Superbowl Prediction 2018 (and Step 8/SUPERBOWL UPDATE — 2-1-18]

We can’t help it: we all LOVE this cat! Go, Shadow!

 Ok, we’re already seeing fear-based programming from various alt.sites about a nuke at the Superbowl — again. There will NOT be any disaster at this year’s Superbowl, save for the extreme gender confusion in commercials and the half-time show, pushed by the MSM and PTW. We don’t watch the NFL or the Superbowl, but thought some of you might want to know. As for who wins… actually both teams do, depending on what timeline you’re on. Rise above it.

No, we don’t comment on futbol matches, either. We know: we’re in the way.


So. After an Event Step goal is reached (#8 currently), only THEN can we (CATs) see the next peak to climb… but we’re not there, yet. Step 8 is big and is still happening. Look at Diane Canfield’s latest on what she sees happening and associated symptoms.

We’re kinda wiped out right now, so this little update will have to do. When we know more, we’ll let you know. We strongly suggest you all get some rest — and keep your eyes open. Some people won’t handle this energy well, and you need to keep yourselves safe… and help your brothers if you can. If you don’t know what to do, ASK FOR GUIDANCE. Your Guides are right there for you right now.

Superbowl UPDATE (Really)

For those who didn’t think the NFL is rigged… their lead attorney was just assassinated for saying so in the NYTimes! Talk about ripping the scab off (more of) the fakeness of our world.

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34 thoughts on “Superbowl Prediction 2018 (and Step 8/SUPERBOWL UPDATE — 2-1-18]

  1. So, M's and C's. After a creaky start getting out of bed this Wed. morning, I feel that a giant fluffy pillow of peace surrounds me. I deeply appreciate your sweetly humorous cat pictures. Carry on!

  2. Wish I felt like that. I've been up since 3:30 am. Very different energy this time for Step 8… but we'll save that for the recap.~M6

  3. Very painful energy for me. Woke up in the 3's with body pains and big time frontal lobe headache. Thanks for the stuporbowl update. We'll be playing !llum!nat! bingo! for the commercials and halftime. unless that's like calling the calamari?

  4. Had a pretty chaotic day, but at least I could meditate a little bit today. Right now I have the usual headaches I've had for the past few days along with Ascension symptoms like I've had for months, but nothing unusual.Oh and, no surprises about the superbowl, but I don't really care. The only team whose victory I'm interested in is Humanity.

  5. Re:creaky start, What I didn't say is that the pain and exhaustion have not abated for weeks. Fortunately I'm retired so can nap whenever needed. And let me tell you, I've needed to nap a lot! As far as the shaft of energy I felt Monday, it has shifted a bit to edge of crown and forehead. (Perhaps my crown has slipped a bit)

  6. I did feel a shift in body energetics over the weekend – still processing on what that might be. Also, the past five(5) nights I have slept like a rock. Body definitely calling out for more uninterrupted sleep/rest. I did have for about an hour on Monday night strong feelings of joy. Felt like I was lighter. Not something I normally experience. ; )Not to mention the proverbial nutcracker pressure focused on my pituitary/hypothalamus/pineal (within this general area). Been going on every day (in waves) since December.Blessings.

  7. FYI, folks… Step 8 is still going! We can't do a recap till it's all done and the dust as settled.-CAT5

  8. Did anyone see this??”The Train Wreck WAS An Asassination Attempt On Congress Because Of FISA MEMO”

  9. Hm. This did feel intentional, but I wasn't sure why until I read that. It was like a punishment for the FISA thing, but I think there's a message to Trump in there somewhere, not exactly what the article outlined. Wow. I do think there is some truth here, maybe not all truth, but def truth.~M3

  10. I feel silly because I did not feel the pulse on Jan 31. I am a little worried that I somehow shifted into a timeline that didn't get the pulse. Also when others post that they are feeling this or that energy ramp up or they are having pain, I don't notice anything then either. I continue with meditation practice and being the best person I can be. -Also One Who Believes

  11. You ARE silly, but I think it's the clown nose. Actually, there was no pulse, per se (psst, I was waiting for it, too). There were elevated energies, but there was no one dominant THING that stood out (except for those of us who live near portals), and save for all of us having the symptoms that diane canfield recently wrote about: think perhaps the Cobras of the world have conditioned a lot of us to think that there was to be this incredible TA-DAA! moment… but… this is all one continuous TA-DAA! moment occurring, so we have nothing to measure it against. Compared with where we were five years ago, this is definitely The Event happening right now in River City.If you don't have any symptoms, this means that you're either where you need to be, or just getting there. No need to stress about it. No one's standing behind you with a stopwatch but you. All is well. Get lots of sleep. Meditate. Drink lots of clean water. Follow your (clean) food cravings. Jeez, one of the CATs can't stop eating *chocolate,* whereas they didn't want any before. I had to eat blueberries and grapefruit (together) for a week. It's like all energy-sensitive people are mass-pregnant! Not that there's anything wrong with that. ;)~M5

  12. Yes, be thankful you don't live near a gaia portal. The energy coming from them was singular, such that even ETs are now steering clear of it; AM (which is a nickname, short for “Angel-Meowracle” because of one of AM's experiences — AM kinda hates that nickname, btw, as they don't want to be seen as higher than anyone else). Portalwise, I'd never seen or felt energy like that before. There was a PULSE of sorts that lasted for a good half-hour, a red-and-white flashing oscillation that made some of us think there was an emergency vehicle outside, but there wasn't one. It was coming from the portals! (You could see it with your eyes open AND closed.) The (last) TWB ship that had been coming by this one portal (they think they own it) every night for a week (and the last five years) now won't come anywhere near it! The new energy level hurts their skin. They and the calamari have FLED for the time being (whoohoo!; they may venture back one day, but I doubt it. Such an interesting time we're living.~M2

  13. Thank you M5 and M2 for your replies. I am doing what you recommend and will keep at it. Living in happiness and gratitude most of the time , especially ever since I learned that Moscow normally sees 30 hours of sunlight in December (not a lot) but for some reason only had 6 minutes last December! Now I am super happy to know that I have sunlight during most of my days!!

  14. Same here today, all over the sky while hiking Coyote Hills, SF Bay Area.Feeling like the air has been let out a bit, sleeping better too!

  15. I don't feel anything either and was also worried that I wasn't sensitive enough, doing it right or left behind on another timeline.Early morning after the full moon, I was driving to work, (Herts, UK), and had to slow down as all I could see was flashes of deep purple up ahead.Last night I noticed my superblend nutrients missing on top of the fridge but the goji berry powder was still there. This morning got up to make myself a smoothie and the goji berry powder is also completely gone – nowhere to be found. All very strange.Taken a rare day off as completely exhausted and having a duvet day. My two cats are happy mum is home and sitting!

  16. Yes, Step 8 is either still going, or we're all getting used to the new energy level, or there's NEW energy coming in. We're still kinda all over the place today. Last night was very high-energy again, and more than half of us are barely able to move! Be sure to check to see if you can see your shadow. ;)-CAT6

  17. This morning I woke worn out as if I just worked 10 hrs. of building. As I am a retired carpenter. But my spirits are high, for I Love this when I feel progress. Love/Gratitude to All for the”knowing”. I'm glad I have not lost It. Peace/Harmony.

  18. Exactly the same for all of us. We're working somewhere else during dreamtime, doing heavy lifting, apparently. It does feel good, whatever is. We're all doing something necessary.Tick tock.~M2

  19. Ok, I checked and can still see my shadow CAT6 – what does seeing or not seeing your own shadow mean? :0

  20. Had to go and look that up, thank you Urban Dictionary!

  21. Wow. Turned some kind of corner last night, after dispelling some nasties (where the heck did THEY come from?), and now my connections are pretty darn dramatic. The energy must take time to synthesize.-CAT3

  22. Whew!! Cats…I'm so happy to read this log today. I wanted to ask if riding an emotional rollercoaster is a result of 1/31. For Wednesday – Friday, I was almost continually giddy…like Scrooge when he wakes up in the morning and realizes that he hasn't missed Christmas. This morning…I wake up and start crying because “I'm lonely” or “I'm alone.”Cats…let me tell you…I have never felt lonely a day in my life. Never. I enjoy and love people, but even my own cats have to be encouraged not to demand too much attention and time from time to time. Being by myself is a TREAT!!! I grew up with two alchoholic parents (and two younger brothers to take care of) so I learned from an early age how to be independent and self-reliant. Yet, this morning I'm blubbering like a baby over something I've never felt.The other signs I see are extreme heat…like my whole body is burning (I've been through menopause…so we don't need to go there…and, btw, this heat is about 10X a hot flash). I AM suddenly making all kinds of decisions in the last two days. My mind is definitely clearer. I'm trying to balance all this energy into normal living. Oh…and I had this weird experience…I had a definite impression of another someone else…like a guy…not love interest but I WAS that guy! Freaked me out. Reminded me of the Netflix show “Sensate”…when they all start becoming aware of one another. Only this guy is/was me. Yikes!! Stay in your dimension, fella!!

  23. From CAT6 'snow in your pants' my son would be horrified I now know that :0

  24. Yes, we're having these same symptoms. Super-annoying. The hot-cold thing and not hungry/HUNGRY thing is one thing, but suddenly having a reminder of being a Group Being (replete with motivations and mania) via some kind of temporary dream connection is enough to make you scream. Like Da-da says, it's somewhere between Xmas and being roasted alive.-CAT5

  25. Um… I was just being absurdist. There's no urban dictionary entry for 'snow in your pants.' I made it up. We're not hip enough (at all) to warrant using urban dictionary!-CAT6

  26. Cats!! I just wanted to say that I got my bimonthly massage yesterday (My therapist was sick with a cold…so I haven't had one for a month!) and slept like a baby last night, and all the nervous, excess energy disappeared!! You guys probably know this already…but that bodywork or energy work was wonderful, and I'm far more calm and balanced!! Life is good!!!

  27. Boy, you cats sure called the Superbowl right. I won't watch the NFL again.

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