It’s Colonel Petrov Day!

Yay, it’s Colonel Petrov Day! Who is Col. Petrov, you ask? He’s your basic hero. A real one. This man saved your borscht by acting on a hunch. Read on.

37 years ago today, Col. Petrov was hunkered in the bunker, the lone officer in charge of the former Soviet Union’s ICBM Early Warning System for a given sector. On that day, said system (rigged by the ca8al) suddenly alarmed and showed five American ICBMs inbound; rather than commit his missiles to a retaliatory strike — and begin the destruction of Planet Earth — Col. Petrov had a “funny feeling” (he told the WashPost back in ’99) that something wasn’t quite right. Needless to say, it was just a false-positive computer glitch, and Col. Petrov did NOT launch his missiles, and by failing to do so he saved the world from nuclear annihilation (and boy did he get in trouble)… and THAT is why today is Col. Petrov Day, living proof that you don’t need gigantic superhero muscles or claws to save the world. Alas, no one can save you from these run-on-sentences. (And yes, this was a ca8al attempt to kill all of us.)

Spiced pumpkin bread for everyone! Or failing that, pumpkin blancmange. Heroes LOVE pumpkin blancmange.

Photo B. The Pumpkin Blancmange

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55 thoughts on “It’s Colonel Petrov Day!

  1. I hope this intelligent man wasn’t punished for saving the world.

    1. iirc he both got in trouble and didn’t get in trouble. it sort of ended his career, but he was also heralded as a hero, but in a way that was meant to minimize public awareness of the embarrassment of such a catastrophic failure of a critical system coupled with concern about what what effect publicizing and celebrating a direct violation of orders might have on the public view of the soviet military and the behavior of officer’s in the rest of the system.

      if someone with better research wants to chime in they can feel free, but I seem to recall his career was more or less terminated, he was acknowledged as having done a good thing with as little fanfare as possible and he remained eligible for his military pension and other stuff like that and was able to live and retire comfortably without any shame or disgrace. please let me know if I’m hugely off base with this recollection if anyone knows better.

  2. 3D sure could use a bunch of Petrovs moving forward…

    Yesterday my skull started expanding, I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what it’s doing. Going to look hilarious as my head was already plenty big enough and the rest of my body seems to be getting slimmer and slimmer.

    I’m reminded of the later drawings of Akhenaten and his family, that’s what it feels like…


      1. 🙂 Just what I needed, another chocolate mustache.


  3. Thank you Mr Petrov!

    Good job he was wide awake. I’ve literally been dropping in and out of sleep the past week all the time.

    Woke up last night with teeth and face pains only to see a massive download taking place in my third eye.

    Hurry dear plasma…



    You were given heads up a few weeks back UPDATE
    Update from Rick Jewers… 24th Sept

    You were given heads up a few weeks back that for some of You, a duplicate of You would be left behind on a lower timeline, as YOU Ascended further. Where many of You are fluctuating on both of these timelines, it is IMPORTANT for You to NOT interfere with the lower timeline that it may feel You are losing Your identity on. THIS IS THE SEPARATION, INNERSTAND WHAT IS HAPPENING. Certain aspects of You will be rearranged on the lower timelines You are leaving, accept that and try not to interfere with that process at ALL.

    Your Children for the most part, are coming with You and many NEW friends, You WILL notice the difference in the demeanor and actions in the immediate family that comes with You, their consciousness will be higher. YOU ARE STEPPING INTO ONE OF THE NEW REALITIES YOU HAVE CREATED. You do NOT stop there, You keep evolving to higher levels.

    You ARE affecting anything electrical because Your electric vibration has increased AND because You are fluctuating on more than one timeline, where things are different on each timeline, ex; some items are on on a timeline, where they are turned off on another. REMEMBER, You are NO LONGER restricted to ONE place in time/space. This is time for GREAT JOY for You, KNOW that it is happening.that for some of You, a duplicate of You would be left behind on a lower timeline, as YOU Ascended further. Where many of You are fluctuating on both of these timelines, it is IMPORTANT for You to NOT interfere with the lower timeline that it may feel You are losing Your identity on. THIS IS THE SEPARATION, INNERSTAND WHAT IS HAPPENING. Certain aspects of You will be rearranged on the lower timelines You are leaving, accept that and try not to interfere with that process at ALL.

    Your Children for the most part, are coming with You and many NEW friends, You WILL notice the difference in the demeanor and actions in the immediate family that comes with You, their consciousness will be higher. YOU ARE STEPPING INTO ONE OF THE NEW REALITIES YOU HAVE CREATED. You do NOT stop there, You keep evolving to higher levels.

    You ARE affecting anything electrical because Your electric vibration has increased AND because You are fluctuating on more than one timeline, where things are different on each timeline, ex; some items are on on a timeline, where they are turned off on another. REMEMBER, You are NO LONGER restricted to ONE place in time/space. This is time for GREAT JOY for You, KNOW that it is happening.

      1. Is it strange to say that, deep down, I perceived this was the case all along? *Something* has to be done in the lower timelines we leave behind in order not to disrupt the whole Omni-process going on… who we see in these newer levels are basically higher-vibration versions of the people we already know! I’m glad what I felt from my meditations and intuitions was proven right again.

        Again, sorry for the weirdness, but my brain operates at 70% heart and 200% intuition at this point… I take whatever I’m given by my Higher Self here. Which is probably the whole reason why I even found this blog. LOL

        1. We still don’t understand how this works. Some of us, as spirits, are capable of living — at the same time — on multiple levels, and in multiple timelines. This is for the more advanced of us (not us as in CATs, the generic us). And… we’re with you. We learn from each other… while having a really good piece of cherry pie and coffee at the Double R.

          -CAT Eds

    1. You know… this seems right. Everyone try meditating (an m-quickie) and I bet you can feel it happening. .. unless it already happeend for you. I felt it just before 9:00 am PDT. This goes with today’s Kiruna graph and the water feeling lighter. I hope the lower me mows the lawn.


      1. Yikes. So is the me reading this an unaware duplicate that thinks she’s been left behind, or have I really been left behind?! Either way, me is pooped today and wishes someone else would mow the damn lawn….

        1. Ah, that’s my question, too: Who was left behind – my present self (typing this) or a duplicate? How do I know?

          1. It doesn’t matter. That doesn’t ring entirely true for us, at least not in the way people are thinking. There really is no “left behind.” If you stay on 3D, it’s because you agreed to — to help. 3D needs a LOT of help. While it may seem like a life sentence, those hanging back to help will be cutting SO MUCH TIME out of their climbs to SOURCE. A ridiculous amount of time cut out. So that you might only have a lifetime or two left before you get to go back to SOURCE, or join the Universals. It’s not a punishment: it’s a gynomous opportunity. You get zillions of lifetimes to learn and grow. This is just one. And whatever you do, folks: don’t take the easy way out (suicide). This is the absolute worst thing you can do. (I’m saying this to everyone, Antonia).


          2. Oops … M2 <3
            I can now better focus on what I feel I have to do …

    2. Cats, you’re complaining about the message or formatting ? I thought I posted it correctly , until I saw how it appeared …

      1. Formatting. WP is occasionally glitchy and we’re trying to figure out if it’s us or them. We seem to be getting hacked a lot, esp when we cover anything re: NASA.

        -CAT Eds

    3. Hopefully this has been an improved iteration for most. The only thing lacking for my family is the absence of my son Jericho. He’ll be our rally point forever and ever in loving memory.

      1. That which is Love NEVER dies.

        Ok… wait. Ok. I see this boy waving and jumping up and down. Jericho says hi! Damn, this made my eyes get all leaky.


  5. In case anyone missed the latest GaiaPortal:


    Processionals carry the joy of New Paradigm followers.

    Entrances are made by those on The Path.

    Flags are unfurled.

    Heavens open.

    The Light has succeeded.


    -CAT Eds.

  6. (rigged by the cabal, we’ve recently learned) recently??
    Sei desde que soube da história, mas pensava em et…
    I know since I heard the story, but I was thinking of et…

    1. Good catch. This is actually a re-tread story Da-da said we could use form his site… from… five years ago? I’ve since edited that, thanks for the heads-up.

      -CAT Eds.

  7. It wasn’t all bad, eventually Col. Petrov got to meet his hero, Kevin Costner. No joke, there’s a documentary about the whole euhm event.

  8. Hi CATS and M’s,
    I have some questions about reincarnation that I’d love to get your views on please. 
    Up until recently I used to view reincarnation as something that was about learning, about experiencing all facets of humanity and duality, so to eventually remember who we are and see ourselves as part of source and as one.

    I honored the concept of reincarnation and saw it as the soul regarding all those (often crazy intense and cruel) things we went through life after life as neutral learning experiences, while our human part often suffered a lot.

    Then, I recall it was on Lynn’s blog I read that reincarnation was basically a trick to keep us in the same loop, restricted in 3D rather than ascending to higher realities.
    This changed my perception about it a lot.

    I’ve always been interested in understanding the reason why we experience / manifest certain things in life.
    I believed that once I understood the lesson, the programming, then it will dissolve, as my soul has learnt what it was about, can now let go of that and move on.

    Today I suddenly felt that I don’t connect to that anymore. At this point for me it doesn’t matter what the lesson was about of something that I had been carrying around from 431 life times ago
    or in my ancestral line or whatever. It’s in the past, it doesn’t exist anymore. That part has separated now and we’ve moved into the new. It’s about experiencing things on such different levels now.

    1.What’s your take on reincarnation?

    2.When you clean up old programs, traumas etc. throughout all your existence here as a soul through something like Spiritual Response Therapy, does it matter if;

    a. You are assisted by someone who knows the technique (their higher self connects with yours) and they don’t discuss with you what they cleaned, so which live(s), experiences, karmas it was related to. 
    All you experience is that those things have now left your system and have been updated in your Akashic records.

    b. Same as above, but they tell you what has been cleaned, so that you understand what certain things were related to.

    c. You learn this technique yourself and clean it for yourself, including getting the insights of where it came from.

    Is there a difference as to the value for our souls between the 3 scenarios?

    Many, many thanks for looking into this!


    1. 1. Reincarnation exists. Each lifetime exists as a classroom for some thing you need to learn, on a spiral up and up until you get to SOURCE… then you go Home.

      2. You clean all this up in your in-between life. If you’re really messed up, you go to a special place (outside of even the in-between life) where all your booboos and mental wackiness are healed. (Note: George Bush Sr. will be in this place for over 200 years, in deep therapy.)

      a-b-c. You are assisted by a whole team of someones and you work all that out in your in-between life. The higher developed you are, the more opportuities you have.

      -CAT Eds

      1. I am aware that we incarnate, what I mean is for many of us who are ascending bas this now become an outdated concept as a way of learning lessons in order to get to source? How do you view the loop thing where once we pass we are shown two lights, but are “tricked” to go into the one that keeps us in the 3D reality rather than evolving to a higher dimension? I’ll try and find that article on Lynn’s site and post it here.

        2. Interesting. But if we clean this up in our in between lives, wouldn’t we be born with a clean reset? Yet most people have some imprints whether positive or negative from previous lives. And often we repeat the same situations until we get the point. So that must be related to what we clean up and learn during a life (as opposed to just the in between life) right?

        1. Well… if you were a first-time incarnation from SOURCE (like Brother J), you would have no karma. You are encouraged to come back in order to grow. And imprints are only for advanced beings here to do a specific job; they’re rarer than people think. You have free will. You don’t have to do anything at all. But when you SEE SOURCE, you’ll change your mind. It’s the same with everybody. SOURCE is the Ultimate Mystery, the Ultimate Puzzle. Once you see It… you’re hooked. You wantto learn more. Learning means more lifetimes. Think of it as a challenge, not a prison.


          1. Thank you for the explanation AM. Fascinating journeys indeed.


      2. I can’t agree. Two types of sin. Against the soul, against the flesh. We are more than flesh so toss out karma. Soul sins are what the fallen did.
        Karma and reincarnation trap the soul into this prison.
        Ya, do you remember when you did that, well you get to do it again. Oh btw your flesh is weak and it will lead you to that sin again only we won’t let you remember what that sin was.
        That’s not how I parented my kids. Reincarnation is a trap.
        Terribly sorry to be so outspoken and I mean no harm, just my opinion.

        1. Sorry, we should have said: You don’t have to reincarnate if you don’t want to. You have free will. However, you’re going to get bored. Forever is a long time to do absolutely nothing. There is no “flesh.” You are pure Spirit having a dream that you’re in a body. There is no “sin.” You are perfect, Immortal Spirit, whole and innocent. All is forgiven and released.

          Reincarnation is not a trap… because you don’t have to do it. You can do something else, but you won’t get closer to SOURCE very quickly by basically being the in-between life version of a civil servant. Karma is not a trap: It’s correction.

          Ours is not an opinion. It’s what Guides say.


          1. That’s why I think of this existence as more like a ‘career’ (a purpose) plus it’s nice experiencing the mysteries of life again. Afterwards I take a few thousand year vacation and then come back (reincarnate) for those incremental improvements. We’ll be improving forever and ever.

    2. I occasionally work with past life regression, parallel lifetimes and future life progression and have extensive experience with myself and others. It’s much more diverse than you thought and described. I’d like to answer your question, but if I do it here, it will take more space and everybody’s attention for a single post than appropriate. I would therefore recommend you get a hold of Dolores Cannon books (to begin with) and read them all (it’s only 5 books). They basically contain multiple reports of her clients Higher Selves, Collective Soul and other sources that became available and clarified that which was later verified by other clients and practitioners. For now I can only give the following example in response to your question. A current or past life may be a lesson for one being, a cover up for sth very more profound (like a research/report) for another, and experiment for yet another Being, an important mission for someone else (that they may have chosen or may not have chosen themselves but gave their approval for the choice). Some may have karma bound life, some may not have any karma at all yet they may have heavy stuff going on but for entirely different reasons. Yes, incarnation is a trap, yet it can be used in a very different manner and entirely different purpose by others.
      This planet is a zoo of various species, it’s not at all homogeneous (although it appears that way for a non-penetrative eye). The fact that all wear the same uniform, i.e., biological/human form outfit here does not imply that behind this outfit is only one and the same species with the same level of awareness and well… other options, and let’s leave it here for now. In other words, the computer models may look the same, but the users are very different and some are connected to a completely different internet. I hope it gave you some orientation.

      As for the therapy, same story, there is no one answer, it depends on the individual situation. However, as a rule, if you want a permanent change, YOU must be the one who makes a new choice FOR YOU to change things for the better AND if it’s REALLY YOUR TRUE choice, you’ll be committed to bring it to fruition. It must be your intention, not somebody else’s. If you are not fully aware of what exactly you are intending/choosing (‘coz someone else is choosing/deciding sth for you), the therapy will have a temporary effect at best, but usually none. Also, your Higher Self and your subconscious mind must be in agreement that it’s the right moment for you to change these particular things. Maybe you first need to change sth else before you change the issue in question as the issue you are having may be there for a specific something else. The energy worker/therapist may be able to remove some unwanted/chaotic/toxic energy but it will come back as long as your previously made toxic choice remains unchanged/unaddressed. As the Jungle Book cartoon tells us, “You can take the boy out of the Jungle but can you take the Jungle out of the boy?” I guess that’s enough for one post.)

      1. Yes, this is a big question people have written several books about. Dolores is the best person to reference, IMO. It’s also a question one could spend a lifetime answering; that’s what we’re STILL doing.


      2. Anonymous: thank you so much for your detailed explanation, I truly appreciate the effort you put into helping me understand more about this all.

        I love the Dolores Cannon recommendation and am very curious about her books.


  9. So correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Jane Fonda die a while back? If so, why did I think I saw a magazine cover at the checkout counter with headlines something like Jane Fonda at 80. Huh? WTheck! Timeline shift big time!

    1. I checked and none of us are (were?) on the ‘dead Jane Fonda’ timeline. Welcome! Elvis is both dead and alive here — oh, and he’s a triplet, apparently.


    2. Wow. I think I heard about her death some years ago too.


  10. Someone mentioned inexplicable burning sensation on their skin in a recent comment section (not this one), here is the excerpt from an article for everyone’s consideration.

    “…Note that 4G operates at 2.5 GHz or oscillates about 2.5 billion times per second. This frequency mimics water molecules in your body, and was chosen specifically for broadcasting services and equipment under government license. This means that all company products must meet this frequency or be deemed illegal. For what purpose is matching the human body’s frequency, you may ask, other than for weaponization? Good question. The higher frequencies of 5G – 100 GHz and beyond – will use small-scale wireless refrigerator-sized boxes, placed in front of every 2-10 homes on every street, in every city. As you watch the latest Hollywood flick, you will bask, unaware, in microwave emissions that oscillate at the same rate as your blood and oxygen molecules. These frequencies can cause BURNING SENSATIONS ON YOUR SKIN, impact fertility, as well as alter the electrochemical waves of your brain to affect consciousness.”

    The full article is here:

    I recommend disassembling mobile for the night or using a Faraday Box.

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