Your 5D Earth Help Desk

What some astronomy enthusiasts call “Steve” is actually… a “Love Dragon” (there are all different kinds).
Yes, it’s a special dragon just for all of us at this time. Pretty darn nice of them.

Hi. In a really remarkable personal session one of us had today, we learned for the first time that the 5d New Earth — 5th density earth, as opposed to the 4th density (4d NE) — will be open, for those going there, in the Spring of 2020. Another psychic (independent of the CATs) will be confirming this shortly. This is the first time we’ve had a date for this portion. This will of course happen AFTER The Event… we think. Some psychics see all of what’s happening as The Event, and they’re right of course, but we anticipate a “big” component to this… one of these days. Wish we knew. Revealing the unrevealed one millimeter at a time!

Oh, and this is happening right now:

Is it just us, or does this coronal hole look like someone’s scrawled “LOVE” on the sun?

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68 thoughts on “Your 5D Earth Help Desk

  1. On the subject of being bamboozled, my new hero is Bishop Michael Curry.His sermon at the royal wedding was historical!We salute you sir.Mark

  2. Indeed. I wonder if the Royals got to see the sermon beforehand. It was not entirely their style, ahem. ;)-CATof9

  3. Hello Everyone,Related to the Lisa Gawlas post mentioned above…Symptoms-wise update: Insomnia seems to becoming the new normal for me. I slept well on Wednesday and Saturday last week, but every other night, I simply lay very still all night till the Sun came up. I seem to be able to function at work, not too much insomnia-related head fog, although last Saturday, after three consecutive sleepless nights I felt my capacity for logical thinking, planning out a job or two then executing said plan was lacking. I slept like a log on Saturday night, but when my alarm went off at 7.30,7.40 and 7.50, I was deep in a dream about how 'we in the airforce like to take lsd, early on a Sunday morning. I seemed to return to my body enough to respond to my 5th alarm. My doctor has prescribed a sedative, and it seems to work most nights… Anyone else becoming intimate with insomnia?

  4. I watched bits of the wedding… the whole thing felt like propaganda. Like everything was intentional down to the minute details… just didn't feel genuine to me.~M3

  5. Btw, in this latest SpaceWeather segment, the site owner showcases an image of alleged “iron-eating bacteria” on a stream bank in Ohio. This seemed wrong to us, so we looked at it:, that rainbow sheen has a petroleum base to it. Not sure why this is “iron-eating bacteria” thing is being foisted, here. We've found lots of errors on the SpaceWeather site and have wondered if they're intentional. Interestingly, the owner of the photo later uses this iron excuse to bring up a Mars reference, which seems disingenuous; really rang an alarm bell. Bloggers and “journalists” and politicians and other apparatchiki need to realize that the earth population's incipient faculties are awakening, such that lies and half-truths and errors stick out to us more and more.-CAT Editors

  6. Here and there. At least half of the CATs (2/3rds?) wake up in the middle of the night due to the energy, then lay awake for an hour or two. Note that we recommend using herbal supplements for sleep in lieu of prescription sedatives, as the latter messes with Wave X reprogramming, and give you a drug hangover besides. We'll all get some relief shortly!-CAT Editors

  7. Btw, as long as we're pointing things out…It's not the “House of Windsor.” Windsor is a made-up name, created in WWI to make the British monarchy seem less German (because they were ALL-German). It's really the “House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.”

  8. While we're on the subject… we looked at Vlad the Impaler once upon a time (for Halloween, I think), and saw that his spirit had reincarnated… as Prince Philip! Yikes!Note that Psychic Lynn and Da-da looked at Queen Elizabeth II in an old Life Detective and saw in QEII's future life:”I get that she has lived very privileged lives, and in the next she’s faced with extreme poverty. I see her in Africa, very poor, malnourished and unhealthy. I hear that learning gratitude will be HUGE in her next lifetime.”~M2

  9. Hola desde España, me alegro ver gente despierta que fluye en la misma direccion. El enviar amor y visualizar la energia es clave. No dejeis de respirar, durante el proceso os atacan con pensamientos y energia toxica que os desvia de vuestro camino de desarrollo personal. Así como vienen esos pensamientos toxicos dejarlos ir…y esperar relajadamente volver a visualizar vuestra respiracion. Canalizar vuestra atencion constructivamente visualizando profundamente vuestra respiracion, la respiracion es la combustion de los chakras.He descubierto esta pagina, está lloviendo y ha caido un rayo justo al lado, nunca habia visto algo asi tan cerca, por eso os escribo, creo que hemos conectado de alguna forma.Cada vez somos mas, no lo vemos pero si lo sentimos, se llama conciencia universal, somos parte de todo, como todos los demás, solo que hemos despertado, aun hay esperanza para que despierten los demás.Gato314

  10. And a quick translation:”Hello from Spain, I'm glad to see people awake that flows in the same direction. Sending love and visualizing energy is key.Do not stop breathing, during the process they attack you with thoughts and toxic energy that deviates you from your path of personal development. Just as those toxic thoughts come, let them go … and wait relaxedly to re-visualize your breathing. Channel your attention constructively by deeply visualizing your breath, breathing is the combustion of the chakras.I discovered this page, it's raining and a lightning bolt has fallen right next to me, I've never seen anything so close, that's why I'm writing to you, I think we've connected in some way.Every time we are more, we do not see it but if we feel it, it is called universal consciousness, we are part of everything, like everyone else, only that we have awakened, there is still hope for others to wake up.”Hola, España! Algunos de los gatos son vascos españoles.-CAT Editors

  11. Non dimenticatevi degli Italiani! Per quello che vale, sono anche io dei vostri. Per la nostra amata Gaia!-Francis

  12. YESSSS!!!! Finally, confirmation of what my otherwise perfect vision eyes have been seeing.. Huge Pixels, sky is a giant screen, floating light orbs behind the clouds in the am just after sun up, ufo's literally all evening long in SF, many disguised as not so convincing planes of have forgotten that planes don't bounce or rapidly shift direction, and don't forget their FAA required red & green lights… the Matrix now looks very clearly like well, the Matrix!

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