19 thoughts on “CAT Staff Editorial Meeting Minutes

  1. God So Loved the World…(He put you here) so, what's up..?

  2. Both need to take a Stress Relief Management course…not on company time, tho'…♥☺♥

  3. I saw a beautiful ring of pillars of light, that appeared like a crown with many points around the top half of Gaia during the meditation. It looked to be stabilizing her energetically :)They felt Hue-man on the ground, though friendly love from beyond connecting in and assisting,love/light

  4. It was actually nothing like that, we just thought it was a funny gif. Plus, some designers HATE the font “comic sans,” so… ROWR.-CAT6

  5. Something changed for the better over here, that much I know for sure. I deal mostly directly with energy and emotions, which makes it difficult to put into words. But everything feels relatively fresh and peaceful, hopeful even; like we peeled off a layer of icky energy collectively. I have a feeling this is where the real fun starts, where we go from linear to exponential. Makes sense too, we still have plenty left to deal with and not much time.~Sifoo

  6. I like to see how things are by communing with the trees in my neighborhood (my neighbors think I'm nuts), but the trees are *HAPPY* right now, like it's spring for them. (The non-deciduous trees, that is.) I CONNECT with them big-time as I walk past and it's like they wink at me, like they know something I don't. I think you're right, Sifoo. We're closer than we've ever been. Things are taking on a PERFECTION lately — in small ways, sure — but it's there, nonetheless; there, and growing. ~AM

  7. Cats are SOURCE's little furry reminders that the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics is alive and well and feisty.~AM

  8. Thanks to All, I feel the Life increase in the trees. I live in a small city, and the cats, ground hogs, etc are more aware. Peace.

  9. Yeah, I wondered about that, too. Perhaps subtle programming? My take is that Source doesn't impose conditions.

  10. The lights “inside my head” while open-minded laying in bed are getting SOOO bright. I continue to see the gold/purple ones in broad daylight with ease… though now a full-on, full-spectrum spotlight has been 'turning on' as I lay openly and empty. The secret to it is, allowing it to turn on while observing but not focusing on it – remaining OPEN and EMPTY. I am getting more proficient, since the light gets brighter and is on for longer, though I am still quite curious where/what/when/who I am/will be in that 'light' place. I believe it is/will be like riding a bike, such that once I can do it, it will be seamless. Ever. more. NOW. See yaw'll on the light side, if not sooner!love/light

  11. That's what I was thinking. Maybe if we get a sizeable majority, like 60%…-CAT8

  12. I was thinking about that too. Do you have any news Cats and Ms?

  13. If this is still relevant with all the things changing all the time, someone whose frequency sessions I follow, Jade-Yim Hom refers to the maharishi effect saying that a small number of people making a shift in their energy will create a shift in overall consciousness of the population. A few years ago with a population of about 7 billion, the number that would be required is the square root of 1% of 7 billion which is 8367. (her numbers, math is not my thing) If this is still relevant, isn't it amazing? I'm pretty sure we've by far reached that number already and more and more people are awakening continuously.BTW I don't think it's a matter of everyone or nothing happens. It would be like cutting out an essential part of someone's development process. You can't expect toddlers to be able to safely drive a car in public, they'll get there when they're ready. That being said, we're capable of more than we can imagine and how amazing would it be to just speed through some of this already?Nuni

  14. Actually, that square root thing makes perfect sense.And… the comment above the above comment… News? See the next post!-CAT Editors

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