Your Basic Electric Hammering (Special OW Edition) [UPDATED]

Whoa. The earth’s electric field is either hammering or getting hammered — and so are we.

Ow. Lookie:

This is Ottawa… er, Ow-ttawa.

This would explain why ALL of the CATs woke up @ 4:00 am PDT feeling like we were in an industrial press. It’s still going on.

The recent history of OW.

And here we have Rome:

Well, it’s not a “hole in the sun’s corona,” that’s for sure. Ungh. Feels like a Step, but we’re not sure.

And a batch-processed view of multiple EM field sensors.

And this thing’s been all over the place.

More as things happen.


There was also this weirdness from another of the Ottawa meters:

Never seen this from the Ottawa EM meter.


Several of us felt dizzy when this happened…

…but things are calming down, now.


That Rome neutron meter’s readings dropped off the face of the earth a little while ago, then came back. Check it out:

We shouldn’t get too excited about extreme readings from one or two meters, but it is interesting… esp considering some of us felt… whatever this was.

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36 thoughts on “Your Basic Electric Hammering (Special OW Edition) [UPDATED]

  1. Good Gawd! I'm feeling as low as whale poo on the bottom of the ocean! Must have nap!

  2. I was worried that the crazy energies would be hard on my newborn son Maverick. He turned 3 weeks old yesterday. His first week was rough, but he is taking it pretty well now. He sleeps through the night, and only cries when he needs a bottle, a diaper change, or drops his pacifier. I wish I was so lucky! :)~Sharon

  3. I felt crushed early this morning and much of today. That was a bad one.~M5

  4. I thought I might need some blood pressure meds, my head felt like it was going to explode.-CAT2

  5. Babies coming in now are totally bulletproof. Even kids 10+ are handling Wave X very well, though still having the same “energy flu” like the adults.

  6. I felt pretty terrible until the evening here in Italia. Thank SOURCE it's over for now.- Francis

  7. We hope you all realize that we're just as… desperate isn't the right word… ANTICIPATORY as all of you for The Event. It's driving many CATs crazy, wondering what else we can do.

  8. We are consistently reminded of how Wave X probably would've killed many of us if the energy weren't stepped as it is. ERs and doctors' offices must've been flooded today.~M2

  9. Ended up smashing some plates being really angry of the state of my life (compared to my more materialist friends who seem to be crushing it). Can't wait for this charade of a society to be over, if anyone knew I was reading this website in real life, they'd probably try to have me committed to an institution lol. Just tired of hiding.

  10. An insane depression that comes and goes. Shifting moods, thoughts all over the place. Unable to focus. Anxiety/fear off the charts. Unable to create or do anything that takes longer than a few minutes. Unable to remember what it was that I wanted to do yesterday. Cannot make decisions. In a word, messed up.

  11. For those who follow qanon, there was a post last night saying the potus wouldn’t be sleeping last night and to watch the news today. Those who follow q expect a video (shocking) to be released today. IF true, would the meters show the collective this way, in the same way the random number generators showed an anomaly during 9/11? Maybe one of you could look into the video? Q refers to it as 5:5. All types of believers are anticipating a big day.

  12. So what if most people die? WE ARE ETERNAL, WE NEVER DIE, ONLY OUR BODIES DIES. Only IGNORANT people afraid of dying. Dying means: End of old, a fresh start, a new beginning. If your car is dead and doesn't function any longer, and they take it away from you and give you a brand new one, WHO DOESN'T LIKE THAT? The problem is that ignorant people, identify themselves with their bodies. WE ARE SPIRIT SOULS AND ETERNAL. We are just PLAYING this GAME of living on Earth.Only ignorant people will have fear. THOSE WHO KNOW, HAVE NO FEAR.IGNORANCE is the ONLY problem in the world.

  13. Yup. Some of us, too. It might be we're feeling a kind of group anger/anxiety. I was feeling the same way and I haven't in years.-CAT6

  14. 'They' have been doing this every Thursday for the past three months. “Expect the BIG DAY TOMORROW”… then nothing. Wolf.-CAT5

  15. Re:Q posts. A great psyop at work! Check out for more insight. Cheers!

  16. Got hit by the wave around noon on Tuesday with vertigo. Been laying down since with extreme fatigue.

  17. “Cake and grief counseling will be available after the jr high band concert.”-CAT5

  18. A wonderful quote from Psychic Lynn's most recent post:”Even though things may feel bad, I do see it getting better. The reign of the PTW is coming to an end, and people are waking up to it. They (the PTW) are so scared that they are manipulating what they can to keep control. They want to make it difficult to find truth and foster free thinking. They fear the unification of people, so constantly create issues to keep us divided. Please take a moment and send some love and healing light out to the world.”All CATs {heart} Psychic Lynn.

  19. Looks like he was afraid to go back to work for a reason. [sigh]We'd look deeper into this, but like the last case we worked, law enforcement still tends to laugh at “psychic tips.” We recently saw exactly where some Bay Area gunmen were hiding and sent a satellite photo (and coordinates) to the police of exactly where the perpetrators were hiding… and got laughed at. They subsequently escaped. Luckily, another tip got them nabbed at the airport, but we're pretty tired of dealing with the Doubt Squad.Such a shame about Timothy. If he'd stepped forward publicly, this wouldn't have happened. We'll try asking him what he'd like us to do, now.~M6

  20. We didn't call him a coward. We were trying to get him to step up. Alas, he never saw our post. And it was hardly a rant.

  21. I had some INCREDIBLE visions of the complex-yet-simple nature of reality the night before and during the “RED WOMP” as I'll call it from the meter responses… I asked what I needed to know. I SAW the “filaments” of love/light that create the complexity of “IS-ness” that is the “universe” and beyond. “We” are each filaments of the Earth per se, as if each of us is a spark/CME ejected from her divine light. Our “choice” or free will as it has been called, is whether to ALIGN with our innate love/light vibration, or NOT. A spark without an ongoing energy ground/supply is going to fade eventually… i.e. “die”. Whereas a spark aligned with its energy gorund/supply can shine “indefinitely”, or live eternal. As/when we align with Earth's love/light, then we remain aligned with our infinitely spiraling filament ejection trajectory, remaining “grounded” in her love as we continually shine our uniqueness. Earth as a whole planet/consciousness is then a filament/spark of the Sun, so as we align with our Earth-love filament to shine our brightness we create a grounded/tether of multidimensional love/light with her. By her love/light becoming brighter, it creates a ground/tether of multidimensional love/light through us and back to the Sun. This aligns Earth with her own Sun-love filament since she begins shining brighter through us, and us through her. As more humans step into their light, it shifts Earth to be more in her love/light.The sun is a filament of the galaxy, etc…. etc… etc… continually stepping back towards SOURCE… like branches on a “tree of lightning”, connecting back to the trunk through their fractal nature. The “Event” is a “Flash” of all of these filament/alignments connecting strongly enough to maintain SOURCE love/light through them consecutively by and through us. WE CREATE THE EVENT! By BE-ing our own light, we are the ones “steering” Earth back to her brightness. WE are the conduits of SOURCE'S bi-directional, multidimensional love/light.GROUND to the Earth. Connect to the Sun/SOURCE. BE. Divinity. NOW. love/light

  22. Fair enough. It may have been me projecting, but I read it at the time as being sort of dismissive and mean spirited. There was also an implication that he was afraid because someone hurt his feelings and it seems like m6 said he have been afraid of a fair bit more than workplace cultural scorn.

  23. Lovely.Even more pronounced will be SOURCE light flooding into and throughout the entire omniversal, omnidimensional portal system — which is the real model of “Yggdrasil,” which is not just the “world tree,” it is the “tree of worlds” — with a near infinite number of planetary outlets spilling light into the void. There's a kicker there, too, but we can't say anything about it till after The Event. Remind us, afterward. It's even more amazing.~M2

  24. He was military, so we gave him tough-love. You have to play this game fearlessly. Alas, being fringe, our reach has limits. ~M6

  25. Thanks to All, when I sent out some healing and a motherly hugs/kisses to all (laced w/Lady Nada's pink Lioness Godess energy). I felt the energy/power has increased noticeably. Let,s keep spreading the Love. Blessing in Peace to All.

  26. When I was more connected I used to wake up and see writing or pictures or graffiti on my walls in the middle of the night, or my walls would simply look like the matrix (but blue, not green). Hasn’t happened much st all in the last few years but this morning a few times I woke and saw pinkish red on my closet doors and walls. Interesting. I’ve never seen red.

  27. This was definitely a hit. I think it was a big pharma/CDC coordinated event… these people are SO low vibe. He should've come out and been vocal about what he believed in. Maybe next time.~M3

  28. Btw, this is a must-read for regular readers of this blog. -CAT3

  29. I looked at this more closely. I get he was leaving a restaurant and the pharma/CDC stooges drugged him while in the restaurant to make him a little more compliant. They offed him after that.~M3

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