst redwood trees, it was under a big round stone 'burner' type thing mounted on a kitchen counter). I realized that when I went to tell this group that was retrieving it where it was (they were already in the house, and knew the basic where-abouts) that I was 'dead', or out of body/non-physical. At first, I was like shit, well how do I tell them? Then suddenly I remembered I was capable of manifesting a body even though I'd passed on – BAM! I appeared in the room with them, and showed them the way to the object to help retrieve it.I was also VERY telekinetic – moving things with my mind, having fun, closing doors etc. I even played basketball with one of them for a little while! He was 'better' than me, except I could instantly mimic/mirror what her did once I saw it… and I could also do it without actually 'touching the ball' but imagining it and it would dribble

  4. I, too, had to stumble back to bed yesterday (26th) morning…thought it was maybe a zero Kp Index but seemed too strong for that. Liked drugged. Then aftera few hours, it just lifted. And I had the londest-lasting “download-ringing” in the left ear of my life! Glad it hit on a weeekend, as I was out of commission for hours, so early is good, for me!!

  5. I have to confess that I love this blog not only for the amazing information I get from, but also for these funny cat picture and gifs. My cat turned 20 this spring.

  6. I have never known vertigo like this before?The issue I am having at the moment is whether or not I am actually ill, or whether it is the energies?My symptoms come in waves, they are exhaustion, breathlessness, vertigo, 'slight' headache and nausea.The reason I am unsure, is because I am not experiencing the usual symptoms of an infection, such as middle ear pain etc.This has been going on since I previously posted about a ridiculously loud and protracted ear ringing a couple of weeks ago!I have almost passed out myself due to the vertigo, in fact the vertigo hit me hardest not long after the meditation with the poles.I am struggling to be sure, but it would really help if I just knew the cause.On a subtler note, I am noticing changes in my behaviour and attitude. Although still a slave to reactionary behaviour, I am feeling more in control. And as previously mentioned, I no longer desire alcohol, at all! This is big for me, it's like something has clicked inside, and now, instead of looking to escape reality by numbing it with something, now, I am repulsed at the notion. For the first time ever, all I want do is to remain as clear headed as possible, for as long as possible.I guess I made the grade for the latest jump, still, plenty to climb yet.Be well all.Mark

  7. Hello and “thanks to giving” us all this informations from your point of view ! Hard time with the throat, plexus and third eye chakras on my side. Like having my ganglia hurting while eating, like during a painful laryngitis, but whitout any fever or other side-effects… so strange. A ball of throns under my plexus and big hands pushing, massing hard my forehead and temples, but without headaches (lucky me). All with this sharp concert of cicadas from my pineal gland. Fortunatly, not too exhausted when this happen. The thing which is suprise me the more is “manifestation”. I am in turn of my life, where i felt i needed to move and change. This 3 last month were just succession of “happening” to solve the mud i was in. Just by ask, put my problems to the hands of my guides and keep asking to keep me in the highest vibration/timeline possible and “follow the flow of the Univers”. Sounded quite comic/new agish at first, but all starts to fall like dominos to pave the path of this new possibility… opportunity of jobs, unexpected incomes to help the next months to move, etc… i am still in the process of this, nothing is sealed, but just by living this sequence of events is quite bluffing after months of doubts. Just keep the flow !Love and light ! (just i wrote this, a dove has decided to hurt itself on my window… i am ok with signs, but not somethinng that hurts the living ! lol)

  8. Yes, I was one of those who almost fell over. Like my battery was totally drained instantly. Never had that happen before.~M3

  9. Can someone please help me understand what's happening? Ok…I NEVER usually experience anything at all at the times of 'events'….but ever since Oct 20th through Nov 11th I was on cloud NINE!!! I am usually bombarded with negative thoughts constantly and at all times….however for the time listed above…ALL negative thoughts were simply GONE! I was the happiest I'd ever been in my entire life….and everything around me..although it was familiar to me….looked new and different somehow! I also tried to make the most of these days by meditating more and simply BEING in silence and feeling this bliss to make it more and more MINE… Every morning I'd wake up with the same bliss…….then ….BOOM….back to crap!!!!! What have I done wrong? How could I vibrate so high…then …crash??? I wasn't drinking or doing any drugs and I found that I only was eating simply when I was hungry and only as much as I needed (cause I sometimes have a tendency to overeat) and I wasn't doing that…also …..very little if any meat…and drinking mostly water or juice….So I don't get it…..what happened…..did I start shifting…then do something stupid and lose everything??? Someone please help me understand. I thank you in advance.

  10. Oh, and speaking of heaviness….I had horrible dreams the night/morning of the 25th and it was sooooo hard to walk in my dreams…my body felt like a TON of bricks and I lumbered along in my dream….usually I'm never aware of even walking ….but I was VERY aware that walking was VERY difficult and I moved very slowly.

  11. Big, frontal lobe headache – my head is a balloon today. Started ten minutes after I woke up this morning. I want my forehead to open up so my pineal can release the pressure. I'm visualizing it. Drinking water. Ow.

  12. Btw… when I have various pains in various chakras (as we all seem to be having), as an experiment I placed a small 1-2 inch lozenge of orgonite at the various painful chakra locations (I was using crystals before)… and the pain vanishes after a short time. Give it a try and report back. You can find these small pieces of organite on ebay and etsy for about $25. Be sure to get one that's smooth, with no rough edges. When you have various pains, place the orgonite on the chakra nearest the pain. If the pain is at the TOP of the head, lie down and place the orgonite at the top of the head, or on your forehead.~M4

  13. Folks, I'm sorry to inform you that these ouchies and feelings of being utterly drained and fighting against gravity are only the beginning of Step 6 lassitudes. Don't expect too much of yourselves. ~AM

  14. Getting ready for bed around midnight and heard a weird sound outside – sort of a rasping sound going around in a circle. I thought one of the deer was in trouble and went out front – then realized the sound was from the woods. I went on the deck to listen carefully, and I heard it some more – best guess from the portal spot. Then a brilliant flash of white light erupted from the ground. It looked like a cone and was much brighter and larger than any conventional light. It went out as suddenly as it appeared and then there were 2 muffled booms. I stayed up because although I was pretty sure what happened, I could not be certain and was concerned about a possible fire. I continued to check for the next 3 hours. (My husband slept through it all.) I am sooo tired this morning and was greeted with this post and the one from Gaia Portal: ==============Federal standards are raised in advance of income Light Bearers.Flashes of Brilliance Light the expansion is at hand.Nothing can stop the Trains of Illumination. ================So, I can report in from “my” portal – it is a go. -CAT7

  15. True, its happening, the cosmic/solare energies are increasing a lot now. The masses seem to wake up finally. This is possibly what lots of us have been waiting for, lets hope so.maybe this article can be of any help -> no, I'm not affiliated with that site ;-]Boddhi:The key to be in 5D is to be the complete master of all of your energy. It's really not that complicated

  16. My guess & I try to keep it short & simple: when you feel like on cloud nine as you mentioned, you're giving your Higher Self more room in yourself. At first it teases you with blessings but it takes effort from your side to keep the energetic connection intact. That means: refrain from drama & negative emotions/thoughts. With the cosmic energies increasing now, chance for succes is 100$%.Also recognize that the 'cloudninemoments' are not just your Higher Self but also your ultimate inner connection with the Universe and all that is. Then you can feel that everything is in yourself.I hope this is of any help..

  17. Thank you for acknowledging my post and for your response. I actually gave into the feelings of blessedness and – as I stated – negative thoughts and actions just simply were null and void….also IF one popped up I caught it immediately and instead of reacting the ways I used to ..I found myself laughing and saying to myself….this feels so old and outdated….and the thought immediately dissipated. Also, I was able to meditate while in that bliss and there were ZERO distractions….since the 11th however,…..I came crashing back down to what used to be and cannot feel my way back to the bliss….so….I must conclude that bliss “happens” ….you simply cannot create it on your own….it happens when it happens….and even while meditating I cannot attain that bliss that was…..that makes me very sad.

  18. Actually, the same thing happened to… really all of us, all the CATs (I checked). We've ceased questioning why The Event is happening the way it is. Why we feel like crap, then like angels, like crap again. It's just part of the process.~M6

  19. Ugh. Yesterday was the worst. Couldn't focus. SUPER tired. Went to a PTA meeting the night before and EVERYONE looked TERRIBLE. Except the kids, who were all fresh. -CAT5

  20. Not sure if many have noticed — it's subtle — but Step 6 has been going on for a while. We might have to stop the countdowns, since the Steps are more gradual and… leisurely? …in their actuality. Anyway, something different is happening for this Step: there have been little peaks of wonderful, hopeful energy poking into our reality here and there, gently reminding us of our connection to SOURCE. Not sure (but I suspect) that this trend will become increasingly obvious. And YES, there is also extreme fatigue and all the other Wave X symptoms associated with it, but look for the new “bubbles” of hope and positivity to be rising inside you as the energy works its magic. It's kinda hard to describe.~M3

  21. Had a moment of joy today as my creativity soared.Beautiful insights are revealing themselves as I search for inspiration for a new book idea.Super excited, and impressed by the ease in which the inspiration flowed.Mark

  22. Yes, this is exactly what i told to myself, just at the beginning of this graph…was 11pm (France) and started to see this strange diagonal appeared. Now, wow ,look like this electron/proton graph from other meters… this exponential lines look like a spring coming out, a spring of Source energy ! 🙂 Had dreams of myself managed to get out of troubles and save my families/friends who were in this dreams, against a sort of brainwash… and a beautiful one, between, with fizzing and sparkling starry night, with a marvelous impromptu party with all my family (lot of them) outside under the stars… this mix was a bit confusing ! lol Have a nice weekend all !

  23. Wow, energy fluctuations… feels tied to the full moon.~M3

  24. A very gentle Step 6, with a new “expansiveness” evident. Nice and quiet. Next Step (7) has been posted.~M2

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