Your Upcoming Holiday Step 7 (and 8)

Mmmm… tree…

And just like that, it’s the holidays and time for tree chomping. Step 6 is over and… turned put to be a quiet and rebuilding step, with some episodes of extreme torpor we hope we’ll never see again. Talk about falling asleep in the middle of a sentence, ug.

The Step 7 Countdown is up (unless you’re reading this post in the future). It will occur around the full moon yet again, probably with ramps here and there, the drama beginning about two-three weeks out. Jan 1st has an odd build up to it, followed by this huge relief. It’s like some kind of purging or negativity is lifted, and we’ll all actually feel lighter. It has to do with releasing the lower vibe stuff in order to be able to accept the next step. (With Step 8 being the one filled with light, and lots of ah ha moments.) 

As usual, we strongly suggest not imbibing alcohol on New Year’s Eve, but if you lapse, don’t be too hard on yourself. Note: ask Brother J or SOURCE to enjoy whatever it is you’re eating/drinking WITH YOU; this takes some of the mental/illusory curse off it. Please also remember to be grateful — for everything. This is the most amazing period in earth history.  And be sure to have a happy holiday!

And now, our favorite singing animals carol!

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18 thoughts on “Your Upcoming Holiday Step 7 (and 8)

  1. Happy Yuletide to everyone here at this brilliant blog.Be safe, be well.MarkP.S. With reference to animal singing videos, I implore you, please do not do that to us again!

  2. When Step 8 rolls in, I've seen it as a gynormous tidal wave of LIVING LIGHT — impossibly arc-lamp bright, yet you could look at it without burning your eyes. I asked another M if I was seeing perhaps a symbol of The Event, but they said it was going to be more literally like what I saw. Perhaps you have to be of a certain level to see it this way? No idea. We'll know when we know. Then, we'll KNOW.~AM

  3. Yup. We posted that back in May. Allison Coe's client base says that The Event will happen 8-10 months from that posting, which puts it right at… Event Step 8 timeframe. It is really gonna happen, with the “RV” shortly thereafter. Just going UP the roller coaster now…-CAT8

  4. that is an awesome description – art-lamp bright (impossibly bright) yet you can look at it. i remember when i had my dream the beginning of 2017 where i saw this wave of energy – looking around me thinking how super bright everything was around me – but i could look at it. jan/feb “time” frame – but that can be changed i feel by us intending that timeline NOW. we aren't passive actors in this play – we are active participants and creators. imhk. 🙂

  5. Legit passed out last night. Felt a HUGE energy surge run through me as I stood up and spread my arms. Had the passing thought of how intense it was, and that I may faint. Next thing I know, I was floating in a sea of blissful math… then my wife was asking if I was OK as I came back to my body found myself lying on the floor. The feeling afterwards is the EPITOME of refreshment, like a full-body 'reset' switch. Though, my take-away is: ponder 'I Am AWAKE' instead of 'I might faint' 🙂 love/light

  6. Testing, testing… are the comments working again? Can we move to wordpress, now!-CAT3

  7. If you were to go to 'Wordpress' would I have to pay for an account to be able to read this blog? I hope not…please keep it free. I check this blog every day….you are my port in this storm of daily crap I have to face.

  8. Wide awake last night till about 1 am… then the energy started! Step 7 UPGRADE in progress. Day 22.~M5

  9. UPDATE 12-8-17: I moved this to the comments now that they're working again.What we've been trying to say the past few days… as far as we can tell, this guy Cobra is on a different timeline than we are. He speaks of some creature that's “wrapped around the earth,” and causing “lightworker attacks” and spewing other fear-language… but all those things are gone. SOURCE and our friends' activities within the past six months, THERE ARE NO MORE DARK ENTITIES, and no archons, unless some people's uber-negative thoughts are creating them on a very limited scale, affecting only a few indivduals, but that would be extremely minor. Not sure if we're even able to generate these negative thought forms anymore in what is basically a hurricane wind of SOURCE. Send healing light to Cobra. He needs it.AND… countdown is still plodding along. Expect more extreme fatigue/UGH moments. Ugh.~M4

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