The POUNCE: Ears Back


This is too good to keep to ourselves.  

We were chatting with M3 and she said something really interesting in terms of the SoCal fires: the PTW are making these increasingly bold moves in order to trap… THEMSELVES! They’re unwittingly setting themselves up to be caught in such a horrific way that they can’t escape. The subtle stuff, the passive aggressive attacks sort of go under the radar, but using the Air Force and HAARP to burn down California is huge with huge consequences. They are intentionally trapping themselves but their egos are so big they can’t see it.

In case you haven’t seen it, here’s what Lynn had to say about the mechanisms and motivations behind the California fires

The POUNCE is already happening.

EVERYONE can see what you’re doing over there.

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17 thoughts on “The POUNCE: Ears Back

  1. Other things are collapsing, too!”Fusion GPS admits that it hired wife of DOJ official to investigate then-candidate Trump”

  2. I would have to disagree. So often folks leap to “haarp” as the answer to everything. I recently, as in yesterday, took a trip to the burn(ing)areas and would suggest something different. The areas that burned(ing) have been full of distortion for a very long time. Santa Barbara while lovely, is not a hospitable place at all, and to watch the fires in person one can see the dross that is being burned off. In fact, the areas surrounding the burns are lovely, if not a tad smoky and more clear then ever. The earth has a way of cleansing itself, burn it, soak it or blow it up. The humans living in the areas of darkness, often do so at their own peril (and very often think dark energy is light energy for some strange reason), and folks are living in places that cannot shift easily without some adjustments – a home bought 40 years ago was done without thought of today's shift. Those adjustments have been made, you'll see the fires ending soon. Not everything is haarp, directed weapons, chemtrails and so on, quite often the more mundane is at work – earth has to cleanse a bit before it can slide into the new clothes and folks live near volcanoes, mudslide areas, seas, flammable chaparral without regard to how those places need to adjust. I know it is in vogue to blame everything on haarp, chems, and so on, but this is disempowering, and it is very often not true. Example. The Hurricane earlier was natural, a HELL OF A LOT of dross had to go, but the endless haarping on tv/internet about panic, fear, floods, weapons, destruction, causes the collective to exaggerate the natural into hell. What would have been troubling became horrifying due to the collective going nuts with panic and folks not in the areas involved with their distortions made it worse – consider that.

  3. Um… what we offer here at The CAT is not OPINION. We only report what we SEE, and then we let you know. The truth is not conjecture. The truth is the truth. What occurred in CA, north and south, was wholly artificial. And heads will roll. The cabal hung their cheese way too far out in the burning wind this time.~M5

  4. There is lot chatter around 21st December from various sources , even comparing it to 2012 same time . What is Cat-view on that?

  5. Hm. We don't see anything happening on the 21st. We feel the buzz about it, but we don't see anything manifesting. The next Event Step (7), however, feels like it is progressing and building up nicely. Watch out Jan 1st. What a way to bring in the new year! The cabal's gonna feel this one! ~AM

  6. FYI, a small heads-up: If (and when) Roy Moore eventually wins that Alabama election (the voting fraud looks pretty severe), the PTW will use that as an excuse to “punish” the South with a false flag centered in Atlanta. Send light to that locale.~M4

  7. And now for something completely different… plasma worms? Really?, but none of us see anything like this… anywhere. These seem to exist only in a few people's minds. Please disregard. And send light to those who seem to think these are real.~M5

  8. Ow. Ow ow ow. It must be Day 12 before the next step. Wave X energy is currently slicing into my head, and other cats have it in the gut, as well. If you're having weird pains, check to see where they are on the chakra tree. ERs and doctors' offics must be flooded with people having inexplicable pains. Don't worry: it's normal. As the DR. WHO Cybermen say, “UPGRADE IN PROGRESS.” Ugh.~M2

  9. Anything that mixes meditation with fear is to be avoided.~AM

  10. It's looking like the PTW is trying for some kind of explosion and fire false flag in Atlanta, but it's so far out that we can't see it very well… yet. That lone Israeli plane that was allowed to leave the Atlanta airport during the power outtage had something to do with it. BUT… not to worry… actual *angels* (whose names you would recognize) are on the job on this one, just as they were with that Times Square device. Sad that the PTW still continue to create mayhem, when all they're doing is making their road home a steeper and steeper climb… but not an impossible one. There is literally hope for everyone.~M2

  11. Hi, all. Please note that our SÖC Meditation Primer is now on the right hand side of the site, just below the countdown. We update this as necessary. Feel free to point the curious to it if you feel the need. -CAT Editors

  12. C's and M's- My take exactly on the wormzzzzz. Today-extreme dizziness at times (Wed} Cool and crisp after nearly 5 inches of rain in 4 days. Beautiful blue skies. Happy, but dizzy.

  13. Yeah, now I know why M3 said that we'd all breathe a sigh of relief once Step 7 was over. Dizziness and 6th chakra ouchie.-CAT5

  14. I'm thinking Grey and White Pouncing Warrior Kitty had something to do with the “disappearance” of all Plasma Worms. The top picture above looks like The Last Battle. I'm glad there were no witnesses to the gruesome ending…… 🙂

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