Wearing the WayShower Hat: It’s Fun!


For those who are “WayShowers,” that is, showing the way (you know who you are) for others to follow in terms of The Event and what’s really happening in the world, you’re basically wearing what we call the WayShower Hat. There’s one on every block… er, hemisphere. Soon to be more!

There are a lot of people waking up, and they need help. That’s where you come in.  The WayShower deserves a ton of credit and respect (we’re not saying this for ourselves). If you’re reading this, chances are you’re on your way to being the WayShower Hat Wearer (WHW) for your family. It’s rewarding… eventually.


And YES, we’re speaking metaphorically. It’s not an actual hat… or is it??

I will destroy U.

Anyway, if you wear the hat, you’re gonna get SO MUCH LOVE…eventually. Soon, by the things we’re seeing. Seriously, once your LIGHT is on, and you’re needed, people will find you, hat or no hat.

Get this $##%#@ thing off me.

And… come on… CATs LOVE hats!

Come closer.

Of course, you have to know how to wear the WayShower Hat properly…


…and wear it with the right attitude!




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64 thoughts on “Wearing the WayShower Hat: It’s Fun!

  1. HA!! I LOVE CATS WITH HATS. During the 2016 election cycle I received a PM from my (then) favorite cousin who hit me with the “please stop posting all this stuff on Facebook; you’re really dragging down the energy here” ROFL I haven’t spoken to her since. Her eyes are glued shut with super glue … but I still love her. Meow!!

  2. Aww, how wonderful. I have to change my hat slightly depending who I am speaking to. There are many ways of saying things and many different people and also many types of hat 🙂 xxx

  3. This resonates with me. My mother is opening up to my words BIG time (Her having my same level of Reiki might help with that!) and my relationships with my father and friends has been steadily improving. Even my Reiki teacher was flabbergasted by a few things I’ve been telling him about the dualistic nature of this density and whatnot, he seems quite proud.

    I don’t know… I’m just sensing more basic respect and recognition than I used to get, and it’s sort of freaking me out!

  4. It is not possible for me to wake anyone up in my job/industry – I just want to do what I do & others can evolve at their own speed.

    My partner is not “boots all-in”, but he has “come quite far” in the years I have known him.

    Mum – she’s choosing to vibrate at her own frequency.

    As we Australians say “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink”. (or, “shove the horse’s head under the water in frustration at the stupidity of the horse [not drinking when it is thirsty] & getting sprayed with water is going to drench you in water from the drinking-trough”)

    CATS & M’s – what is happening here please – c8b8l last-gasp??
    Now the police want your passwords – and you could be fined $60,000 or put in prison for five years if you refuse
    Yes, I do know this is 3D-bullsheet, but, SOURCE, could you please be so kind as to wash away all this negative energy? Thankyou & with gratitude.

    I just want to be around positive Entities, not soul-sucking Entities.


    1. Ok, acknowledge that this insane gov is running this experiment now, acknowledge what you feel about it, let go of any presence and remains of all your states of victimhood, and also acknowledge that this lunatic agenda goes against any divine goodness and common sense and your personal ethical standards. Then announce/declare to every part of your personal universe as well as to the collective consciousness that as a citizen of this planet you disagree with this crazy agenda and refuse to support it with you love-light energy AND INSTEAD OF THIS nightmare you choose …(this: name & see/feel clearly whatever you prefer in the place of this nightmare)…. and …..(that)…. taking place on this planet: in Australia, in your personal universe and in the world. Then with deep love towards yourself, the present and future of this planet and the collective heart put this (desirable and chosen by you) healthy and wholesome image/outcome into the collective consciousness with joy, affirmation and inspiration- in the place of the toxic image of in this case – violation of basic human freedom and passive acceptance of this absurdity by the majority of the local population. Italians for instance got together and in the end cancelled implementation of mandatory vaccination for their kids while the majority of Australians accepted it, so there you go, the PTW there took the next step into the same direction. Get creative and powerful in your innate human and divine right to vibrate what is higher and more wholesome into the collective consciousness and your own life. Your vibratory contribution is felt by the collective and so it matters b/c it changes the rate and direction of the collective vibration.

    2. To serve and protect, and no one bothered to ask who.
      It will get worse for a while, in a desperate last push to balance the incoming energy. They’re challenging Source, it was doomed to fail from the start. At least we’re not in their shoes, that’s something to be grateful for.


    3. It’s stuff like this that makes me think “I am NOT coming back here ever again”
      Maybe he perspective is different from the other side..

      Either way, I forgot my password, officer.

  5. O-o-o, how many kitties with crocheted hats!
    I am thinking not so much of my family (they walk their path, some think like me, others are differently-minded), but of some friends and acquaintances who have suddenly taken an interest in esoteric stuff, ask cute questions, and want to know more about life, the universe and everything … 🙂 And they learn fast!

  6. Thank you for mentioning the timeline jump effect on electronics. I was trying to make an appointment this morning, and I couldn’t seem to make a call. I would dial out, it would ring, but as soon as someone would answer, the phone would disconnect the call. At first I thought this person was hanging up on me. It wasn’t just with one number, I tried several. Even the bank’s automated number was hanging up. Restarting my phone finally fixed the problem. For a short time though it felt as if the universe didn’t want me to make a phone call. So odd. Sometimes I interfere with radio signals if I get too close to the radio, but haven’t noticed any of that with cell phones.
    Love you all <3

    1. It even happens right in the middle of blog posts, so we keep having to save everything locally and repost. Between that and our special PTW troll friends (who like to do denial-of-service attacks constantly) we’re having a ton of fun! (They especially like it when you sleuth out their addresses and flood them with messages about things they’re doing right at that minute. Paranoia will destroy ya.)


      1. Yes! Thank you CATof9, I love how you all handle the creepy PTW types! Hopefully they will take the hint, see the light and turn to Source.
        Love you all <3

  7. I’ve spent my whole life trying to awaken people.

    Everyone knows me as the weirdo now. Fortunately there’s enough info on the internet, if they can be bothered to look. If I sound cynical, it’s because I’m tired of being laughed at.

    When the big, shiny cloud kicks their collective ass, they know where to find me…although by then, I’ll probably be away with the Faeries, literally!


    1. Oh, rusirius44, you can’t wake them unless/until they want to,
      It’s like doing someone good they don’t want … you get punished!

      1. It reminds me of a joke about two social workers who while having a nice walk were mugged by three hooligans. As the robbers darted away across the street with the social workers purses the social workers ran after the hooligans yelling on their way: “Stop these men immediately, they desperately need our help!”

  8. I have a question, not related to hats or wigs although I have just ordered a long plum wig for fun!

    Are you lovely people vegan?

    I have read so many different trains of thought. Whenever I try to go vegan, I last a few days then get quite ill. Consciously I do not want to eat animals but my body seems to be on a different train!!!

    Would love to know your thoughts 🙂 xxx

    1. Some are — and some are moving more in that direction in small ways. Oddly, most of the M’s are meat eaters, and more than half the CATs. We tired vegan and other forms of vegetarianism, but we had the same reaction as you. When we do eat meat, we thank the animals profusely for their sacrifice for us, and we imagine petting them and giving them the affection they probably never had — and promise that next time they will be part of a new ecosystem. We REALLY miss fish, but it’s just too polluted now. We look forward to thanking lots of fish on the New Earth!


      1. Thank you, that makes sense, so not good feeling guilt! I will continue doing what I need to do and will always source organic/high welfare….

        It’s getting bit tiring (aside from the lovely ascension symptoms) having mind fog from too many lentils and rice!

        Huge sigh of relief pheeeew!

        I did always wonder as cats are carnivores but also high frequency?

        Love and light 🙂 xxx

      2. We need to understand/accept that we live in a ‘construct’ where life eats life, your food will always be a life in some way, be it animal life or plant life. so an egg and a plant seed are same, animal milk and fruit juice are same, a fish and a wheat plant is the same.

        All we have to do is understand this and be compassionate and thankful for the other life form for sustaining us. This is what Mohammad wanted his people to understand and PTB perverted this concept into what we know today as ‘halal’.

        1. Well… it’s actually ALL an illusion, a 3D simulation, with actual spirits within the ghost machine. The sun is our holographic projector. Sounds bizarre, but it’s true.


          1. agreed, ALL is a a game ,illusion ,simulation or a construct, whatever you want to call it. we are in 3d simulation going into 4d/5d simulation, then 6d/7d and so on…

            our sun is holographic projector for this 3d/4d , it connects back to central sun, which connects back to multiple more central suns.

            Finally you reach a point where everything began , began and end means time , which is an illusion , space is an illusion. so in a nutshell “All is here and now, in no space’ . everything else is perspective/illusion.

            1. I wish people would stop saying “central sun.” That’s a Cobra-ism. The core of the galaxy is actually a supermassive black hole (that’s hollow! I still don’t understand that; we once saw a huge being imprisoned there, once; rather frightening, but one of the Wave X waves erased all the truly dark things, along with the Dark Universe — good riddance). Sure, the black hole is an illusion, but in the illusion you play by the illusion’s rules; it’s a gynomous black hole with specific rules. Our sun has exactly the same function as every other sun near every single planet — in the omniverse. This is how Spirits and Universals can go anywhere just by thinking about it, because it’s just this infinitely complex system run by… well, SOURCE’s Brain, if you will, which is technically Our Group Memory of SOURCE, what some people call the “Holy Spirit.” There really are three: Us (as ONE, an Extsnsion of SOURCE), the Holy Spirit (Our Memory of SOURCE, and SOURCE. Aaand yet it’s all the same, all connected. For fun, try imagining infinity for a while. Now, try this: as Extension of SOURCE, we have… “PUSHED PAST Infinity.” That’s what Guides said, but I don’t understand it.

              Wow, it’s Truth-Friday!


        2. Well, actually Mohammed copied/adapted it from already existing Judaism practice of kosher food, which is way more particular about who and what we eat and how it’s best not to include and mix any remaining animal soul fragments (attached to its flesh) with our energy structure as we eat the flesh of such animal. A similar concept in regards to killing and eating animals existed in Slavic cultures in ancient times which got long forgotten. Jainism went further on along the road and banned a whole bunch of plants that get hurt from their point of view as we uproot them. The point is not to compare religions though, the point is any plant and it’s plant is indeed alive, its fruit is alive too, and it gets stressed when catches your intention (and it always does) to cut it into pieces. I had quite an experience with this at some point, what worked for me in the end was offering of an apology and gratitude to the veggies and then eating them.

          1. Right, but there is no food. You don’t have a body. You’re a spirit in an illusion, like a movie or a video game. You’re not killing anything. This is why Ascended Masters treated things with equanimity, because it’s neither good or bad… it’s not there at all. Brother J ate whatever was offered him, so as not to insult people, and he did so without guilt because he knew it was illusion. Life and death are illusions, as well. It is a game. The trick is to play the game well, but not get caught up in it. We are all here to learn. Each lifetime is a chance to learn something new. Each lifetime is the culmination of tons of planning in the in-between life by you and your guides, to set up a specific curriculum so you can learn a specific thing. WE ALL came back this time to experience The Event, as well as grow and learn. That said, you should indeed still show gratitude (as you describe) when you eat various things, as there is a form of group spirit attached to them. They’re aren’t conscious as we are conscious, but there is something there. Peace and stillness are SOURCE’s natural states, so do all of the above in peace. Bring peace to every situation. You are already Love.


        3. @The Cat That Lived: Nassim Haramein says there is a black hole in every human cell … fancy that!
          Also, the Birkeland currents connect the various parts of the universe (omniverse?), and if you are in your heart, in that moment of peace you are at zero point, and you can connect to anyone and anything anywhere.
          Well, I may be wrong, but I kinda like the idea 🙂

          1. There isn’t a black hole in every human cell. But you’re right, the idea is nice. We actually all have a teardrop of SOURCE within us, each drop attached to SOURCE. If everyone in the omniverse just decided, “I want to go BACK to SOURCE,” the the whole omniverse would pop like a balloon and be gone.


    2. AND we also ask Brother J to “enjoy [whatever it is we’re eating]” with us. Even when we take vitamins (“Brother J, please enjoy these symbols with me”). This helps heal your mind of any perceived guilt you may incur while eating (this is the secret behind weight gain; try eating without guilt)… because you’re not really eating anything! It’s an illusion! A very convincing illusion, but an illusion nonetheless. Try it.


      1. Ahh, yes, that’s an interesting way of seeing it, thank you so much!

        No more guilt, just gratitude and generosity 🙂

        Love & Light or should it be LOVE-LIGHT (is that from Law of One?) xxx

      2. M2, FYI the term Central Galactic Sun was actively used by ancient Mayans (i suspect not only by them but i haven’t checked it), that’s a pre-cobra stuff and it is documented in stone- literally. The term is closely connected to their 3 calendars, 2 of which were tracking/measuring the evolution of Consciousness. And when Mayans were talking about Central Galactic Sun they didn’t mean the center of our local Galaxy, they meant the active (i.e., creating part of the Source), the Source from which the entire creation emanates and returns to.

        As for transending the infinity… I had this idea since I parachuted on this mad planet, it is really simple and brings you very beyond…beyond the beyond if we can say so, the answer to this “imagery” is in the emperical, not conceptual domain of your (and enybody else’s) consciousness. From my personal awareness and its expanded states if I may say so, one eventually reaches the threshold/state/space of awareness (=practical knowledge) which can not be conceptualised, yet it can be applied and transmitted to those who can receive you, i.e., with whom you vibrate more or less on the same frequency. It’s funny, most people just collect concepts and think they know- when really they do not experience true knowledge. When you talk to them, they take what you expressed for them in words as a shiny new toy and get fooled by their personal (unrecognized but disguised) ego mind that now they are more enlightened than before. You talk to those ppl and they just won’t drop or go beyond their concepts (and won’t examin their concepts) while the real knowledge happens on the level of direct unconceptualised experience. I believe the true teachers and facilitators of awareness or spiritual i.e., all encompassing awakening are doing or will do just that- destroy all your concepts and ideas of what you think you are and everything/anything else is, and only then when you have a direct awareness of reality they’ll give you a grand vision of truth. To function or communicate without the use of concepts is a very uncomfortable state for most humans especially for the duality based OS that requires a personality-ego-center, the “me” concept.

        It turns out that those who truly know are the only ones who can exchange their knowledge without the use of mental concepts with each other, while those who don’t know will get hooked up and mislead by theirs or other ppl/beings mental concepts and yet have an impression that they now have more information. In reality they just have more data but remain where they were before and few acknoledge it. I fully and completely understand the old saying: “those who know don’t speak, those who speak don’t know”.
        I spoke in general, btw, didn’t mean you. I guess the star trek episode “ship in a bottle” demonstrate exceptionally well how the mind and the higher self can be fooled by one’s ego. I think it’s a priceless episode.

        1. Mmm, the current Mayan translation leaves a lot to be desired, just as Aramaic was a lame language for relating the metaphysical. Note that the Maya were only codifying what they were told… by dragons!


          1. Sure they were codifying/recording what they were told, and not only by the dragons. As for the translation issues, well there are Mayan Elders who are still keeping the oral and some written records via dedicated lineages and who still speak their spoken and sacred languages as well as the heart language (which is wordless yet highly informative). These tribes use the term CGS. But you are right about the loss of meaning in the written and modern translation as the Mayan Elders do not approve any of the published translation of their codices and published works about their practice and cosmology, so they do not consider these books/papers correct – and the Mayan Elders publicly declared it. Only recently Don Alejandro (that’s the main Mayan elder) started giving some public talks and travelling to present Mayan world view and cosmology from the point of view of the Mayan knowledge and history keeper. He is the one who told the Westerners that Mayans have never given away, printed or translated any part of their knowledge since colonization and so he basically said that whatever has been published and/or translated is a speculation and has nothing to do with Mayan outlook. However Don Alejandro’s interviews with some info (from him) and presentations on the topic are now available.

            As for Aramaic or ancient Hebrew… You get the more accurate picture if you speak those languages, which is possible. Aramaic is still spoken by few large groups and ancient Hebrew gives a completely different yet eye opening translation of the same text that was very loosely translated (and then re-translated and edited) into Greek, Latin, English and modern Hebrew. Modern Hebrew differs in words meaning from the Ancient Hebrew big time. E.g. the modern Hebrew greeting “how are you?” with the use of the word shalom (ma shlom cha/mech?) is associated by native speakers with nothing or at its best the word shlomo which means “peace”. In ancient Hebrew the greeting (which is spelled the exact same way, same words, same phrase) meant “how is your state of wholeness?” after checking this it makes sense to have a conversation. So, with Hebrew and Aramaic you can still get to the truth provided you read the original. In Judaism there is a strict rule that applied to all (religious/sacred) written works- not a single letter is allowed to be changed, and they were meticulous with that. They altered the meaning of the modern Hebrew though – for the same reason Mao reformed ancient Chinese.

    3. Vegan, but it took me long enough to get here.

      The way I see it, I don’t really have a choice. Killing when I don’t have to just doesn’t compute, nor does contributing to any form of animal abuse. And consuming meat or dairy means consuming the energy that comes with it, it can’t be pretended away.

      One step at a time; start with meat, get used to it and figure out alternatives, then eggs etc.

      In the end, our physical bodies are very different; much more so than we’ve been told.


  9. Wayshower, I like that. I get a hat too, I love hats!
    I know one thing, Being a Wayshower in this realm can be very tough. So many people are so close to waking up but they fall back down, giving in to primal drives.
    Its ok though, I know one day they will feel that spark and come around.
    I just keep trucking on and doing my thang, they can tag along, but its always up to them.

  10. I have not been able to stop crying this month. All month, no reason. I’m grounding. The tears just will not stop.

    1. This is totally normal. The release of emotion is part of the process. Even tough-as-nails CATs cry, though we do it while the claws are out. You’re also probably feeling the emotios of all the people around you. This is a HUGE undertaking we’re involved in, happening right now. Grief and happiness mixed with awe and anxiety. It’s a wonder any of us can function. This might sound weird, but try asking Brother J to enjoy the feelings with you. It really helps.


  11. Blue hat cat looks like a real bad ass :-D. A Cat burglar. Awesome! Love you all 🙂

  12. Did you delete several comments ?? Even from Antonia? Because?

      1. =P
        Sorry, I realized that after sending … There are so many cats … Sorry =✓

  13. On a different note, the best explanation of Kavanaugh/ford drama is…

    They are both correct but are mandela effected

    1. I read somewhere that Kavanaugh is not only a very decent person; it seems his vibrations are higher (not 3D), so now I wonder how he will help change things, with so many enemies around … will keep my fingers crossed …

        1. It’s going to be tough.
          Simon Parkes says, “The cabal go all out to prevent new judge taking his seat.”
          And Kauilapele says, “The arch of Baal was put up in Washington D.C. one day before Brett Kavanaugh testified to Congress.”, and:
          “The elite deeply understand that symbols have power, and the fact that the Arch of Baal has been placed directly across from the U.S. Capitol is highly significant.”
          Is this just a coincidence?
          Food for thought …
          Thank you, CATs and M’s, for devoting sooo much time to answering questions…

          1. Meh. Their old dark magic doesn’t have us in its spell any longer. They can do their war dances and paint child’s blood on their foreheads but The Event is coming like the inexorable wave of light that it is. It’s kinda sad.


  14. I simply can not stop laughing …this is just what I needed to end this strangest of days, some pure joy tears of looking at these cats in hats, I am a way shower since 911, so far I have not changed any
    of my family’s minds or the girls in the office I worked in, but I had great luck with my husband(who is my best bud) the other people don’t talk to me anymore when they see me at the grocery store for long and the biggest heart break was my grown children fell victim to the social engineering and think I should be committed But I still try once in a while to wake up strangers, but I must say I really really resonated with the little kitten takeitofftakeitofftakeitoff…I have to make a hat for my cats now.

  15. We’re not supposed to awake anyone by force. It is a test for everyone incarnated today, to recognize themselves by their own, following their own inner call, own timeline.
    So no one is allowed to give them some sort of cheat sheet 😁
    But once they’re ready, they’ll start asking, as Antonia mentioned.
    I was told, if you wanna help others give them unconditional love all the time (to be honest, thats much harder for me, than to tell them all the stuff I know)

    1. In fact, you can’t. Free will is all-important. If they don’t want to eat the cookie, you can’t force the cookie on them… despite the fact that it’s a Really Great Cookie.


    1. What a good question. They were doing heavy spraying in N. CA the last two days. They like to think they’re still in control of things. In terms of N. CA they’re spraying aerosols, which dry up the water in the atmosphere. They want CA dry so it burns more easily. Don’t worry, The Event will take care of them.


      1. There were ZERO trails in Italy (Emilia-Romagna) today. What the heck was today? Completely blue skies, not a single problem, annoyance, or hiccup, everyone was super nice.

        Something is definitely different. I feel it in the air now. What kind of beautiful positive universe/timeline did my consciousness warp itself into this time? 😀

  16. Greetings CATS & M’s!!

    Regarding the following, are these events “natural” or are they being exacerbated by the c8b8l/PTW????

    Powerful Typhoon Trami to slam Japan with life-threatening impacts

    Indonesia TSUNAMI: Earthquake triggers HUGE waves in Palu and Donggala | Daily Star

    Indonesia tsunami video: Wave smashes into coast after earthquake | Daily Star

    Soul’s journey/Soul’s contracts. Yes, these events are sad, but we must be “compassionately dispassionate” & concentrate on our own Paths.


    1. It’s more complicated than that. Other governments are playing with this same technology and are messing things up. Doesn’t matter. It will all be turned OFF when the OFF button is pushed at the time of The Event. And then there’s will and intent and group-will and group-intent… none of it matters.


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