"R" is for…

Ok, since we’ve already had too many posts this week, here’s one more. We’ll put this here and trust that those who need to find it will. It’s a serious one.

We’ve been concerned, of late, with the current… well, MESS… that everything’s in, even more so than usual. Please don’t panic, but we sense an actual revolution is brewing, esp. after the latest Alex Jones censorship thing. Note that Alex Jones works as *controlled* opposition, but the recent censorship feels like he went too far (shared a little too much truth) so the PTW shut him down. It’s increasingly alarming how the PTW are censoring conservatives yet the alt-left can do and say what they want. This has become a cause for concern, as a revolution could be coming sooner rather than later. People have grown sick of the MSM lies and the unapologetic control of social media (it’s like they don’t care what happens), not to mention lying and sidestepping the huge mountain of past PTW  transgressions. We know it’s all an illusion, but we still have to negotiate it.

Stream: Hi, Rock! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi!
Rock: Is someone talking?

So, what should we do in the meantime? Be the rock in the flow. Get your Zen on.

People should meditate and send out love and healing light. Another important thing is to focus on your own inner peace and letting go of negativity. When the time comes you don’t want to be weighed down with low vibes. Don’t actively try to stop the revolution, just let the stream flow around you. Many times good things happen from a major change, so… revolution may be necessary for the 3d world to move on. Allow things to happen as they must, and focus on yourself and those around you. But note that things might get bumpier than they were. And you might get your paws wet.

Paws wet! No like wet paws. WET! PAWS!

We bring this up as we saw The Event happening *in the midst of revolution* (though the revolution we saw was mild as revolutions go). Anyway, watch your step. Peace will return, along with SOURCE; peace is SOURCE’s natural state. Fall is coming, and it’s going to be a good one.

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24 thoughts on “"R" is for…

  1. Latest from Diane Canfield:https://www.dianecanfield.com/how-to-advance-with-ascension-symptoms-this-gateway-brings-new-moon-last-eclipse-of-the-eclipse-corridor/============================================ASCENSION/RAISING CONSCIOUSNESS SYMPTOMS:Not Sleeping Well/Interrupted Sleep ~~ This manifests as even though being dead tired we can not sleep. When we do sleep we may be up awake after 3 hours and up for a few hours before going back to sleep again.Crazy/Bad Dreams ~~ Dreams have been crazy the last few nights seeming surreal and bizarre. Its a pleasure to wake up from these crazy dreams of action packed chaos.Feeling Not Fully in This World ~~ A feeling of not being fully connected to this world and needing grounding. A feeling of not belonging in this world. I advise to start grounding more for this eclipse/new moon and being sure you are fully grounded for the next week.Relationship Issues ~~ Relationship issues have been an ongoing theme for the entire Eclipse Corridor. You may now start to see hidden aspects of your partner you did not see before. There have been many break ups during this time. I advise to wait until after this corridor is done, after a week or so and then revisit the relationship and see how you feel. Energy is heightened and this supplies us with hidden aspects of our partner, yet when things calm down we may not feel the same way. Relationship issues will continue as more awaken to the Truth.A Strong Desire for Others to Awaken ~~ You may be feeling a SUPER strong desire for all others to awaken. This will only grow more intense as more light comes into your being. The best thing to do is to make sure your own conditioning, programming and illusions are all being dealt with on a continuing basis.Constantly Wondering What CATs are Doing ~~ The desire to KNOW what CATs are doing will become an excruciating Mahabharata of feline anticipation…=========================Hee hee.-CAT10

  2. When you say: “We bring this up as we saw The Event happening *in the midst of revolution* (though the revolution we saw was mild as revolutions go).” Some would argue that we are already in a revolution as part of the population is in different stages of an “open revolt” against the other part. In addition, revolutions are transformative at different levels, and it would be difficult to deny that it is where we are. If so, The Event could happen anytime.

  3. True. We just saw said revolution… well… with more *action* taking place by the non-cabal side. Serious action. But you're right, we're very close to it.-CAT Editors

  4. Hahaha, oh wow. ALL of these fit me to a T. Especially the “constantly wondering what CATs are doing” bit! And it's been going on for quite a while… is the Event here yet, dear brothers?-Francis

  5. Wow I felt this too and after my comment about what the disunity comment meant one of you replied some things you’d know when you’d know and that sure was the case wow started following for the visualization meditation stuff and just now being informed of the whole other mess behind why we need to do it lol which is insane the whole thing almost unbelievable and why those who know will just know or find it cuz words can’t truly express it. Thanks again for your time and effort here helping many !

  6. That's why my energies are directed towards this magnificent garden that I have had the immense joy in co-creating. From this place flows forth great peace and healing. Also why my mantra has always been “Plant more trees” In peace and joy. p.s. This evening I feel less like a puddle of grease. We're nearly there!

  7. Ha!Told you it happens in the fall ;)Mark (tired of being sometimes right, but mostly tired.)

  8. Wow. Several of us had computers act strangely just now, the screen breaking up into rectangular blocks, requiring restart. We just had a timeline jump at 12:18 PDT! Weird “head issues” prior to that, feeling like we were going to stroke out. Lots of heart palpatations yesterday.-CAT11

  9. FYI: Da-da supplied the images. The M's wrote the text.-CAT2

  10. My weird head issue (well, weirder than usual) happened when I woke up this morning. With my eyes closed, it felt like the contents of my head were being shaken like water in a flask. Even had a visual of bits of paper being tossed around in water. Opened my eyes and the sensation faded, closed them and it came back, along with the same visual. Energy surges, loud ear ringing, weird dreams, moments of pure joy, and exhaustion are never far away these days. I'm okay with it; just glad to have evidence that I seem to be on the same ride as the rest of y'all! By the way, thank you for this post. You CATS give me hope that things will be made right. Meanwhile, I excel at being a rock….

  11. my laptop went dead, needing factory reset (back to Win 8 now), sat TV was showing no signal but weather was clear. all this within a span of an hour around 20hrs back

  12. My computer and DVD player would not work till i did a cold reboot; had to unplug them. And today I noticed that I have TWO identical DVDs when there was only one before! (Of old “Mission: Impossible” reruns from the '60s, of all things.)-CAT12

  13. zippy-zap, timeline jumppping today! I can feel the waves of change SO STRONGLY right now… That final eclipse yesterday really 'brought to light' and viscerally, manifested physically, some huge signs of change and shift in my/my family's life. I focus on love/light SOURCE. I am the rock.. made out of LIGHT WAVES!

  14. Been having psychic phenomena happening again. Spirit is close. Doors have opened when they were firmly shut. Bedsheets have been thrown around, this happened before. I do not sense danger, I beleive it may be the Faerie realm communicating, I catch small folk running around in my periphery, little so and so's!Also massive mandela shock for me recently. Countries on a world map were in different locations. Africa specifically is now a lot higher up than I thought I knew, to the point I was arguing about it :-(Thanks for the updates everyone.Mark

  15. you lovely felines are spot on. i too, for months, have felt the chaos of the great awakening will just come to an end ~ the event energy, final blast, whatever you want to call it, comes during the midst of the chaos. i had a visual of a stage, people playing out their roles. lots of confusion, chaos, etc when suddenly the lights come on and people stop. any behavior of power over, of rage and fear ceases to exist (literally – the ability to play out such a role is not supported energetically) and many of us if not all to varying degrees looks around in confusion and remembers this is all a game and we all in some way got lost (influenced greatly too of course) in playing. then like finishing up a movie, we all go home (where we are aligned w/in frequency) ~ to fully create with full awareness, full freedom.

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