Latest from Sophia Love

FYI, here’s the latest from Sophia Love. We would’ve just posted a link in the previous post’s comments… but we can’t seem to find one for this post. Anyway, this is veeeery interesting to those Event enthusiasts:


July 1, 2018
Is there someone who wants to connect?
Yes, Sophia. It is I. It is One.
Thank you for coming forward.
I reach you now at once again a critical moment. Not critical in a sense that death possibly approaches. No. Yet critical in a sense of vitally important. You, as an individual and you, as a race, approach soon your rapid expansion. What this looks like varies for each of you, yet what it feels like does not.
It is in the interpretation of the feeling, the emotional aspect, where differences are perceived.
You will hear the Event described vastly different by each of you and it is not a different happening but a different perception of a happening.
It is in these perceptions that you differ.
The observer effect holds true in every case.
The Event is a rapid switch or increase in frequency.
It will be felt viscerally.
I am getting visuals.
You would like to share them now?
I would, yes.
I saw/see at the same time, two women. One smiling with her arms outstretched and head thrown back. Her hands are moving. It is like she is waving it on or in or through her – I cannot see what she is responding to, only in her expression and action do I witness it.
The second woman looks ill, she huddles herself in blankets, pulls them around herself and the feeling that accompanies this is fear. She appears in darkness in my visual. This is in sharp contrast to the first woman, who was outside, her hair was blowing in the breeze.
That is what I saw.
What you witnessed describes/displays just two ways of the many that this Event will be experienced. Outdoors, indoors, standing, lying down, awake or asleep, it will be noticed. Whether or not you are cognizant of what it means when felt is a personal choice. Decisions in this regard have already been made.
For you are human and individuality of expression is your hallmark trait.
Your message is coming too fast to decipher now. Please adjust so that I can get this down. I am seeing DNA strands.
What happens for you as you experience this physical Ascension and what has been called “the Event” is that parts of your DNA previously unused will turn on.
These are things you may already notice.
I have been having many experiences of telepathy and sight beyond the usual 3D sight, these recent days.
With the completion of the Event, it is as if your unused component parts are invited to the party.
This doesn’t mean they will all show up.
It means that they have reached maturity in a sense and are now allowed to. 
Whether or not they participate in your current incarnation depends on your personal choice for evolution. These choices have been made.
They will not be un-made or changed, but instead they will be now evident for all to witness.
Each body holds equal capabilities. Each lifetime utilizes and learns from specific actions and choices.
What is imminent is the Event.
What gets played out now with the Event is your choice of Ascension process.
It is now for you to focus on your inner desires, dreams and beliefs. As the answers to your questions show up – believe them, regardless of their source. For you are entering a moment of magic.
It will last as long as you respond to its offerings and allow them to multiply.
Within them, YOU burst forth – YOU.
This is the physical representation of your actual signature. This takes time.
Imagine the upheaval if your world was transferred overnight into one with 8 billion Genuine Articles. The strangeness would overwhelm you all and what is a beautiful thing will become un-feasible to comprehend. This is chaos and not the plan.
No. Instead, the Event opens the door – extends the invite and each of you decide just how deep into the rabbit hole you want to go.
It is not a question of if you are able to. Instead it is a playing out of your decision about whether or not you want to.
Each of you will go just precisely where you’ve chosen and it is the one perfect place for your soul’s evolution. Trust every decision made from a base of joy.
Remain open to magic.
You’ve come up to that door and are about to live there.
This is what I wish to share with you now.
Thank you for coming forward.

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45 thoughts on “Latest from Sophia Love

  1. Beautiful. My most epic dream ever was of the event, three years ago (the sky opened like a curtain to reveal more planets). My dream started at a restaurant with my friend. Now the event has started, and this weekend I have plans to be in the same place as my dream, with the same friend, so personally for me, the times and markers are all there. V exciting.

  2. So, like Lisa's vision of [Yellowstone] exploding [after the 3d/4d split], we had to address her latest: “We have an earthquake coming. It will be an 8.5-9.5, when and where, I am not sure at all.“I see two places light up so I can't be sure about exact location. One is in the middle east, the second is the northern part of South America. It doesn't feel close though, timewise. These could very well be after the 3d/4d split.~M3

  3. Will the 3d people know some have moved to 4d, AFTER the event?

  4. We're not allowed to know… but we're guessing there will be both positive and negative spins on it.-CAT Editors

  5. I've read other accounts like this of The Event, where the “sky opens” and you can see the depths of space. Can't wait!-CAT5

  6. A bit more explanation… In some situations (like knowing when you're going to die), Spirit won't give us that information. That one's pretty obvious, but there's also the question of who's going to 3d vs 4d and Spirit won't say. We're also not getting any info on how 3d people will view things… but things change and open up all the time, so if we get an answer we'll tell you.Hardly anyone in the mentions it, but The Event has a similar vibe to what folks in my small town called, “The Rapture” back in the 70s and 80s. Frankly, the feeling will probably be RAPTUROUS, so…~M5

  7. Hi Cats,M's, is this 'event' another name for 'The Golden Age' or 'Satya Yuga'? Is it a repeating cycle that we have all lived before? The below linked article describes the “Golden Age' as i'd imagine the 4D to be.This all seems to be a continuation of the cycle though and this time i was hoping there would be an exit :)P.s when ever i've posted a link in the comments it never goes through,don't know why.

  8. @anonymousThe Rapture is in the Bible in a couple of places, and it sounds a lot like the Event. It sounds like there is no way to prepare for it, when it comes you have to take an instant leap into the unknown rather than to shrink back and think of material concerns.Matthew 24:40 – 41Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left.Luke 17: 31-35On that day no one who is on the housetop, with possessions inside, should go down to get them. Likewise, no one in the field should go back for anything. Remember Lot’s wife! Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it. I tell you, on that night two people will be in one bed; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding grain together; one will be taken and the other left.

  9. So for will the people staying on 3d still experience the Event? Also are you familiar with Simon Parkes? (He's very connected with Cats)

  10. Some of us felt a bit woozy around 2:00 pm PDT; nothing too terrible. We're also AGAIN under attack… this time by TWB drones. Lame, but relentless. (Don't worry, they don't really bother anyone else anymore. They're just not CAT people. ;)-CAT Editors

  11. Well… yes and no. The 4d earth will experience a “Golden Age” for a long period of time… but we don't know how long as we normally don't look that far out. As for the pattern… it's more like an upward, right-handed spiral that goes up and up, like a golden spring, rather than just 'round and 'round. And in terms of comments, note that google is messing with this site. You'd have to ask *them* why. (We tried but no one responded.)-CAT Editors

  12. We know *of* Simon, but he's not a CAT, nor is he affiliated. We like to keep ourselves separate and unaffiliated, so our results are clear and unbiased. As for 3d people experiencing The Event… it's hard to say, as everyone is different. All will experience it, but will they remember? Will they chalk it up to indigestion? A dream? Something they just imagined? Denial takes so any forms.-CAT6

  13. All of our vehicles carry small cakes and portable shields. And scratching posts.-CAT Editors

  14. We've seen that a quarter of the population will go to the New Earth. So, when you see the rainbow-fog-light (once it reaches you), breathe it in and LEAP!-CAT Editors

  15. Both Kiruna and Lycksele riometers show anomalies for that time.-CAT8

  16. Me, too. Only it was around 1:20 when I looked at the clock. Had a hard time sleeping after that. (of course that was after the neighborhood fireworks died down around midnight)

  17. There was also an energy spike at 4:44 pm PDT (23:44 UTC).-CAT12

  18. We're currently in a bumpy, RED WHOMP condition, energywise. Ow.-CAT5

  19. Thanks CAT12 – I was receiving quite the 'download' and when it completed I looked at the clock = 4:44 PM (PDT). Nice confirmation.PeaceBTW – Not sure if anyone else has noticed it (perhaps it's only new for me) but the Trees have been very chatty the past two (2) days. I LOVE Trees.XOXOXO

  20. We don't need solar detectors, we have CATs! There was indeed a CME around the time you were feeling things, with a G2 spike around 21:00, with echoes ongoing.

  21. Yes, indeed. A CME burst off in two directions at 20:15 UTC. Smallest wave is headed our way, to reach us… on the 7/10 UTC, or thereabouts. And thanks!-CAT8

  22. What is the population of earth? 7.8B? do you know of what some calls 'shadow people'?

  23. Trans-humanism is such a meme it's laughable. Barely two decades of smart phones and these tech nerds think they have it all figured out. Almost every consumer grade tech that has come out in recent years has been over hyped pathetic crapola that we have unfortunately been damaging our plant to make. It matters not, they will see the truth soon enough.

  24. Sat nite update approximately 8:30 PDT The most intense double rainbow formed to the SE while rays from the setting sun behind Mt. Higgins to the NW took place. This was while the literally dozens of hummingbirds were performing their acrobatics above the monarda and crocosmias. Transcendent!!! Incredible blessing!

  25. Oops! Make that Fri.nite update. I seem to have lost track of time and the date.(whatever those constructs are)

  26. Thank you for this link, CAT3. I found the insights incredibly interesting and was very appreciative of the depth of thought involved in the writing. Many times, articles have beguiling titles and/or intros and fail to provide any depth. Not so in this article. Thanks again.

  27. Seeing the truth is one thing. Acting on it is another. I'm seeing a sad amount of denial in so many. I hope The Event shakes some awake.~M5

  28. Seems David Wilcock finally figured out who he's been working for. Don't feel too badly, David: It's a big octopus. ~M6

  29. Is this coming from your psychic knowingness, M6? I still (warily) follow Wilcock, and see nothing to that effect in his latest article. Something about him has felt off to me for a while, though, and calamari influence wouldn't surprise me.

  30. I wouldn't call it an issue, really, but my solar plexus chakra has been very active. I can feel it spinning, to the point where it feels like it's shaking my body. It's more interesting than bothersome.

  31. The big main calamari are gone. Now there are just reptilians (who were terrified of the calamari). Interestingly, their cabal counterparts are terrified of the reptilians. As for Wilcock… his “intel” has been questionable for some time; his foray into the whole Antarctica thing was pure misdirection. There are indeed strange things in Antarctica, but they don't matter as much as The Event, not even close.'Psychic knowingness!' Sounds like something from “The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra”! Everything we post comes from the lost skeleton… er, our psychic knowingness… provided we have enough quarters for the machine. ;)~M6

  32. I see that all living things (including the 7.8 billion) have a life force tied to them which makes them real. Now that doesn't mean they are of a high vibration, but they are real.~M3

  33. Ha! I love that movie. There are… three?… sequels. The writer/director also has a really funny book out called, “Doc Armstrong: Suburb at the Edge of Never.”-CAT5

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