18 thoughts on “For Those Who…

  1. Too funny. I tried to count out some change from my piggy bank this morning and it was “Huh?” It's like it was foreign to me. I had to count it 4 times because I kept loosing track. And, of course, there are those transient joint pains which almost render me unable to walk (until they disappear) Tallyho!

  2. It'll be interesting to see how this energy trend continues. Tomorrow could be big.-CAT5

  3. In the Year of the Cat….Al Green. I've heard it at least 3 times this week. It always prompts a blessing for all of you. I've spent countless hrs in sleepy meditation the last 2 days, choosing higher timelines and realities. Sending all who visit the cats Light and Peace♡

  4. Well, that's quite nice of you, thank you!-CAT Editors

  5. This explains the fatigue and headaches I've been feeling over the past few days… too much energy. I'm feeling quite groggy, still. Can someone stop the world? I wanna get off… x_x-Francis

  6. There was another timeline jump around 4:00 am PDT. And the Russian SR meter is down, or swamped. -CAT12

  7. Hey CATs & MsI think we are not in the same timeline. Yesterday despite a sleepless night I was very fine. Today though I feel “off”, kind of light-headed. Interestingly I think it started around 4:00 am PDT.Sen

  8. “look at all the kerfuffle! Either space ship Earth is shakin' to a new tune, or it must be wrong!””shut it down, Igor! Don't let the CATS see the proof!”

  9. Done. Not the greatest meditator, but I am an effective Reiki channel. Just sent the light pillar an hour and a half of my best light-love-power. Hope it helped! When I was done, the full moon was rising, so bright gold that it filled the clouds and the sky with light. A bright and beautiful night. Will send more Reiki shortly.

  10. Trying hard not to fall into the judgement current that's picking up speed, in terms of the cabal. Looks like things are about to pop.

  11. All of us pushed things that much closer, thanks to all who helped. Really groggy today. Almost stuck my head in a portal. Ug.~AM

  12. When you start feeling “judge-y,” remember this:1. We are all ONE spirit2. A part of us, that we call “the cabal,” has “done wrong” (or think they’ve done wrong, despite it being an illusion) for a long time, and they think that they will one day be punished for it3. The whole Trump thing is designed by ONE (who responds to the cabal's free-will requests) to PUNISH the cabal4. The cabal slowly loses power, in a way that is most excruciating for them, driving them insane5. They're eventually incarcerated, etc., and punished, and humilated6. But it’s the cabal itself, spiritually, who is punishing the cabal7. see #1.~AM

  13. Well folks… you did your jobs. We all rang in the NEW, if you know what I mean and I think you do. More on that, soon.~M5

  14. What a ride! Over the past week or so I have felt so much happening, aside from all the physical things, what has become so clear is the distance between me and many of the people that I used to be close with. We are in such different worlds and that is nothing new, but now it's so obvious. At the same time I feel more compassion and feel so connected to my heart, an inner happiness and strength. Living in the big city and perceiving such distinct energies of the different worlds: some days it's so dense and reckless everywhere. But the other energy from the cosmos, nature is just divine, so light and peaceful. I love it!Wishing you all a comfortable as possible, meaningful journey home!Nuni

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