EVENT Precursors & New Meditation Focus [UPDATED]

Is that Rod Serling ?

NOTE: This post is from March 23, but we moved it to the top of the stack on instinct; it seems important. You might want to review it now and again.

So, here’s what we know about what to look for leading up to The Event (which several saw or experienced in the most recent meditation).  If anything else comes up, we’ll plomp it into this post. If all these things happen within a few days, we’ll know that something might be UP.

  • Weird Weather: There’s supposed to be all kinds of weird weather right before The Event… kinda like we’re all having now, hmm
  • “Signs in the Sky”: These could be odd rainbows, double rainbows, an overly persistent rainbow (we saw one this morning that lasted 15 minutes), or aerial phenomena of any kind
  • Airport/Airplane Snafus: Nothing can apparently be in the air during The Event, so watch for airplane malfunctions, airport closures, airline shutdowns, that kind of thing
  • “Event” Dreams: we’re all having these, and have been for years… which is frustrating, since you keep thinking that it’s going to happen very soon. Dreams of travel, going up and down stairs, levels, elevators, or moving from one place to another… anything movement or transitional.
  • ET Activity: ET presence will be so intense that some countries may start to disclose it. We’ll see ET activity really pick up right before The Event.

  • Animals: We see the vibrations of the earth being really intense around the time of The Event, and animals will freak out.

Important Note: Like The Unknown Commenter recently reminded us (see previous post’s comments/many thanks, Unknown), try focusing on PURE LOVE in your meditations. See where that leads. Remember, all expressions of love are MAXIMAL, so when you turn it on, you automatically turn it on full blast. This might be why The Event is taking so long; we might’ve been concentrating on the wrong things in meditations, instead of simply focusing on LOVE. LOVE, is after all, SOURCE. Or it was always supposed to happen this way, with a gentle nudge here and there. Nudge nudge, say no more.

UPDATE: One of the CATs asked:

Q: What will Merlin do?
A: Go into hiding!

Poor Merlin. Under the bed, again.

UPDATE: One of the CATs had a dream about carrying a light, then handing it to someone else — this all happened in the distance — and that it was getting closer and closer.

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38 thoughts on “EVENT Precursors & New Meditation Focus [UPDATED]

  1. Outstanding post, mi amigo. And as always the graphic chose is simply brilliant.

  2. Amigos and amigas! And… is there a *neuter* spanish noun for “friend”?-CAT3

  3. I was counting on my cat family as being part of my strength and guidance…now I might have to expect a house full of cats on 5D catnip. In meditations, I was also casting out my “love net” to encompass homeless animals and animals trapped in captivity. Is this going to make “traveling” more difficult ? Thank you Cats and M's for your sharing of insights.

  4. Many thanks to ALL! I just LOVE this venue and get so very much out of all that is contributed. Sending the love, love, love to all….

  5. I coincidentially just got attuned to Reiki II today, perhaps just in time for the Event. Feeling a little overwhelmed with all the new info… but I believe this will allow me to get MUCH closer to SOURCE. Gonna try my best!Francis

  6. OH! And, speaking of: “Weird Weather: There's supposed to be all kinds of weird weather right before The Event… kinda like we're all having now, hmm”It hailed today in Santa Cruz… while it was also completely sunny out.

  7. Our weather has been so weird everywhere that weirdness has become relative. I mean… what's REALLY WEIRD weather? Frog rain? Pink tornadoes? Snow in June?-CAT5

  8. Yes, it's been doing that for the past 2..5 weeks. We were going to do another “meter” post, but we were waiting for three significant events to occur simultaneously. As I mentioned below, this weirdness has become relative, so we're waiting for even more significance to appear. Needless to say, the next time we have a post like this, it will be significant.-CAT5

  9. Nah. That happens every spring in those parts. Dust from the Gobi.-CAT4

  10. Can you do a read of the people behind MeWe? For fun. Like paying with a yarn ball.

  11. I feel an energetic bump in last few hours and its head popping kinds, anybody else feeling it?

  12. The last three days have been horrible. Head-aches and nausea, with occaisonal jets of OW! in the head. All of the CATs and M's have been affected. Between the TWB attacks and Wave X… uncle. ~M4

  13. Yesterday, I really thought that that was it for me. I thought I was going to die. (Psst, but I didn't. 😉 And my indigo vision is mostly GONE for the time being. Can't see a thing… except every once in a while i see these really weird and totally (amazingly) different… ETs? monsters?… whatever they are, they're SCREAMING (silently), then going POOF. Sure are a lot of them.~M2

  14. I laid on the floor and moaned with a blanket over me most of Monday and part of Tuesday. And of course today I'm STARVING. Ug. Are we there, yet?-CAT5

  15. oh ok its the moon thing (just saw your easter post), thats why I felt a energetic bump, you will probably feel what I talked about when moon comes out for you. I am in Asia so its night time for me.

  16. The moon is def part of it, but there's more going on. The moon doesn't usu. affect us like this.-CATof9

  17. Not the moon per se but full moon is an important event… will just say someone wise wrote the below piece , hope you find it interesting——-About time conjunction portals. I do not know the exact terminology, so I just made some rough translation from my native language as best as I could. Time as sensed by us is a social construct to separate events or occurrences in our physical reality. In our physical world mental state we need to separate events to make sense of it all so that our mental circuits are not completely overwhelmed. In reality events run at the same time in the NOW, where our higher self aspects in the subtle planes kNOW spontaneously in an omni -sensible way without any confusion. However in the physical and lower astral planes, there will be super great confusion leading to mental breakdown and madness. To resolve this, dispensation is given to invent a social construct to separate events so that they are not jumbled up leading to utter nonsensical confusion. This social construct is known as time.Time conjunction portals can be considered as inter dimensional meeting gateways where some simultaneous merging of energy events of some higher dimensional planes are allowed to occur simultaneously at junction points. These junction points can occur at any point if the energies from adjacent or merging dimensional lanes are strong enough, but most of the time they occur at eclipses, new moon, full moon, equinoxes, solstices, axial wobbles, solar magnetic storm surges, etc. During such times, there are very complicated yet simple interplay and interaction of dimensional forces affecting our physical reality. Progress of human consciousness and spiritual evolvement, the mineral, plant and animal realms are assessed. Our place or standing in the solar system, constellation, the galactic arm, the spiral, the galaxy, the universe, the infinite and eternal cosmos is adjusted accordingly . A kind of instantaneous assessment snapshot if you will. This ” assessment ” is then kind of instantaneously condensed, processed and absorbed in the Learning-Knowing-Teaching-Understanding-Realization of infinite and eternal Tao of Cosmic Origin.

  18. Well, that was awesome. Though they could've just said, “PARTY AT M5'S HOUSE!” ;)-CAT4

  19. Btw, as you probably noticed, we turned the Capthca word verification thing back on. We were getting these lousy AI posts all the time. (Note: AIs are just sophisticated programs, they aren't sentient. Nothing to be afraid of… not that any of this darkness will survive The Event.)-CAT4

  20. Hi All, My take on all this is a perfect description of ISNESS. All, simply put without the mental constructs, IS.

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