6 thoughts on “Cat Judge Says…

  1. Hello hello! What is the best way to get the negative voices that chip away inside to pipe down? It gets pretty intense sometimes

  2. First (mentally) attach a grounding cord from the base of your spine to the center of the earth. Next set protection by imaging a big ball of light (white or gold work well) and think to yourself, “Only those with my ACTUAL greatest good are welcome past my protection.” Now calm your mind, and try to think of nothing. When a thought pops up, mentally attach a rock to it and drop it to the center of the earth. Do this until you mind is quiet. when we first started meditating long ago, this took two hours. Eventually, your mind will be clear. You can also ask for guidance from an Ascended Master after you're in a meditative state. DO NOT try to connect with anything negative, or… you will.-CAT10

  3. If you live in Florida I would recommend visiting a healthcare professional. I suspect there is some kind of mutated or man-made virus going around that is causing people to go temporarily insane, strip naked, and cannibalize others. Google Austin Harrouff and Rudy Eugene to see what I mean.

  4. The insanity and stripping naked is a common theme with this chemical, but cannibalism isn't linked to it. Furthermore Bath Salts were ruled out for both cases. They have no idea what caused these men to go crazy and start eating people.

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